The Infinity Burial Project proposes alternatives for the postmortem body that promote and facilitate an individual engagement with the process of decomposition.  The Project features the development of a unique strain of mushroom that decomposes and remediates toxins in human tissue, the development of a decomposition ‘kit’, burial suits embedded with decomposition activators, an open source burial container, and a membership society devoted to the promotion of death awareness and acceptance and the practice of decompiculture (the cultivation of decomposing organisms).  Founded and directed by Jae Rhim Lee, the Infinity Burial Project is funded by the Creative Capital Foundation, the Institüt für Raumexperimente/Universität der Künste Berlin, and the MAK Center for Art + Architecture.

*Please contact jaerhimlee at gmail dot com for more info.

  • Funding is greatly needed to support the next phase of the project.  Please consider: 1) joining the Inner Circle of the Decompiculture Society (Click Here) or 2) making a tax-deductible donation (see link on the right side bar.)
  • Advisory Board Members with high-level expertise in: Fundraising, Patent Law, PR/Marketing/Communications, Business Strategy, Estate Planning, Green Business, and/or Funerals.
  • Community Engagement intern
  • Fundraising and project management intern


© Jae Rhim Lee