Hats ON to Susan Gerbic!


November 13, 2013 by kittynh

Susan, photographed by Mark Edward

Susan, photographed by Mark Edward

Susan Gerbic is my friend, and also one of the most productive skeptics I know.  She was inspired by fellow skeptic Tim Farley to become involved in keeping Wikipedia sane and safe, as regards claims of the paranormal and also skepticism. Please visit her at  www.susangerbic.com !


Susan with DJ Grothe and the ever AMAZING James Randi

The fact that those promoting woo don’t like this, proves that it’s working.  If a promoter of an alternative unproven medical treatment doesn’t like it that Susan has edited his Wikipedia claim, the rest of us should like it, as people trust Wikipedia for medical advice.  Keeping the woo promoters on their toes saves lives.

Mark finds Susan beautiful in any hat. Yeah she has a hottie...

Mark Edward finds Susan beautiful in any hat.

The open season for promotion of unfounded woo on Wikipedia is over. Remember, most promoters of woo are making money, and promoting themselves on Wikipedia is an important marketing tool.   Susan ,and those editing, are volunteers.  This is very important to keep in mind when those edited complain!


A hat any cat would love. Susan and Loren Pankratz at the CFI Summit.

Speaking of alternative medicine, Susan has using not alternative, but run of the mill double blind studied conventional medicine, a lot recently.  Susan has breast cancer.  However,  Susan doesn’t want pity, she isn’t letting this disease define her.  She’s still busy being a mother, photographer, girlfriend, friend, and skeptic leader.

Nothing like a cozy pig hat, knit by Dale Roy, to keep you warm during a chemo treatment

Nothing like a cozy pig hat, knit by Dale Roy, to keep you warm during a chemo treatment

She’s also enjoying, hats.  Lots of hats.


Bald is fine, but a hat makes any look better!

While some people enjoy wearing a wigs, colorful scarves, or just going for the natural bald look, Susan is indulging her inner hat lover.  Susan’s hats have become a delight for all her friends, who can’t wait to see what in the world she is wearing each day.  Susan’s upbeat personality is reflected in her choice of chapeaus.  “Anything goes” seems to be the theme.

Hats for any mood...

Hats for any mood…

She has inspired me to look at hats again.  My own fondness for hats can be seen scattered about the home, but I rarely am brave enough to wear one just for fun.  Susan has shown me that “just for fun” is more than reason enough to indulge your inner hat lover.

Good advice!

Good advice!

Inspired by Susan, I wear a hat.

Inspired by Susan, I wear a hat.


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4 thoughts on “Hats ON to Susan Gerbic!

  1. James Randi says:

    Susan is an inspiration indeed. I don’t know that I’d like her to wake me while wearing that green snakes job, but this fine lady will get one of my best hugs next time we meet, though she’s no stranger to those… Love ‘ya for who ‘ya are, lady! And we might trade head Simonizes, too!

    James Randi.

  2. Susan_Gerbic says:

    Hey, well done Susan Gerbic: You’re on the list!

    WE SEE YOU ;-)

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