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If you want some cake, but don't want to (or can't) use an oven, this is the dessert for you. Kids and adults will both love it.



  • 1 block of cream cheese.
  • 1 can of Sweetened Condensed Milk.
  • 1 can of Media Crema.
  • The juice of 8 green limes.
  • A box of "maria" crackers of 8 packets.
  • milk (optional)


  1. 1
    Carefully blend the cream cheese, the condensed milk, the "media crema" and the lime juice. You will get a thick creamy paste.
  2. 2
    Place a layer of crackers on the dish.
  3. 3
    Add a layer of the mix on top of the crackers.
  4. 4
    Keep adding layers of crackers and mix until you have no more mix. When you are almost done with the mix, stop adding crackers. The top layer must be mix and it will be the thickest one. You might end up with left over crackers. But this is good because you don't want the layers of the mix to be too thin.
  5. 5
    Decorate your cake in any way you want.
  6. 6


  • It is perfect for sleepovers or if you have a meeting in your house.
  • Grate the outside of a green lime (washed) and disperse it on top of the cake.
  • Refrigerate your cake.
  • Great for dessert.
  • If you are in a hurry, or if you just want to eat the cake without having to wait too long. Get a cup full of milk(optional) in which you will be dipping the crackers (until they are a little soft) before placing them on the dish.
  • Serve it in small portions. This cake might be a little addictive.
  • You might want to form figures or something.
  • Refrigerate leftovers.


  • If you are doing the grated lime, be careful not to add too much. It could be too sour for some people.
  • Seal it well before putting it into the refrigerator.
  • Don't eat too much.

EditThings You'll Need

  • a blender
  • a spoon
  • a cake mold or a dish
  • a cup (optional)

Article Info

Categories: Dessert Cakes

In other languages:

Español: hacer un pastel de lima sin hornear, Русский: сделать торт из лайма без выпечки

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