Windows 10 will start rolling out to phones in December

Microsoft's new Windows 10 flagship phones, the Lumia 950 and 950 XL, are coming next month — and they'll be the only way to experience the mobile version of Windows 10 for a while. In comments on the official Lumia Facebook page, Microsoft says that Windows 10 will begin rolling out to phones in December. How long that process takes is likely to depend on carriers as much as Microsoft.

The company says "it is our ambition" that the "majority of Lumia smartphones" get the update; 8GB of internal memory will be required, so owners of devices like the Lumia 530 are going to be out of luck. Only phones running Lumia Denim will be able to upgrade, according to a Microsoft support page, and "not every phone will support all possible Windows 10 features."

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