
A country in Asia
The number of individual languages listed for China is 298. All are living languages. Of these, 274 are indigenous and 24 are non-indigenous. Furthermore, 14 are institutional, 23 are developing, 103 are vigorous, 126 are in trouble, and 32 are dying.
Official Name
People’s Republic of China

1,367,485,000 (2015 World Factbook)

Principal Languages
Mandarin Chinese
Literacy Rate
91% (2015 UNESCO)
Immigrant Languages
Central Khmer (1,000), Parsi (5,000), Rohingya
General References
Bradley 1997, Bradley 2005, Bradley 2007a, Campbell and King 2011, Dreyer 1976, Janhunen 1989, Janhunen 2003, Li 1973, Matisoff et al 1996, Pelkey 2008, Pelkey 2011, Ramsey 1987, Salminen 2007, Wurm et al 1987, Xiong and Yang 1991
Recognized Nationalities

Minority languages in China are associated with one or more officially recognized nationalities by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission

Language Counts
The number of individual languages listed for China is 298. All are living languages. Of these, 274 are indigenous and 24 are non-indigenous. Furthermore, 14 are institutional, 23 are developing, 103 are vigorous, 126 are in trouble, and 32 are dying.
See full country report.