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January 6, 2014 at 9:33 AM

Mary K. Letourneau arrested on warrant Monday morning

Mary K. Letourneau was booked into the King County Jail on a misdemeanor arrest warrant Monday morning.

Authorities say Letourneau, 51, was arrested by Tukwila police and booked into jail at 4:44 a.m. for failing to appear in court. She was wanted for driving without a license, prosecutors said.

On Jan. 4, 2013, the State Patrol pulled over Letourneau and found that she didn’t have a license, her vehicle registration was expired and she had no proof of insurance, prosecutors said. Letourneau was cited and released. But in September, when she failed to show up at a court hearing in connection with the case, King County District Court Judge Victoria Seitz issued an arrest warrant. The warrant was outstanding until Letourneau was stopped by Tukwila police Monday morning, authorities said.

Letourneau, a former Highline School District teacher, served time in prison because of her sexual relationship with an underage student. Letourneau was convicted of raping her former student, Vili Fualaau, now 30. The couple was later married.

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