February 14th, 2012
11:28 PM ET

Video: Tracking down former Miss. Gov. Barbour

CNN's Ed Lavandera finds former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour to ask about the controversial pardons he issued to convicts.

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Filed under: Crime & Punishment
soundoff (2 Responses)
  1. Shawn

    I don't know why people think the courts should overturn pardons? The Governor has the authority to do it and he did it. Im peed off to but collecting them all up again is ridiculous. Whats done is done. Want someone to blame, blame the Gov.

    February 15, 2012 at 1:53 am |
    • Tonya Simpson Miller

      Shawn I do blame the Governor and I just wanted to share with you MY reason for wanting the court to over turn the pardons.. 1. my step mom only served 3 years for killing my Dad. 2 Randy Walker was shot in the head after seeing his friend killed and her baby laying in her blood. 3 Haley Barbour did NOT follow guidelines set up in the Constitution and should NOT be above the law. If he did things wrong which I and many others believe he did, why wont he stand up and look the family members in the eyes and tell us why.. NO he may not be required to tell us anything but if he is the Christian man he claims to be then why not look us in the eyes and try and make us understand his reasoning.

      February 16, 2012 at 10:22 pm |