Secure Communications 1-2-3

Me(mod N) = C

1. Install Tor -

2. Use Tor to set up a email account - (and use Tor whenever you go back to

3. Use via Tor to encrypt your email traffic -

Make sure your correspondents do the same.  Never send secure email to them using email addresses you have for them in 'clear space' or you open a very obvious avenue for a traffic attack.

Yes, total communications security really is just that easy.  Let's take a look at each step and the hows and whys for each.

1.  Install and Use Tor -  Tor is used by journalists, NGO workers, victims, and victim advocates for secure access to the internet using methods that are almost impossible to track (ironic, as the core of Tor was developed by the US Navy!).  There are many valid use cases for having Tor installed on your computer.  Your own privacy is one of those valid use cases.  As you install and use Tor, Tor furnishes you with documents detailing what Tor cannot protect you from.  Be sure to read those documents and be aware. 

2. - Yandex is Russia's Gmail.  Needless to say, Yandex is not required to respond to a FISA (or other) warrant from the US Government. 'Nuff said.  If you are using Tor or Tails, there is no way for anyone to ever determine or suspect that you have ever visited to work with incoming or outgoing email traffic.  Simply refrain from sending to your friends' or correspondents' open regular (Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL) email address or if they become a person of interest, then so have you.  Make sure your correspondents are using this 1-2-3 plan, too.

3. - intense scrutiny was brought to bear on Mary Queen of Scots when the crown learned that she was using ciphers in some of her communications.  That investigation ended with her beheading.  Likewise, obvious installation of PGP or GPG-like encryption tools on your computer will simply bring much more intense scrutiny if you are found to posses them.  They are not at all illegal, but mere possession of them could bring unwelcome attention, so we suggest you shun installing advanced encryption tools on your computer.  Instead, use the online encryptioon/decryption facility -- if you are using Tor or Tails, there is no way for anyone to ever determine or suspect that you have ever visited to encrypt/decrypt ciphered traffic.




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