Local Authority Districts (2015) to Counties (2015) Eng lookup

Published by Office for National Statistics.   Licensed under [Open Government Licence] Open Government Licence & “Licence, http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/, Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database right [2016]”. Read More
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Score updated: 11/09/2016

Responsible Party: Office for National Statistics (pointOfContact)


This file is a look up between local authority districts (LAD) and counties, metropolitan counties and Greater London in England as at December 2015. LAD is a generic term to describe the 'district' level of local government in England. It includes non-metropolitan districts, metropolitan districts, unitary authorities and London boroughs. The areas are made up of whole electoral wards/divisions. The 27 non-metropolitan (shire) counties form the upper tier of the two-tier local government structure found in many parts of England. The lower tier of the structure is the non-metropolitan districts. The six metropolitan counties were administrative areas in England from 1974 to 1986, forming the upper tier of a two-tier local government structure. They were subdivided into metropolitan districts but when the metropolitan county councils were abolished in 1986 the district councils became (single tier) unitary administrations. Note, the English metropolitan counties and Greater London, although no longer administrative units, are still used for statistical purposes. For further technical information about this file, please refer to the enclosed 'Product Specification' document contained within the downloadable zip file.

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Dataset Extent

Latitude: 56.0031° to 49.0486°
Longitude: -6.6046° to 2.9068°

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Source GEMINI2 record
Source GEMINI2 record (formatted)

Additional Information

Added to data.gov.uk 25/02/2016
Theme Mapping
Temporal coverage 31/12/2014 - 31/12/2015
Harvest URL https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/geoportal/csw/discovery?Request=GetCapabilities&Service=CSW&Version=2.0.2
Harvest date 25/02/2016 11:30
Metadata date 21/1/2016
Harvest GUID {3A0ECF1C-6FAB-47F9-BB93-92C596348F6C}
Extent Latitude: 56.0031° to 49.0486°
Longitude: -6.6046° to 2.9068°
Spatial reference system 27700
Dataset reference date 31/12/2015 (publication)
Frequency of update annually
Responsible party Office for National Statistics (pointOfContact)
Access constraints Other restrictions
ISO19139 resource type dataset
Metadata language English
Themes (secondary) No value
Schema/Vocabulary No value
Code list No value
Service Level No value
Coupled Services (none)