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Alltagsradler Teltow
on Google Maps
Dank gebührt der Firma Google, dass sie auf dieser Website z.B. ehrenamtlich Tätigen die Möglichkeit bietet, auch städtebauliche / verkehrspolitische Probleme darzustellen. Also auch Missstände die die Verkehrsflächen für die Alltagswege der Fußgänger und Radfahrer betreffen. Leider bin ich gezwungen aus meinem Wohnort Teltow vorwiegend Fotos mit Negativ-Beispielen hoch zu laden, denn positive Beispiele sind hier leider kaum zu finden.

Alltagsradler Teltow's conversations

Dear Friend NADA, Beautiful View, Excellent Shot, LIKE+FAVORITE,
Best Wishes From India,Kamalakar.
Thanks to all for your support . I Shocked, disappointed a lot with Google decision on PANORAMIO ,Very very sad any how this is the time to say goodbye but Very hard to say Goodbye.....Time is running OUT...

Woundeful places, interesting views you showed us about Java and its National Parks. Thank you very much !!!

Dear Friend HEINRICH, Beautiful View, Excellent Shot,
Best Wishes From India,Kamalakar.
Thanks to all for your best support and I shocked,disappointed a lot with Google decision on PANORAMIO Which I never expected,Very very sad any how this is the time to say goodbye but Very hard to say Goodbye.....Time is running OUT....

Dear Friend FAR LANG, Beautiful View, Excellent Shot,
Best Wishes From India,Kamalakar.
Thanks to all for your best support and I shocked,disappointed a lot with Google decision on PANORAMIO Which I never expected,Very very sad any how this is the time to say goodbye but Very hard to say Goodbye.....Time is running OUT....

Jadziu dziękuję, Zygmunt

Wszystkim moim kochanym Przyjaciołom za 9 lat wspólnej przygody na stronach "Panoramio", za miłe słowa komentarzy i wszystkie wizyty w mojej galerii, bardzo dziękuję - Zygmunt


To all my dear friends, for 9 years shared adventures on the web "Panoramio", for the kind words of comments and all visits in my photogallery, thank you very much - Zygmunt

Hello William,

On all good things comes an end, regrettable also Panoramio.

I would like to invite you to take a look at the following site:

This site is free for: registration, photo sharing, photo blog, worldmap and place for reviews etc. It has a help-file, read me first file, 6 languages and tags so everybody can easy find your photo.

The intention of this site is to keep in touch with photographers all over the world and together to discuss your photo, learn from each other, maybe improve yourself but above all to show how beautiful our planet is.


Goodbye my pano-friend and I hope to see you at

Grtz Jolanda

Thank you, dear friend.

Wonderful autumn photo. Like & Fav! -JAK

Panoramio is shutting down, but I was hoping to stay in touch with you. My latest photos are out on Facebook, and I'd love to connect with you:


Jürgen Weighardt

for your always welcome visit, the kind comments and L 30 + F 17ill miss Panoramio, I will miss the emotions felt watching your photos and reading your comments, I wish you well for the future. . Nice week, Paolo

P.S:, You can find me on the:

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