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David Edwards
on Google Maps
Forgive my long absence from Panoramio! I've seen the error of my ways...

David Edwards's conversations

thanks Itallica, best wishes, Fai

Muchas gracias Puna por todo.

Un cordial saludo.

Thank you Kamalakar

Dear FRIEND FAINT LIGHT OF DAWN, Beautiful View, Excellent Shot, LIKE+FAVORITE,
Best Wishes From India,Kamalakar.
Thanks to all for your support and I disappointed a lot with Google decision on PANORAMIO ,Very sad sad sad any how this is the time to say goodbye but Very hard to say Goodbye.....Time is running OUT....

Hello Tery! .... (she says very sheepishly). Sorry I've been so silent for so long. This whole year has passed in a bit of a fog really. But....things are happening again. Spring is supposed to be happening (not) after a very dreary Winter....wet and grey, and windy and grey! And now I just heard that Pano is really going this time. Are you posting photos anywhere? I've just ventured back to 500px....still not inclined???

Ciao from rainy Melbourne........

Dear Panoramio friends, all over the world during a number of years we were a family sharing friendship and so many pictures showing the world of each other. Now at the end I thank you all for that fortune ! - But there is a (smaller) new world developing with the participation of many Ex-Panoramios at Ipernity - Come and see ! - Friendly greetings, Cornelia

Thank you very much for all the time spent in my gallery, for all the comments! Thank you for your beautiful pictures, which, thanks to Panoramio I discovered!

I am very sorry that Panoramio ends its operations.

I would like to once again leave my comment under your photo, unfortunately under only one (lack of time)!

Thank you again and I wish you all the best !!

Greetings from Poland, Marek Stanek


Danke für die gemeinsame schöne Zeit auf Panoramio. Vielleicht geht es mit eurer Hilfe weiter. Meine Fotos sind auf Flickr zu finden.

Thank You for the good time here at Panoramio. I hope You can help to save Panoramio. You can follow me on Flickr.

wunderschönes Bild like
❤ Liebe Panoramiofreunde, Liebe Freunde der Fotografie! ❤ Ich bedanke mich herzlichst für eure Freundschaft, die vielen lieben Kommentare, likes und Favoritenbilder und auch an die vielen Lieblingsfotografen. Ich finde es sehr traurig dass unser Panoramio geschlossen wird. Aber es bleiben viele Erinnerungen. Ich werde euch und eure tollen Bilder immer in Erinnerung behalten. Mich könnt ihr weiterhin auch auf Goggle+ cbayernengel finden. Ich freue mich das ich hier schon so viele Namen von euch wieder gefunden habe. DANKE an alle PANO-FREUNDE!!!! ❤

? Liebe Grüße vom bayernengel. ✿ܓ

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