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Andrei Dan Suciu
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Andrei Dan Suciu's conversations

É muito verdade o que o amigo já me falou! Saudade não explica, só se sente! E vamos então tocando o barco assim mesmo. Quem sabe também não encontramos nós mesmos novos mundos? Um forte abraço meu amigo!

PS: eu migrei para o Flickr. Sou o mosla80 (Moises João Lopes).



诚挚的祝福您 开心 快乐


É uma palavra portuguesa que expressa um sentimento, que expressa um estado de alma...

Há quem diga que foi inventada durante o tempo dos descobrimentos, pois era o que as famílias dos marinheiros sentiam quando eles partiam à descoberta dos novos mundos e ficavam anos e anos sem terem notícias suas!

E na verdade, ao longo de todos estes anos, nós aqui no Panoramio, começamos a sentir-nos como uma verdadeira família.

Infelizmente chegou a hora de vos dizer adeus, meus queridos amigos... :-(

Não me quero ir embora sem, pela última vez, vos dar mais um F & L e endereçar-vos desde aqui, da cidade do Porto em Portugal, um grande abraço já cheio de saudades,

Mário Eloi Castro

Thank you very much to all for your visits, warm and beautiful comments and for all feelings and emotions that we have shared between us so many years.

I am on Ipernity now.


The last petition.

Thank you very much to all for your visits, warm and beautiful comments and for all feelings and emotions that we have shared between us so many years.

I am on Ipernity now.


The last petition.

Thank you very much to all for your visits, warm and beautiful comments and for all feelings and emotions that we have shared between us so many years.

I am on Ipernity now.


The last petition.

Thank you very much to all for your visits, warm and beautiful comments and for all feelings and emotions that we have shared between us so many years.

I am on Ipernity now.


The last petition.

Thank you very much to all for your visits, warm and beautiful comments and for all feelings and emotions that we have shared between us so many years.

I am on Ipernity now.


The last petition.

Hi, dear friend, all these years Panoramio was for me unforgettable experience, bearing a lot of beauty from all over the world, many ideas for new trips and especially many new friendships! Panoramio was a wonderful community of people who appreciate the loveliness in the world around us and who is able to share it with others. I wish you from all my heart happiness, health and success, many trips, great pictures and emotions! I'll be glad if we continue to share photos and impressions! I hope we can preserve a piece of our facebook There is also our Latest Petition in, recent history is proving, that only with petitions we can't do anything, if Google doesn't want to hear anymore our voices, but we have to try! Please share this message with your contacts, any mail and any signature counts!

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