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trolvag's conversations

Very nice photo - Like - thanks for your visit, greetings from Turkey.


É uma palavra portuguesa que expressa um sentimento, que expressa um estado de alma...

Há quem diga que foi inventada durante o tempo dos descobrimentos, pois era o que as famílias dos marinheiros sentiam quando eles partiam à descoberta dos novos mundos e ficavam anos e anos sem terem notícias suas!

E na verdade, ao longo de todos estes anos, nós aqui no Panoramio, começamos a sentir-nos como uma verdadeira família.

Infelizmente chegou a hora de vos dizer adeus, meus queridos amigos... :-(

Não me quero ir embora sem, pela última vez, vos dar mais um F & L e endereçar-vos desde aqui, da cidade do Porto em Portugal, um grande abraço já cheio de saudades,

Mário Eloi Castro

Das Problem ist nicht die Platte, das Problem ist das Umfeld. LRH!
Ich bitte alle, um den Erhalt dieser Plattform zu kämpfen! Die Adresse für Euren Protest / I ask everyone to fight for the preservation of this platform! The address for your protest:
**Alphabet Inc.
Attn Corporate Secretary
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Petition auf / on, für ein besseres Umfeld bei Google!
Bitte teilt diese Nachricht mit euren Kontakten, jede Mail und jede Unterschrift zählt!
Please share this message with your contacts, any mail and any signature counts!

Bitte diese Nachricht nicht kommentieren. Please leave this message uncommented.

Fantástico! Foto incrível! Adorei. L+F
Saudações amigáveis, S. (Brasil)

Dear Panoramio friends, all over the world during a number of years we were a family sharing friendship and so many pictures showing the world of each other. Now at the end I thank you all for that fortune ! - But there is a (smaller) new world developing with the participation of many Ex-Panoramios at Ipernity - Come and see ! - Friendly greetings, Cornelia

sooo schön, superliebe Grüsse aus Mexiko nach Oberfranken, sieht man sich mal wieder?

I like this mix of leisure and industry. Best regards from Sydney, Australia.

Hi Agneta, Panoramio closes, but I do not I forgot the first comment I received when I started my adventure here: it was yours, and I'm grateful. A friendly greeting from Italy, Paolo

Thank you very much for all the time spent in my gallery, for all the comments! Thank you for your beautiful pictures, which, thanks to Panoramio I discovered!

I am very sorry that Panoramio ends its operations.

I would like to once again leave my comment under your photo, unfortunately under only one (lack of time)!

Thank you again and I wish you all the best !!

Greetings from Poland, Marek Stanek


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