Manufactured Hero Edward Snowden: What are YOU Willing to Risk for Your New FACEBOOK Hero?

by Scott Creighton

UPDATES at end of article


For those of you who don’t know, FACEBOOK isn’t just a company that agreed to help out the NSA under their Prism operation, it was created by the NSA and handed over to a couple of guys who played their part and cashed the checks. There have been very few major innovations in the tech world that didn’t come out of military and intelligence R&D over the past few decades, FACEBOOK is certainly no exception.

Edward Snowden is quickly becoming the FACEBOOK HERO of the year. Previous honorees were the likes of Malala (Global privatized education systems for the Middle East) and STOP KONY 2012 (recolonization of the whole of Africa for the benefit of 45 major corporations including Monsanto.

I received an email from World Can’t Wait. Apparently they are running their own Edward The Great campaign. Debra Sweet wrote a long email talking about this guy like he was the reincarnation of Howard Zinn and Martin Luther King Jr. all rolled into one.

She proudly announces the Stand With Edward Snowden campaign and accusingly asks:

“What are you willing to risk for real change?”

What am I willing to risk? I’ve been doing this for 7 years under my own name. When the various and sundry exploits of the NSA and the CIA and the lies of the Pentagon to go to war came out, when they FIRST came out, I was here writing about all of them, under my real name. False flags, staged color revolutions, fake congressional actions which only support the neoliberalizing of America. Even the marketing of the CHANGE candidate, the fake liberal who was nothing more than “George W. Obama” as he was recently called. I was there from the start to the finish and I’ve lost jobs, friends, family members turned their backs on me… all for what? To tell the truth to people about the growing police state and the neoliberalizing of America and the world.

While I was doing that over the past 6 years, Edward Snowden was helping create the lies, helping to sweep up anything and everything all of you said wrote bought and did…  and he was getting paid $200,000 a year to do it while I have had potential employers ask me about American Everyman before telling me I not the right “fit” for the job.

What the fuck am I willing to “risk”? What haven’t I risked? What did Aaron Swartz risk? There was a real activist and look at what it got him. Where’s the calls to Stand With Aaron?

Anyway, that said, the FACEBOOK page for the new Snowden (snowjob?) Movement is up and running called “I Stand with Edward Snowden” (created by Yoni Jakob Brombacher Miller ) so I thought I would share some of the marketing campaign’s choicer quotes (one guy seems to have the right idea though he’s not getting many “likes” on the page “We should be more concerned about organizing around the issue instead of trying to create a hero...”):

(It was started by Yoni who has an interesting image on his FACEBOOK page… it’s a reflection of how tyrannical the Turkish government is, apparently he supports regime change… he’s also one of the guys who posted a picture of the Istanbul Marathon on the bridge from 2012 on his FACEBOOK page claiming it was the current protest. The other photo below the mock flag says a lot to people who pay attention… )

new turkish flag

Yoni Jakob Brombacher Miller’s FACEBOOK image

yeah right

Back to the manufactured FACEBOOK Hero comments:

“PLEASE SHARE THIS FAR-AND-WIDE! Details & Press Materials for Today’s Rally. (Includes quotes from activists, whistleblowers, and luminaries.)”

he has given up a very comfortable lifestyle, because letting us know what is really going on was more important, than pretending what was being done wasn’t wrong. We must all take courage,TAKE OFF the blinders”

Yet another American hero. For what it’s worth all my thoughts and prayers go out to this brave young man that he stays safe. Thanks to you too Andy – you guys are cut from the same cloth.”

“There in spirit. A courageous man, I admire what he chose to do for the people, for us.”

What he chose to do “for the people”?

He chose to make serious bank helping to spy on people and subvert democracy and the rule of law for the bankster run government for nearly 10 years. That’s what he did “for the people”

And now he’s safe in Hong Kong ready to start his new life in Iceland as a manufactured hero while NSA run honeypots like FACEBOOK lionize him. While guys who support another regime change operation in Turkey lionize him. While complicit media organizations like Huffington Post, Guardian and the BBC lionize him.

CNN headline today:

Edward Snowden is a hero

Talk about setting the allowed parameters of debate (gate keepers):

“The results of an early Business Insider reader poll suggest that Snowden has won the hearts and minds of people worldwide. Two-thirds of those who responded to the poll think Snowden is a “hero.”” SFGATE

Those are the only choices huh? Hero or traitor? How about option 3 – an intelligence contractor employee doing what intelligence contractors do, “winning hearts and minds”? How bout that for an option?

What exactly did he reveal anyway?

USA Today2006

The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY.

The NSA program reaches into homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans — most of whom aren’t suspected of any crime. This program does not involve the NSA listening to or recording conversations. But the spy agency is using the data to analyze calling patterns in an effort to detect terrorist activity, sources said in separate interviews..

The agency’s goal is “to create a database of every call ever made” within the nation’s borders, this person added.” May 10th, 2006


AT&T’s Implementation of NSA Spying on American Citizens

31 December 2005

I wrote the following document in 2004 when it became clear to me that AT&T, at the behest of the National Security Agency, had illegally installed secret computer gear designed to spy on internet traffic. At the time I thought this was an outgrowth of the notorious Total Information Awareness program which was attacked by defenders of civil liberties. But now it’s been revealed by The New York Times that the spying program is vastly bigger and was directly authorized by President Bush, as he himself has now admitted, in flagrant violation of specific statutes and constitutional protections for civil liberties. I am presenting this information to facilitate the dismantling of this dangerous Orwellian project.

AT&T Deploys Government Spy Gear on WorldNet Network— 16 January, 2004

In 2003 AT&T built “secret rooms” hidden deep in the bowels of its central offices in various cities, housing computer gear for a government spy operation which taps into the company’s popular WorldNet service and the entire internet. These installations enable the government to look at every individual message on the internet and analyze exactly what people are doing. Documents showing the hardwire installation in San Francisco suggest that there are similar locations being installed in numerous other cities.” May 17th, 2006

Remember Mark Klein? Remember the FISA bill of 2008 that no one wanted to pass because it gave the telecoms blanket retroactive immunity for committing crimes on behalf of the Bush administration and it kept us from knowing exactly WHAT had been swept up in their blanket surveillance program?

Anybody remember that?

So what has our “hero” really told us that we didn’t already know?

Hell, give him a FACEBOOK hero campaign. Collect money for him. Have a Di$info Jone$ “moneybomb” to pay his “plush hotel” bill “right up the road from the CIA offices in Hong Kong.

But he ain’t no fuckin hero. Sorry to burst your bubble. He’s told us nothing we didn’t already know and if he weren’t being marketed by the MSM like CNN, Guardian, BBC and the New York Times (along with Twitter and FACEBOOK) he would be just another “conspiracy theorists” with the only difference being he’s about 13 years too late with his big revelation.

He’s a product just like “CHANGE” was in 2008!

He’s probably being marketed by the same PR firm.

I saw through that before most and lost friends for that little bit of accurate analysis, and I will probably loose a few here today as well. But that’s a part of the price you pay when you don’t just hop on the KONY 2012 or the LOVE MALALA bandwagons. And I am so far off of this bandwagon apparently FACEBOOK doesn’t want to publish my automatic feeds from WordPress anymore. What a surprise, huh?

What would I be willing to risk for real change?



UPDATE: Just posted them to FACEBOOK myself. We’ll see what happens

UPDATE: Check out the comment section at From the Trenches. Seems to me that this little psyop is starting to fall apart like the Astroturf Adam “Final Revolution” trap did a month ago.

UPDATE:             Is FACEBOOK censoring criticism of their new hero product?

I just checked my FACEBOOK account (I only use it because of automatic feeds from WordPress when I write a new article, like it does with my Twitter account…) not ONE single article I have written about Edward Snowden has been automatically posted to my FACEBOOK account. Not ONE. The last article automatically put up from this site to FACEBOOK was one I wrote on June 6th… I started writing about Edward Snowden on June 7th.


On June 6th, the last article I wrote was Thousands Greet Erdogan at Airport on his Arrival in Turkey   that one was automatically published to FACEBOOK.

The very next article I wrote was about Edward Snowden and the managed revolution taking shape… The Preemptive Revolution to Stave Off the Real One   and it was not publish to FACEBOOK … and no other articles of mine have been automatically published.

Is FACEBOOK censoring criticism of their new hero product?


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29 Responses

  1. they could care less about the idiotic conversations people have on their smart phones – what they’re interested in is finding out who has real intelligence, like you – what they’ll do with that information is anyone’s guess but it won’t be bad

    • If you look at the cryptology structure of Bumblehive, you will see that they are very focused on industrial espionage as well. Makes sense. The CIA and the NSA have been about projecting our “national interests” from the start, and by that I mean certain crony corporations. It stands to reason that what they are doing here is the same thing.

      You’re right, they don’t care about your smart phone or your emails, though they will certainly let you know they are keeping them (fear).

      Pretty soon they will start rounding people up after their next FF operation and all they are going to have to do is say “here’s an email he sent asking for directions to make a bomb”… you didn’t send it… no proof you did… it’s like “I am the Joker” on a national scale. They don’t need your incriminating emails.. they will write those themselves and how are you going to defend yourself from that? It’s not possible.

      But there is real intel out there they want. Substitutes for apertaime for example. Anything that will threaten their crony’s profits. that they want.

  2. GOD DAMN you rock…i am glad I found your blog!!

  3. Great insight as always… Thank you for all that you risk. I second smartweasel’s post.

  4. […] Edward Snowden, What are YOU Willing to Risk for Your New FACEBOOK Hero? ( […]

  5. Spot on.
    Same old Greenwald-Ellsberg-Assange manufactured dissent.
    Please add the manufactured pro-Tamil riots in South India in April to your list of intel assisted dissent.

    I’d blog more, but the public’s gullibility and the credulity of activists (or do I mean the collusion of activists) is disheartening..

    • Hi Lila, I know what you mean. This one seems to be self destructing as we speak though. And we did shoot down Astroturf Adam. So maybe there is some hope… til CISPA that is..

  6. While none of the information is new, and indeed he is not a hero, the fact that he has been able to force the surveillance state more firmly into the national discussion…. Kinda a good thing.

    The sad part, too many Americans have little to no qualms with or actually benefit from the surveillance state. Of course maybe his campaign is to further condition the sheeple into the acceptance of no constitution or civil liberties.

  7. (*little to NO qualms)

  8. Stop knocking yourself out — you had us at “Manufactured hero”.

    Glad to see there are still a few real truth-tellers to be found online.

    As for your so-called friends who ditch you because you choose truth over lies, they were never your friends to begin with. Same goes for your family members. Truth trumps all, including blood ties. You’ve chosen loyalty to the truth over loyalty to anything else, and that’s the right choice, regardless of the consequences.

    Truth ALWAYS wins in the end, so make sure you hang in there ’til the end. You’ve got more real friends than you can imagine.

  9. Picture this: dog runs around yard filled with old chewd up bones. Wears himself out digging them up. He’s excited at first because he thinks he’s found something good, but he’s been duped. Finally, worn out he goes into his masters house and the master gives him a really nice treat and a nice cool bowl of water, and some patting. We need to all quit digging up these dried up bones, and wearing ourselves out, for what? Nothing! Get back into the master and his house. Understand the parable? Yard with bones-world with lies, master’s house-god, with the only truth. End of story.

  10. Suggest you put the UPDATES at the bottom of the article, sir. It will make the article easier to share and for new visitors to start reading the article and it will help more people reaching this page to start into the content immediately.

  11. I’m most glad I found your blog (thanks to Red Ice Creations!). I was being too happy about NSA mass-surveillance finally reaching mainstream-news, that I forgot the possibility of our new ‘hero’ being controlled opposition.

    Thanks for getting my two feet back on the ground.

  12. loved the ideas. keep writing. will be reurning. the only thing i thought was strange was how fast he came out in the open with his identity. thanks for clearing things up for me.

  13. Love the ideas as well, but I do have one question. Aside from the phone companies, where has it been revealed in years past that internet companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple, et al, are potentially cooperating with the NSA? Isn’t that new information? Thanks in advance for your response.

    • good question. I will look into that in the morning. been writing and researching since 7 am and I am bushed. but that is a very good question. I think it has been assumed by critics like myself that the internet companies were mentioned, and now that I think about it, William did say internet companies, but he didn’t list them like this Power Point slide did. So that is a good point. And maybe something that we should be focusing on… if this is a psyop, which I think it is, why mention these companies?

      Let me jump on it tomorrow first thing. Thanks.

    • well, it bugged me so I had to look it up. yes, there were leaks that mentioned some of those internet companies by name. The leak was actually in the form of what appears to be a press release on NarusInsight, the program William Binney leaked –

      “Targeting and capturing webmail traffic is a difficult challenge
      due to the proprietary and frequent changing nature of webmail
      services being monitored. The NarusInsight Intercept Suite (NIS) has
      solved this problem and is now capable of precision targeting,
      capturing and reconstructing numerous aspects of webmail traffic
      including email, chat, calendaring, draft folders, address books and
      much more.
      Traffic from all nodes and numerous protocols can be
      reassembled and viewed from a single management station or distributed
      across multiple stations. In addition, NIS supports a large percentage
      of all webmail services, including Google Gmail, MSN Hotmail, Yahoo!
      Mail, and Gawab Mail (English and Arabic versions).”

      “Terrorists and criminals are increasingly utilizing IP services
      such as VoIP, email and Skype to communicate, leading to government
      mandates for the monitoring and lawful intercept of these services,”

      Reuters published this. It was a press release on Business wire from 2007. That’s back when the Binney story was big and people were investigating it. I don’t think it got much attention. will look some more tomorrow. I really am beat.

  14. Snowden was a character in Heller’s “Catch-22” who spilled his literal guts out to the protagonist, Yossarian.

  15. I’m glad I checked in. I don’t know that I’m as much a fan of Snowden as I am a fan of anyone doing anything to get the attention of the American people so we begin to understand how much of our freedom we have lost. I have to admit that I never stopped to consider that Edward Snowden was being marketed to me, though I did wonder why all the hoopla over him when we’ve had others blow this same whistle with nary a peep out of the Main Stream Media. I suppose that’s the thing I wonder most now……WHY NOW? What will this gain them? is this a test, like a Readiness Response Test” to see 1) if the people rebel and 2) how efficiently the rebellion can be put down?

  16. Thank you for risking it all.

  17. I just found your blog. I cant believe I never heard of you before until now. Then again its not like Google is going to through traffic at your website (Probably the opposite). Keep up the good work. And please don’t become a fucking Icon.

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