    Further Assistance
    Windows Download
    Mac Download
    Linux Download
    Initial Setup and Configuration
    Application Settings
       Network Settings
       Bandwidth Limiting
    Online Disks
       Online Disk Settings
       Sync Folders
       Network Drive
       Previous Versions
    Automatic Backups
       Backup Jobs
       What to Backup
       Backup Options (Legacy)
       Backup Options (Backup Vault)
 Using My Secure Backup
    Activity Monitor
    Initiating Manual Backups
    Backup Preview
    Canceling Backups in Progress
    Disabling Backups
    Restoring Backups
    Cached Data
    Consistency Checks
    Debug Log
    Errors and Warnings
    ConnectDisconnect Online Disks
    Getting Started
    Connection Troubleshooting
    IIS Port 80 Workarounds
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    Open Source
    Release Notes
HelpConsole 2008 - Jungle Disk Workgroup User Manual

Page Information
Last Updated: 7/3/2008 3:53:46 PM

Home > Configuration

Configuring the My Secure Backup

The configuration console allows you to easily configure the My Secure Backup features and functions in an intuitive interface.  Each area is collapsable to allow you to only display the section that you are configuring.  To expand and collapse each section, simply double click the section label on the left navigation bar.

Configuration Topics