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'Goddess' Kim Tae-hee reveals self cam

2011/08/28 | 2544 views |  | Permalink | Source

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'National Goddess' Kim Tae-hee's flawless self cam has been revealed.

On a recent online celebrity board, a picture came up with the title, "The first Kim Tae-hee self cam I've seen". It was a picture of Kim Tae-hee after her hair and make up. Her flawless fair skin and voluptuous neck line is showing off perfect beauty.

Netizen's say, "She is the national Goddess indeed, she ages the other way round", "I wonder where she gets her complexion" and more. Kim Tae-hee has been co-cast with Nishijima Hidetoshi for the Japanese drama "99 Days with the Star".

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