Thu, Nov 03, 2016 - Page 15 News List

President Tsai adopts three retired guide dogs
蔡英文總統 收養三隻退役導盲犬

President Tsai Ing-wen, second right, strokes a guide dog at a ceremony organized by the Huikuang Guide Dog Foundation in New Taipei City on Oct 15.

Photo: CNA

President Tsai Ing-wen adopted three retired guide dogs last month. Tsai signed the adoption papers for the Labrador Retrievers — Bella, Bunny and Maru — at a ceremony organized by the Huikuang Guide Dog Foundation Taiwan in Sinjhuang District, New Taipei City.

Tsai vowed to build more barrier-free facilities friendly to seeing eye dogs, so that more visually impaired people can take their dogs on public transport and to other public and business venues, without having to worry that their dogs will be barred entry.

Ideally, there should be about 600 guide dogs in Taiwan, but there are only 37 or 38 at present, Tsai said. Around five to six guide dogs retire every year. She said that guide dogs are “intelligent and aware,” and asked the public to learn more about them, or even adopt them after they retire.







1. adopt v.


(shou1 yang3)

2. guide dog n. phr.


(dao3 mang2 quan3)

3. barrier-free adj. phr.


(wu2 zhang4 ai4 de5)

4. seeing eye dog n. phr.


(dao3 mang2 quan3)

5. visually impaired adj. phr.


(shi4 jue2 zhang4 ai4)

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