The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?

文学 夏目漱石











Q.夏目漱石(なつめそうせき natsume-souseki)は”I love you”を何(なん nan)と日本語訳(にほんごやく nihongoyaku)したでしょう。

How did Soseki Natsume translate “I love you” into japanese?

1.あなたの太陽(たいよう)になりたい。     2.月(つき)が綺麗(きれい)ですね。

I want to be your sun.           The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?




The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?



Japanese people cherish nature.



Japanese describe their feelings indirectly rather than directly, because we think it better conveys emotions.


夏目漱石(なつめそうせき Natsume Soseki): One of the most famous writers in Japan. He lived during the Meiji Period.

His most famous novels are “我輩は猫である” “坊ちゃん” “こころ”


<Cultural backgrounds>

夏目漱石が英語教師をしていた頃、「I love you」を「月が綺麗ですね」と訳しなさいと生徒に言ったという逸話がある。

There is an interesting anecdote about him.
When he was an English teacher, he told his students to translate “I love you” into “The moon is beautiful,isn’t it?”
Soseki Natsume believed that when two people look at the same thing and feel the same way about it, they can connect to each other. He thought that we can understand each other without direct words.This idea shows the grace of the Japanese language.


<Additional Question>


If someone said to you, “The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” How would you respond?

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