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  • Reviews help to lend credibility and reliability to a particular business. If a certain company doesn't have good reviews, I am likely to not use their services.
    Tara Steep
    Seattle, WA
  • Thanks for letting me list my DJ business. Heck one job paid for my entire year's membership. That's what I call a return on my investment.
    Paul Teal
    Owner - Sounds of Teal
  • Today's busy brides are always looking for ideas and tips. It's a bonus that these tips will come from experienced vendors and industry experts.
    Tiffany Starns
    Toronto, Canada
  • You have TripAdvisor and HomeAdvisor. This name is automatically recognizable, and my new business needs to get its name out. With prices like this, it's a no brainier.
    David Stewart
    Founder - Stewart Photography
  • We loved how easy WeddingAdvisor is to use. It has exactly what you need and you don't have to search the entire internet for it. Thanks for taking the stress out of our wedding planning!
    Jennifer and Brab
    Chicago, IL
  • This site gets my business on the map. I know there are other wedding directories but WeddingAdvisor caters to small wedding businesses. Thanks for understanding that not all of us have large advertising budgets.
    Mary Thomas
    CEO - Bridal Express

Why you should join WeddingAdvisor

you will get a huge return on your investment

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Active community of reviews with over 2000+ new monthly reviews

Highest ROI rate, highest click rate

Create your business profile for strong brand building


Active blog with contributions from top professionals in the industry.

Provide pictures of your work.

Leave professional tips for others.

Take off with more exposure and book more weddings.

Huge benefits with reasonable pricing

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