GitHub Release
Because CodePlex is shutting down, I pushed everything up to GitHub at the following location:

The GitHub site has the following folders which contains the following:

Binary Distributables
- Last important Zip Archives of DLL's originally available on Nucleo.NET
- Documentation - included documentation on some components; copied over as is, but is currently complete. More documentation is available on a OneDrive public folder:
- Sandcastle - generated CHM file
- MVP_SRC - MVP framework source code
- SRC - Original SRC code before attempting 1.0 rewrite
- SRC_WIP - Was trying to convert everything over to a more normalized structure, but was a WIP

Please refer to this site for the future.

Project Description
This project is a consortium of code that I have put together from my various projects, which has made all of my development purposes easier. Lately, the releases that I am deploying are AJAX-enabled controls using the MS AJAX framework (I hope to eventually get a framework up and running that uses JQuery). I have also created several classes for other reasons, whether purposeful or experimental, that may benefit someone else. Right now, I have a lot of unit testing/documentation to do.

Last edited Jun 26 at 5:16 PM by bmains, version 41