
Archive for the ‘WW III’ Category

John Friend of The Realist Report interviews German-Canadian activist Alfred Schaefer on his efforts to expose the activities of organized jewry and its ongoing plan of genocide against non-jews, especially Whites. The psychological warfare that is being waged against us by organized jewry is of particular interest to him and how they have programmed us to passively accept our own destruction through the constant use of poisonous ideas and words — KATANA.]

The Realist Report

by John Friend

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined once again by Alfred Schaefer, a courageous activist, thinker, and revisionist who has been persecuted in Germany as a result of his intellectual and political pursuits. In this podcast, we discuss some of Alfred’s recent activities and speaking engagements. We move on to address the persecution of political dissidents and “Holocaust” revisionists throughout Europe, including Horst Mahler, a German revisionist who has fled the country rather than accept yet another prison term, and Ursula Haverbeck, a righteous German woman whose case I detailed in an article published by American Free Press. Alfred gives us his take on fake history, the “Holocaust” industry and the anti-White agenda it advances, and President Donald Trump, who is increasingly disappointing and outright betraying his supporters. This is one podcast you do not want to miss!

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The Realist Report


Alfred Schaefer

April 2017


(74 mins)


John: OK folks, welcome back to another edition of The Realist Report this is your host John Friend. The website is The Realist Report dot com where you can find an extensive archive of these podcasts as well as other broadcasts I have appeared on over the years on the website. You also find all of my writings and blog posts, an About section, a contact page, where you can find my personal email address, my Twitter feed, which is embedded on the right hand side bar of the website, and lots of other useful and informative links. I am a regular reporter for American Free Press, America’s last real newspaper and I also contribute to the Barnes Review, the bi-monthly history magazine affiliated with American Free Press. Both publications are worth subscribing to and I encourage all listeners to do so. Visit American Free Press dot net and Barnes Review dot org for more details.

All right with that said, let me introduce my special guest this evening. Alfred Schaefer is joining us once again. Alfred is quite a courageous activist thinker and revisionist who has been persecuted in Germany as a result of his political and intellectual pursuits. Topics that we will be discussing during this podcast.

Alfred, welcome back to the program, sir! How are you this evening?

 Well, fine John. Thank you very much for having me back online. We’re going into a very critical time now and thanks for having me on.

 Yes, of course. It has been a while and I’m glad to have you back. This is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while and we’re finally able to make it happen. And I should say it’s actually morning if I’m not mistaken where you’re at. It’s evening for me, so I guess I probably should have said, “Good morning Alfred”.

 Yeah, it’s five o’clock in the morning for me right now.

 Yeah and thanks for getting up and being a champ and doing this. It probably wouldn’t work out any other way, so I do appreciate that. So anyways, we’ve got a lot to talk about and as I mentioned it has been a while since you’ve been on the program, so what have you been up to? How have you been?

[Image] German dissidents persecuted by jewish controlled Germany for daring to speak the truth.

Alfred: Well, we’re working full speed and as you mentioned I’m being persecuted. I had like, … The police had raided our house here back in August and stolen all of my computer equipment and this, … It wasn’t that long ago that I finally, we finally got, you know, through the charge basically. And it really looks like they are looking for a face-saving way to back down from these “thought laws” which are completely unsustainable. Because I am the main accused and alongside myself we Ursula Haverbeck, which is an iconic figure. We have Gerhard Ittner who has served a number of years in prison and was kidnapped from Portugal, brought back to Germany to face charges. And we have Henry Hafenmayer who’s working really hard and doing excellent work, you know, with sending information to all the prosecutors and judges and all the different functions in society. So we’ve got a real “dream team” put together here and it really does look like they’re trying to find, somehow, you know, than A-team to sort of take down these laws. That’s how we’re looking at it. And I’m not in any way fearful, or regret that they came. In fact, this is an opportunity. In fact, we are in times right now where people have to understand that these are fantastic opportunities to take down this construct of lies! And that’s what we’re looking at and that’s how we’re taking it.


 Good! Yeah, that’s a very productive and positive way to look at your situation. Now you had mentioned that, … So your home was raided. This was back in August of 2016.

 Yes, correct.


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[In this 35 minute video Alfred Schaefer, first describes the police raid on his home in Germany for his “forbidden thoughts“, and secondly how he had, in 2014, not yet escaped from the contamination of jewish “control words” and had used words like “Zionism” and “Nazi” without fully understanding their jewish origins, designed to deflect attention away from the jews — KATANA.]




Alfred Schaefer



Police Raid and



My Confession








Click on the above link, or copy the link into your browser to watch the video.


Published on Nov 21, 2016


YouTube Stats


Jan 29 — Views: 2,668 – Comments: 105 – Likes: 192  Dislikes: 5

Jan 13, 2017 — Views: 2,473 – Comments: 107 – Likes: 177  Dislikes: 5




YouTube Description



German Ministry of Thought Control had the “Kriminal Polizei” raid my house to steal all of my computers and storage devices to search for “Forbidden Thoughts”.

This has presented us with a wonderful opportunity to help the “Kriminal Polizei” learn about the induced mental illness that many of them are suffering from.


















I’m Alfred Schaefer,


In part I of this video I want to tell you what happens to you in Germany if you commit the crime of thinking.


You heard me right, the crime of thinking.


In Part 2, I wish to make a long overdue confession. But first the police raid.




The “German Ministry of Forbidden Thoughts” sent the “Kriminal Polizei”, which is like the FBI, to raid our house in order to steal all of my computers and storage devices. They suspected “forbidden thoughts” on these devices and were determined to find them. The raid took place on the 18th of August 2016 at 7:00 o’clock in the morning.




The website “Glaring Hypocrisy” phoned me on the day after this raid took place. Here is the beginning of this conversation. You can listen to the conversation in it’s entirety on their web site.






Glaring Hypocrisy: We only heard about the situation at about shortly before 5:00 pm London time. So, to be clear, when did the raid on your home actually take place?


Alfred: Yesterday morning. I was in the shower, and then I heard that the door bell rang. Normally I am always in the shower before Elfriede, my wife, but this time I slept a bit uneasy and I stayed in bed a bit longer and then I was in the shower at 7:00 o’clock when the door bell rang and, …


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[In this article, written for the Dec. 1979 edition of the revisionist journal, Instauration, an interesting account is given of the first ever, “Anti-Holocaust” convention, with speakers including: Robert Faurisson from France; John Bennett from Australia; Udo Walendy from Germany; Louis FitzGibbon from Britain; Arthur Butz and James Martin from the US. This was held in Los Angeles and organized by the Institute for Historical Review  —  KATANA.]




Instauration – Dec, 1979


The World’s First


Anti-Holocaust Convention










World’s First Anti-Holocaust Convention

Instauration, Dec. 1979


A great and historic weekend — $50,000 offered for proof of gassing.



Labor Day weekend marked what may be the end of one historical epoch and the beginning of another — the end of the domination of the Six Million myth over the Western mind and the start of a new wave of historical revisionism that might well signal the reappearance of truth in history.


The Revisionist Convention of the Institute for Historical Review was held at Northrop Institute of Technology in Los Angeles. Speakers came from all over the world: Robert Faurisson from France; John Bennett from Australia; Udo Walendy from Germany; Louis FitzGibbon from Britain; Arthur Butz and James Martin from the US.


The proceedings began on Friday, August 31. Some of those present already knew each other. For the most part, however, the faces belonged to new converts to the anti-Holocaust cause. A significant proportion of the attendance were engineers — people with a liking for hard facts who instinctively resist overblown claims and sly innuendo. Also present were several physicists, a brace of computer programmers and one commercial airline pilot. The convention was dedicated to the memory of the founding father of revisionism, Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes, who passed into the realm of eternal history in 1968.*

*[Actually, Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes passed away on Aug. 25, I969]


[Image] James Martin (left) with Harry Barnes, 1954.


Saturday, the meeting began in earnest in the Northrop auditorium.


The delegates were formally welcomed by Willis Carto, one of the organizers of the Institute for Historical Review and the dynamic force behind Liberty Lobby. He then yielded to the permanent chairman George Resch, a libertarian investment counsellor associated with the Institute for Human Studies in San Francisco.



[Image] Willis Cartos (undated photo).


The first speaker was Dr. James Martin, life-long friend and colleague of Barnes, who presented a lively and informative chronology of revisionism. The only professional historian at the meeting, Martin remarked that we need not worry that very few present-day revisionists are professional historians. After all, not one of the Holocaust promoters is! Martin asserted many modern historians privately accept the truth of the revisionist argument, but are afraid to come out and say so. “There are two ‘Six Million’ atrocity stories,” Martin stated:

In Soviet propaganda the gassed six million are Slavs, not Jews. The Kremlin uses the myth to buttress the Soviet policy of keeping Germany divided and disarmed.


Dr. Arthur Butz, author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, presented a fascinating account of developments in the revisionist field since publication of his book in 1976.



[Image] Dr. Arthur Butz, author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century.


Butz described the continuing persecution of individuals in Europe who dared to question the Holocaust. Manfred Roeder, the German attorney, was expelled from the German bar, prosecuted for writing the foreword to Thies Christophersen’s Auschwitz Lie, and had to flee the country. Christophersen himself was given a suspended jail sentence for writing the truth about Auschwitz and faces a further trial upon his return to West Germany.



[Image] Thies Christophersen’s Auschwitz Lie with a foreword by Manfred Roeder

See: https://katana17.wordpress.com/2013/05/05/auschwitz-a-personal-account-by-thies-christophersen/


Butz also explained that Dr. Wilhelm Staglich, author of the recently published Auschwitz Myth and a retired Hamburg judge who served in an anti-aircraft battery at Auschwitz, has also been subject to legal attack. His pension was reduced by 20% for five years for contradicting death camp atrocity tales.



[Image] Dr. Wilhelm Stäglich, (1916 – 2006) German judge and historian, was an important revisionist writer, most notably for his detailed study, Der Auschwitz-Mythos (The Auschwitz Myth). During the Second World War he served from mid-July to mid-September 1944 as an Ordonnanzoffizier (orderly officer) on the staff of an anti-aircraft detachment stationed near the Auschwitz camp. As part of his duties, he maintained contact with the SS camp command, and had unlimited access to the Auschwitz main camp, where the command was headquartered.


When he appealed, the judge ruled it was no good introducing the books, or articles of Butz and Faurisson as evidence, because Butz and Faurisson were pseudonyms! As for the German translation of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Butz said it has been placed on the Bonn government’s “Index“, which means that it may not be advertised, or sold to minors.


Butz went on to relate that late in 1978 a respected German historian, Professor Hellmut Diwald, had published his massive History of the Germans by Propylaen, a division of Axel Springer’s publishing combine.



[Image] Professor Hellmut Diwald’s book “Geschichte der Deutschen” (History of the Germans).


On two pages, Diwald wrote some critical things about the Holocaust story. The press shrieked for censorship. Golo Mann, Thomas Mann’s half- Jewish son, declared:

These two pages are the most monstrous that I have yet to read in a German book since 1945.


The publisher responded to the clamor by recalling the first edition of the book and substituting an altered version in which the offending pages were rewritten. Springer promised that this was only the start of an extensive job of rewriting and that eventually the history would be “unrecognizable.


In the English-speaking world, Butz said, most of the efforts to suppress revisionism have been through the “curtain of silence” technique. But from time to time there had been official government intervention. Harwood’s work Did Six Million Really Die? was banned in South Africa at the behest of the Jewish Board of Deputies, which published an “Answer to Harwood” called Six Million Did Die. The German translation of Harwood’s book was placed on the German “verboten-for-young- peopleIndex in late 1978.


The Institute of Jewish Affairs in London published in the psychopolitical journal Patterns of Prejudice the only critique of Butz worthy of the name that has appeared anywhere in the world. In April 1977, Butz wrote the magazine Index on Censorship in London, which is supposed to defend academic freedom, and followed up his letter with a personal visit in the summer of 1977. No action was taken.


Butz concluded his lecture by underlining the unacademic behavior of academics toward the controversy. He gave as an example Professor Wolfe of New York University who wrote to the New York Times condemning a book which he called Fabrication of a Hoax. He demanded that Butz be brought up on charges of “academic incompetence.” Clearly, the man had never read the book and had only seen a New York Times mention of it, where the title had been incorrectly reported. In an afterthought, Butz philosophized:

I’ve never been able to understand the hostile reaction from Zionist groups. Jews should be elated to discover that large numbers of their people were not deliberately destroyed.


Next on the program was Udo Walendy, the German translator of Butz’s book, who gave his first English-language lecture. His subject was faked atrocity photographs, of which he showed many dramatic examples.



[Image] Udo Walendy, born in 1927 in Germany, is one of the most prolific revisionist researchers, writers and publishers in the world. He has written numerous books and since the early 1970s has been publishing a German periodical called Historische Tatsachen (Historical Facts), so far encompassing over 110 issues — including the German version of Did Six Million Really Die? and the German language version of the first Leuchter Report.


Walendy, who had been fired from his teaching job, because of his political views, exhibited an enlargement of one widely reproduced photograph of supposed victims of Dachau gas ovens. When it was established that Dachau never had any gas ovens, investigation proved the picture actually showed German corpses collected after the saturation bombing of Dresden.


On Saturday evening the convention members were “entertained” with a variety of Holocaust propaganda films, including Genocide (Britain), The Nuremberg Trials (USA) and Nacht und Nebel (France). Butz, Walendy and Faurisson presented a critique of each film in turn, but it was not long before viewers themselves were able to decipher the routine formula of the films, since each used almost exactly the same stills and clips.


The “martyred Warsaw ghetto boy” (now alive, well and well off in Britain) appeared in the films looking as plaintive as ever. As Faurisson pointed out, the commentary did not state that he had been arrested in a crackdown on juvenile thieves.



[Image] “Martyred Warsaw Ghetto Boy”. This photograph, perhaps the most familiar Holocaust image, shows seven-year-old Tsvi Nussbaum as he raises his hands in Warsaw in 1943. After the war, Nussbaum moved to Israel, and then to the United States, where he worked as a physician in New York State.

* D. Margolick, “Rockland Physician Thinks He is Boy in Holocaust Photo on Street in Warsaw,” The New York Times, May 28, 1982, pp. B1, B6; P. Moses, “Haunting Reminder,” New York Post, Feb. 20, 1990, p. 5.; In 1978 a London businessman named Israel (Issy) Rondel claimed to be the “Warsaw ghetto boy.” See: J. Finkelstone, “‘Ghetto boy’ lives here,” Jewish Chronicle (London), August 11, 1978, pp. 1, 2.; C. Harris, “Warsaw Ghetto Boy: Symbol of The Holocaust,The Washington Post, Sept. 17, 1978, pp. L1, L9. This claim later proved to be untrue. See: E. Kossoy, “The boy from the ghetto,” Jerusalem Post, Sept. 1, 1978, p. 5.

Source: http://codoh.com/library/document/2499/


The audience searched in vain for shots and bodies piled up vertically/horizontally/pyramidically (depending on which Holocaust “expert” one reads) in gas chambers at Auschwitz. The gruesome shots came from Belsen, where thousands died of typhus epidemics, because no Zyklon B was available to disinfect the camp’s new arrivals.



[Image] Professor Faurisson. For more than 20 years, Robert Faurisson has been Europe’s foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar. He was born on January 25, 1929, in Shepperton, England. His father was French and his mother was Scottish. As a boy and young man, he attended schools in Singapore, Japan, and in France. He was educated at a Lycée in Paris, and at the renowned Sorbonne. For his views Faurisson has repeatedly been a victim of physical assault. Between November 1978 and May 1993 he was a victim of ten attacks, at least nine of them carried out by Jewish thugs. None of the criminal assailants in any of these assaults has ever been brought to justice.


Sunday morning, Professor Faurisson delivered an address on the fraudulent gas chambers at Auschwitz. He compared the alleged asphyxiation of inmates to the execution of murderers in American prison gas chambers, pointing out that it was the neutralization of the gas which posed the most problems. In the US a full hour must pass before the gas chamber can be opened. The prisoner’s body must then be hosed down by a clean-up squad wearing gas masks and rubber gloves. Fans expel the almost neutralized gas into the atmosphere, but even then the risk is still so high that the guards must come down from their watchtowers to avoid the possibility of receiving a fatal dose of gas. The gas chamber itself must be hermetically sealed.



[Image] Rudolf Höss (center) was born in Baden-Baden on 25 November 1900, the son of pious Catholic parents. Höss was appointed as the first Commandant at Auschwitz concentration camp on 1 May 1940 and held this position until 1 December 1943 (3 years, 7 months). Höss was arrested by British military police near Flensburg, Schleswig- Holstein, on 2 March 1946, tortured and then handed over to the Polish authorities just over two months later.  He was executed by hanging on 7 April 1947, next to the house inside the Auschwitz camp, where he had lived with his wife and five children.


Faurisson asked the delegates to compare these precautionary measures with the account of Rudolf Hoss, one of the commandants of Auschwitz. In his “confession” to his Polish Communist jailers, Hoss stated the gas chamber operators entered the chamber immediately (sofort) after gassing 2,000 jews, while eating and drinking (and therefore not wearing gas masks). Faurisson demanded:

What kind of super-powerful fan could have evacuated the room so efficiently that it even removed the hydrocyanic acid (gas) from the entire room, from the pockets of air in between the bodies and from the walls, clothing, hair and bodies?


He then asked the audience to compare the Hoss confessions with the reality of the structures at Auschwitz. With a series of slides, some of which he obtained from the Auschwitz museum staff, Faurisson showed that the structure which is currently represented as a gas chamber is nothing of the sort. The entry to the room is not a hermetically sealed steel door, as described in Holocaust tracts. The “peephole” so frequently described is not in the gas chamber door, but in the door of an adjacent anteroom. Since there is an ordinary glass window high up in the gas chamber, Faurisson wondered why those being gassed could not have smashed their way our, or at the very least smashed the glass to allow the gas to escape.



Resolution unanimously adopted at the Revisionist Convention


We, the speakers, delegates and officers of the Institute for Historical Review 1979 Revisionist Convention, meeting at Los Angeles this September 2, after reviewing the evidence that the Germans killed six million Jews during World War II in an unprecedented act of genocide, and considering both sides of this question, as well as the evidence of genuine atrocities, resolve the following:


WHEREAS the facts surrounding the allegations that gas chambers existed in occupied Europe during World War II are demonstrably false, and


WHEREAS the whole theory of “the Holocaust” has been created by and promulgated by political Zionism for the attainment of political and economic ends, specifically the continued and perpetual financial support of the military aggression of Israel by the people of Germany and the U.S., and


WHEREAS the constantly escalating level of “Holocaust” propaganda distributed by the mass media and government agencies is poisoning the minds of the American people, especially youth, and


WHEREAS we are conscientiously concerned that this strident hate propaganda is seriously impeding the necessary peace, unity, brotherhood and understanding that we desire among all the peoples of the Western World; now therefore,


BE IT RESOLVED we urge that the Congress of the US investigate the whole question of war guilt, military aggression in the 20th century, the relationship of private political and banking interests with military aggression, deceitful wartime propaganda masquerading as fact, the real responsibility for war, twisted history, the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, proven atrocities and genocide, such as the murder of thousands of Ukrainians and Poles at Vinnitsa in 1937 and Katyn in 1940 and the truth of the alleged extermination of six million Jews in Europe during World War II.



Most astonishing of all, Faurisson showed pictures of the far end of the gas chamber where there is an open doorway, but no door! In fact, it appears there was never a door. The doorway leads to the crematorium where corpses were incinerated. How was it, Faurisson asked, that the gas stayed in the room and did not flow out and gas the incinerator workers? And how was it that the Germans used hydrocyanic acid, which is inflammable and explosive, so near the ovens?


At regular intervals along the gas chamber walls were the remains of partitions which had previously divided the room into segments. Puzzled by this, Faurisson took the original German plans of the room to a specialist in mortuary construction in Paris, who took one look at them and said straight away that the structure was obviously a morgue. Part of it had been built underground to keep the bodies cool.



[Image]  Katyn Massacre (1977). Louis FitzGibbon (1925 – 2003), a British scholar and humanitarian, was active for years in publicizing the suppressed truth about the 1940 killing of thousands of captured Polish officers by the Soviet secret police. Although the facts about the massacre are now well established, during the 1970s his efforts on behalf of justice and historical truth were considered controversial because many people still endorsed the World War II claim by the Allied powers that the gruesome wartime killings had been carried out by German authorities.

Source: http://www.revisionists.com/revisionists/fitzgibbon.html


Next on the program was Louis Fitz-Gibbon, the English author of Katyn, and half-brother of the pro-Holocaust writer Constantine Fitz-Gibbon (who translated the Hoss “confessions”). Louis presented a film about the Katyn massacre produced by the Polish Ex-Combatants Association in Britain. He then described his personal quest for 10,000 other missing Poles not found at Katyn. The author described how he had finally found what he was looking for, in the form of a KGB document which gave all the horrifying and clinical details of a similar massacre.


The final speaker of the morning session was Dr. Austin App, an elder statesman of the revisionist movement. The theme of his talk was the injustice of postwar reparations which pumped untold billions of dollars and marks into Israel – all, because of an “imaginary crime.



[Image] Dr. Austin J. App (1902-1984) was a German-American scholar, was a major revisionist author and publicist. App was the author of more than a thousand articles, columns and book reviews, which appeared in a wide range of American and European periodicals, as well as of eight books.


In the afternoon the delegates reassembled to listen to Devin Garrity, head of Devin-Adair publishing house, who spoke about his life-long struggle against censorship in the publishing industry.


John Bennett, an Australian civil liberties lawyer, gave a short talk on what he had been up to down under, publishing his own flyers and sending Butz’s books to libraries and historians.



[Image] John T. Bennett (1936-2013) was for decades well known in Australia as a vigorous and outspoken defender of civil liberties and freedom of speech and inquiry. He is also known as a Australia’s leading revisionist writer and publicist.


Bennett was drawn into the controversy when Australian Zionists tried to force a Palestinian radio program off the air. In the course of defending the Palestinians’ right of free speech, he found the Butz book was being suppressed by the same crowd. Bennett quoted a real gem from one of his critics, a Dr. Rubenstein:

Were the Holocaust shown to be a hoax, the number one weapon in Israel’s propaganda armory disappears.


The convention ended with a dramatic announcement from Willis Carto. He said the Institute for Historical Review was releasing a press statement offering a $50,000 reward to any person, anywhere in the world, who could prove that Nazis had operated gas chambers to exterminate Jews.


News of the reward, Carto stated, would be forwarded to the publishers of so-called “witness testimony” with the request that the witnesses step forward to have their evidence examined by a panel of knowledgeable investigators. As of November 25, no claimants for the reward had shown up. Carto also announced that the Institute would soon be starting a new publication journal of Historical Review to provide a platform for revisionists from around the world and that the first issue in the spring of 1980 would contain transcripts of the papers presented at the convention.*


Before the convention disbanded, the delegates were unanimous in expressing their profound thanks to the organizers for their foresight and courage. They had reason to only a few years ago such a meeting on such a subject would have been unthinkable.



* Subscriptions to the Journal of Historical Review cost $20 per year. But as an introductory offer charter subscribers will only be charged $16 and will also receive at no additional charge Katyn by Louis Fitz-Gibbon. The address is Institute for Historical Review, P.O. Box 1306, Torrance, CA 90505.








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Version 3Sep 30, 2016 — Some minor additions to text. Formatting.


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London Forum - Tony O’Neill - COVER


[In this 23 minute video Tony O’Neill, the leader of The Celtic People’s Party of Ireland, delivers a spirited and hard hitting talk at the London Forum, laying bare the EU’s [and behind it, organized jewry’s] engineered plan for the on-going destruction of our societies. Tony indicates how organized jewry is responsible for the European civil wars, known as WWI and WWII, that now continues into an undeclared, yet very real, WW III through multiple strategies, but most obviously by the invasion of the “Turd Worlders” into our European countries —  KATANA]




The London Forum



Tony O’Neill



WW III Has Already Begun




London Forum - Tony O’Neill - VIDEO




Click on the above link, or copy the link into your browser to watch the video.


Published on July 5, 2016


YouTube Stats


Aug 18 — Views: 2,061 – Comments: (disabled) – Likes: 110  Dislikes: 8
Jul 19, 2016 — Views: 1,941 – Comments: (disabled) – Likes: 104  Dislikes: 8



YouTube Description



WW1 and WW2 were attempts to destroy Europe and the European peoples around the world. WW3 is designed to finish the job and has already begun. We as Europeans should recognize this fact and consider ourselves at war with those who would destroy us. Our enemies are those who peddle money usury, moral degradation and White genocide as official policy. If we are to win this war we must unite as Europeans and form a cohesive agenda in order to win political power both in our respective countries and also at European level. Tony O’Neill is the leader of ‘The Celtic People’s Party of Ireland’ and we are very pleased to welcome him here to London.

The Celtic People’s Party of Ireland















Jez Turner: Today is a very special day in White nationalism! It’s a day for White unity! We are Whites, whatever our nationality, whatever our culture, whatever our language. We’re all Whites and that’s all that matters! Because that’s all that matters to the enemy! There is more that unites us than divides!

Our next speaker is from Ireland and is very, very welcome here in England. He is not a kosher nationalist, he’s a real nationalist, a racial nationalist. He’s the leader of the Celtic Peoples Party. He’s Tony O’Neill!


Audience: [applause]


Tony: Thank you all. I’d like to thank Jez for inviting me to speak here today at the London Forum. I’d also like to congratulate the English people. As they say, the good English people, for voting the correct way with Brexit.


Audience: [applause] Hear! Hear!


Tony: I think England has, will be leading now other people to follow, … Maybe even Ireland will be next, someday. It won’t be tomorrow.

My fellow European brothers and sisters, this is no time for silence nor for playing politics. It is the time to say what we mean, and mean what we say! [applause] The war is being waged against us with all of it’s attendant propaganda, traitors, anti-free speech laws, militarized police forces and most spectacularly involved, two invading armies! One from Africa and the other one from Asia. The aim of the war is the total destruction of we the Europeans and European descended peoples of this planet.

World War III has already begun!

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi was the founder of the Pan-European Movement and is considered by Eurocrats today to have fathered the EU. He said, and I quote:

The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time and prejudice. Eurasian Negroid will be the European race of the future.

Eurasian Negroid will be the European race of the future.

I ask you my brothers and sisters, is this not the open promotion of White genocide?


Audience: Of course, it is! Of course. Yeah!


Tony: Wesley Clark was the Jewish US general in charge of the destruction of Iraq in the 1990s. He’s what he has to say on the subject of Europe:

There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we’re trying to transition into the 21st century and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states!

Again I ask your brothers and sisters, is this not the open promotion of White genocide?


Audience: Yeah!


Tony: In Ireland we have our own special brand of ethnic replacement experts. The top dog that the employers organisation in Ireland, xxx, is one Danny McCoy. At their annual conference of 2015 in Dublin Castle, he said and I quote:

The population of Ireland is expected to reach 10 million by the year 2050 and we should embrace this change.

So not only is the plan to make Celts a minority in our own country in the coming years, but we should welcome this and be delighted to hand over everything our fathers and forefathers fought and died for! I have, also have, a real beauty from one, Olivia Mitchell. Now she’s a Member of Parliament in Ireland and the 24th xxx a beauty here:

Irish people should interbreed with foreigners!

She actually said that, you know, and went down very well in the media in Ireland, you know. Since most of the partners who attempted to invade my country are from Africa and Asia, we must conclude that Mitchell wants Celtic people to breed with them and just destroy our Celtic gene pool in the process.

Ireland’s elected president, Higgins, a real fool of a man said recently that:

Irish people have a shared culture with those from Africa.


Audience: [loud derisive laughter and booing]


Tony: You gotta get your head around it! Unsurprisingly, this example of delusional thinking went completely unchallenged in the loony left that dominate and the press in Ireland. Our most ethnically diverse town is apparently the town of Ballybarnes, which is in the West of Ireland. The West of Ireland is much more traditional than the east, and it’s interesting that they’ve targeted the West of Ireland more than any part of Ireland for this sort of enrichment. According to the census of 2011 only forty percent of the town’s population is now Celtic. Local loony lefty and community organizer, one Mary Donnelley has stated [mimicking a female voice] :

There is such a mix of people from different backgrounds and I’m not sure if Ballybarnes is in a position to take many more refugees. The indigenous population is coming close to being the minority and the social cohesion of the town is now under threat!




Let’s hear that bit again:

The indigenous population is coming close to being the minority!

This stupid woman sees that the Celtic population in the town is being ethnically cleansed, but all she’s concerned about is “social cohesion”! Perhaps this stupid woman should talk to the young White victims of invader rape gangs in Rotherham, or Cologne, or Oslo!


Audience: [applause]


Tony: The town is only forty percent Celtic is bad enough, but the demographic of the local school is even more shocking! Out of the 322 attendees, only 90 are Celtic. Apparently the school Principal is very proud of this level of diversity.


Audience: [derisive murmuring]


Tony: I assumed that the Principal will be even more prouder when there are no White children at all.


Audience: [derisive murmuring]


Tony: The looney lefties are sacrificing the bodies of our daughters and the lives of our sons on their altar of multiculturalism, just to show that they aren’t racist! They are throwing our ancestors, our children, and those who will never have a chance even to be born into non-existence, framed as an act of charity, one cannot imagine a more selfish, hateful, or evil act committed against our peoples!


Audience: [applause] Hear! Hear.


Tony: Right here in London we see the evidence of the ethnic cleansing of the Anglo-Saxon people from their capital city. The famous East End is no longer the home of the Cockney pearly kings and queens. In fact, if TV serial Eastenders was to accurately portray the ethnic makeup of the East End today, then the cast would only be ten percent Anglo-Saxon. The remainder will be made up of Turd Worlders of one kind, or another. And the famous Queen Vic Pub would either be a kebab shop, or a mosque. [laughter]

The White British people were called racist when they objected to diverse immigrants. They were called racist again when you are afraid of becoming a minority. Finally, they were called racist one last time when they simply left areas flooded by foreign entities!

In the eloquent words of Mr. Frank Field, Labour MP in 2008:

The word on the street is apprehension! The word on the street is that people are leaving if they can! If you look at the composition of people going it’s, because they don’t like what’s happening to this country!

That my friends, is what is known as, “White flight”!


Audience: Yeah.


Tony: Or in other words, population displacement, or replacement, ethnic cleansing, genocide!

In the sobering light of this, let’s examine the United Nations Convention on Genocide, Resolution 260-111a of the United Nations General Assembly on the 9th of December, 1948 Article 1 states:

The contracting parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace, or in time of war, is a crime under international law, which they undertake to prevent and punish.

Article 2:

In the present convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole, or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. (a) Killing members of the group.

It is true to say that the death and destruction heaped on the European peoples at the hands of the invaders by organized gang rape and violence qualifies here.

(b) Causing serious bodily, or mental harm to members of the group.

Again the organized gang rapes we saw in places like Cologne and Rotherham and elsewhere qualifies here.

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about it’s physical destruction in whole, or in part.

These conditions exist ultimately in Ireland as it is official policy to place the invaders at the top of every council housing list in the country! Even though thousands of our Celtic men, women and children sleeping rough in the streets every night. There is not one invader left homeless!

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.

Thanks to the thousands of invaders that are being welcomed into Ireland, these measures are being implemented. Taxes are going up as is the cost of housing. Both of these factors negate against our people being able to afford a home and a family. And the top dogs know this.

(e) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Official government statistics state that 78,000 of our young people are actively encouraged to leave Ireland every year in order to seek work abroad. No sooner have they left the country and their place is taken by Africans and Asians.

Thus we see that the organized ethnic cleansing of the indigenous peoples of Europe amounts to the crime of genocide. Yet, anyone who espouses these views is called an “extremist”, or “dangerous”, or “racist” by the loony Leftie brigade and their political masters.

In reality, “racists” are the greatest friends of other races, because they want to see the preservation of all races!




Audience: [applause] Hear, hear!


Tony: The insane Lefties on the other hand, want to create a bland, multi-culti blancmange of people, with no fixed racial, or cultural background at all.

No European was ever asked if he, or she, wanted to say goodbye to their culture and see their country destroyed by invaders! On the contrary, the policy was forced on us by dictatorial politicians, answerable only to the un-elected mandarins of the EU, who are bent on the destruction of the White peoples of Europe, as per, the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan!

EU policy is forcing us to descend into an alcohol and drug fueled culture of sleaze, decadence, pornography, pop trivia, casual violence, and also merged into a tidal wave of mass invasion and political correctness!

In other words, the EU is a communist entity from start to finish! And like every other communist entity in history, seeks to destroy the ethnic and social cohesion of the indigenous people!

My friends, if we wish to save our peoples, our cultures, and our countries, then surely scrapping the evil EU is the first step in that direction!


Audience: [applause] Hear, hear!


Tony: Now, what about the millions of refugees have been able to flood Europe? I say, we must send every single one of them back, to wherever he came from!


Audience: [applause]


Tony: Every Western European oligarchy happily flattens the law in order to achieve their communist agenda of multiculturalism. That is their great weakness! They have broken EU law by knowingly giving refugee status to bogus refugees! Therefore, every Western European oligarchy is criminally guilty on these grounds and on the grounds of genocide!

You see, for a person to be recognized as a refugee and thereby given asylum, that person must come directly from a war zone. Now Europe doesn’t border any country at war. So therefore, they cannot come into Europe claiming such status. By doing so, by coming from a country into a war-torn country, into someplace like Turkey, and then coming to Europe, then they negate any idea of being a refugee. They are simply illegal aliens at the point.


Audience: Yeah!


Tony: If we are to uphold law and order in Europe, we can’t pick and choose which laws to obey and which to disregard. For to do so invites chaos. Thus all of the invaders must be sent back to wherever they came from and those overseeing the breaking of EU law must be punished to the full extent of that law! Of course, the top dogs will use all kinds of subterfuge, guilt tripping, in order to shut people up.

The latest lie they are using against our people, is the “demographic time bomb” awaiting Europe, because Europeans aren’t having enough children. This argument has about as much validity as the “global warming scam” now better known as the “climate change scam”. The population of your Europe has been stable for decades. The increase in robotization means that fewer people are actually needed in a technically sophisticated society, like Europe. Meanwhile, Europe has a persistently high level of unemployment, especially amongst young people. Yet, we are told we need limitless numbers of Turd Worlders who are functionally illiterate even in their own languages. [laughter] they don’t share our moral, or our cultural values, and don’t speak our European languages. The top dogs insult our intelligence by feeding us the nonsense that we need these illiterates! Well, we’re not buying it!

Europeans have built up the most sophisticated and technologically advanced society on earth, and we don’t need to be burdened with the millions and millions of Negroes and Asiactics., because they haven’t managed to create a similar society of their own. At the same time as part of the EU angle on low birth rates and a demographic time bomb, the politicos and their media whores in my country, are once again promoting a vote for abortion on demand. Now in my lifetime, I’m 58 and in my lifetime, this is in my recollection the fourth time this has come up in Ireland. Very few people are interested in this, but it’s only a ( ( (small clique) ) ) who constantly push for it, because obviously in Ireland you don’t have an abortion on demand. Sad to say, thousands of young Irish women come to England and have done for many decades. Not that I blame English people, by the way, I don’t know them. Seriously, I don’t. That English people are not to blame. As Mellisa was saying, we know ( ( (who) ) ) controls us. It isn’t English people anymore than it’s Irish people.


Audience: [long applause] Hear, hear!


Tony: As I say, it isn’t Anglo-Saxon people, no more than it’s Celtic people. Since in Ireland everybody is Irish nowdays. Give them a piece of paper to all of a sudden a Pakistani is Irish. [laughter]

In their communist zeal for equality they attempt to mask the organized murder of our children by calling it, “a woman’s right to choose”. Well, I say, a society that gives a woman the legal right to murder her own baby is a society in the fast lane on the road to perdition.




Audience: [long applause]


Tony: The cost of the invaders will run into the billions over the coming decades throughout Europe. We will face ever increasing taxes and living costs in order to pay for Social Welfare, housing, education and healthcare. As a consequence our people will not be able to afford to have families. Our young man are being encouraged to be homosexuals. Meanwhile our young women are being told they don’t need to think about having a family, you know, they can have a career, working for some capitalist and on the weekend get stoned drunk and have as many sexual partners as they like! This is what feminists like to call, “women’s liberation”.

In reality, and we know this for a fact, the only real liberation our women ever get, amounts to the freedom to be wage slaves and whores!


Audience: [applause]


Tony: Feminism means nothing to the dignity of women. By the time they reach 30, or so and begin to think, “Oh! I must myself a husband!” they are no longer attractive to most men. Thus many of our young women never have families at all. This is no accident, friends, this is the result of EU policies as implemented by our treacherous politicos in our Parliaments.

We hear a lot from the loony Leftie brigade about “White privilege”. I say yes! Yes! The White race is the most privileged of races, because the White race has achieved more than any other race on this planet! Our system of law, architectural achievements, our European art, music and literature, our great inventions and the scientific discoveries. All account to produce the greatest civilization in modern history! Conversely it can also be said that the Turd Worlders are privileged as themselves, as they have benefited from a sophisticated society that they themselves could never create.

But I would ask, “What benefit do the European peoples get in return?” Apart from the sky high crime rates featuring gang rape and casual violence, and also miscegenation resulting in mongrelized offspring, we Europeans gain nothing from the multi-culti experiment. The loony Lefties, of course, will reject all of this! , but to deny the truth I’ve spoken is to deny the truth that one and one equals two. The Lefties like to style themselves as soft liberals! Well, of course, we know they’re nothing of the kind! They are totalitarian dictators who one must obey, or be targeted as a hater, or a Nazi, or a homophobe, or a xenophobe, or some other sort of phobe. They are libertarian, because they believe in anything goes, in their insane pursuit of the communist nonsense of equality.

Recently, and in spite of the crime rate being perpetrated by invaders on the Continent, it was announced that Ireland will “welcome” to, 500 of these people this year alone, 2016. It’s always put across to us that, we’re always told we’re, “welcoming” these people! I’ve never seen people actually welcoming them. The looney Left, yeah, it welcome anyone., but for the most part I don’t hear people say, “Oh, we’re delighted!


Audience: [laughter]


Tony: In the face of all of this official generosity, the latest government figures make for sober reading. Out of a total population of say, four million Celts in the south of Ireland, 504,000 people are in hospital waiting lists. 350,000 of our people are unemployed. 78,000 of our young people leave [Ireland] every year. Thousands of our men, women and children sleep rough on the streets every night. And perhaps most sobering of all, over 600 of our people take their own lives every year! I ask you my brothers and sisters, does that sound like a society in dire need of Turd World enrichment?


Audience: No!


Tony: I think not! The top dogs want a one world slave state populated by materialist, miscegenation, mixed up fools lacking any culture, religion, or tradition, or family, or community! In short a population devoid of identity, a population of perfect slaves, as we’ve heard already.

So, what must we do to save our European peoples from this fate? We must unite, we must get active, get organized, get political, win power! The disparate nationalist movements in our countries must work together in order to help each other win power in elections, both in our individual countries and at the European level. We should hold regular conferences and create discussion groups to coordinate our political efforts! At elections, we should have our own agents at every counting and polling station fully monitoring the process. No way we allow democratic process to be poisoned by those who would seek to deny us electoral victory, as we saw recently with Austria.


Audience: [applause]




Tony: Now, I’m not talking here about replacing the EU monster with some other. I’m talking about us joining together spiritually, so that we can fight more effectively for our people’s cultures and countries! Meanwhile, we should encourage our own people to seek a higher purpose in their lives, generally. To get away from the base pursuit of money for it’s own sake and instead concentrate their efforts on the legacy they leave their children in the future!

My friends! I have a very special message for our brothers and sisters in Northern Ireland. This flag, this crest contains no orange color! We are not the communist Sein Fien. We are the Celtic People’s Party of Ireland, and we have no interest in pursuing old enmities of any kind! We are brothers and sisters in a united fight to save our European way of life! And in this fight we do not back down! But, to do so is where our Europe and it’s indigenous peoples to die!


Audience: [long applause]


Tony: To Western Russia, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sicily, Italy, back to Greece and all points in between, Europe must remain European if we are to survive!


Audience: [long applause]


Tony: We are in a very real war, friends. We are fighting for our beliefs, we are fighting for our countries, we are fighting for our xxx, we’re fighting for the future of our children!

As Europeans we face down the propaganda and brainwashing! We stand tall against the communists EU agenda! We remain true to ourselves, the truth and to our people!

And some people tell me, this is not possible, and that is not possible. I say, we are the guardians of our European blood, and whatever is called for in the true interest of our people is always possible! My beloved European brothers and sisters, let us go forward to victory!


Audience: [extra long applause]


Jez: Mass immigration, racial ethnic cleansing, White genocide is the plan. We are White so we are all under threat! We are all facing genocide! So it’s important that we work together to thwart that plan! It’s important that we fight against the enemy, side by side, alongside our White brothers and White sisters, anywhere and everywhere!

Tony O’Neill!


















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