ShellShock: Nam '67 PC

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Mixed or average reviews - based on 20 Critics What's this?

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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 13 Ratings

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  • Summary: ShellShock: Nam '67 focuses on one man?s experience of the most controversial war of modern times. You take on the role of a rookie soldier on his first tour of duty as he experiences the fear, chaos and atrocities of the Vietnam War. From the napalm bombardments of civilian villages and theShellShock: Nam '67 focuses on one man?s experience of the most controversial war of modern times. You take on the role of a rookie soldier on his first tour of duty as he experiences the fear, chaos and atrocities of the Vietnam War. From the napalm bombardments of civilian villages and the gruesome VC (Viet Cong) boobytraps, to the permanent threat of invisible foes and deadly ambushes, Shellshock: Nam '67 dares to go where no other war game has gone. Powered by Guerrilla?s ground-breaking technology, ShellShock: Nam ?67 delivers a graphically harrowing depiction of the terror of combat. You must fight your way through a variety of missions ranging from large scale battlefield encounters with the North Vietnamese Army to stealth-based missions such as assassinating a VC General. As you progress from a ?grunt? to Special Forces carrying out classified missions, you will have to rely on the same skills and tactics employed in the battlefields of Vietnam in order to survive. Your tour will take you from the lush wetlands of the South to the mountain borders of the North featuring diverse locations including dense jungles, rural Vietnamese villages and claustrophobic tunnel systems. [Eidos Interactive] Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 20
  2. Negative: 6 out of 20
  1. 80
    The line "Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules" has never been so fully embodied by a video game.
  2. AceGamez
    On the plus side, what's there is competently done and is flecked with powerful moments of brutality. On the downside, these spots of overt anguish aren't dealt with particularly well and lead to a reduction of the overall effect.
  3. It fails in my eyes as an innovative title that people will find themselves wanting to pick up in the face of "Doom 3" and the impending "Half-Life 2."
  4. Shellshock doesn’t amount to much more than six or seven hours of gameplay. It’s over almost as soon as it began which, depending on how much you paid for it, might be a good thing.
  5. It certainly raises the bar on vile, pointless cutscenes. However, anyone interested in more than stubbornly average gameplay should look elsewhere.
  6. 40
    Has a bit of style but not much new gameplay behind it. It looks good and it's a serviceable shooter (you do get to shoot things, after all), but the game play just isn't that exciting, especially when you consider that it has no multiplayer and the single-player is so linear.
  7. PC Gamer
    A turd of a third-person shooter that so revels in senseless violence and horrible design, I needed a shower every time I stopped playing. [Holiday 2004, p.100]

See all 20 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 8
  2. Negative: 4 out of 8
  1. Jay
    Jul 5, 2004
    Truly amazing, fantastic graphics and gameplay.
  2. AnonymousMC
    Oct 1, 2004
    If you judge this game fair, it has earned a 75 at least. It's kind of an arcade, console-like game, but hey: You wanna tell me that CodIf you judge this game fair, it has earned a 75 at least. It's kind of an arcade, console-like game, but hey: You wanna tell me that Cod and that stuff is "realistic" ? :D

    This game is fun, it motivates you with the collection of "trophies". Give it a try, you might like it !
  3. [Anonymous]
    Sep 14, 2004
    Truly disappointed by this game. Really anticipated a unique experience because of the media leading up to its release. General freedom to Truly disappointed by this game. Really anticipated a unique experience because of the media leading up to its release. General freedom to act and explore in this game is very limited - they should have licenced the Crytec engine. Graphics are likewize outdated -even older engines generate better graphics. Gameplay is again hopeless! Even purchasing an older Conflict series game is recommended compared to this. Expand
  4. SteveT.
    Sep 20, 2004
    Terrible controls, cartoonish combat, atrocious level design. Dodge this draft.
  5. KyleF.
    Sep 11, 2004
    An absolute pile of crap.
  6. Agent
    Sep 22, 2004
    This game is a total waste of money!!! terrible graphics, terrible AI, terrible level design, terrible controls and not playable online.
  7. Ups2006smith
    Mar 31, 2006
    If you took a rocket ship to the Planet of Bad Games and then found the country on that planet where all the really Bad Games were and then If you took a rocket ship to the Planet of Bad Games and then found the country on that planet where all the really Bad Games were and then found the capital city in that country where the really Crappiest Games existed and then found the shop in that city which sold the absolute worst games ever, I still think you wouldn't find a crappier game than Shellshock Nam '67. This game stinks! I can only assume that Eidos were suffering from shellshock when they released this ugly, useless title. Controls? Forget it it! Game play? Non-existant! Graphics? Garbage! Audio? Embarrassing! Enemy AI? What enemy AI? Cut scenes? Gratuitous filth! Arrrgghhhh! I hate this crap so much! Now I must get it off my PC immediately! Expand

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