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[–]AmberDuke05All about the Dick 76 points77 points  (4 children)

But can we still call everyone Jay Garrick?

[–]beary_good...grawr? 12 points13 points  (3 children)

someone explain this meme to a person who is very behind on the TV shows

edit: never mind, found out

[–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 58 points59 points  (0 children)


[–]MrJackpot 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Supermajor spoilers

[–]AcademicalSceptic 25 points26 points  (43 children)

Jesus. What the hell's been happening?

[–]NightwingsEscrimasHal... are you talking about a Lantern D**k Ring? 77 points78 points  (16 children)

Twitter and reddit and tumblr are fighting is what it is

People are pissed at the last episode and rumors thata certain someone is dying which is valid....but then an Arrow writer called people who didnt like Olicity bozos so that just made things soooo much better...

[–]AcademicalSceptic 27 points28 points  (4 children)

That is not helpful, no...

[–]NightwingsEscrimasHal... are you talking about a Lantern D**k Ring? 49 points50 points  (2 children)

Lol. yeah

I still cant believe an actual writer would say something as dumb as that... I get that Olicity is really popular but damn, insulting part of your fanbase like that is just stupid

[–]AcademicalSceptic 26 points27 points  (0 children)

It's pretty unprofessional, to say the least. Getting dragged into a conversation like that is a risky thing to do as a content creator, and only really feasible if you can stay in control of the situation.

[–]SparklingJane 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It wasn't a current Arrow writer who called them Bozos though, he works for Quantico now so he shouldn't be considered an Arrow writer.

[–]Gintoki79Deathstroke 13 points14 points  (9 children)

The writer who said 'Bozos' is a former arrow writer. Last time he worked on Arrow was S3 finale.

[–]CanoneerReverse Flash 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Felciity in the ATOM suit....


[–]LycanvenomBatgirl 21 points22 points  (6 children)

Also. Where he said "bozos" was in terms to no specific group of the fanbase. In response to one of the current writers (who also favors Olicity), the guy said "You can't love Arrow and not love Olicity, it's literally not possible". The current writer responds with "I can count at least 100 ppl who don't", then he said "they're bozos." It was obviously more of a joke than an actual claim of it. But, of course. People took the shit way too seriously

[–]beary_good...grawr? 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Good ol' context

[–]DocMurph12Nightwing 9 points10 points  (4 children)

How do you take the word bozos seriously as an insult?

[–]SparklingJane 2 points3 points  (3 children)

That sub is a bunch of contradictions. They have called me a cnt, autistic, and a btch and have told me to "get over it" but can't take being called bozos? They can dish but cant receive.

[–]DocMurph12Nightwing 1 point2 points  (2 children)


[–]getr3c 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Right now there's a thread about how sexist Arrow is towards men on the same page as an entire thread of sexist slurs against women. The entire place is a contradiction.

[–]DocMurph12Nightwing 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Im so glad I ended up staying away from places like that. Generalized subs I've found are much better than ones relating specifically to individual iterations of a character because there will always be people looking for a reason to bitch

[–]NightwingsEscrimasHal... are you talking about a Lantern D**k Ring? 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I saw your other comment. Thanks for the correction.

[–]Ronocm13Red Robin 23 points24 points  (24 children)

People became upset with the cliffhanger for the show as it is going on break as well as the fact that the series has gone down hill and Felicity has become such a central character while Laurel is now a minor character. Rumors Spoiler I haven't kept up a lot of attention with it but apparently people on twitter started fighting with people against the subreddit and one user claims she got a ton of death and rape threats. Again I have no clue of the validity of those statements or what exactly happened that was just what I picked up checking out the growing bonfire.

[–]AcademicalSceptic 13 points14 points  (4 children)

Yeah, I'm familiar with /r/arrow's collective problems with the show as it now is. Sometimes I'm sympathetic. But seeing it boil over into some all-out conflict is weird. Why now? Just the straw that broke the camel's back, I guess?

[–]01111000marksthespot 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Why now?

There was a growing sense that the sub was being too negative, and one way people could be more positive was that instead of ranting about what they hated, they should offer constructive criticism regarding how the show could improve.

The rebuttal to that argument was, this isn't /r/baking where you're in direct content with the OP and can tell someone what they did wrong, why the souffle they posted failed to rise, for them to see it and respond. It's an internet forum that has no contact with the show's creators. What is the point of constructive criticism when there's no reasonable expectation that it will be heard?

So, someone decided to reach out to the show's creators on twitter. This brought reddit into contact with tumblr/twitter, and that did not go well.

There is a strong perception on /r/arrow that Arrow's writers and showrunners are pandering to 'shippers', based on events in the show itself, Q&As they've hosted on tumblr, twitter posts, the recent rumours, etc. (Personally I think there's a grain of truth to that but it's largely overblown and has other explanations.) But this adds a sort of righteous indignation to the whole crusade. It's not just, "Boo, this show sucks now, let's talk about how it sucks lol." It's, "This show sucks now because of THESE PEOPLE! We must go to war with them! If we can destroy them, maybe we can get our show back!" The sides are drawn, they're even separated into different online communities, it's almost Shakespearean.

If hate is passion spurned, then this is hate. Not until tumblr burns shall it abate.

[–]beary_good...grawr? 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Eloquent. And seems like a fair assessment of the events.

[–]Ronocm13Red Robin 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Yeah I think the rumors are what broke the levy and caused people to just want to tear everything down.

[–]Choco316 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Yeah, pretty much. The show has been pissing off a large part of their fan base since last year, but the last month they just threw a gas can on the fire and unlocked the shed to the napalm

[–]TheTensay 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I thought the DC fans (comic readers) were against this character since a while back?

Because like you said it made Oliver Queen "The Arrow", name is on the title a background character.

[–]cressida25 4 points5 points  (14 children)

i was the person who received threats from members of r/arrow. (though that is not my twitter account but someone on there grabbed an imgur i had posted of the abuse i received and it became part of the hoopla.)

here is a screencap of one of the messages i received. i received 4, every 15 minutes, in one hour before i blocked him:

[–]Sibbo94Omega Men 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Hey, sorry that people have been attacking you for what you like.

[–]Ronocm13Red Robin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

That's really shitty and I'm sorry to hear that.

[–]Waffleman20000Superman 1 point2 points  (0 children)

She is peasoshit? That's a new one.

[–]TheTensay 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That sucks man :/

I gotta say that "let me ask you reasonably why you like Felicishit, bitch, etc, etc" dumb people man, don't even sweat it.

[–]thilinac 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Damn, sorry and very disappointing to see shit like this :| how old is this person btw o.o

[–]FREE_GUCCI_MANE_ 0 points1 point  (8 children)


as someone who's actually discussed the show with you, your input will much appreciated here

[–]baronobeefdip2Superman 0 points1 point  (7 children)

It's definitely much better than last, I just wish the header for the web page was different.

[–]FREE_GUCCI_MANE_ 0 points1 point  (6 children)

Any suggestions?

[–]baronobeefdip2Superman 0 points1 point  (5 children)

A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of CW's Arrow?

[–]FREE_GUCCI_MANE_ 0 points1 point  (3 children)


[–]baronobeefdip2Superman 0 points1 point  (1 child)

You forgot "CW's" in the title but I'll take it.

[–]FREE_GUCCI_MANE_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Whoops I'll add it

[–]FREE_GUCCI_MANE_ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ohh that header. Yeah I'll change it haha

[–]beary_good...grawr?[M] 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Tag your spoilers

[–]Ronocm13Red Robin 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Ah shit you're right, I'm sorry I wasn't even thinking.

[–]jellsprout 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Warning, this post might contain spoilers for Arrow up to the latest episode.

The subreddit has been growing increasingly displeased with the show. This is not a recent development, it has been going on for at least a year now. In particular, the fans don't like how the focus is no longer on the action, but instead on romance drama. They also don't like how all the characters on this show have had barely any developments this season except for the female romantic lead, who gets pushed into a new supposedly gamechanging arc every three episodes. The romance itself is also considered particularly poorly written. There are other romances on the show that are loved by the Reddit users and the users tend to be very positive about the love interests on the other DC shows.

Another part of this displeasure is how the showrunner is very active on Tumblr, where he regularly answers questions and particularly those about this Olicity romance. The Reddit userbase felt they were getting ignored by the showrunners and that they were instead pandering to the Tumblr fanbase.

The anti-Olicity posts grew particularly numerous after the latest episode, where a beautiful scene by Stephen Amell got interrupted for one of the worst Olicity scenes yet. It took all the criticisms Reddit had on the Olicity storyline and turned it up to eleven. There were also leaked set photos which suggested that a Tumblr-hated but Reddit-loved character would die at the end of the season.

After about a week of this the mods of the subreddit intervened. The subreddit was growing too negative and it was hurting their image. However they didn't want to censor legitimate discussion of the show. So instead they created one single megathread for all the discussions on this subject and the sub actually grew a lot more positive again.

Until a few days again when an Arrow writer tweeted that he would be checking out the Arrow subreddit later that day. Immediately Twitter users started slandering Reddit users and Reddit users started slandering Twitter and Tumblr users, Twitter and Tumblr users invaded Reddit and vice versa, two Reddit users came forward with accusations of harassment from other Reddit users. I think for the most part the Reddit users were actually perfectly polite and the mods have done a great job dealing with everything, but things grew very heated and tense.

The writers haven't really made things better either, with one of them saying only Olicity fans are true Arrow fans and all others were bozos, but I feel that's only a minor part of the current "Civil War".

[–]RamblingandRantingAll Star Behmen and Reuben 82 points83 points  (28 children)

DC finally gets its own line of television shows.

Fans divide themselves based on shipping, etc.

Others are awful to people because of said opinions.

This is why we can't have nice things. Don't be a jerk, folks.

[–]MyNameIsPitt 48 points49 points  (27 children)

While the root of the issue was about Olicity, calling this a shipping war is inaccurate like. There isn't a war between Laurel supporters or Felicity supporters. It's the "I don't like Felicity" camp and the ones who do. And both sides have been acting like petulant children.

/r/arrow has been a cesspool for the past several months with them going on and on about Felicity. Though they mostly been self-contained. Then the fanbase form Twitter and Tumblr visited the subreddit and the circlejerk and well...World War III.

Still childish and everyone's to blame but it's not because of shipping.

[–]Insanepaco247Martian Manhunter x Condiment King OTP 52 points53 points  (1 child)

Even the Felicity/anti-Felicity thing is pretty reductive (despite it being the main focal point of the pettiness). The real issue people have is with the writing, while the current characterization of Felicity is just a symptom of the problem. I get the feeling that if the writing improved significantly but nothing was changed about Felicity, that community wouldn't be anywhere near as toxic as it is.

[–]Jay_R_KayBatfleck 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Yeah, like I haven't hated this season of the show, but it's very apparent that their best writers left for Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.

[–]please_see_aboveLegion of Superheroes 3 points4 points  (4 children)

because of shipping

WTF does this mean? Why would shipping matter? Shouldn't that discussion belong in a subreddit for the USPS, FedEx or UPS?

[–]ExcitedForNothing 11 points12 points  (3 children)

Can't tell if you are being sarcastic but it is shorthand for putting two people together in a relationSHIP.

[–]please_see_aboveLegion of Superheroes 6 points7 points  (2 children)

I'm 45. Not sarcasm.

'Shipping' is just dumb. Like using the letter 'u' instead of the word 'you'.

[–]ExcitedForNothing 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I was just checking. Glad that worthless waste of brain cells came in handy for someone.

I forgot to mention a telltale sign of shipping: The stupid nickname. In this case it is Olicity (Oliver and Felicity).

[–]SlightlyProficientThe Flash 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Is it though? It takes inspiration from the word "relationship" but it isn't just shorthand for it. People didn't go around saying 'I relationship them' or 'relationshipping war'. The word serves a niche.

[–]RandomOtakuThe Last Underachiever on Earth. 45 points46 points  (5 children)

This is why I have already stopped watching Arrow. That seems less like a superhero comic book show and more like a teenage drama, you know the usual CW stuff.

You know something is wrong with a superhero show when instead of talking about heroics and villainy, all people talk about is ships.

[–]curbstickleGreen Lantern 13 points14 points  (2 children)

I didn't even intentionally decide to stop watching. Normally I catch up on weekends, but I just... haven't had any interest. I'm several episodes behind. If it feels like work to watch it, it isn't worth watching.

So that is where it stands for me. If it gets better, I'll binge through it to get to the good stuff. If it doesn't, I just won't bother.

[–]Lord_of_JamI confessed my sins... and realized I had none. 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I'm in the exact same boat as you. I hit a point where I didn't even mean to stop watching but I was still keeping up with Flash. Honestly I couldn't give 2 shits about the "CW Drama" stuff and that's never really bothered me on the show. I actually stopped because I felt Damian Darhk became stale pretty quickly and every week just felt like the same thing with Team Arrow going "he's so powerful but I know we can beat him" then getting beaten down again. I'll probably end up catching up soon though

[–]RandomOtakuThe Last Underachiever on Earth. 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I went through same phase, only a bit earlier, as in I have already stopped watching it.

[–]Jay_R_KayBatfleck 1 point2 points  (1 child)

The sad thing is that this season had gotten a lot better about that. Sure, the relationship drama was there, but so was this intricate put involving politics and magic that has stated to take even more interesting directions in the last episode.

[–]TheStealthBoxSuper Didio Prime 9 points10 points  (1 child)

All this is reminding me of how I'm a few weeks behind on Arrow.

[–]Sonia341Red Hood 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You're not the only one. I usually work on Wednesday nights, and I can only record either Arrow or Law and Order: SVU

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I know r/arrow is bad for me, but I just can't quit it.

[–]Sonia341Red Hood 7 points8 points  (37 children)

What happened to cause this flamewar? I haven't visited that sub for quite sometime so this is news to me (I don't go to sub unless I'm watching Arrow on Wednesday nights)

[–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 18 points19 points  (36 children)


Edited with further insight from /u/MyNameIsPitt

That's disingenuous. /r/arrow as a collective majority hates Felicity, not only because of her relationship but her character as well. They make fun of her being emotional and her tendency to cry or whatever. Comments tread from being funny to misogynistic in a heartbeat. And certainly Olicity has certainly added to the hate, calling this a shipping war is completely inaccurate. The subreddit isn't clamoring for a different romance, they want it completely off the show.

[–]Sonia341Red Hood 5 points6 points  (28 children)

Oh! :(

Shipping wars never win or end happily, esp in forums, all it does is cause more problems / bannings. I reminded of the NF forums fights when Naruto ended and it caused a huge shipping war over cannon pairings, IIRC. Yikes

[–][deleted] 13 points14 points  (19 children)

Thing is that unlike other ship flame wars: the shows writing team are being dragged into it on twitter and reddit.

[–][deleted] 22 points23 points  (0 children)

To be fair, Marc indulges, panders & encourages Shipping War. And is firmly #TeamOlicity.

If someone is dragging him.. I don't condone but I understand

[–]Sonia341Red Hood 2 points3 points  (17 children)

This is even more bad.

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (16 children)

I just learned he called people who DON'T ship Ollie and Felicity are bozos. What the fuck? I dislike it because of the way it's pulling the shows forward momentum down with silly arguments and problems that keep coming up so there's always the apology scene and ugh...

Arrow. It's not great!

[–]Batsy22Red Son 7 points8 points  (3 children)

I don't even mind Olicity when it's background. I hate when they try to create olicity angst for the sake of olicity angst.

[–]Jay_R_KayBatfleck 2 points3 points  (1 child)

It wasn't even bad at the beginning of this season. I figured that now it was established the drama would be kept to a minimum. Boy howdy was I wrong...

[–]smokeyzulu 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Arrow was excellent until the crossover Olicity fight. Since then it's been downhill, fast.

[–]Sonia341Red Hood 10 points11 points  (6 children)

Then I'm a "bozo" as well. It has always this for me speaking generally. I watch DC TV shows / Comics (except Superman / Wonder Woman) for the show's story, drama, conflict, suspense, and not for the pairing. I don't mind characters being friendly w/ each other but too much romance is a somewhat of a turn off for me.

For me, I do love Arrow but what I don't like is this show has too many Batman villains. I get that Mr. Amell said all this are DC characters, IIRC but its too much of Bat-characters rather than any other DC characters. I think what set me off is that they were planning to give Felicity Spoiler. That was just too much for me

[–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 5 points6 points  (5 children)

Honestly, I never really cared to get into Batman with a Bow and Arrow for this very reason.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Season 1 wasn't as bad with this, it just used Begins as a template like Smallville did with Reeves' Superman and only had a couple character. I enjoyed it and thought they were slowly gonna turn him into the Green Arrow we knew which writers promised us but nope, took the Batman angle too far.

[–]Jay_R_KayBatfleck 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think season 3 did it the most with the Ra's al Ghul story, but even then there was still some twists to it, at least, enough to make it not feel like a copy.

[–]Sonia341Red Hood 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I completely agree with this sentiment.

[–]Sonia341Red Hood 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I did love the earlier (uptil 2 seasons) but once Ra's was introduced and then the Nyssa / Oliver marriage proposal started to remind me of Talia and Bruce. That's when I think I first complained about the Bat-similarity.

But now, I don't think I actively watch the show anymore aka TV's shows' on but I do something else at the time. I just kind of listen in from time to time if its something important, otherwise I think I'm starting to let go of it.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (3 children)

At least Flash picked up they ball Arrow dropped and ran with it, no pun intended.

[–]cressida25 0 points1 point  (0 children)

not true. that was a former writer who said it in a joking manner.

[–]NightwingsEscrimasHal... are you talking about a Lantern D**k Ring? 4 points5 points  (7 children)

From what i saw yesterday.

Apparently an Arrow writer called all people who didnt likeOlicity Bozos. So thats why things exploded yesterday. Ill try and find a screenshot of it

[–]HalowathBatfleck[🍰] 6 points7 points  (1 child)

The replies to this tweet by one of the writers also caused a lot of anger. The "Olicity" fandom insulted all of reddit's users and not just the redditors on the Arrow sub.

[–]Zadig69The Question? 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I just found myself longing for the days of Soviet work camps. So I could go there and die, and forget what the world has become.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (4 children)

Arrow writer called all people who didnt likeOlicity Bozos.

Welp. I won't be watching anymore. Didn't hear about that. That's fucking dumb...

Hope that guy has no job soon.

[–]Gintoki79Deathstroke 5 points6 points  (0 children)

The writer who called people who don't like Olicity 'Bozo's was Jake Coburn. He's not a writer for ARROW anymore, and now writes for Quantico. The last time he worked on Arrow was the S3 finale.

[–]Nebula153Wally West 0 points1 point  (2 children)

To be fair, that guy also checked out the subreddit later on and read some stuff on it. I think he introduced the other writers to it as well.

Out of context it sounds really bad, but in context it's not THAT much better.

[–]Gintoki79Deathstroke 5 points6 points  (1 child)

The guy who called people who dislike Olicity 'Bozos' was Jake Coburn, he doesn't work on Arrow anymore. The one who visited the sub was 'Ben Sokolowski'.

[–]Nebula153Wally West 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Ah ok, thanks for clarifying. Thought it was the same dude.

[–]TheStealthBoxSuper Didio Prime 2 points3 points  (1 child)

You can always trust a ship to start a flame war

[–]Sonia341Red Hood 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That's a given, which is why I tend not to discuss my shipping preferences with others in the forums.

[–]TheAmazingSpiderLinIt's about the questions, not the answers. 44 points45 points  (11 children)

See this is why you guys are the best mods.

insert DJ Khaled we da best meme

Edit: People who are criticizing this decision by the mods, remember that we've had several DC writers(Johns, Soule, Snyder etc.) do AMAs here. I know that I'd like to see more of that. So I imagine they really don't want to be associated with a sub who openly insults the show writers. Just look at how many users will say derogatory comments about Guggenheim. I don't speak for the mod team but i'd guess that's part of the reason for wanting to be affiliated. A smart decision imo.

[–][deleted] 64 points65 points  (7 children)

Why should writers be immune from criticism? Quite frankly, Arrow's writing has been utterly horrible for the past one and a half seasons.

Furthermore, one of the show's former writers insulted everyone who doesn't like a particular pairing. Can you really blame people for getting pissed? Why should we act like writers are angelic beings who can do no wrong? Flaming is wrong, harassing is wrong, but there's a difference between that and justified criticism.

[–]beary_good...grawr?[M] 11 points12 points  (1 child)

/u/TheAmazingSpiderLin said nothing against criticizing writers. He spoke against insulting and making derogatory comments about the writers.

[–]Skarmotastic 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Even when the writers make derogatory and indulging comments about the fans of the show. If somebody calls me a jackass, I'm not gonna tell them that "that's insulting," or "that's not nice." I'm gonna tell them to fuck right off.

[–]TheAmazingSpiderLinIt's about the questions, not the answers. 6 points7 points  (3 children)

Why should writers be immune from criticism?

Not sure where I said that, in fact if you look at my post history I myself was also over the top upset over the last episode. I too was "pissed" that a show I'm personally invested in didn't meet what I consider to be a standard of quality.

The problem is people insulting, not criticizing. Calling Guggenheim names and calling fans of the show on other sites a TON of names. There's an enormous difference between saying you feel like the writers aren't doing as good as they possibly could and personally attacking the one who's name you(collective you not you specifically) know and assume is the problem.

Also, about the bozos thing. The guy doesn't work on the show anymore and I'm pretty sure it wasn't even specifically directed at reddit. I can understand being annoyed at your opinion being dismissed but if I had to guess it's more directed at the people I'm talking about who make it personal rather than constructive criticism.

Also bozo is the least inflammatory insult imaginable. Like come on I could call my own mother a bozo and she wouldn't give a shit.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (2 children)

Right, so we should sit down and take insults to a fanbase that's been continuously snubbed because "it's just a joke, bro!"

I agree it's wrong to insult other fans, but if someone attacks me, I'm not gonna take it in stride.

[–]Monkey_Junk 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I agree it's wrong to insult other fans, but if someone attacks me, I'm not gonna take it in stride.

There's a difference between "not gonna take it in stride" and inciting a flame war. As long as you stand up within reason, I don't think anyone's really going to stop you.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Take the insult, and be the bigger person and don't let it affect you and don't even dignify it. You're not the one insecure enough to say something demeaning. Take comfort in that.

[–]cressida25 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

for people who have no problem with calling writers and other fans of the show every dirty name in the book, i'm really surprised when they get insulted by being called bozos. esp when they were clearly joking.

basically one guy, a former writer, said he can't believe anyone would like arrow and not like olicity. another current writer said i can count at least 100 people that don't (he had been conducting a poll for the fans) and then the former writer said they are bozos. the current writer then replied back that maybe but i bet they would pay a lot for your address rn.

they were obviously kidding around. maybe there is some truth but it was a discussion in good fun. maybe ill advised but certainly not a serious comment.

[–]beary_good...grawr? 8 points9 points  (1 child)

[–]iamcatch22Left>Right 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Somebody get Hawkman in here. We're gonna need his archaeological expertise to get through all the artifacts in that image

[–]suss2it 32 points33 points  (13 children)

I feel like this whole "situation" is being blown out of proportion by everyone involved.

[–]My_Little_Absol 34 points35 points  (12 children)

Seriously. Is this mod post necessary? /r/arrow does endlessly bitch about felicity ruining the show but I hardly would call it a huge issue. I don't believe it's necessary to vilify a whole sub

[–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 9 points10 points  (11 children)

Big enough issue that the show's writers got involved.

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (3 children)

You got a source for this claim? Because I'm not seeing any real "proof" for this supposed controversy other than this post.

[–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 3 points4 points  (2 children)

There's a post up on SRD if you'd like to investigate further.

[–][deleted] 38 points39 points  (1 child)

Here is the top response to the writer showing up. That means, the majority of the community upvoted this response to represent their problems with the show.

I think you're way too close to this thing and don't really see what's going on. People are unhappy with the poor writing of the show. You say you don't approve of "the pure hatred I see for certain characters of the show" but that's super disingenuous when it obviously goes much further and is much more complex than that if you take the time to go through each post linked on the SRD post.

If anything, I'm surprised it took this long for fans to start airing their grievances with the shows overall complete lack in quality writing over the last two seasons. Even the majority of comments in that SRD post agree with the people from /r/arrow about the quality of the writing.

IMO this sticky post is a huge knee jerk overreaction and misses the point entirely. Everything is not so black and white.

[–][deleted]  (5 children)


    [–]Sibbo94Omega Men 4 points5 points  (3 children)

    Think it was Twitter. One asked what Reddit was, they apparently visited the site with the others, the subreddit tried to make itself look presentable and then I believe they posted on Twitter with something along the lines of 'you're all fans of the show' (of course I'm paraphrasing)

    [–]RedAlice1 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    They were invited, he even reply me on twiter...he seems like a nice, although i highly critize his work

    [–]cressida25 29 points30 points  (24 children)

    to all those who think the mods are over reacting:

    i'm one of the people who have been harassed on r/arrow where i post regularly (bec i'm a masochist).

    -while the vast majority are not like this, i have gotten both death and rapes threats.

    -last week i've been called on the boards (not a pm) an ignorant cunt and thoughtless bitch for saying i thought stephen amell didn't vist the sub. the comment calling me an ignorant cunt that needs to get out of the superhero show got 9 upvotes and comment saying truer words have never been spoken.

    • i have been threatened with rape

    -i've been told that if i say anything about shipping that they will fuck me up

    • i had a poster create an account for the sole purposes of following me around the sub and harassing me. it's username was cressida25sucks. when i called him out on it, i was accused of making the account myself and harassing it "for attention."

    • i have other messages like this but since it's the example i've been using.

    a week and a half ago after a few weeks away i posted on the sub. immediately i get sent 4 messages within one hour- calling me a cunt, a bitch, they hope to rip my face off. it only stopped when i blocked him.

    -when i posted the above image the majority all agreed it was out of line but someone also told me that i deserved it.

    i would like to stress that the vast majority are not like this at all and i've found some very kind people on the sub even though we don't agree. but it is still very toxic. very negative. when i don't think i've gone two weeks without getting a threatening pm or get called a bitch or cunt.

    and those are just personal insults directed at me. if i were to list all the names they have called other fans of the show, i'd miss the finale. even now there is a post on the front page calling olicity shippers sexually deprived women living out their fantasy through felicity and the show should teach them a lesson by not making olicity happen. i replied that it was unfair to lump all shippers like that, that comics too have fantasy fulfillment elements and that we're all fans of the show and there is no right or wrong reason to like a show. that's like in the triple digit of downvotes and i got told to "get off of felicity balls".

    all except 2 of the incidents above happened in the last 10 days and thats not even all of it

    so in conclusion, mods you made the right call on this.

    edit: i don't care about karma, i'm not complaining about being downvoted. obviously if that were my concern, i'd be posting memes of olicity fan tumblrs and doing twitter investigative journalism. i only mention it to show that behavior accepted and encouraged by the sub might not be behavior you'd want to become the norm on this sub.

    [–]TheAmazingSpiderLinIt's about the questions, not the answers. 19 points20 points  (8 children)

    For fucks sake, people have sent you actual death threats because you like an aspect of a show they don't agree with. I know it's the internet and I should never be surprised by this behavior, but goddamn is it just as disappointing every time it happens.

    [–]Sibbo94Omega Men 9 points10 points  (6 children)

    I've come to the conclusion in the past couple months I hate reddit as whole - from memes to death threats.

    Luckily there are subreddits like this which avoid being associated with the wider site

    [–]TheAmazingSpiderLinIt's about the questions, not the answers. 9 points10 points  (5 children)

    It's weird to say "I hate reddit" given how much I use it but yeah I really fucking hate reddit. /r/DCcomics is one of the rare safe havens.

    [–]Sibbo94Omega Men 2 points3 points  (4 children)

    Yeah, I was much happier once I unsubbed from the defaults and then once I got rid of the CWVerse ones it's been ever better.

    This is a real safe haven, I can't really think of anytimes it's gotten out of control aside from the Batgirl cover, but that was subdued compared to /r/comicbooks

    [–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

    There was also the Wally West is black now controversy.

    And I'm with you and /u/TheAmazingSpiderLin. Save for this sub and a handful of others -- I hate reddit and the echo chamber effect it has in most of it's niche communities.

    [–]jake_ericThe Flash 1 point2 points  (2 children)

    All the CWverse ones? But how will you get your Jay memes without /r/FlashTV?

    In all seriousness, do you think there are issues with /r/FlashTV or /r/LegendsOfTomorrow? /r/FlashTV tends to beat jokes into the ground, but all in all it's a fun sub. And /r/LegendsOfTomorrow seems like nothing but friendly discussion.

    [–]Sibbo94Omega Men 0 points1 point  (1 child)

    I'm fucking sick of the Jay memes, I was after the first day.

    Yes I do think there are issues - Flash runs things into the ground, Arrow has become a vitriolic hate sub and I wasn't impressed with Legends beyond the pilot episodes. I don't think Legends was a bad sub, but I have no real interest in that show or the other 2 - I'm seeing Arrow and Flash out for the rest of the season and unless they massively impress me, I'm dropping them.

    Also the guy doing the now hasn't made me laugh and they're getting memed to high hell - see the Felicity is a __, ___ woman thing

    [–]jake_ericThe Flash 0 points1 point  (0 children)

    I can see why you would get sick of /r/FlashTV's memeing, though I love it; much better than /r/arrow.

    [–]WombatapultIt’s only what’s in us - the drive to be mythic - that matters. 2 points3 points  (2 children)

    I think it's horrible that you're being subjected to this nonsense.

    There's a time and a place for the word "cunt", and this was definitely not it.

    I'm a rude ass for fun sometimes, but God damn it all, I'm not a petty misogynistic rude ass.

    [–][deleted]  (1 child)


      [–]WombatapultIt’s only what’s in us - the drive to be mythic - that matters. 0 points1 point  (0 children)

      Of course.

      Whenever I get flagged by an automod, it's never when I'm actually being rude.

      [–][deleted]  (1 child)


        [–]AutoModerator[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

        Woops! A keyword in this comment has flagged it for review by a moderator.

        Please remember that /r/DCcomics is a forum for friendly discussion, and to adhere to reddiquette while participating within the subreddit. Feel free to edit the comment during this time, and avoid the use of overly aggressive slang or language.

        In the event of a false positive this comment will be reapproved as soon as it is reviewed. For more information on the rules of the subreddit, refer to the Posting Guidelines in the sidebar or click here for more details.

        I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

        [–]thilinac 4 points5 points  (1 child)

        As someone who made their very first and only reddit account after discovering that sub mainly to theorize about the show its sad to see what's happening to the sub lately :| it used to be a cool place to talk and theorize about the show and also a nice place to hangout off seasons with nice people, not sure what happened all of a sudden for sub to explode like this.

        [–]jc1593 3 points4 points  (0 children)

        When there's no mystery behind villains and no meaningful story other than some weak romance plot to the point where the mid season cliffhanger is just about how someone dump someone i think the change is reasonable seeing how the show changes from the great first 2 season to now

        [–]NightwingsEscrimasHal... are you talking about a Lantern D**k Ring? 11 points12 points  (3 children)

        that sucks. But its not a surprise either.

        In the last 3 weeks, the sub actually got alot better due to more moderating and having more megathreads. The sub was actually very nice yesterday when a arrow writer stopped by. But yesterday was also when gasoline got tossed into an already huge fire between reddit/twitter/tumblr.

        [–]HislersHeroGreen Arrow 2 points3 points  (2 children)

        One of the writers stopped by there? That's pretty cool.

        [–]SparklingJane 6 points7 points  (0 children)

        Yeah, a writer stopped by and in poor attempts to hide the mysogny, criticism, and harassment of characters and users, they tried to unstick threads, flood the sub with more positive threads and even stickied a post asking for users to "behave" like kids. It was a pathetic attempt to hide all the chaos and hatred and clearly the writer didnt fall for it since he wasn't impressed.

        [–]jellsprout 1 point2 points  (0 children)

        Yes. And that is where everything spun out of control. Before that the subreddit was negative about the show and writers, but it was still in control and most discussion was polite. A week before that all the Olicity discussions got contained to a single megathread and everything was growing a lot more positive and constructive again.

        Then a writer made a tweet saying he would check out Reddit. Twitter users started slandering Reddit, Reddit users started slandering Twitter, users from both parts of the fanbase invaded the other sites to incite flamewars and everything went completely to shit.

        [–]buzz3light 12 points13 points  (11 children)

        Why ask them to remove this sub from their suggested links? I don't understand that.

        [–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 3 points4 points  (10 children)

        The vitriolic commentary and arguments directly conflict with our mission as a friendly and open place to discuss DC Entertainment properties. As a result, we do not want to be and will not be further affiliated with /r/arrow.

        [–]buzz3light 6 points7 points  (9 children)

        What do you mean by vitriolic commentary and arguments?

        [–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 6 points7 points  (8 children)

        The pure hatred I see for certain characters of the show. I do not frequent Arrow nearly as much as I do /r/FlashTV, but that is because of the whole thing where I'm a Flash fan first and only watch Arrow when the Flash is on it.

        [–]fivebeesWhite Lanterns 17 points18 points  (6 children)

        Seems like a haste decision and announcement. The whole thing will blow over eventually.

        Wouldn't it be better/easier if you guys remove any arguments rather than just dissociating the subreddits? I'm sure both subs share a good chuck on subscribers and both fall under the same "interest" subreddits.

        Since Arrow discussion is still allowed, what about criticizing the show? No one's being jerks to each other, but people may be jerks to the show, the writing, the story, etc.

        [–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 8 points9 points  (3 children)

        I think you would do yourself some good to review our Rule 10.

        [–][deleted]  (2 children)


          [–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

          We do that because we generally do not want to be dragged into other subs' flame wars. As far as other subs, I personally do not pay attention because I am only here for the comics. We do it based on notifications received.

          [–]beary_good...grawr?[M] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

          We don't want other communities brigading us and stirring up drama. With comic book related subs, the most heated flame wars tend to happen when links or submissions get crossposted to certain unsavory subs that care very little about comics, and are more interested in vitriol towards certain groups.

          [–][deleted] 19 points20 points  (0 children)


          This hasty and knee jerk reaction is only adding fuel to the drama. Huge mistake by the moderators of the sub, in my opinion. Such a shame.

          Funny enough, I was told by the mod here to check out this "Subreddit Drama" thread (which is a sub that quite literally thrives off drama) for more evidence, but after reading through it even the comments on that post agree with the overall point subscribers of /r/arrow are trying to make about the sharp decline in quality of the writing of the show.

          [–]beary_good...grawr?[M] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

          Seems like a haste decision and announcement. The whole thing will blow over eventually.

          Hopefully, it will, and I trust that the mods of /r/Arrow are doing the best they can. But it doesn't help when users are even upvoting memes about the whole debacle. In the meantime, we want to make a clear statement to those who think they can bring that nonsense here.

          Wouldn't it be better/easier if you guys remove any arguments rather than just dissociating the subreddits? I'm sure both subs share a good chuck on subscribers and both fall under the same "interest" subreddits.

          We intend to remove arguments that deteriorate into personal attacks. Fans of Arrow and subscribers to /r/Arrow are welcome to come here, relax, talk, and even debate the show in a cordial and respectful manner as long as they follow the rules.

          Since Arrow discussion is still allowed, what about criticizing the show? No one's being jerks to each other, but people may be jerks to the show, the writing, the story, etc.

          There are people in this very thread criticizing the show. However, they're not launching attacks at shippers as if they're the enemy, or posting people's Tweets or Tumblr accounts to publicly bash them, or harassing users for holding a different opinion.

          [–]buzz3light 4 points5 points  (0 children)

          Interesting. Well, I wouldn't ask them to remove this sub from the suggested links because of that. If you actually read a lot of the comments, you can find constructive criticisms and level headed discussions. I don't think you can see their perspective since you don't watch Arrow unless there are crossovers. We've even made attempts to welcome fans from other social medias and one of the writers from Arrow. It's really all a part of the show (unfortunately a huge part of it). It would be the same over at FlashTV if the focus of the show became more character X's relationship with Barry than our main character's heroic adventures or even if the show focused on Wally's rebelliousness and feud with Barry.

          [–]mrmazzzCatman 2 points3 points  (0 children)

          And this is why DCComics is among my favorite places to disscuss DC related things. Yay good moderation. On the spoiler tip is this going to be a policy going forward or a temporary one?

          [–]Batsy22Red Son 17 points18 points  (0 children)

          I've never been more happy that I unsubscribed from that subreddit.

          [–]DefactoOverlordThe man I'd give anything to kill! Has to live... or I die. 8 points9 points  (1 child)

          arrow tv series is like a train wreck, it's awful but you just can't look away.

          [–]CanoneerReverse Flash 0 points1 point  (0 children)

          This is so true. You just have to keep looking at what it's becoming.

          [–]XMenOrangesTangerineSuperman (MoS) 2 points3 points  (2 children)

          Oh wow.

          I had no idea /r/arrow was this bad.

          [–]StepNGo 2 points3 points  (1 child)

          Trust me, it's not that bad.

          It's worse. (ಥ﹏ಥ)

          [–]XMenOrangesTangerineSuperman (MoS) 0 points1 point  (0 children)

          I'm on the sub every week.

          I guess I'm just used to it by now. And I don't like that thought.

          [–]aa22hhhhReverse Flash 2 points3 points  (0 children)

          That subreddit is the most hateful thing I've seen on Reddit. So what people like something you dont, it's not the end of the goddamn world. Dont like it just don't watch. I thought it was a good subreddit until all of this started, now it's just down right terrible.

          [–]ElDuderino2112 5 points6 points  (0 children)

          As a fan of the show and a former subscriber of that sub, good. That sub is a cesspool now and no one should want to be affiliated with it in any way, shape or form.

          [–]RitrezerEmiko fanboy 6 points7 points  (0 children)

          I was aware that stuff went down, but it's still that bad? Daaang. Good to see the mod team take some action here. I love this sub.

          [–]embf103191Grayson 6 points7 points  (0 children)

          [–]Niran7 7 points8 points  (0 children)

          Thank you so much for this mods! What has happened in r/arrow has been despicable. The community and the mods have allowed the environment to not just become negative, but to become hostile. The entire sub has transformed into a misogynist's paradise and it forced many to flee from there. I am thankful you are taking a stand allowing us in lol. I just hope the standards here will retain the beauty of this community and not be corrupted like what happens to so many others.

          [–]Gintoki79Deathstroke 3 points4 points  (2 children)

          Once the 'Arrow' subreddit has settled, and is peaceful again, will it be 'affiliated' again?

          [–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 5 points6 points  (1 child)

          The door is open on our end, but if they can't work their own issues out, we do not want to be associated.

          [–]Gintoki79Deathstroke 2 points3 points  (0 children)

          That's good to hear. Hopefully they get their issues together.

          [–]_mystery_cow_ 1 point2 points  (2 children)

          This is all news to me. Though it does remind me of why I stay away from show-centric subs. They're full of annoying asses.

          [–]Sibbo94Omega Men 3 points4 points  (1 child)

          Most are okay. Agents of Shield, Agent Carter and iZombie are all great. Flash was before the Jay shitposting being run into the ground.

          [–]jake_ericThe Flash 1 point2 points  (0 children)

          It's the new IT WAS ME, BARRY. Personally I like the Jay memes; other subs are just depressing while on break, but /r/FlashTV is still alive and kicking. I can totally see why you'd get fed up with it, though.

          [–]LimitedAspirations 5 points6 points  (4 children)

          Love that you're doing this, whatever is happening over at /r/arrow has gotten way out of hand. Will there be a possibility of a post-episode discussion on this sub? I'd love to have a thread where we can enjoy the show without seeing extreme negativity. Thanks again!

          [–]TheAmazingSpiderLinIt's about the questions, not the answers. 5 points6 points  (1 child)

          The weekly discussion threads have posts for all of the various tv shows if you want to discuss them. Though they don't get as much attention as the actual comics.

          [–]LimitedAspirations 1 point2 points  (0 children)

          ah I see, thank you for the link :]

          [–]beary_good...grawr?[M] 3 points4 points  (1 child)

          Absolutely. When the show is back on the air, we'll have a section in our weekly "Comics and TV discussion" thread that's stickied all week. Anyone is welcome to participate in the discussion free of personal attacks, harassment, and flame wars.

          [–]LimitedAspirations 2 points3 points  (0 children)

          awesome, wish I had found out about this sub sooner! The negativity really got to me and I used to avidly post on that subreddit but for the past couple weeks it's just become unbearable. Cheers!

          [–]minisaladfreshThe Omega Men 4 points5 points  (0 children)

          Boy am I glad I stopped watching Arrow.

          [–]Deathstroke317The Flash 2 points3 points  (5 children)

          As much as this might be warranted, don't you think this might be a bit of an overreaction? I mean yeah it's a cesspool as of right now, but it'll pass, it's just a phase and not to mention that this comes during a long break. Guaranteed this passes after the show comes back weekly.

          [–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 2 points3 points  (4 children)


          [–]vidiyan2857Red Hood 2 points3 points  (3 children)

          Why were so many comments criticising this removed?

          [–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 0 points1 point  (2 children)

          There are four comments removed for Rule #1 violations.. The rest of the removed comments are AutoMod flags that are removed upon the original message being approved.

          [–]vidiyan2857Red Hood -2 points-1 points  (1 child)

          And does disagreeing with you constitute being a jerk in this case?

          [–]dmull387Seven Hells![S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

          No. If that was the case, I'd have removed the top comment in this chain, but it is respectful, so it stays. One of the four removed comments is anti /r/arrow, but still jerkass, so it got removed with a note that Rule 1 applies to those agreeing as much as those disagreeing.

          [–]SleeplessNightzhere come dat superboi 5 points6 points  (3 children)

          I've tried to be much more peaceful on /r/Arrow lately. I made that post about the Arrow writer checking out the sub and urged people to welcome him and not to be rude. I don't support that Olicity stuff, but I don't want the show to just go the way I want it, I want everyone to enjoy it.

          Both sides of the fanbase are horrible, some Olicity shippers got death/rape threats from reddit users, and a bunch of Olicity shippers generalized the whole of reddit saying we're all basement dwellers and the writers should go to our sub because they'll lose brain cells. Basically, they don't care about Green Arrow, they care about Olicity, teen romance, etc, and they're the vast majority of viewers and the writers only listen to them.

          I'm genuinely happier in every other sub on reddit.

          My biggest issue is that: I want to quit the show, but I'm like 52% sure Olicity and all that drama will eventually come to the comics, and I'll have no Green Arrow to enjoy.


          On the bright side, if my favourite superhero gets ruined in the comics, I have a back-up plan. I've been trying to get into Superman comics, cuz y'know, he's peaceful and whatnot lol. I'm reading the New 52 Action Comics and I'm enjoying it. Superman just seems like a boring ass character upon first glance, but he's pretty interesting so far.

          [–]TheGreenSpeedsterWall-Man 6 points7 points  (1 child)


          I see what you did there.

          [–]SleeplessNightzhere come dat superboi 2 points3 points  (0 children)


          [–]storyfarmDC Comics 2 points3 points  (0 children)

          Superman is definitely a fascinating character with a rich mythology, hope you give him a chance. I first became a Green Arrow fan through a Superman show (Smallville), so I kind of see the two heroes as interrelated.

          [–]MyNameIsPitt 4 points5 points  (0 children)

          Why /r/dccomics is a great place. I've visited /r/arrow for awhile now and it's truly, truly awful over there.

          [–]mateoggI'm just. Like. You. 4 points5 points  (0 children)

          I can't help but think that a big part of this mess is due to lots of fans not accepting that the show is a CW show first, and a superhero show second. It always was, and it always will be.

          Flash, at least for the first season, seemed to put the Superhero aspect first, but things are getting blurry this season.

          [–][deleted]  (1 child)


            [–]Sibbo94Omega Men 3 points4 points  (0 children)

            Most subreddits don't end up in people with certain beliefs/things they like being sent death threats

            [–][deleted]  (2 children)


              [–]dmull387Seven Hells![S,M] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

              Please remember that we are the subreddit that is publicly distancing itself from /r/arrow, not /r/arrow itself, and that Rule 1 of /r/dccomics extends to all users who post here.

              [–]beary_good...grawr?[M] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

              Rule #1 goes both ways.

              [–]GobbleMyPot 0 points1 point  (4 children)

              Where are the recommended subreddit links? I do not see them on the side bar.

              [–]AhhBistoThe Wild Storm 0 points1 point  (3 children)

              Just looked over there to see what the fuss was about. Of course it's about fucking "Olicity". These flame wars are pathetic, good on you mods for having the balls to say they won't have that shit here.

              I literally only ever comment over there when a new episode is on, and of course we haven't had one in over a week or so now so i had no idea this was a big deal.

              [–]NightwingsEscrimasHal... are you talking about a Lantern D**k Ring? 14 points15 points  (0 children)

              Its just not Olicity though.

              [–]suss2it 12 points13 points  (0 children)

              It's not over Olicity, it's over the bad writing that's cantered on Olicity.

              [–]cressida25 0 points1 point  (0 children)

              they say it's not about olicity- it's really about bad writing. and yet 90 percent of the posts have the words olicity and felicity in it. even though there is a megathread. and half of those are memes or screenshots of olicity fans twitter and tumblr accounts. literally someone entitled a post of an olicity shipper's tumblr page with "OLICITY FUCKING FUCKERS" and that got 100 plus upvotes dozens of comments agreeing and was on the front page for two days.

              a post about cheating when trending topics on twitter by olicity fans got 300 upvotes and 200 comments.

              but yeah, it's not about olicity.

              [–]HislersHeroGreen Arrow 0 points1 point  (0 children)

              Well this is interesting news. I haven't been to the Arrow sub in awhile so I didn't know what was going on there. Can't wait to actually talk about the show in a sub that isn't hellbent on being a cancer.

              [–]embf103191Grayson 0 points1 point  (1 child)

              Can we have discussion threads here when the show comes back?

              [–]dmull387Seven Hells![S,M] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

              The Arrow discussion thread will be in our weekly thread posted every Monday.