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Margaret Fitzhugh Browne

 (1884 - 1972)
Margaret Fitzhugh Browne was active/lived in Massachusetts.  Margaret Browne is known for famous persons portraits, genre, figure and still life painting.

Biography   Margaret Fitzhugh Browne

Margaret Fitzhugh Browne was a painter of portraits, indoor genre scenes, and still life. She was born in Boston, Massachusetts on June 7, 1884. Browne studied at the Massachusetts Normal School from 1904 to 1909, and one of her teachers was the popular artist Joseph DeCamp. She attended the Boston Museum School in 1909 and 1910, receiving instruction from Edmund Tarbell and Frank Benson. During this period she also received private instruction from the color theorist Albert Munsell and from Richard Andrew.

Her career included all aspects of the art world. In addition to painting, she taught classes at Annisquam, MA, was the art editor of the Boston Evening Transcript in 1919-20, and authored a book Portrait Painting i   ...  Displaying 750 of 3539 characters.

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Portrait of a Lady
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Before the Fight
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