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[–]olov244 2 points3 points  (1 child)

wow, he sounds like an ass, you probably should have left a long time ago. but that's water under the bridge. just let him go screw around, it'll bite him in the ass one day. focus on you and your and your child, don't worry about what he does with his life.

do you have family/friends who can help out?

i'm sorry, not all guys are like that, i for one would love to have a 3yr relationship and a kid on the way, but i guess we all have our own path to walk. good luck, stay strong

[–]castevetty[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I know I should have left a long time ago, but I always went back. But once I got pregnant, my whole perspective changed. I am having a daughter and I do not want her growing up thinking it is ok for a man to treat me the way her father treats me. I have been seeing the therapist we started seeing together alone for months now to work on my self esteem and confidence issues, because in order to raise a woman who has these traits I need to lead by example.

As for family and friends, I was living with him before but I moved out when we broke up one time. I moved in with my mom because I had no other place to go and wanted to focus on saving some money. Thank god for my mom, she has been very supportive, but it's just not the same.