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Population Decline and Plague in late medieval Norway


Année 1996 1996 pp. 137-149
Fait partie d'un numéro thématique : Morbidité, mortalité, santé
  • Brothen James A. Population Decline and Plague in late medieval Norway. In: Annales de démographie historique, 1996. Morbidité, mortalité, santé. pp. 137-149.

    DOI : 10.3406/adh.1996.1915

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    par James A. BROTHEN

    The Black Death is one of the singularly most important events in the development of Late Médiéval Norway1. The subséquent décline in population after 1350 is viewed as a major contributing factor in the nation's loss of political and économie status within Northern Europe. Norway continued to décline in wealth and status throughout the Late Middle Ages as evidenced by its union with Denmark in 1380 and its réduction to a vassal state within the union by the mid 1500s. Population décline in the two centuries following 1350 has been estimated to be as much as two thirds of the pre-plague level. Thirteenth century population levels were not attained again until well into the seventeenth century2. Thèse losses hâve been well documented in the research conducted by Norwegian agricultural historians such as Andréas Holmsen3, Kâre Lunden, and Jorn Sandnes4. Much of Holmsen's and others work on the subject concentrate on investigating the degree of farm abandonment after the first introduction of the Plague and its relation to overall population décline. This has required detailed research using surviving regis- ters, where available, or the study of the origin and use of spécifie farm names5. This collective research conducted under the auspices of the 0degard Project has established the basic character of land abandonment and has made significant contributions to the understanding of its extent. The gênerai outeome of the research has been to associate the décline in

    1. The name given to the event in Norwegian, "Store Manndauen" indicates its signi- ficance in the development of Norwegian history. The name translates literally as, "The Great Death." The plague was first introduced into Norway in 1349 with repeated occurrences of lesser virulence on nearly a decadal basis. Yet it is the first épisode that is seen as producing the greatest destruction to Norwegian social and économie commu- nities.

    2. Holmsen 1984 : 48.

    3. Holmsen's work, "Den Store Manndauen", represents one of the best summaries of the Norwegian historical schools perspectives on the event and its aftermath.

    4. Salvesen 1982 : 75-133.

    5. There is no complète record of farm occupancies or population in Norway during the Middle Ages. This subséquent paucity of information is overcome where some church documents, tax registers, and testimonials relating to inheritance do exist. Much of the research involving the use of farm name analysis is based on the work of K. Rygg dating back to 1905.

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