1. He is such a great public speaker! Definitely worth watching and makes history a billion times more interesting even for people who don’t particularly enjoy history. He provided a lot of great information and even has a great sense of humor 🙂 thank you for sharing these videos!

  2. He is such a great public speaker! He makes history lectures a billion times more interesting even for people who are not too interested in history. He even has a great sense of humor 🙂 He provides so much information and makes learning much easier since he communicates so well with his audience. Thank you!

  3. I wish you could also post the lecture notes (the PowerPoint) will be much easier to follow this and all of your other amazing lectures.

    1. Hi Naomi–sorry, I don’t think I can do that with the PowerPoints because of Fair Use Copyright restrictions. Good news is the TorahCafe version is often available, and they edit them nicely to highlight the PPTs. Also, I’ll see what I can do about making the Prezis available. HMA

  4. Hello,

    Thank you very much for the lecture about Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela
    It is new information to meme and I very much enjoyed your presentation a introduction.

    I am looking forward to further explore your website.

    Best regards from Antwerp,


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