Building the capacities of think tanks


Think and Link Regional Policy Programme

The Think and Link Regional Policy Programme fosters inclusive and evidence-based policy making in the Balkans through support of regional research projects. The programme’s goal is to encourage citizen participation in decision-making processes by enabling policy-oriented civil society organisations to formulate and advocate public policies influencing the political and social transformation of the region in its European integration process.

During its twelve-month cycle, this programme supports Balkan think tanks, policy-oriented civil society organisations and independent policy institutes aiming to develop their capacities in the fields of the public policy analysis and research, and development and promotion of new public policy proposals. In order for organisations to become capable in creating and advocating their proposals, the Think and Link programme empowers them through financial support, training courses, seminars and regional networking, and provides assistance by organising public policy events as a means of influence on the regional decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders.

The Think and Link Regional Policy Programme was launched in 2008. So far, more than 60 civil society organisations from Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo and Croatia have been supported through this programme.