1. At your local comic shop of course...

    Except for 1... That one is SOLD OUT!

    But it will get a reprint, worry not!

    RI-B and RI-C of 1 will cost you anywhere from 5-95 USD though. Still trying to get RI-C under 80.
  2. Nocturnowl


    "everything else was pretty perfect"
    Unleashed fans and their low standards
  3. PenSeph


    Absolutely for SA1. It's collision is soul destroying (and death inducing).

    On that tangent, someone seems to have started an SA2 remake;

    There's also a bunch of boost related engines/fangames;

  4. Sciz


    Boosting on water is thrilling until you stop doing it for whatever reason and die on the spot.
  5. Saoshyant


    If you have embraced the digital future or don't want to wait for the first issue to be reprinted, you can buy them from Comixology (direct link).
  6. Never happened to me, that's what the gauge is for. You need to make sure you have enough boost to be able to pull certain paths off, or at least enough room to drift on water. It's a risk, but at a great reward with its closest kin being the tower 1-up from Speed highway.
  7. BlackJace


    Black Knight or Secret Rings?

    (It's Secret Rings)
  8. Professor Beef

    Professor Beef
    I wish Tales of Graces F was a better game Moderator OP

    You mean you don't like unavoidable chin moves?
  9. raketenrolf


    I can't be the only one absolutely loving this Sonic Utopia Version of Green Hill Zone.

  10. Berordn


    When the physics are wonky and bring you to a screeching halt for no reason, even when you have full gauge and a seemingly unobstructed path, it gets annoying. Unleashed was certainly more polished than any game that had come out prior, but it still had "fall-through-the-solid-floor" era physics in places.
  11. [​IMG]

    I-Is this a reference to sonic shuffle

  12. Not quite. We asked Ian about that on /sthg/ and he said it was unintentional. A lot of things are. I also asked on /sthg/ is the Acorn militia’s sashes were a Sega mandate to make it look like Sonic Boom, but that was a coincidence too.
  13. Waddle Dee

    Waddle Dee

    Yeah, it's Secret Rings.

    Nothing quite as cringe-worthy as adults being terrible at a kid's game for easy Youtube views.
  14. Sami


    So it's $4 a month basically?
  15. Why does this work so well?

  16. winstein


    Could anybody explain the subtitle for this thread: "We yelled at Sega and they gave us black eyes"? And I thought "Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas" was esoteric...

    Thank you for reading.
  17. It's a reference to Sonic's constantly changing eye colours because Sega don't care and how fans keep complaining about it.
  18. winstein


    Ah, I thought "black eyes" meant something like what one gets when one is punched in the eye, resulting in a bruise. That is a plausible explanation.

    Thank you for reading.
  19. Tizoc


    So i plan onstarting sonic heroes soon
    What is the average time i can beat a stage as team sonic?
  20. Virtua Sanus

    Virtua Sanus

    Boosting in general is ultra lame to me, but going over water with it always gave me bad anxiety considering the water is a killplain and the physics in all of the boost games are super finicky. God, I really want to see proper 3D traversal under water in a Sonic game already.

    Longer than you probably would assume. I recall some levels lasting up over 16 minutes. Do not forget that all four teams need their stories completed for you to unlock the last chapter. I would suggest playing Team Rose first if you are in for the long haul.
  21. Supaidaman


    No...? It's terrible. You can't stop ever boosting.

    Unleashed is not a good game sorry.
  22. Sami


    I liked it just fine. Unleashed and to a lesser extent Generations gave a huge sense of accomplishment from playing it "right". Boosting over water is finnicky and kind of hard but when you do it, it looks and feels cool as fuck. I'm about it.

    Generations' visuals and direction are a lot less interesting than Unleashed so they're kinda eh, and the novelty has long worn off by now. But it was cool in Unleashed imo.

    It's just too bad that game kneecapped itself in a million other ways but hey whatever it's fine
  23. Tizoc


    Ooooof. Did Sonic Heroes launch at $60? Cuz they really wanted you to get your money's worth it seems.
    I think I'll just beat it with Sonic Team, I wanted to do Chaotix as well at least but they have some lame stealth missions it seems :S
  24. Berordn


    Honestly the stealth stuff as Chaotix isn't even the worst part. It's annoying, but it does mostly let you play in Speed formation for most of the level. It's their collectathon nonsense that really gets grating.

  25. Yep, still in love...
  26. Shadow Hog

    Shadow Hog

    Console games were $50 during the sixth generation of console gaming. $60 came with the seventh generation - except (I think?) Wii, which stuck with $50.
  27. Tizoc


    Aha....still Heroes sounds too long for its own good :S

    Why is she so perfect, Sonic-ERA?
  28. Psxphile


    7/10 lamb, needs more guitar so she can go far.
  29. Are people talking about the DX ports when they talk about collision issues? I feel like I can fire up SA1 on my DC and do whatever I want without fear of falling through geometry. The only part that does actually suck ass in any version is the snake in Lost World.
  30. PenSeph


    I mainly played the PC + BetterSADX, Fixed Edition and Dreamcast conversion mods recently, but I have ran into collision issues on basically every version I've played (PC sans mods is the glitchiest in my experience, followed by GC, then DC JP, then DC Int.). Those large rotating block things in Lost World never fail to plunge me to my death if I attempt to land on them. Plus you can pretty much force your way through nearly every corner of a room or door at high speeds or by being pushed through.
  31. Sami


    Yeah the collision is wack it kinda sucks, definitely the biggest thing holding the game back (still the best 3D Sonic though don't @ me).
  32. I was playing Sonic forces during lunch at work like I sometimes do, and someone called me the f-word...

    Not gonna, lie, it stung and I didn’t like it one bit. I hate people sometimes...

    On the plus side, I did get EVERY Tomy Sonic doll today.
  33. Waddle Dee

    Waddle Dee

    Sorry to hear that. Was it one of your coworkers? Tattle on that asshole if so.

    I haven't gotten any Sonic merch recently, but I got a plush that's even better... (Not my pic)


    He's a big boi. :3
  34. Psxphile


    Sounds like the Mania Plus additions got leaked early somehow.
  35. Berordn


    Apparently PS4 very briefly had the 1.4 patch available, which included the campaign fixes (but none of the DLC since that's a separate key).

    Transitions, transitions everywhere. (And one other very spoilery thing that got completely overhauled, so that's cool)
  36. Nah, gonna stay the heck away from that can of worms. If it happens again, I'll do something. No one calls me a furry (not that there's anything wrong with that) and gets away with it.
    So yeah, got RI-B 2 today! Very nice art.

    As for the plushes, it's a mixed bag, but awesome overall. I still need my Sticks doll, but hey, at least I got Vex!
  37. Professor Beef

    Professor Beef
    I wish Tales of Graces F was a better game Moderator OP

    wow I need that Vector plush
  38. Yes, yes you do.
  39. Professor Beef

    Professor Beef
    I wish Tales of Graces F was a better game Moderator OP

    never mind i don't want it anymore
  40. Psxphile


  41. Waddle Dee

    Waddle Dee

    I dunno why but I got this old video stuck in my head at work and I had to watch it again.

  42. Jesus Christ Issue 3...

    I need to rest. I'll have more to say in the morning but damn...

    If Issue 2 had highs as high as Citizen Kane, then issue 4 has lows as low as Meet the Deedles.

    I had a feeling deep down yesterday too.

    Seriously it isn't bad bad, but it has its low spots. Easily the weakest of the first 3 issues, which is a shame since we get 2 new baddies in this one.
  43. Jimnymebob


    I was just listening to Diamond in the Sky.
    Why doesn't Sonic R have a port on modern systems?
  44. Lagamorph


    I'd agree that this was the weakest issue so far. I can see where they were going, trying to bring in more comedic elements, but I don't think it worked.
    It's kind of weird since in the mainline games Knuckles is generally quite serious, but in Sonic Boom (game and series) he's portrayed as an idiot. The comic seems to have been trying to combine the two and I think ultimately it failed.
  45. Tizoc


    I thought issue #3 was OK.
    Where can I get that Amy plush? I wanna get one for my cousin's birthday.
  46. spindashing


    Issue 3 was decent. Issue 2 still the best.

    Happy 4/20, everyone.