1. Game rankings? Trials & Tribulations>Investigations 2>Spirit of Justice>Ace Attorney>Dual Destinies>Investigations>Justice for All>Apollo Justice
  2. BlueBadger


    I didn't mind Blackquill when he first was introduced. But he's grown on me even more since then.

    I don't know why, but I still have a hard time picking my favourite prosecutor. I really like the story behind Franziska's behaviour, and I loooove Godot. I also adore Blackquill at this point, so maybe those are my top 3

    Edgeworth is a classic as well. I just wasn't a massive fan of Nahyuta or Klavier. Although, I loved both of their designs. Both great to look at IMO :)

    Tongue is officially bitten!! I hope to gawd it doesn't happen wahhh ;_;

    Good morninggggg Ace Attorney fans <3
  3. FluxWaveZ


    I liked his "big brother" presence in AA6 more than I liked him as the main prosecutor in AA5.

    The DGS prosecutor looks like one I'd really like. I think the prosecutors have all been low tier since AA4, honestly, so I would want AA7 to step it up.
  4. Scraftyko


    I'm fairly confident that Van Zieks would rank among your faves if you get around to playing DGS1&2. He's like, an amalgam of all your favourite traits from the other prosecutors in the series, haha.
  5. BlueBadger


    Absolutely agreed. I definitely preferred him in AA6. Him and Athena have such a great dynamic together IMO :)
  6. GSR

    Member OP

    van Zieks is definitely a victim of the DGS1/2 split, where he's entertaining but kind of flat in DGS1 but gets to shine in DGS2. I didn't care much for him when I finished DGS1 but I felt much more satisfied by the end of the duology.
  7. Scraftyko


    He's one of the things DGS2 retroactively makes better. Like, so much of his behaviour and mannerisms in DGS1 are setup for his role in DGS2, it's amazing.
  8. FluxWaveZ


    Nice, another reason to dislike Capcom.
  9. BlueBadger


    Lmao. I was just thinking about how sad I am that I haven't experienced these two games yet :'(
  10. Scraftyko


    It's alright, you'll all be able to experience those games about *checks watch* 8 years from now when the fan translation is finally finished!
  11. BlueBadger


    Actual image of me waiting
  12. poutmeter


    To think we'll have to wait for the fan translation of the first game to be completed, and then hope the team finds it rewarding enough to translate the second game as well.

    At least I don't need to understand Japanese to listen to the OST.
  13. BlueBadger


    I feel like I'll become fluent in Japanese sooner than a fan translation will become available to us :p
  14. Zombie Fred

    Zombie Fred
    Community Resettler Member

    Von Karma is my favorite prosecutor. Dude was amazing and the first game is still damn great!!

  15. BlueBadger


    Hahaha YAAASSS Polly! Iconic :P
  16. Zombie Fred

    Zombie Fred
    Community Resettler Member

    Polly was the best character and you know it!!

    "Hello. Hello"
  17. Professor Beef

    Professor Beef
    I wish Tales of Graces F was a better game Moderator

    Pol-ly! Pol-ly! Have we forgotten anything?
  18. BlueBadger


  19. Herr Starr

    Herr Starr

    Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person in the world who really liked Klavier as a prosecutor. He was so different from the others that he really worked for me, but then again, I have a soft spot for antagonists who don't behave like assholes (all the time, anyway). I also don't really like Blackquill all that much, and I'm nowhere near as excited about Godot as most Ace Attorney fans seem to be. Love Edgeworth and Von Karma (both of them) though.
  20. Kneefoil


    I like Klavier, too, but AA4 was my first AA game, so that might have something to do with why I view some of the characters so differently from many other fans. I'll also ditto you on Blackquill and Godot, although I do still like Godot a lot. The Von Karmas are my favourites, and Nahyuta's easily my least favourite.
  21. Zombie Fred

    Zombie Fred
    Community Resettler Member

    The first trilogy is still an incredible experience from beginning to end. I always see that everything else coming from there is just a bonus to enjoy with the world. A win win with this mind set on the series.
  22. Koppai


    I wonder why Capcom doesn't translate the rest of the games? :/
  23. Zombie Fred

    Zombie Fred
    Community Resettler Member

    We all do. I think they just hate us :(
  24. Magnet_Man


    Hey, I made it! That vetting process though... their hands were everywhere...

    Haven't played through DGS2 a second time yet (probably in November after I'm done with Mario) so still on honeymoon phase that I'm too susceptible to but
    Again, I like DGS1 a pinch more than 2 mainly because I love character stories more than mysteries and DGS1's super effective tone and atmosphere. Individually both games stumble in key aspects, but put them together and you get something extraordinary. If I had a Saw trap like scenario where I could choose whether AA5/6 or DGS1/2 could be localized, I'd smash the button on 5/6's bear trap in a heartbeat. 5/6 are fine and good, but I love the cast, setting, and writing of DGS way too much.

    I give AA4 a lot of smack, but that's because how disappointing the second half is compared to the insanely strong opening. You get a new cast and rather than just retread the supportive mentor and wide-eyed apprentice, the first case put Apollo and Phoenix at direct odds with each other. Then you get case 2 with Apollo giving Nick the side-eye the entire time while dealing with happy and intelligent people that think the world about him like Trucy and Ema, making Apollo think what is cooking under that beanie and what type of person Phoenix really is.

    ....And then case 3 happens and we drop that entire plot thread for "we gotta fix the LAW!!"
    "By changing nothing!"

    We had an intriguing character environment with Apollo not trying to get suckered by Phoenix again while still being curious about him and learning, Phoenix the Chess Master, and Trucy tying them together and was way more active in court than Maya. But then we drop all that for some shoe-horned attempt at bringing juries into the mix at the 11th hour. The stink of corporate meddling hurt AA4 so much. So much potential that got blue-balled.

    And Van Zieks gets my vote for best prosecutor. Not best rival character as he's pretty bland until the second half of DGS2 but as a prosecutor this dude fights you over EVERYTHING! And it makes sense in a lot of scenes because in AA in general, everyone is so quick to believe just anything the lead character says. Van Zieks will challenge you over every claim that doesn't have evidence behind it and can only get pushed back by circumstantial claims if the jury & judge are against him.
  25. mazi


    probably my favorite gaming series ever, just based on the 5 games that were officially released on the DS. the original trilogy will always have a special place in my heart.
    currently playing the fan translation of AAI2 (on case 2), which is very well done, and after that i'm gonna but 5 and 6 for iOS, unless i'm able to buy a 3DS by then.
  26. Apollo


    AA4 has a lot of flaws, but there’s no way it doesn’t have the best music.
  27. BlueBadger


    Welcome newcomers!! :) Yay more people who love the series!!

    Hey AA4 was my first game in the series too! I think that's why I like Apollo so much. The order I initially played them in was 4>3>1>2. It just ended up being the order in which I obtained the games haha. Then I played 5 and 6 upon release, of course.
    I don't dislike Klavier by any means! I just don't think he stands out as much as some of the other prosecutors

    I can absolutely agree with that second part. AA4 has some of the best tracks in the entire series. They did an awesome job with that OST!
  28. DukeBobby


    AAI has the most underrated OST, in my opinion.

    Lying Coldlymay be my favourite Pursuit theme in the series, andPrestonever fails to get me hyped. The cross examination themes are a bit mediocre, though.
  29. Mr_Nintendont


    I've been out of the Phoenix Wright loop for a few years since I never got a 3DS and I saw that 5/6 were finally ported to android. Is it worth playing them? I remember hearing that 5 didn't really capture the feel of the original trilogy and that 6 is lackluster.
  30. Scraftyko


    They're most certainly worth playing. AA5 is rough around the edges, but 6 is the second-best game in the series imo.
  31. Apollo


    They’re worth it. I think 5 isn’t that great, but 6 is a lot of fun. Arguably too crazy, but still fun.

    AAI’s Presto is one of my favorite Cross-Examination themes. It’s so good!!
  32. FluxWaveZ


    I love the progression of the cross-examination themes in AAI.


    I think AAI did it better than any of the other games in the series.

    Game also has one of my favorite "Confess the Truth" themes.
  33. Magnet_Man


    Yeah, the Investigations games have the best cross-examination themes...but they get three different tiers. Is that not cheating?? AA4 has my favorite honest Cross-Examination music.
  34. Zebei


    Y'all are heartless. Edgeworth is the best prosecutor bar-none. I will not any fabricated evidence to the contrary.

    Funny that no matter how much people disagree on a case, a character, or a game, no one can disagree the series's music is godlike. Personally a big fan of AA4's Pursuit theme, but honestly you can pick pretty much any theme and I love it.
  35. Scraftyko


  36. Zebei


    R-r-recency bias! I only just played AA5 for the first time so that's why.

    And just to make Nosh ever so slightly paranoid about who is posting.
    I also knew the avatar quote was coming a mile away
  37. Oh hey, a thread for me. Huge fan of the Ace Attorney series even though I'm a fake stan and haven't played 5 or 6 yet. (I've owned them since launch so idk what I'm waiting for.)

    With Apollo coming to 3DS, I'm looking to do a full series replay before getting to those at last.

    I look forward to hopefully posting in here in the future when that happens in addition to when future AA material/news happens.
  38. Scraftyko


    You know deep in your heart that Blackquill is king. DO NOT DENY YOUR TRUE FEELINGS

    He's my second-fave character in the series after Mia
  39. BlueBadger


    Totally agree with this whole post. AA5 is a bit rough at points (still liked it) but AA6 is my second favourite in the whole series as well :) following AA3. Both incredible games imo
  40. Voltty


    Ace Attorney has been pretty lucky as a franchise. It hasn't really ever had a bad game. Some were kind of disappointing, but that's more due to the games being so strong overall. There's never been a terrible game, unlike in some of Capcom's other franchises, like Mega Man X6 or Devil May Cry 2.
  41. Apollo


    For sure. It’s my favorite series and that consistency is a big reason why.
  42. Herr Starr

    Herr Starr

    That's one of the best themes in the entire series, in my opinion. There's just something... magical about it.
  43. BlueBadger


    Absolutely agree. For me, even the "weaker" games in the series (justice for all, dual Destinies) are still really great games IMO. The consistency of the series really has made me want to come back for more and remain a fan.

    Hope y'all had a good Friday btw :)
  44. spiritfox


    I like Klavier too for precisely the same reasons as you. It's a breath of fresh air and while he has the reputation of being a pushover, he still manages to ask hard questions and be a good rival.

    But Blackquill is great and I like him better, mainly cause the translation turning him into a weeaboo lol.
  45. BlueBadger


    Lmao I love Blackquill so much, particularly in AA6 for the exact same reason. Haters gonna hate but I actually loved the Rakugo case.
    I loved that
    they had a witness with multiple personalities for the two masters of psychology. Amazing.

    Welcome!! :)

    Definitely come hit us up when you've played 5 and 6 as well! I'm always interested to see who likes what better. Some do tend to prefer 5, but I tend to prefer 6 (as well as some of the other people in the community, it seems)
  46. spiritfox


    I actually liked the Rakugo case, it was just placed in a weird spot in the story. It would have been better if the prosecutor was different.
  47. BlueBadger


    Yeah, I think so too. It was a really fun case, and I love the dynamic between Athena and Blackquill. But I do think if the prosecutor were different, it would have been even better!
  48. itsamiracle


    Fan of the series since the DS days, patiently waiting for the completion of the translation. What chances do you give to a release of AT7 in the next 5 years;
  49. BlueBadger


    LOL! Been eagerly awaiting that announcement. My money is likely on late 2018/early 2019 methinks?
  50. itsamiracle


    I am just not very acquinted with the Japanese market, which is assumingly the most important factor that capcom will take into consideration before funding the game. I would like them to publish it on multiple platforms ( including consoles and PC ) in order to restrenghen the brand in the west. I mean Spike stuff isn't doing that bad on steam.