1. Jackano


    So I think I've done somewhat as much as my previous Wii U run. Except I had many more high-level characters on Wii U, and I did Master Quest map instead of Great Sea.

    Currently I've done:
    - Legend Mode (Normal)
    - First Adventure map (60%)
    - Great Sea map (60%)
    - Twilight Princess map (40%, which is pretty much where I left the Wii U game).

    I'm currently progressing in the TP map, but consistently being stopped by underpowered character requirement. Tho I love going back A-ranking levels for heart containers, and unlocking lv.2/3 weapons. Have to do this with Volga tonight.
  2. PadWarrior


    Thanks for this info. Greatly appreciate it.
  3. SpottieO


    I think I’ve been sucked in to adventure mode lol.

    What is the best way to farm rupees?
  4. JNH


    Ganon's Fury I guess. But quickly boring.
  5. QisTopTier

    Community Resettler Member

    Sell weapons, dip into ganon's fury challenge mode every 4 stages or so
  6. Is there an appropriate path for maxing out characters or just min/max it? Guessing to reach full on all requires a ton of grinding?
  7. nick_b


    Haha I said the same thing a few pages back. It is useful against giant bosses in adventure mode. Once you unlock the badge where you can tank the first hit you receive in a combo without knock back. Then you block the first hit, tank the second, and Dodge out of the way of the third. At least that's what I found it useful for. It'll get me from next to a Manhandla to outside it's poison AOE attack most of the time. It's mainly a glorified camera reset button most of the time.
  8. Razmos


    I'm currently at my boyfriend's and playing in handheld mode. It runs perfectly fine? Don't get people's complaints
  9. Zacmortar


    I want this so badly but gamefly is refusing to send me it :(
  10. Zacmortar


    I think the only issue for portable is when you wanna do Splitscreen MP
  11. MouldyK


    I was showing my friend who thinks the game is too easy around the game and then I got my Level 25 Sheik her 4+ Weapon (from first few levels of Koholint Island Map) by him playing as Level 41 Link with 300 Master Sword in co-op.

    For contrast, I’m like only 20% done if both Adventure Map and Windwaker Map, so...yeah...

    Won’t use my 500 Damage Weapon all the time though. Only when I’m really stuck on a level.
  12. EricOfSeattle


    If a stuttery 25fps is perfectly fine to you then power to you. Also Im sure it's playable for most people in handheld, myself included, it's just not ideal and it's a shame they couldn't get it to run any smoother in either Handheld or Docked...especially since the Wii U version had a more consistent, albeit lower than docked, framerate.

    A solid 60fps for this game would be a dream come true...hopefully the "Switch Pro" will help with that whenever\if they release one.
  13. Tribal24


    Do I unlock any characters in legend mode or do I have to play adventure mode?
  14. MrKlaw


    This isn’t dropping in price anytime soon is it, being a Nintendo game. Amazon uk is the cheapest t £40 but no stock..
  15. Zyrokai


    Noob here.

    I don't really ubdeunders why the characters I'm NOT playing as keep going back to the same spot and standing there. Aren't they supposed to move around if I'm not playing as them?

    Should I even be swapping characters? It makes me pick someone at the beginning of the map, but then I use them all equally throughout. Am I doing it wrong? I want them all to level up equally. What makes them level up? Just playing as them? So if I play 50% Link and 50% Impa, will they both level up the same regadlereg who I was forced to pick at the beginning?
  16. MouldyK


    You only unlock the ones you get after the first level and Tetra and WW King when you get to that point.

    You level them up by fighting as them.

    And are you sure you didn’t tell them to go to the spots? As they seem to always follow that order no matter what.

    Regardless, I just set my characters to follow me (by commanding them to my character) sometimes, especially when dealing with bosses for the bonuses.
  17. Zyrokai


    Hmmm....okay, thanks. I didn't know I could tell them to do anything, lol
  18. Martin


    Had a small bug, was fighting against Lana and cia. Lana used cias weapon and cia used Lana’s weapon
  19. silkysmooth


    UI on handheld mode is so small. I played a few stages yesterday after getting the game and lost myself in the mini map quite a few times.

    Fired it up on my 50 inch TV today and damn. Perfect.

    It just feels like it wasn't tested much for handheld. You have these massive text boxes and I'm squinting to read text inside of them.
  20. Draconis


    I really and truly do not understand the stuttering and frame pacing comments coming about when dealing with undocked mode.

    I’ve pumped countless hours into this thus far including undocked mode and have not seen any frame pacing or frame rate issues at all save for maybe slight hitching on cut scenes.

    It makes me wonder if people have issues with their switch instead, especially since the fan doesn’t kick in on mine too much in undocked mode.

    As for the game, I beat legends mode, and man is the full ending satisfying. It pretty much cemented this game as one of my favorite all time musou games ever.
  21. Kinsei


    That's not a bug. In the Wii U version there was a bug that let you use weapons a character wasn't supposed to have (such as Ganondorf using Agitha's parasol). The glitch was patched however in the DLC maps they added in enemy NPC's which used weapons other than their own as a nod to the glitch.
  22. Martin


    Ah okay, that is an awesome nod! I still remember the Wii U glitch and thought it was something similar.
  23. SpottieO


    I’m addicted to this in a way that FEW just never managed to. I guess it’s a combination of my love for the franchise and the fact that the Adventure mode and is just infinitely more
    compelling than the additional content in FEW was. I do find myself missing some of the QOL features that FEW had though.
  24. Mr. Nice_Guy

    Mr. Nice_Guy

    Been having so much more fun than I thought I would with this. Figured it would be a good value and something to play on trips or in between study breaks but I've had to pull myself away from it. Almost done with Legends mode, excited to start jumping into the Adventure maps.
  25. Well now I actually beat Battlechasers I'm back to playing this one again. I'm quite liking Adventure Mode. Did a level that was actually a quiz, which was novel.
  26. Professor Beef

    Professor Beef
    I wish Tales of Graces F was a better game Moderator

    FEW, to me at least, seemed so lifeless and sterile compared to HW.
  27. foxuzamaki


    I'm gonna get this some day soon, just not right now, but soon...
  28. Chauzu


    Young Link is broken.

    Great Fairy weapon for Link is hilarious! Link has so many amazing weapons.

    Wind Waker wand on Zelda is the most useless weapon I’ve used so far.

    I really enjoy using Agatha for some reason. Espescially laying that bug trap.
  29. MouldyK


    I came to that conclusion when I tried it today...but then I also remembered Lana’s Spear.
  30. Yas


    The game usually stutters with the boss animations. You can see clearly the fps dropping a lot. Also my fairy mode makes the fan cry and game a slugfest on undocked for me. That said I have pumped a lot of hours on undocked and am enjoying it immensely
  31. sdp


    I just started the game, never played a Dynasty game besides one for like 20 minutes in the PS2 so many years ago. I've only finished the Castle and Volcano levels and I have no idea what I'm doing, it doesn't help that I'm only playing in handheld mode and I can barely read half the stuff that appears on screen. The map is difficult to follow at times and I miss some missions and gold skulltulas because of it.

    I hope I eventually know what's happening and what I can do besides button smashing but it's a lot of fun so far.
  32. Jadow


    I just finished chapter playing as Ganondorf and his boys and...holy shit I started getting flashbacks about how brutal this map can be, Zelda and Link don't mess around (specially Zelda), mind you I am playing on hard, but I refused to change the difficulty stubborn as I am
  33. Birdie


    "Lana is escaping".

    That scenario caused me a lot of grief since it's around the point where you're trying to grab the Heart Piece for Ganondorf too.
  34. robotzombie


    can someone tell me where the hell the normal skulltula is on Linkle's first stage? I'm right in the spot with the music dying down and I can't find it anywhere...
  35. FF Seraphim

    FF Seraphim

    The chicken fury is still on the game right? What must I do to unlocking bring a giant chicken of death?
  36. Kinsei


    A rank all of the Ganon stages.
  37. FF Seraphim

    FF Seraphim

    Well I guess I know what im doing this afternoon.
  38. Professor Beef

    Professor Beef
    I wish Tales of Graces F was a better game Moderator


    I'm super mad they locked this shit behind a Link amiibo in the Wii U version, I would've used this EXCLUSIVELY
  39. pa22word


    It was under a bombable rock iirc
  40. Jackano


    Yeah that's not fun. Even thought I knew what's going to happen I had a defeat here. But still easier than in the Wii U version, at least on Switch you can plan in advance with your other character and make them move accordingly.

    So much to do in this game. I'm kinda without a clear goal right now, that's bad. I guess I'll still try to make progress in the twilight map.
  41. Smash Kirby

    Smash Kirby

    It is my favorite weapon of Link's.
  42. silkysmooth


    Third time I've purchased this game but it has finally grabbed me. I put a bit of time in Fire Emblem Warriors and played it until frustration outweighed the fun. Think I'll do the same here.

    The drip feed of rewards and upgrades and stuff to find in Adventure Mode is going to be hard to stop playing.
  43. bonkasaurus


    If adventure mode levels that require me to play as Agatha could stop existing, that'd be great.
    Worst fucking character.
  44. Tendo


    I hate fi. I hate her so much. Her vs imprisoned is hell.
  45. cosmickosm


    In the same boat as you. Basically the first Warriors game I’ve played. And I’m playing docked on a 55” and still miss some stuff and still don’t know what I’m doing. Just chugging along hoping things click.
  46. Smash Kirby

    Smash Kirby

    It will, try to learn button combos, Link can charge up fast moving spin attack pressing and holding the strong attack button after combo.
  47. Rellyrell28


    Okay just for kicks I play for a little in undocked. Honestly it's really not that big of a deal. It runs fine and is definitely very much playable. Don't let anyone talk you out of playing undocked.
  48. Martin


    Only after getting the medal
  49. bonkasaurus


    It's not unplayable, but no way in hell does it run well. It chugs like crazy on certain maps.
  50. Chauzu


    98% on first adventure map now, phew! Got a few B ranks left to move to A as well as a few gold skulltulas and Heart Pieces left. Guess I’ll start the Great Sea and go back from time to time to pick up the scraps. Just want to leave it behind forever LOL.

    I also got over 1m rupees now which is nice.