1. RDreamer


    Trump isn't "just a republican."

    Trumpism isn't just "non-ideal ideology."

    Trumpism is racism, and a lot of jobs have to be customer service oriented nowadays. How the fuck do you trust someone that views Mexicans, Muslims, Puerto Ricans, etc, etc, as subhuman trash to treat your customers with any sort of respect whatsoever, especially if those are your customers?

    You can vote republican and be great at your job, but if you are a Trump supporter and your job isn't just manual labor or something you never have to interact w with people then there will be questions.

    No, not everyone who doesn't think like me hates all minorities, but Trump hates minorities. Trump supporters ... well... support that. There's a mountain of evidence to that fact.

    This isn't just some difference in how we want the tax code to work. Trump is fervently anti-empathy for fellow humans.
  2. Lord Brady

    Lord Brady

    I'm a programmer. That would never come up in an interview. I wouldn't care otherwise as long as they were qualified.
  3. Speevy


    If there's a way to find this out during an interview without getting sued or something, I'd definitely not hire them.
  4. legacyzero


    A Trump voter? Sure. A MAGA clown? No.

    There’s a difference
  5. Kirblar


    It's not a question that should be asked. If this is actively volunteered in the interview process by the person applying I would have serious concerns about how the person would interact w/ other employees and clients. There's a reason religion/politics are generally no-nos in the office.
  6. BriGuy


    Multiple people have to me over the years that the key to success is to surround yourself with good people. I'll leave it at that.
  7. Addleburg


    If their work history suggested that they were the best candidate for the job and their previous coworkers had nothing but good things to say about him/her, yes I’d consider them for the job.

    I can’t in good faith say that every person who didn’t vote for Trump is automatically better at problem solving any given scenario. A mechanic who voted for Trump isn’t inherently worse at fixing a car than someone who voted for Hillary. Clearly, depending on the job, their political - and by extension, moral - beliefs may weigh more heavily than with other jobs. Hiring a Trump voter for a custodial job will have fewer potential for social consequences than hiring one for a police officer.

    As long as their previous coworkers and work history suggest that they don’t bring their politics into the workplace and that they’ve done well with customers in the past, yeah, I’d consider them. I might be strongly biased against hiring them especially if there was someone equally talented that didn’t vote for him, but I’d consider them.

    Also, I’m referring to this type of person. Someone who voted for Trump and not someone who walks around with a MAGA hat and parroting his beliefs.

    I fault everyone who voted for him, but personally I see a difference between someone who stupidly voted for him because they unconditionally vote republican vs someone who still enthusiastically supports him today.
  8. I am latino, why would I hire somebody that hates me.
  9. RedMercury


    More disgusted than having a nazi or nazi sympathizer as an employee representing your company though?
  10. Ziltoidia 9

    Ziltoidia 9

    Probably not if they were brash enough to say they are a trump supporter during an interview.
  11. BankaiZaraki


    If they're a good worker and have the right qualifications sure.
  12. yogurt


  13. Stardestroyer


    If you vote for Trump you are a shit heel. There is no middle ground. Well there is if you are white because in the US, your life will never be disregarded.

    A republican can be a good employee but why the fuck would I want to hire them.

    The very fact that they supported someone who was clear about their racism makes it clear that they have no contempt for minorities and are bad.

    Why help someone who doesn't care if others suffer?
  14. esmith08734


    If they don’t create any work drama, are respectable to everyone, and perform the job at-hand well, then yes.

    But if they volunteer information about their political stance in an interview than they’re probably strange.
  15. DigitalOp


    There are Trump supporting Police officers and Healthcare providers.

    We honestly gonna sit here and say they are able to do their jobs without prejudice or bias?
  16. HeyImNewHere


    Honestly it depends.
    • Skill level of applicant relative to other applicants
    • Contract or FTE
    • Role (working in HR, public facing position, etc)
    • If they're a good fit otherwise
    • Team composition
    I think all of these are valid things to consider instead of just saying "Nah fuck em".

    If you are in a position to benefit, are capable of making it work, and can put them in an area where they won't be a problem I don't see an issue.

    If they do stupid shit that's fireable kick em to the curb.

  17. Lkr


    I probably wouldn’t hire anyone that deliberately brought up their political stances in an interview, regardless of their views or what politicians they support.
  18. JABEE


    I don't know what I should do to prevent someone with despicable ideologies from being employed.

    I don't take responsibility for the beliefs of the people I work with. I would definitely think less of the person, but how would I arrive at that information.

    I guess if I was looking through Facebook profiles and saw swastikas and stuff, it would make me not hire them.
  19. Mona


    it depends to what extent they support him and why

    if i feel they're going poorly represent my establishment to the patrons, then no
    if i feel hiring them is going to cause unneeded disruptions within the staff, then no
  20. Lord Brady

    Lord Brady

    Exactly. I'd be way less inclined to hire anyone who volunteered their religious or political beliefs in a job interview regardless of which side of the political spectrum they were on.
  21. blinky


    Our HR has specifically instructed us not to do this. Their concern is that we go on social media and find out that a candidate has a same-sex partner, is Muslim, or something like that. It is much better not to know this sort of thing during the hiring process.
  22. i-Lo


    If they're good at their job, keep politics to themselves, conduct themselves professionally, don't discriminate and are not a threat to the overall well-being of the company, then I have no qualms.
  23. joylevel11


    Nope. Don't want anything to do with those people. Luckily I live in the UK though but there are still a load of crackpot idiots here too who probably would support him. Basically I would like to hire someone who isn't a complete moron.
  24. Rayne


    Oh that's cool of your company cause that was another unnecessary tightrope to walk. I know I've been told to my face I didn't have much a social media presence (On purpose mind) so now I'm wondering if that's something new or not.
  25. JABEE


    And I believe this is important. Opening up the floodgates on these searches for filtering out Nazis will lead to hiring managers coming up with their own criteria for what is appropriate workplace culture.
  26. Prophaniti


    I'd want to hire someone who could pass the 4th grade so no.

    I wouldn't want someone who is clearly against a huge chunk of the population. That seems obvious. Even if I owned a business and was a trumper I wouldn't. It's just bad for business.
  27. Nimby


    If I was an employer and my potential worker was a white MAGA hat wearing clown, it would create a hostile work environment unless all of my employees were white MAGA hat wearing clowns. So no, fuck off.
  28. Rayne


    Would also teach people not to spew all their personal business online. A lesson that really needs to be learned.

    *cranky old lady shaking fist at the sky*

  29. Wormsign


    No. If they're wearing it on their sleeve it could lead to problems that would reflect badly on the business and be disruptive to the work environment.
  30. Sub Level

    Sub Level

    I would only discriminate against comnunists. We've seen time and time again what they do to countries. Trump supporters are fine as long as they're not obnoxious dickwads about it.
  31. Rivi


    yes? Why wouldnt I? That would feel like discrimination to me
  32. RedMercury


    This thread is framed as if you were a hiring manager
    If you hired them you would be taking responsibility though right? It would be your job to hire people that represent the values of the company. Like let's say you looked them up on facebook or twitter and say they went to Trump rallies and their profile picture was a MAGA hat or they were sharing Breitbart content
    Because they put children in concentration camps and their whole platform is hatred and discrimination. You either tolerate that or you don't.
  33. Cordy



    Just tell them to not bring those beliefs and comments to work, make sure they do their job well and to also make sure they gel well with the team. If they do that then hey they've got a job. The moment they bring any of that other bullshit around? The moment they don't get along with the team? They get that red folder.
  34. thetrin

    Content Acquisition at DANGEN Entertainment Verafied

    We hire based on how they might fit into the company culture, since we're really small, and I honestly don't think a Trump supporter would fit in.
  35. Dr Wily

    Dr Wily
    Banned Member

    yeah, you never see sociopaths who care only about themselves in the business world making sales
  36. AlexMeloche


    I'm gay, in a field where there's looots of queer people.

    No way.
  37. saenima


    Trump support? I agree.

    Yes. Next question.
  38. If they’re qualified for the position, sure. Someone can be a malicious idiot politically yet a genius in other subjects. There would just be a hard rule of no politics talk in the office with no second chances.
  39. Vibri


    I hired two people recently who, over work drinks, later outed themselves as having pretty Trump-like views.

    Fortunately for them, they’re capable professionals and I’ve no reason to let them go.

  40. melonrabbit


    Don't poison the well.
  41. JABEE


    I tolerate all of those things by continuing to live and work in this country. I have tolerated the indiscriminant bombings of children in the middle east for short time I've been on this Earth and you have too.

    Looking up on Facebook and seeing someone is a Trump supporter, I believe I would still hire them, or to the best of my ability attempt to limit the effect it has on my hiring process.

    Anyone who is a member of a major political party in the United States would have blood on their hands and un-hireable if we utilized your criteria.

    In my opinion, I would hire someone supporting Trump on Facebook, but I couldn't look past Swastikas.

    What is your line?
  42. Violence Jack

    Violence Jack

    There’s no way I would magically know. I don’t assume things about people based on appearance. But if they went out of their way to mention they were or gave a bullshit answer when talking about diversity in the workplace and in the community that the company represents, hell no I wouldn’t hire them. On the other hand, if they seemed like a good candidate, could do the job, and I happened to find out that they voted for Trump, then I couldn’t let my personal biases against his party of choice get in the way of hiring them.
  43. okayfrog


    Sure, though it wouldn't stop me from wondering about them a bit. Why'd they vote for him? Is it because they're racist? Sexist? Dumb? Do they actually think one day they'll be rich enough to benefit from his tax cuts?
  44. Mercury Fred

    Mercury Fred

    Absolutely not.
  45. Erpy


    An HR-manager generally only needs to know two things about an applicant:
    1) Can they do their job well?
    2) Would they be dedicated to the company?

    1 is a matter of education, experience and talent, neither of which is directly tied to political beliefs. If 2 is the case and they're aware talking politics on the workfloor creates tension, they'll keep work and politics separate because they know tension on the workfloor is bad for the company. If they feel making their political points is more important than being part of a productive work environment, then they don't belong in the company to begin with and that's true whether they're a MAGA-dude or an ex-Occupier. I imagine that ever since 2016 (or even before) it's not unusual for companies to set an unofficial no-politics-on-the-workfloor policy and I'm pretty sure folks from both sides deal with that. If someone doesn't take his political opinion to work, it's none of my business.

    Years ago, I worked with someone whose views on PC-ness would probably fit into the mindset of someone who might end up pulling the lever for Trump, but we never discussed politics while we were working, so we worked well together. In reality, rather than this purely hypothetical scenario, things aren't always black and white.

    Not everybody is privileged to never having to deal with people of different political persuasions from themselves.
  46. saenima


    The irony.
  47. RedMercury


    You could say that, but I've also used the (albeit small) platform and privilege I have in this country to speak out against that, so it's not like I'm sitting on my hands doing nothing. I protest, I've organized, I speak up and speak out.
    But one is clearly worse than the other, "both sides" arguments aren't going to fly here. We're in the midst of rising fascism and white nationalism in our country, one party is fueling that and one party isn't.
    My line is being on the side of good and taking a stand against racists and bigots and nazis, and on the other side are people who support racists and bigots and nazis. I also personally have no use for most people in the middle who just throw their hands up waiting to be rolled over either but I realize not everyone is gonna see it that way and there's some debate to be had there, I think the other stuff is pretty clear-cut though

    I like how well you explained your position but I think this is improper framing, it isn't just a "political persuasion" and everyone should have the right to not have to work with people that advocate the awful stuff Trump supporters do, people should have a right to feel safe at their job.
  48. bro_naldo


    Sure! if hes capable, why not?

    I dont want to pre judge someone becouse of his of her political view!
    Becouse i simply dont care what kind of political view you have, and its also none of my business...
    You know how crazy it is, if at a job interview someone asked "so tell me what is your politic affilliation" its a stupid question!
  49. Hecht

    Even the good stars can fall from grace and falter Administrator

    If they can do the job, sure.

    If they start bringing up their politics to the point where it is affecting the business though, then they’d be gone.