1. Stinkles

    343 Industries Verafied

    Literally a list of things that make having beautiful hair especially pointless.
  2. RustyNails


    I have an opposite problem. My hair is so thick and wavy I thin it out at the barber's.
  3. Bakercat


    Lol I’m 26 and I’ve got Vegeta levels of widow’s peak from receding hairline.

    I’m more worried I won’t be able to grow my hair out anymore cause I donate it to a non profit charity when it’s long enough. I’ve already noticed it doesn’t grow as fast as before.
  4. Stinkles

    343 Industries Verafied

    I hope you don't fall into a fire or anything.
  5. They're rare. It's something like 2% of users who get side effects.
  6. RustyNails


  7. hombremalo


    Grow a mustache
  8. LightEntite


    perspective man....

    OP, the fact you got to keep your hair into your mid 30s makes me salty that you're even complaining about it, i aint even 28 and i'm already cul de sac'd up when i dont shave

    and you still have a full head of hair

    just accept your genes and embrace the bald
  9. C-Sword


    Watch these videos before you do anything stupid

  10. BobLoblaw

    This Guy Helps Member

    Try some pumpkin seed oil and Rogaine, OP. Report back in 6 months.
  11. MunkeyDonkey


    So you mean Hollywood stars that have had extensive and expensive methods put in place to retain or replace their hair?
  12. Sowrong


  13. TwoCoins


    Except the ones i have mention don't seem to do anything to keep their hair....maybe Will Arnett did a little...but Jude Law is straight a receded....not talking Elon Musk type treatment.
  14. thetrin

    Content Acquisition at DANGEN Entertainment Verafied

    People who freak out about going bald make me giggle.

    You guys don't know SHIT. I went bald in high school, motherfucker. Going bald as an adult is fucking NOTHING.

    If I can survive that kind of ridicule, you can bear to go bald at a natural adult age when plenty of men lose their hair.
  15. Conmex


    I hear you man. Once i finally accepted my baldness and bought myself a wahl peanut trimmer i hated myself for wasting all those years being so self conscious about my hair loss.

    Nobody gives a shit about your bald head.
  16. Stick


    My shit was fading fast, and my receding started at the center of my hairline, not at the temples like most do. It was a travesty. What a lot of people don't realize is that some people have disgusting scalps that make shaving a horrible idea, like myself. So I started taking Rogaine and Fin and my hair came back in full force and looks much much better than it did before. It's still a tad thin where it receded initially, but man, it's night and day difference. I will never get off this shit if I can help it.

    Your hair is receding a bit, but it's still full. I mean you can try this route if you want to keep it, and possibly get a bit back, but if it' doesn't bother you to shave then you can do that too. You've got choices though, don't feel like you have to accept it slowly going away.

    If my scalp wasn't mangled by acne scars and moles then I wouldn't mind it, so yeah I freaked out. If my scalp didn't look like Zerg creep, maybe I wouldn't mind it so much.

    Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but my scalp does not look good.
  17. Evilkaz


    It's happening to one of my best friends right now at 22. He went bald immediately when he noticed it receding.

    I wonder how many years until we can cure this well enough. I've been keeping my hair long and dont expect my hair to start going for a few decades (based off my family). If I started loosing it while in the process of becoming a Dreadking, I dont know what I'd do with myself.
  18. Stinkles

    343 Industries Verafied

    Research is quite promising and likely an interesting application of stem cells - but I'll be dead long before it's safe and affordable. Also in evolutionary terms it's meaningless since most adults died before going bald for most of human history.

    Suck it, Darwin! DarLose more like!
  19. Foffy


    Your hair looks fine, I was expecting patches of missing hair or a huge gap.
  20. ResetGreyWolf


    It looks fine in that video, but if you do end up shaving, know that it's no big deal. I started shaving my head down to 6mm when I was about 20/21, and it looks pretty bad ass tbh.
  21. Eusis


    Unless you’re really a trans woman looking into transition. Then yeah, maybe ask about finasteride!

    I think my hair line’s similar but thicker at the widow’s peak. I’m kind of hoping that being on HRT moves it forward though (not talking finasteride though.)
  22. Bonefish


    Yeah mines been receding for years. Saving grace is my hair grows really thick and it’s covered up well enough with how I style it.

    But it’s definitely worrying me more and more in the past year ;_;
  23. RedValkyrie


    He’s not fooling anyone with that top bun.

    Bald cunt.
  24. When you start getting less and less hair cut off at the same price, you'll realise it's best just to shave it all off yourself.
  25. jelly


    That's what Gareth Bale at Real Madrid does, shave it off Gareth.
  26. Seijuro


    My hairline and vanishing thickness is very similar to yours OP. Your hair looks fine. Just keep you hair that way, could go shorter on the sides.
    As long as you got something to show up there, keep it short. Ain't no shame in a distinguished hairline, as long as you don't try to go John Stamos in the 80ies.

    When the time comes shave it, but there's no rush right now.
  27. beyond_death


    Theres gotta be something else going on there right? In the bald pics hes barely got anything on his hairline especially in the middle but its fine in the manbun pics.
  28. Quikies83

    Member OP

  29. Vishmarx


    Do one of those john travolta things.
  30. SprachBrooks


    I'm 26 and my hairline is gone. I've embraced it – you'll get used to the looks of utter disgust from members of the sex to which you are attracted.
  31. jelly


    Most actors are bald/ing or wearing hair pieces, had plugs or whatever. Shit happens. Keep it tidy or short, people don't really care unless you have a comb over and just can't let it go.
  32. Quikies83

    Member OP

    Thanks again all. Some great advice in here!
    I'll keep getting it cut shorter each visit and come back to this in a year.

    To all that have had hair loss at a early age, I'm sorry - was not trying to antagonize or be a lil bish.
  33. ry-dog


    Looks fine for 35.

    Look into hair pieces or a transplant if it's affecting your self esteem
  34. Sowrong


    As mentioned before, Garett bale does the same thing.
    Just gotta make sure it stays in place and doesn’t get wet.
  35. gfxtwin


    You know what must be done. Time to bring back the skullet.
  36. Euler007


    I started shaving my head at 16 because I liked the look. Hair started turning gray at 19, lost a lot around 25. At least I can say I chose my look on my own terms.
  37. Red Liquorice

    Red Liquorice

    I don't like losing my hair, but when I think about the guys I find attractive hair is NEVER a factor, and a lot of bald or guys with thining hair are some of my biggest turn ons - so why would I let it worry me when I KNOW it's something most people don't care about in terms of attractiveness.

    If you're thining or going bald, just have a hairstyle that's appropriate or shave it. Don't try and hide it because you don't want to be that guy, you're fooling no-one and only advertising your insecurities, which is the real turn off.
  38. Igorth


    Bulk up, shave your head and grow a beard.

    (Start bulking now, your hair is fine nowadays)
  39. jipewithin


    Just shave it off. After doing it when I was 23 or so suddenly noticed I got lucky a lot more often than before. Some girls seem to like shaved heads. (1mm buzz cut)
  40. The Albatross

    The Albatross

    Hey, you made it this far. Many of my friends are the same age and have slowly gotten much longer foreheads and bald spots in the back. Just how it is.

    Yours is fine to keep though, still plenty long.

    I think I'll keep most of my hair. My dad's 67 and his hair as thinned, obviously, but he's still got a proper head of light hair, and my hair seems to be tracking the same way. It's receded a bit near my temples but isn't bad.
  41. GlamFM


    Don´t take any of those pills if you enjoy fucking.
  42. zuf


    lol yes.

  43. compo


    I think you get your hair from your mother's genes, so you're supposed to look at your uncles from your mother's side to gauge how well your hair is going to go.
  44. LNBL


    You think that is bald, breh you're still good
  45. The Albatross

    The Albatross

    But Uncle Andy has been dead for 20 years! MY HAIR IS CURSED! :D

    The mothers-father/mothers-brother hair gene is one of those things that's partially true, but gets extended to mean way too much. Your hair genes are a crazy cocktail of genetic makeup from both parents, though if your grandfather has a hairloss gene, there's a 50/50 chance it gets passed down on his X chromosome to your mom, and then passed to you. Although if your mother's brother is passing his chromosomes to your mother........ eh, man, got more problems than just hair.
  46. ///PATRIOT


    avatar origin please..
  47. FTF


  48. MrChocolate


    I can vouch for the 1st and a little of the 4th.
    It is not erectile dysfunction per se, but the sexual needs just disappear. Sometimes I had to have sex just to do my part.
    Same for the 4th, it's not depression per se, but if you notice small changes you start to get frustrated and in turn sad because you keep getting bald.
  49. HarryHengst


    Lol i had your hairline at 18. It held that way until i was 33 but after that it was time to shave it off before i started looking like Gareth Bale pretending like my hairline was fine.
  50. HyGogg


    I'm 37 and the shit is gone. I held on til I had less than you did, but I also held on past when I was getting away with it. I think I was 32 when I had to give up.

    I don't know why I held on so long. It feels a lot better not worrying about it. Losing it had zero negative impact on my life.