1. Fork


    Bush. Sr at least seemed able to put country before party at some cases and approved some acts that were pretty alright, so I dont think he deserves the same blame as the monstrous Reagan.
  2. Premium


    Sorry, but that’s just not how it works. You can be a supporter of ANY party and not for the line on every single stance or every single issue.

    There’s no guideline that says otherwise and you trying to portray all folks that are registered Republican in such a manner is completely ignorant.
  3. Stinkles

    343 Industries Verafied

    Uh - what? Are you saying W is a nice person? As in :”grab a beer with him?”

    He started an illegal war that killed hundreds of thousands of people and guaranteed murder and instability in the Middle East for the foreseeable future and he ignored the country he was well aware actually carried out 911, because his family had been personally enriched by the Saudis, including Osama Bin Laden’s family business.

    Your sentence is constructed oddly, so maybe I am misunderstanding.

    And as you noted, Katrina, but let’s not forget a highly predictable and avoidable economic collapse.

  4. ascii42



  5. thediamondage


    So minorities or women cannot be conservative?
  6. samoyed


    Sure they can, self-destructive ideation is also common among conservatives.
  7. HammerOfThor


    This is a weird thing to say. There’s nothing wrong with being a Republican and not voting for/liking Trump. It’s bizzaire to make such a stark accusation like people can only think one way, which is Republicans = Trump.

    Republicans are spineless and suck, but it doesn’t make it okay to just make a blanket accusation that “if YOUR a republican then you for sure 100% support trump”. It’s possible they don’t and it’s not fair/right to just assume they do
  8. Bandage


    Also self hatred.
  9. emag


    "He won't eat us."
  10. Bandage


    No one is forcing people to be Republican.
    If someone is willingly still a member of a party that is literally copying the Third Reich, then they're a monster. It's rather simple.
  11. Magwik


    They just don't have to dog whistle anymore
  12. Chaos Legion

    Chaos Legion

    As I stated, I don't agree with his policies. But nothing that you said supports what OP stated.
    Also blaming Bush for the recession. Lol.

    On-topic, there has been signs how right the Republican party was heading. Long before Trump. But pointing to moderate Republicans isn't really helping that.
  13. Ponn


    But then you have those outside the US and moderates whining about how Conservatism isn’t what the Republicans are all about, blah blah, it’s those religious Christian conservatives that hijacked things. And then you have the Christians coming in and screaming no no no not all Christians it’s those crazy evangelicals.

    It’s always someone else ruining Reupublucans and conservatives good name.
  14. JeTmAn


    Who's the guy in Washington?
  15. Mass Effect

    Mass Effect

    It's funny, because minorities, especially the older ones, are often quite conservative. Of course that doesn't necessarily translate to our politics given the unabashed racism of the Republicans these days.
  16. GrooveCommand


    There's nothing weird at all, I think. But the thing is, is that if you consider yourself a Republican you are associating with the Republican Senators/Governors that have all fallen in line with Trump. It's no longer acceptable to call yourself a Republican and distance yourself from the President is what I'm saying - that's not how shit works anymore.
  17. mutantmagnet


    The racists were there but the fascists flocked to Trump during the primaries.

    People like Miller and Bannon are very different from the typical Republican we had to deal with.

    Even your examples illustrate how different they are.
  18. Ascenion


    As a conservative I resent this. I didn’t vote for Trump, I wasn’t even in the country to vote. I sent in an absentee ballot. We aren’t all the same. Being a Republican doesn’t mean always supporting the decisions of the party or always voting for the republican candidate. Right now they can fuck off until they gain perspective again. I’m about tired of being lumped in with trump supporters simply because of what my voter registration form says.
  19. Bandage


    A polite monster is still a monster none the less.
  20. TheOMan


    Read the OP.
  21. True, and it's that specifically which gives them that plausible deniability they so love
  22. I grew up in a conservative town and my problem with "rational" or more "moderate" republicans is that while they think Trump and his ilk are trash they have the delusion that any Democrat is way worse than them and that's just factually incorrect.
  23. gutter_trash


    GOP strategist, Lee Atwater's quote summed up the GOP in a nutshell:
    *N word warning*

    Who can forget his infamous Willie Horton add by the G.H.W. Bush campaign of 1988 against Dukakis.:
  24. GrooveCommand


    You can resent it all you want, but your party has been taken over by fascists. If you don't want to be associated with Republicans, then don't identify as one. The Republican party is toxic. They are on the wrong side of virtually all the issues, hurt their own constituents constantly, and are terrible for this country and just about everyone except big corporations. They have control of the entire government and can't even get anything done. At least democrats actually tried to do shit, rather than just deregulate everything because 'dems love regulation and it's bad for businesses'.

    Did I also mention they hate civil rights? Oh unless you're a white male.

    And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that democrats have all the answers. But god damn, at least they are civilized human beings that don't just look out for #1 at every chance they get.

    Edit: also lets not forget about that HUUUUUGE tax cut that's burning a whole in our pocket adding trillions to the debt. But hey, as long as rich people can make a buck right?

    Edit2: Also don't forget about all the shouting down at democrats for being obstructionists. Fucking bullshit! Obama tried so hard to work Republicans when he was in office and they shut him down at every turn. Their hypocrisy has no end!
  25. Ponn


    What is difference from their platform today then going back to Bush? If you vote Republican at any point the last 20 some years would you have the audacity to call yourself an ally to the lGBT community? You think these fuckers steamrolling their platform out in the Senate and Congress just magically appeared there like a fart in the wind?

    What names were on your absentee ballot?
  26. Brinbe


    Yep. They're just more brazen about their dog whistles. When were Republicans last semi decent? Eisenhower?
  27. DigitalOp


    You're signing up to play on the team.

    Like the OP straight up late it out.

    Even if you denounce Clown, he doesn't shame you enough to disassociate with the name.

    And more likely than not, you probably worship God King Reagan and all his policies that ravaged the black community.

    Republicans are racist. If that bothers you, then don't vote Republican. But clearly something is likable for people to overlook all the fuck shit if it isn't the fuck shit itself.
  28. Thebeast!


    Smh nonwhite people voting republican
  29. Heromanz


    But people problem with the republiRep party start long before Trump my friend. How do you respond to the years of legal discrimination against other people?
  30. EdibleKnife


    This. The current party is the result of courting tolerable versions of their bigoted ideals for decades. It was subtle; added in teaspoons so people who had no interest in actually looking beyond their rhetoric would swallow it down. And year after year, they added to it more and more and only now is it becoming overwhelming.

    Right? Gerrymandering and voter restrictions done by the GOP haven't simply happened these past 5 or so years. It's been something they've been perfecting before I was even born.
  31. Here’s a tip, they’ve not been taken over they’ve let the true form reveal itself.
  32. catloaf


    James Allsup.

  33. blackhawk163


    Replublicans have always been racsist and assholes in general. Look at McCain, resigning so that the president's Scotus pick will get affirmed
  34. Stinkles

    343 Industries Verafied

    “Blaming Bush for recession” - well OK, let’s do a simple diagram:

    An unfunded war.
    Unpaid for tax cuts.
    Abdication of regulatory oversight at state and federal levels.

    Again, he’s responsible for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, the needless deaths of countless Americans, in pursuit of a failed neocon strategy and a hint of revenge against a country that had neither weapons of mass destruction nor one metric whit of anything to do with 9/11. And the entire action predictably made things worse, not better and established ISIS as a more readical threat than Al Qaeda.

    Nice? Fuck off. He should be in jail.
  35. GrooveCommand


    No I'm just sick of Republicans trying to weasel their way out of moral responsibility. You can't fucking pick and choose your issues anymore when it comes to being a Republican. Everyone has to decide to support them or not, to identify as one or not. Decisions have consequences. Welcome to reality.

    If you identify as Republican:

    1) You support racism
    2) You support big businesses rather than the individual person
    3) You support sexism

    Voter registrations are not set in stone, they can be changed. If I was a Republican before 2016, you'd bet your ass I would have switched by now.
  36. Pwnz


    I agree that it's always been in the GOP, but I disagree that Trump is the norm. He was the exception for decades if not all of the modern GOP history (before the flip of dem and rep). He is now the norm and has energized the racists in the base, and that is what is different. Most Republicans were mild racists, and in some cases racists that didn't realize they were racist.
  37. The difference between Trump’s Republican Party and old is that the new GOP isn’t coy or shy about being openly racist and bigoted. Old GOP was racist but hid it behind “fiscal conservatism” and other bullshit they made up. Trump just made it okay for them to be racist douches openly.
  38. Premium


    You’re unreasonable, illogical and straight up hyper-aggressive. If you want people to join your cause, you’ll not win a single one over with this kind of approach.
  39. i think the modern putin-worshipping GOP is meaningfully different from the older version of the party

    the influence of the crazies has definitely taken a more prominent role in the party in recent times. you can say they were always racist, but i don't think they weren't as insane and as traitorous as they are now
  40. Stinkles

    343 Industries Verafied

    I’m not exaggerating when I say that the current GOP is happy to destroy the country and its international relations in pursuit of the power to do so. Nothing else matters except control - so that our nation’s own oligarchs can go window shopping for policies that benefit them instantly and directly. Plus abortion.

    They know what’s going on. They know that Trump is being blackmailed by Putin. They know that we’re burning in bridges with our former allies.

    They. Just. Don’t. care. A few greedy ambitious short sighted villains are trying to kill the country and sell off the body parts.
  41. EdibleKnife


    Here's the deal: the time for winning over has passed. If open bigotry, fascism, sexism, and racism and policies informed by those backwards ideals hasn't been enough to convince someone to join the cause: then there are issues that no amount of logic, reason or plesantries can solve. If someone's attitude on an internet forum is enough to get someone to either continue sitting on the fence or throw their hat in with bigots, "winning them over" was impossible to start with.
  42. Machachan


    Sorry, but that's just not how it works. If you support a party that kills people, puts innocent children into cages, dehumanizes many minorities, and doesn't lift a finger to prevent mass shootings, you are complicit, because your support enables it.

    You taught us that after WW2. Many Germans, too, tried your kind of defense. It was a bad defense, and the US rightfully beat it out of us. It's not a better defense when you use it yourself.
  43. Ponn


    I like how you always get a few guilty conscience conservatives in these threads doing the “nya uh, not all Republicans” song and dance but disappear as soon as they see points they can’t refute. Or even better trying to equate the Democrat platform to the Republicans in a half ass both sides attempt. As if UHC, single payer, taxes on rich are somehow just as morally repugnant as an anti-gay, transphobic, white male nationalistic, anti immigration bigoted platform.

    Yea I can own the whole Democratic platform and my vote just fine and sleep at night.
  44. Jpop

    Banned Member

    You act like people care if Republicans support our "cause". Oh, by cause I mean not being deplorable degenerates who constantly vote for people that oppress minorities, strip civil rights, and destroy any social programs meant to help people.

    HINT: No one cares, no one wants you. Do what you want.
  45. Mammoth Jones

    Mammoth Jones

    Yup. America never had a problem with government assistance until minorities got in on the deal.

    Homestead act
    Indian removal act
    1790 naturalization act for "free white persons".
    Gi bill

    There's a reason the social security act of 1935 excluded agricultural and domestic workers. That was the overwhelming profession for black, latino, and asians.
  46. Absolutely, I used to be a bit of a milksop moderate but I heard someone say racism was bad in a loud, shouty tone and now I totally hate black people and Muslims.
  47. UberTag


    Pretty much. They don't hate the policy, actions or prejudice. If they're upset now, it's because Trump doesn't cloak his intentions and it's prompted their supporters to do the same.
  48. I dealt with this yesterday at the protest debating with someone. Apparently an average of 2,000 extra dollars should be enough to think trump is great and to say fuck everybody else's problems. Yes there's a lot of people hurting but an extra 77 dollars a pay is worth it.
  49. NoRéN


    But mah taxes. We’re good people.

  50. Stinkles

    343 Industries Verafied

    A nice easy bit of math for those folks would be: We’re going to give you $77 - and we’re going to inflate the rest of your bills by two or three hundred bucks and oh yeah we’re going to offshore or automate your job next year.”

    Be great if people realized that they don’t have to be a republican permanently - if the GOP is being shitty, the only way to alter it is with your vote. If you want the old party back, vote against it once or twice. That’s how you can make your vote powerful.

    It’s not a football team where you support it through thick and thin. Your football team isn’t putting babies in jail.