1. Matthew77


    That’s one way to put it. Now that’s a subject I get pissy about, especially since even with his flaws CJ is still my favorite. But I guess I just don’t have those “I can’t relate to him” issues.
  2. zoukka

    Game Developer at Fingersoft Verafied

    People outside my IT/Game industry bubble probably find my way of speaking incredibly annoying xD
  3. Biggersmaller


    If someone is being racist about it, then I have a problem. It's not hard to tell.
  4. Hassel


    I like slang when communicating with my Cupertino.
  5. astro


    Out of touch people yelling at clouds or something.

    If talking about slang in general, let people express themselves how they wish as long as it's not hate speech related or intolerant by nature - then it needs to be called out.
  6. The Albatross

    The Albatross

    They should be more self-critical because everybody has their own slang.
  7. MarineMountie


    I took it as trendy slang that come from Twitter or other social media that people decide to use in real life. Lit, bae, rekt, etc...almost like the person using it is trying hard to seem hip. Cultural slang like bro, hella, or whatever else is just that. Cultural or regional. That doesn't annoy me at all.
  8. GamerJM


    It's silly but if that's their worst offense, I'll let them be mad. It's not a big deal.
  9. How does naked asses correlate to “if someone doesn’t speak English the way I deem appropriate, they must be lesser educated than me” position that you hold, which I’m sure if we examine is nothing but racism wrapped in a linguistics argument with a false premise that SAE is the gold standard of language.

    Edit: also spoiler, all the slang you listed was in common usage regionally before it hit the internet. So your argument still doesn’t hold any water.
  10. TopherDL


    All I ask is that folks be consistent. I find it curious when people are annoyed by one particular type of slang but are seemingly okay with others. It's a completely arbitrary distinction.

    Also, slang is just a part of the natural process of how language evolves over time. We'd all sound like a bunch of morons to English speakers from 1000 years ago.
  11. skillzilla81


    I code switch like a motherfucker. Lots of people in this thread already getting the side-eye.
  12. CarpeDeezNutz


    You could write a whole paper/thesis on slang, it comes in many forms.
  13. DigitalOp


    I don't know what's funnier,

    The idea you think lit or bae isn't cultural or that you think they originated in the internet

    You sound like you in a midlife crisis lol
  14. Burly


    My dude, If you use 'fam' unironically, for sure lose my number, bro.
  15. Achire


    In Finnish the spoken and written language have a certain level of divergence. Whenever I hear people speak exactly as written (and not the local or other regional dialect), I get the impression that they're either sociopaths or autistic. The only time a normal human being might do that is when teaching their small children to speak.
  16. MarineMountie


    The post I responded to mentioned slang and clothing. Good on you for calling me a racist though. I guess it's ok around here to slander people directly because they don't like trendy slang words or asks someone to pull their pants up while walking around a children's hospital. If you don't like my stance, that's fine. I'm not personally attacking you for your stance. Just leave it be. Toxicity on this forum is the worst I have ever seen on any forum I visit.
  17. skillzilla81


    Ya'll people that read that something might be wrapped in racism and construe it as somebody calling you racist are funny.
  18. MarineMountie


    "I'm sure if we examine is nothing more than racism"

    There was no "might" in there.
  19. skillzilla81


    /shrug valuing academic or "regular" english over slang and other dialects is absolutely wrapped in racism. Still didn't call you a racist. Said something you are doing is wrapped in racist elements.

    Go back to those other forums, fam.
  20. Slayven

    You probably post about me on another board. Moderator

    It's always weird because a lot of folks that rail against it, end up co-opting it.
  21. itwasTuesday


    I do not even stand for abbreviations, contractions or similes.
  22. sqwarlock


    Only got a problem with it when some suburban-ass teenager goes around using appropriated slang.

    Otherwise, I'm all for slang. Hell, I'm 34 and my girlfriend and I use slang we made up ourselves. It's just a part of our vocab now.
  23. Show me where I ever called you a racist. If EYE wanted to call you a racist it’s literally the first thing I would have said with zero ambiguity.

    But you can’t, because you just made it up in order to not be held accountable for your beliefs and change the conversation to how you are the real victim here.

    But thanks for admitting that you are racist (and read the Fox News playbook of racism no less) through projection I guess, so maybe you should do the work of unpacking why you think certain slang is evidence of them being lesser than yourself.

    Good luck and god speed.
  24. LeleSocho


    dialects are ok, slangs are not.
  25. Lord Brady

    Lord Brady

    Depends on where it's used. If I see it in the press, I stop reading that outlet. Huffpo for example do this a lot and not coincidentally are a joke news outlet now. I presume that happened after Ariana left.
  26. My kid picked up bruv and mate from some British YouTuber. It's pretty annoying. Hoping he gets it out of his system before school starts back up.
  27. MarineMountie


    Real victim? There is no victim in this argument. How would I be the "real" victim when there is no victim at all? Also, you keep saying I'm racist, yet every race on Earth uses the trendy internet slang of the month. So.....yea. Real racist there.

    I said that I value verbal skills as the first sign of ones maturity level. Not that they are "lesser" than I am. Those are your words. Not mine. People can talk however they like and use whatever slang they want. I don't think they are lesser than me, that would be ridiculous. Stop putting words in people's mouths and stop falsly accusing people that you don't know anything about of being racist. That is not ok and shows your lack of character.
  28. Mr. X

    Mr. X

    From experience getting shit for ax instead of ask, shit was definitely prejudice or classist.
  29. Cilidra


    I adapt to whomever I am talking to. I deal with the public a lot and I don't talk the same if I am dealing with someone with a medical background (I am a vet) or if I am dealing with someone with low education and has very 'slang' version of language (French or English, where I live it's about 30% to 70%). I do try to carry the information in way they will understand better and in the language they understand better, not 'using the proper terms' unless they will understand it. People do appreciate that and often made the comment to me 'Doc I really like you, you explain a way I can understand'.

    I don't take offence to slang, but I usually will only use slang words that have clear meaning in the context.
  30. skillzilla81


    So verbal skills are a sign of one's maturity level, but you don't think those that don't meet your arbitrary standards are lesser than you? Then why use the words "maturity level" which imply outright that one can not be on your "level" in "maturity" (whatever that means)? Who dictates what verbal skills are valuable? What language is deemed most acceptable and least acceptable? By whom?
  31. Panther2103


    Slang is fine. Every word morphs over time anyways, so common words now a days were slang a while back. I don't really think it's fair to be bothered by it, there have been times I've heard slang and thought about how stupid it sounds, but oh well, people can talk how they want.
  32. darz1


    Slang is fine but using slang incorrectly really bothers me
  33. synkling


    I grew up being told that I was better than peers of similar color because I often spoke properly, and enunciating all my words in a way resulted in me being told I "spoke White". This manner of speaking was usually followed up by "Don't be like those thugs," being the favored word at the time for people of that breed.

    It sure was damaging to be internally racist for most of my teenage life, until my influenced viewpoint of the world was shattered by making some friends whose entire vocabulary consisted of slang amidst completely intellectual conversation.

    The real blessing was the fact that I never managed to hurt anyone but myself in my period of arrogant youth. Heavens, what if I was in, say, a position of power? Could you imagine someone so subtly racist to a group, to the point where they'd go out of their way to demolish one's life just because they were raised to dismiss anyone who didn't look, speak or afford things like you?

    That'd be dangerous af.
  34. UltimateHigh


    racism or oldness, or both.

    it was mostly push back against different cultures in my experience i.e racism.
  35. Volimar


    I'm only bothered if it's crude or vulgar. I have an 18 year old so I hear a lot of young people talk.
  36. runlikehell


    People who are bothered by slang are usually the types to instigate nofunallowed.jpg style nonsense in all social interactions/situations.
  37. Yerba_Sutra


    That's still presumptuous as shit and you should rethink how you evaluate others
  38. Dr. Doom

    Dr. Doom

    What truly irks me is when people don't use proper sentences and grammar in Whatsapp or any kind of written communication. Text speak is the worst.

    listen bruv you'll be ok fam
  39. Burrman


    I love slang. Toronto got the best slang
  40. HardRojo


    Using slang is all we do here in Peru, it'd be really boring to communicate without it and we even go the extra mile and use slang for slang.
  41. sqwarlock


    "Text speak" or "netspeak" or whatever you want to call it has evolved to its current state where there are clear "dialects" in play based on the slang that's used.

    But hey, I'm not going to judge you one way or another for not liking what you don't like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  42. Sai

    Community Resettler Member

    if something's lit, it's LIT and imma call it that
  43. coconut milk

    coconut milk

    depends if the slang has made it to Ellen yet

    then i totally understand being annoyed by it
  44. shintoki


    I feel like slang went from something cool, to whomever spends the most time online now.

    Doesn't really bother me as much as it's pretty funny seeing kids come up with new ways to say the same thing. Lol
  45. Give this man some ERA-gold, perfectly said. Also, dat was hella concise my duder.

    The world is a huge place full of awesome smart people who use language differently and creatively, or just have fun with it. It’s crazy people can’t see that, or realize proper English is just slang with a published rule book.
  46. Musubi


    If you've got nothing better to do than get upset about how people talk you need to go find a fucking hobby.
  47. Yerba_Sutra


    Holy shit I love this. Thanks for the kind words!
  48. Strangelove77


    I don’t care one way or another. Talk how you want. I personally don’t use current slang though. I don’t like keeping up with...anything.
    I sometimes will use old 80s or 90s slang, though often sarcastically.

    As long as I get the gist of of what someone’s saying then I’m fine with it. That’s all anyone can ask for really.
  49. So they aren't "lesser", you're just more mature and smarter because you hold SAE as the gold standard. Your culture is the most "mature", and dialects that you don't hold high in value are "immature".


    So you're not racist, just prejudiced.

    Against the language borne from Black America.

    As a white dude.

  50. IrishNinja
