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Lee Yoo-ri and Kim Soo-kyum co-CEO, 'Miss Today' 80 thousand visitors in one day

2011/03/28 | 1231 views | Permalink | Source

Actress Lee Yoo-ri and Kim Soo-kyum's co-launched female apparel shopping mall 'Miss Today' have made a hit.

'Miss Today' is a luxury casual shopping mall for females created with the tastes of Lee Yoo-ri and Kim Soo-kyum.

A spokesperson for 'Miss Today' said, "Orders exploded from the first day, at least 80 thousand visit everyday and the daily sales is up to 20 million won.

Lee Yoo-ri expressed, "I wanted to earn back what I worked hard for but I didn't know it was going got be like this. I will work harder and better to become a better person".

Meanwhile, Lee Yoo-ri got married last September and is now acting in the MBC drama "Twinkle Twinkle".

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