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Last checked : 10/09/2018

Company tax in the EU – Germany

The company tax rate for Germany is 15%.

A 5.5% solidarity surcharge is levied on company tax. The municipalities also levy trade tax, and set the rate, which averages 13.96 %. The combined rate of company tax, trade tax and the solidarity surcharge is approximately 30%.

When you set up your business entity, you should ensure that you do the following:

What profits do you pay company tax on?

Taxable profits include the money your company or association makes from:

If your company is based in Germany, it must, in principle, pay company tax in Germany on all its profits worldwide.

If your company is not based in Germany but has an office or branch there, it only pays corporation tax and trade tax on the profits from its activities in Germany.

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Local business support - Do you have questions on operating a business cross-border, for example exporting or expanding to another EU country? If so, the Enterprise Europe Network can give you free advice.

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