1. Okabe


    Edit : Didn't realize that comic was made in an offensive manner.

    So uh

    Dante for smash !
  2. Thequietone


    Can we not bring the harassment of insiders into this thread? It's what locked the other thread. (Referring to the above image)
  3. Okabe


    Oh wasn't aware that was a thing sorry I just thought it was a joke comic
  4. KZXcellent


    I mean he's not someone who really ever had inside information. He's just a normal dude looking at leaks and giving his thoughts on it in a video. Only difference is in the follow-up video where he was contacted by a source who corroborated the leaks. I don't really go to his or other YouTubers videos and go "I trust this" since 99% of them aren't presenting any exclusive info. Just their opinion like the posts here on ERA.
  5. Mugy


    Like i said, this gotta be a first. Usually leaks are debunked within 1 or 2 days (people usually find something that's messed up), thats how it is. If a leak its actually real, well..it just don't get desconfirmed until it actually (don't) happen. I like to bring the Ryce leak about MVCI because its similar. He managed to bring up the info by itself weeks before the game was announced, with various details, and a lot of things, and while people did believe him, many other didn't (including communities like SRK or Eventhubs). He ended up being confirmed by other "people that knew things" but only after he put the original info. on NeoGAF back in the day. Ryce didn't compromise anybody, nobody got fired, nobody got harassed. Nothing. I remember when MVC3 Uncanny Edition was rumored, it was disconfirmed in like hours. When MVC4 was supposedly leaked, it was also disconfirmed within hours (the original shop maker say it was him), and the MVCI update to MVC4 has Vergeben at his only source, and even Ryce, the leaker of the original MVCI, say that he didn't knew anything about a update for MVCI

    This is a leak with a weird pattern, like i said. Hasn't been debunked yet, then turns out a lot of people knew things, but nobody can't give details (maybe they just don't have details), then suddenly theres insiders, then Youtubers, then Incineroar, and so on...
  6. Well hello you Super Smash Mouths! See we're still on the Grinch Theory stuff.

    I would like a stage in Smash to be Nintendo's original 1889 HQ with playing carts used for the stage floors or maybe a stage that's like a painting that shift through all the era's of Nintendo's History?
  7. MondoMega


    Well would you look at that, Decidueye is the face of the next Pokken Tournament group match event. One that is taking place over the same days as the Nintendo Live tournament in Tokyo. Hmm...
    I know it means nothing but I want to hope.
  8. BassForever


    I think all 3 Golden Sun games are fantastic, never understood the hate Dark Dawn got. Only real flaw the games had was not auto redirecting melee attacks if an enemy died. With how the game was designed though you really should mostly be casting psynergy in combat anyways.
  9. Dark Cloud

    Dark Cloud

    I think people don’t want to leak it because they don’t want to ruin the surprise of the characters.

    It’s the same with Star Fox GP from Retro. Lots of media outlets heard Retro was making that game earlier this year, but none of them came out and said it. Once someone broke the news (4chan?), then the media came out and said “yep our sources heard this too”.

    Insiders are quick to say when they heard something is real like with Star Fox GP, but may not want to break it first because they don’t want to spoil it.
  10. DongBeetle


    So bored of insiders lol. It's always the same "yeah I know everything but I can't tell you literally anything" shit. I don't understand the point anymore
  11. KZXcellent


    The criticism against Golden Sun kind of reminds me of the general negativity behind K. Rool being in Smash. Seems kind of strange.

    My main issue would be that Golden Sun is a bit too chatty with the dialogue. The battle system, collectable Djinn, interesting puzzles and stellar OST make it one of my favorite JRPG series ever. Which makes it a such a bummer that it's likely dead. A rep from that game being in Smash would be fantastic.

    In general I've always hated that.

    "This isn't real"
    "Because it's not"

    Most insiders flaunting what they know about games can be a bit grating but trying to kneecap a convincing leak with zero information to counter it does nothing but make them look silly and obnoxious.
  12. GiantBreadbug


    It absolutely does mean something

    And that something is that Decidueye is the Secret Newcomer
  13. Also am I the only one who likes Primarina? They're my fav Starter pokemon along with the Chimchar line and the Chikorita line.
  14. Blackquill


    It's not the case for the 2nd GS for having played them back to back. There are more dungeons that actually want you to try to think a little bit.

    But there are other JRPGs with puzzle such as Valkyrie Profile (great dungeon design btw), some Tales of (less good) and the Lufia series.
  15. Mugy


    The Star Fox GP, IIRC, was confirmed first by an user on ERA/GAF wasn't it? then Eurogamer confirmed that the game was indeed real, but ended up not being announced, at least so far. Then theres cases of games like the Suicide Squad/ Damian Wayne game by WB Games that was supposedly cancelled and has only 1 original source.

    But this Smash Bros. crap has so many people saying different things, plus the banner that hasn't been debunked & etc. Like i said, gotta by a first. And if people don't want to leak to not to ruin the surprise, then i'm a monster of a person, because i just cannot bring myself up to think that so many different people knew this and nobody say a thing at all :(
  16. mopinks


    the dialogue in Golden Sun being twice as long as it needs to be wouldn't even be quite as unbearable if the characters didn't have to stop to emote after every line
  17. DongBeetle


    It's some legitimately bizarre shit lol I don't understand the motivation behind it except maybe personal gratification? Maybe someone can enlighten me on the important of insiders that won't actually say anything of value
  18. Oddish1


    I don't think it was that they didn't "spoil" anything that media outlets didn't talk about Star Fox GP, after all it's news and they're journalists it's their job to report on it. I think it was that while they heard things it wasn't definite enough to where they felt comfortable reporting it. It was only after someone else mentioned it and it was being picked up and talked about that media outlets mentioned they heard similar things but with heavy disclaimers.
  19. Dark Cloud

    Dark Cloud

    This is like exactly how I feel. My one criticism is they can talk a lot. All Camelot needs to do is less writing. I’m doing them a favor.

    I think Dark Dawn had even more dialogue and kind of games the wind out of the sails.
  20. AlanOC91

    Owner of YGOPRODeck.com Verafied

    That's one of the best aspects!
  21. Thequietone


    It's okay. I know not everyone keeps up to date with everything that goes on here. People were harassing insiders here and Twitter/emails because insiders were saying it was fake and were demanding proof and the names of their sources. Obviously they can't do that without people getting fired. It got kinda bad.
  22. KZXcellent


    Dark Dawn made it even worse by creating a bunch of new terms and jargon for various things on top of making a longer script.
  23. Dark Cloud

    Dark Cloud

    Dark Dawn you had to even click on certain words in the dialogue with your stylus and you can respond by selecting emojis.

    All Camelot needs to do is cut the dialogue and chatter down. It’s that simple.
  24. Mewshuji


    One of the best starter lines, absolute best in Alola. I wish my beautiful sea lion mermaid son would be a playable character but I feel like Greninja sort of blocks him out. Oh well. :(
  25. Dark Cloud

    Dark Cloud

    Probably. Emily did say she heard something on here first.
  26. KZXcellent


    You could make Dark Dawn a much stronger game if you trimmed the script, upped the difficulty slightly, and cut the main party from 8 to 4. They focused on doing way too much that nothing was given the proper time to breathe and the game felt like mostly set up.
  27. Blackquill


    Has anyone talked about that ?

  28. Platy


    If you are famous for not keeping secrets nobody will tell you a secret

    Sometimes it is better to hold a smash leak to leak an actual big game, for example
  29. Oddish1


    Just spitballing here, but the speculation and "enthusiasm" of discussing the rumors was starting to get a little much. Even in the locked thread I saw comments about how crazy a lot of Smash fans were going to be if the rumor was deconfirmed. So maybe insiders felt the need to comment on it in order to check people's expectations a bit when what they heard was at odds with what people were expecting.

    They're also not going to disclose their sources if there's even a chance of it putting their source at risk.
  30. SuperBlank


    Well, under the assumption that it's fake, it would probably be because it came out and no one could debunk it based on the usual pitfalls, then it starts to gain traction so "insiders" step in to attempt to suppress it getting too out of control, but it proves compelling enough people don't listen, so leakers start tipping their hands a bit more and more come out, but people find additional reasons to believe it, etc etc. It's a cycle that won't break until we see something official, in all likelihood.

    Though obviously some of the insiders are bullshitting or have been duped. If the leak is true, I guess most of em.
  31. Dark Cloud

    Dark Cloud

    That’s a capsule from Mario Party 5.
  32. MondoMega


    I feel like this image might be a bit misleading, because that isn't an actual capsule that you can get in Mario Party, someone was just comparing the item to the appearance of capsules/orbs.
  33. Mark1


    Fun idea.

    How would people feel about the banner starting with the original 8, which then becomes more complete when unlocking fighters?

    An incentive for the player to get everyone.

    Then once every character is unlocked, it becomes an option in the art gallery for gamers to view. An achievement of sorts
  34. Blackquill


    Oh I didn't know that, sorry for the misleading
  35. Dark Cloud

    Dark Cloud

    That’s not a real capsule from Mario Party 5. I’ve never seen it
  36. Vampirolol


    I spent years, maybe decades, reading thousands of posts that requested Banjo, Geno and Isaac in Smash Bros, and now that their inclusion seems increasingly likely I'm forced to read dozens of posts that tell me how much these characters are actually irrelevant and not huge.
    Gotta love the Smash fanbase.
  37. Dark Cloud

    Dark Cloud

    That’d be cool. I’m going to get all the characters anyways.
  38. DongBeetle


    Ah I see. I also believe a lot of them "want" this to be fake because if it turns out real it will end up discrediting a lot of their sources
  39. Dark Cloud

    Dark Cloud

    Yeah they went with the ocean strategy when they could’ve kept it to a lake. It makes the game bloated with too much fat.