What is the site quality index (SQI)?

The site quality index indicates how useful your site is for users according to Yandex.

SQI is calculated for sites included in the Yandex search results. The index value is updated regularly.

The quality index is based on the size of the site's audience, the degree of user satisfaction with the site, the level of trust that users and Yandex place in this site, and other criteria. The calculation uses data received from Yandex services.

If the site has a mirror, the secondary mirror has the same quality index as the main mirror. More info about mirror sites.

The quality index for a subdomain is usually the same as for the site's primary domain.

How SQI is calculated

  1. All resources are evaluated using the same algorithm for the site quality index.
  2. Yandex reserves the right to change the algorithm for calculating the quality index at any time without additional notice, reset the value, or cancel the indicator in the following cases:

    • If violations are discovered on the site.
    • If there were attempts to influence the site's SQI.

Yandex does not comment on the changes in this indicator and provides no guarantees or dates for its recovery.