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Can't Believe


Can't Believe Lyrics

Respect what is found
Respect should abound
Respect everything that you leave
I can't believe
Can't believe
Can't believe

[Verse 1]
And I, I can't believe
I can't believe all the travesty surrounding me
I want to flee
Well, I want to flee from everything In front of me

I can't believe
Can't believe
Can't believe

[Verse 2]
Never again, trusted in you
Fuck everything that you think I should be
I stand
Never again, never again

I can't believe
Can't believe
Can't believe
Can't believe
Can't believe

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About “Can't Believe”

“Can’t Believe” is about the disgusting and putrid things lead singer Aaron Lewis sees when performing, such as girls' clothes getting ripped off while crowd surfing, Lewis says that “parents need to do a better job” and “fears what the disrespectful kids will be like in the future.”

"Can't Believe" Track Info