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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

You’re totally welcome on my lawn, but I wish you wouldn’t pee on the grass


I see a lot of young-ish fans on Tumblr being uncomfortable with the idea of “old people” still being in fandom. Even episode 17 of One True Podcast, “Stomping On Each Other’s Lawns - Generational Divides in Fandom”, which was trying to have people from both sides of “the generation gap” actually had fans in their early 20s and late 20s and referred to the fact that there were even some people in their 40s and 50s kicking around tumblr–acknowledging older fans while implicitly claiming they’re much rarer than in reality.

Tumblr is:

  • 13-17 - 15%
  • 18-34 - 41%
  • 35-54 - 29%
  • 55+ - 15%

There are plenty of very young people on tumblr. There are plenty of not-so-young people on tumblr. It’s quite a spread.

AO3 was proposed in 2007, almost a decade ago. The people who jumped on board to help build it initially were not primarily students. We were mostly adults with careers already; that’s what gave us the skills to take on a major project like that. A decade later, I am in my mid-30′s. Some are younger; many are much older.

There was that silly wank a while back about the X-Files supposedly being for teens the same way Buffy was marketed for younger people… only The X-Files was blatantly marketed for an adult demographic back in 1993 when it premiered. Twenty-something plus twenty-three years equals a fanbase in its late 40s. The venerable X-Files archive, Gossamer, was started by people who are now officially Old. Same with Fanfiction.net, MediaMiner, and all of the other great fandom infrastructure we’ve known and loved.

I hate that “The kids these days” shit. Young people are just as welcome in fandom as anyone else.

But I wish you guys wouldn’t sell yourselves short by thinking that you have to be ready to build AO3 when you’re a teenager and that you’re passé and must abandon all of your hobbies by 30.

Mainstream media is already going to tell you that adult women are required to take care of other people’s children instead of taking care of ourselves. Culture is already going to tell you that old women can’t have fun or seek pleasure, that women in general are suspect and can’t be trusted to read “problematic” books without being brainwashed.

Fandom is here to tell you that other people’s kids can be your friends if you both choose it, but you’re nobody’s free therapist, nanny, or censorship board.  Fandom is here to tell you that you can backbutton when you want, but you can also read what you want, even if it’s “bad”. Fandom is here to tell you that you can enjoy your hobbies for the next however many decades until they carry you out feet-first.


I started interacting with fandom in my late twenties and felt self-conscious about it; surely this was for younger people, surely I’d come to it too late.  And then I discovered that one of the things I most valued about fandom was the friendship of my elders – women who became my friends because of my shared interests, but who also helped me often and casually, by example, with personal advice, with career advice, with discussions of sexism, with perspectives that came from experiences I didn’t have. 

I also befriended and interacted with people who were my age or younger, and these friendships are also extremely important to me! But US society is arranged so that it’s pretty easy to socialize with your own age group. It’s not arranged so that you get to see a lot of examples of how older women live their lives or so that you can interact with them as peers.

fandom personal will i start posting here now who knows