Nenshi pitches $25M fund to combat mental health issues, addiction and crime

Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi speaks to media on Oct. 10, 2017. Makowichuk/Postmedia Postmedia Calgary Darren Makowichuk, DARREN MAKOWICHUK/Postmedia Darren Makowichuk / Postmedia

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Mayor Naheed Nenshi is hoping to bring councillors on side with a $25-million proposal to tackle crime and “social disorder” in Calgary by funding more addiction and mental-health supports.

The sharp rise in illegal drugs and crime against people and property that have been linked to Calgary’s economic downturn are key drivers behind Nenshi’s proposal, which goes before council Monday.

The plan involves spending $15 million on existing social services agencies and a further $10 million to seed new initiatives aimed at crime prevention and mental health — amounting to $25 million from the city’s rainy-day fund over the next five years.

“Not only have we seen a sharp rise in social disorder, particularly in the downtown core and at certain CTrain nodes, but also a sharp increase in crimes against property throughout the community,” Nenshi said Thursday. “A lot of people are very concerned about social disorder.

“When I talk to the young woman who bought a condo in the East Village so that she could live and work downtown but now has to drive because she’s not comfortable walking into her own building after dark, clearly something is not working well.”

Calgary’s rise in property crimes in recent years, including vehicle thefts and break and enters, has closely corresponded with a rise in unemployment in the city and the prevalence of opioids, according to a recent report from the University of Calgary’s School of Public Policy.

Nenshi said Thursday that what the city has done in the past, including piecemeal spending on crime prevention while increasing police budgets, hasn’t worked well enough to address Calgary’s problems.

“(It’s) very episodic and it’s very reactive,” Nenshi said.

“We need to take a systems-wide view on mental health, on addiction and on crime prevention, and look at those things together.”

A key part of the proposal, Nenshi said, will be the convening of a community-wide mental health, addiction and crime prevention strategy — bringing Alberta Health Services, Calgary police and front-line community workers to the table — not unlike past poverty strategies such as the 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness and Enough for All.

Councillors Druh Farrell, Evan Woolley, Diane Colley-Urquhart, Jeromy Farkas and Gian-Carlo Carra have indicated their support for the plan.

But Woolley said Thursday that while he’s supportive of the goals of the motion, he’s not convinced that the full $25 million is required.

“I’m looking forward to a robust discussion about what amount is required for us to undertake this work,” Woolley said.

“From violent crime to domestic assault — which we’ve seen go up significantly as a result of the economic downturn — to homelessness, to nuisance behaviours and break and enters: what are the tools that we can work with communities to develop?”

Louise Gallagher of Inn From the Cold, a downtown family emergency shelter, said she’s seen the downturn hit people living on Calgary’s margins the hardest.

“What we see here at the Inn is families coming to us who came to Calgary to create better lives for their children and then they discover that they can’t afford it, they can’t get a job, and there’s all sorts of reasons they need help,” Gallagher said.

She said she’s pleased to see the mayor’s proposal appears to be focused on prevention.

“It’s the contributors to drug abuse and to crime and to mental health issues that we really need to focus on,” Gallagher said.

“If we get more robust in our preventive measures, hopefully we won’t have the same crisis.”
Twitter: @mpotkins

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