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Ma Dong-seok to star in web-toon movie "The Five"

2013/01/15 | 682 views | Permalink | Source

Actor Ma Dong-seok is starring in another major movie this year.

According to several sources, Ma Dong-seok has confirmed to star in "The Five" which is focused on by many movie makers.

"The Five" is based on a web-toon written and directed by Jeong Yeon-sik. The movie is about a woman who loses everything to a serial killer and takes revenge along with a North Korean defector, gangster and all those isolated from society with her intestines on the line. It was evaluated that the endlessly tense storyline is overwhelming.

Ma Do-seok takes on the role of gangster Dae-ho who helps Eun-ah (Kim Sun-ah) with the revenge for the sake of his wife who needs a transplant.

Ma Dong-seok has been climbing the stocks since his appearances in the movie "Nameless Gangster", "Neighbors" and others. He has also starred in "Love 911" this year. His performance in "The Five" is highly expected to please many.

While there are many movies based on web-toons being built, "The Five" can be sought different in the fact that the web-toon based on the scenario was out first.

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