BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:45 P.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) is currently on their last legs in the eastern region of the Euphrates River Valley as their recent string of losses have left them confined to a small pocket in eastern Deir Ezzor.

In addition to their hundreds of fighters in this eastern Euphrates pocket, the Islamic State is also in possession of 40 tons of gold, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Tuesday.

According to the SOHR report, the U.S. Coalition is attempting to force the Islamic State to surrender their last positions and all of the stolen gold currently in their possession.

The SOHR report added that if the Islamic State hands over the gold to the U.S. Coalition forces in the eastern Euphrates region, their commanders will be given safe passage to an undisclosed location.

ISIS is currently under heavy attack by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and U.S. Coalition at the town of Baghouz; thus far, they have managed to repel all of the infiltration attempts by the latter.

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Abu bakrPeter WallaceHayton Recent comment authors
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Disgusting US policy.

Long Live Syria
Long Live Syria

Here is where the Gold is. Enjoy this video. An old classic

Now this is the relationship between the two Daesh & U S for that Gold

Karel Vd Geest

Taking control of the gold has meaning in the sense that it will make restarting IS more difficult and would help in financing some start of reconstruction in the region. At say $1200 a kilo, the value of the gold would be some 50 million USD. For a country a modest amount, but for SDF a fortune needed to kickstart the region.


You are way out in your estimate of the worth of that loot (if it really exists). At today’s price of $41,215.65 per kilo, and assuming this is “tons” not “tonnes” (metric) IS are sitting on a stash of treasure worth $1,530,357,440.00 – one and a half billion dollars – IF IT IS THERE. Questions : how did they move it from place to place, under constant aerial bombardment? How are they moving it now? Where is it? And how do the Americans know how much gold there is? Certainly, if they were willing to do a trade, that amount… Read more »

Peter Wallace
Peter Wallace

Actually not much difference between ton / tonne. 1 ton is 2240 lb ( pounds ) 1 tonne is 1000 kg ( kilograms ) 1000 x2.2lb = 2200 lb. So around 40 pound or 15-18 kilos difference. Main point is how does the US Know !! ?? that they have said gold . Did they give it to them in the first place. Did ISIS steal it and the US knows they have it so are really hunting them down for the gold ? That sounds more like by saying give us your gold and you can go wherever you… Read more »

Karel Vd Geest

Maybe I mixed price per ounce and pricd per kilo. In that case, you are correct. Sorry ! Mea culpa, mea naxima culpa.

Furthermore, I agree with you assessment on it being there.

Nestor Arapa

EE.UU. sólo le importa oro y no la vida humana.
Ahora quiere negociar el oro por la libertad de altos mandos de ISIS.

Abu bakr
Abu bakr

This is how they got their gold from the backed Zionist Kurds and Shias and they took it by force ya Allah how can one deny Your beauty

Abu bakr
Abu bakr

A small group will appear from east carrying black banners and no army will be able to stop them until they reach al aqsa, I guess prophecy became truth, ya Allah how can one deny Your beauty

America Russia and ist proxies with all their weapons and tech can’t defeat one small group Allah is indeed great

Karel Vd Geest

I would offer the services of a psychiatrist, but I think you are beyond help.

So what happens when they surrender? Oh, btw maybe there will be nobody left to surrender as they now shave their beards, put on dresses and try to flee hidden among the women and children. Despicable cowards. Torture like a man, die like a man.

Abu bakr
Abu bakr

Looooooool Karel you buy everything media tells you, if you have one percent brain think for yourself, Islamic State fighters blow themselves up and you think they are scared of death? Media does everything to picture them as cowards but we all saw Mosul raqqa Palmyra and every city they fought against Zionist regime not single surrender and they wontmdomit now either, if anybody it’s you who need help so go get some I can offer you a psychiatrist

Karel Vd Geest

Sure I believe the videos posted by IS themselves. Despicable bearded monkees. As for being bravem they might have been when their morale was high. Now it has sunk, they have lost as in defeated.

Famed Member
Stern Daler

Abu Brothelson, the Israeli will not accept their IS passes –
so IS munafiqun must pay for entry in Gold to the Jews as guards of al aqsa not to the Kurds before they can reach it.

Abu bakr
Abu bakr

Daler you stfu