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* Minister releases intelligence letter warning of church attacks, questions why action was not taken
Sun, Apr 21, 2019, 10:30 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Apr 21, Colombo: A Sri Lankan government Minister today released to media the intelligence letter informing the police of a plan of attacks and questioned why the police , which is under the purview of the President did not take any action.

Minister Harin Fernando released the warning letter which claimed of "information of an alleged plan attack" possibly carried out by an organization named "National Thawheeth Jamaath" targeting Catholic churches & Indian High Commission in Colombo.

The letter dated April 11, ten days before the attack has been sent to police offices, states that a special intelligence unit has uncovered a plan by the leader of the National Thawheeth Jamaath Mohammed Caasim Mohammed Zahran to carry out a suicide attack targeting churches and the Indian High Commission.

"Some intelligence officers were aware of this incidence. Therefore there was a delay in action," Minister Harin Fernando said releasing the letter on Twitter and added that serious action need to be taken as to why this warning was ignored.


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