Laurent Series

If f(z) is analytic throughout the annular region between and on the concentric circles K_1 and K_2 centered at z=a and of radii r_1 and r_2<r_1 respectively, then there exists a unique series expansion in terms of positive and negative powers of (z-a),




(Korn and Korn 1968, pp. 197-198).


Let there be two circular contours C_2 and C_1, with the radius of C_1 larger than that of C_2. Let z_0 be at the center of C_1 and C_2, and z be between C_1 and C_2. Now create a cut line C_c between C_1 and C_2, and integrate around the path C=C_1+C_c-C_2-C_c, so that the plus and minus contributions of C_c cancel one another, as illustrated above. From the Cauchy integral formula,


Now, since contributions from the cut line in opposite directions cancel out,


For the first integral, |z^'-z_0|>|z-z_0|. For the second, |z^'-z_0|<|z-z_0|. Now use the Taylor series (valid for |t|<1)


to obtain


where the second term has been re-indexed. Re-indexing again,


Since the integrands, including the function f(z), are analytic in the annular region defined by C_1 and C_2, the integrals are independent of the path of integration in that region. If we replace paths of integration C_1 and C_2 by a circle C of radius r with r_1<=r<=r_2, then


Generally, the path of integration can be any path gamma that lies in the annular region and encircles z_0 once in the positive (counterclockwise) direction.

The complex residues a_n are therefore defined by


Note that the annular region itself can be expanded by increasing r_1 and decreasing r_2 until singularities of f(z) that lie just outside C_1 or just inside C_2 are reached. If f(z) has no singularities inside C_2, then all the b_k terms in (◇) equal zero and the Laurent series of (◇) reduces to a Taylor series with coefficients a_k.

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