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    There are books that defy categorization. This is one of them. The artist known as Bronze Age Pervert (henceforth ‘TAKABAP’) is a Twitter personality who used to lurk around the Return of Kings forums. Little else is known of him, but I am assume he is some sort of senior American political consultant, receiving large...
  • @Anon

    Little else is known of him, but I am assume he is some sort of senior American political consultant, receiving large sums from Republican ‘dumb money’ with minimal effort, spending most of the day working out and chilling poolside.
    He's literally a gay Jew, and no, he does not have a bodybuilder's physique.

    Observing him and his followers online, it's remarkable how much of a psychic hold and psychic power Jews have over gentile whites. Every kind of new ideological, social, cultural, political movement, trend, or current seems to end up being dominated or heavily influenced by Jews and their verbal charisma and ability. Whether it's mainstream liberalism, leftism, or internet based "alternative" right wing ideology or culture, Jews seem to be able to dominate or exert a strong influence.

    It's remarkable to observe, but also dispiriting and demoralizing. It's as if we've evolved to be the psychic zombies of this hyper verbal people. They have a will to power to psychic dominance that we lack that leads them to overwhelm media niches and overpower us verbally. The only rational explanation for this seems to be that they've evolved over the centuries and adapted to their "environment" of the European mind or psyche, as opposed to the natural environment from which they've been separated so long and that most other peoples have adapted to. They've specialized in and evolved to deal with and manipulate the European mind/psyche, just as the Amish have evolved to deal with and manipulate farm fields.

    To add to the speculation about TakaBak’s identity, his style reveals him to be a slavic individual.

  • @Old Palo Altan
    I'm drinking wine just now, so : Santé!!

    À la vôtre!

  • I’m drinking wine just now, so : Santé!!

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    À la vôtre!
  • @Old Palo Altan
    So it has always proven.


  • @Lo
    Muslim Spain collapsed long ago, India is a shithole. Only great societies that managed to continue being great are Western societies.

    Just letting you know, the Ottomans weren’t much nicer to minorities than the Moors. They didn’t believe in “equality” seriously either.

  • @Seraphim
    German beer and sausages will humour you better than German humour.

    So it has always proven.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  • @Agent76
    Aug 16, 2011 The Tale of the Slave - Robert Nozick

    "Anarchy, State and Utopia". I would recommend re-watching the video to see clearly if Nozick's question is answerable.

    Aug 20, 2011 Law without Government: Conflict Resolution in a Free Society

    This is part 2 of my video series exploring a society where law is provided not by government, but by competing voluntary institutions.

    We already have such a society. It’s called “insert spear chucker land here.”

  • anon[345] • Disclaimer says:
    Muslim Spain collapsed long ago, India is a shithole. Only great societies that managed to continue being great are Western societies.

    Muslim Spain collapsed long ago

    From external predation yes. Not from their minorities getting uppity and demanding “Rights.” Muslim Spain still enforced segregation since it recognized it was the path to maintaining their civilization in light of not having enough homogeneity to maintain itself.

    India is a shithole.

    No thanks to the Eternal Achmed, Eternal Anglo and Modernity. Their system prior to Modernity was enough to maintain their civilization with none of the dysfunction you see today (no excess breeding among the improper castes for one).

    Only great societies that managed to continue being great are Western societies.

    Murica is still effectively young yet already rots (a collapsing Euro stock population, infestation by Mestizos, having a Mulatto who hates Whitey for a past president, racial dysfunction as represented by the failure to find a place for Blacks even after segregation ended). West Europe is cucking itself. Keep up the cope though.

  • anon[345] • Disclaimer says:

    Your French peasant had a better diet
    No. Only fatasses who blame modernity for their poor diet choices make these claims.

    proportionately more of a shot to continue his lineage instead of doomed to inceldom
    No. Historically only about 20% of men had their genes passed down. The ratio is much higher now. Which is actually causing dysgenic selection as exhibited by your existence. If you cannot pick a girl in these times don't blame the world for it.

    and didn’t need to worry about his daughter getting violated by minorities.
    Daughters of people worried about it are not getting violated. Though I think your problem is actually coming from your own inability of not being able to violate anything other than your own hand.

    It’s impossible for society to recognize inborn differences and designated roles without “unfair treatment.” A woman cannot lead where men lead. Negroids do not behave like Swedes.
    Read above again. No one said we must provide equal outcomes. When there is equality only a few women or Blacks end up higher achievers anyway. The problem is now they try to use government power to ensure equality of outcomes. Which is actually against the idea of equality as it advocates unfair treatment at the expense of merit. Equality means people get results based on their merits.

    No. Only fatasses who blame modernity for their poor diet choices make these claims.

    Sorry, it’s indeed so that French had better diets that didn’t induce obesity especially combined with their lifestyles. You’re classic liberal defense of consumption won’t win you favors here. Do you support homosexuality by chance?

    No. Historically only about 20% of men had their genes passed down. The ratio is much higher now.

    The point of patriarchy as practiced in Europe or Japan is to take sexual choice away from women and ensure more men get options to maintain a level of civilization. Your claim is ridiculous in the face of the Modernity (where births are at an historical low, America is 56% White and sinking).

    Which is actually causing dysgenic selection as exhibited by your existence. If you cannot pick a girl in these times don’t blame the world for it.

    That’s nice. How White is your country and how many immigrants are in it?

    Daughters of people worried about it are not getting violated. Though I think your problem is actually coming from your own inability of not being able to violate anything other than your own hand.

    Rotherham (committed by non-Whites and covered up by Whites so they wouldn’t be “racist) and crime stats in Murica (Black Men commit interracial rape on White women far more than White Men do on Black Women) don’t agree with you. Then again, I’m sure you don’t actually live around non-Whites who don’t act White.

    Read above again. No one said we must provide equal outcomes.

    Demanding that society ignore all differences in law leads to “equal outcomes” since you need to provide a background for the failure of multiculturalism and integration and overall dysfunction. Shopkeepers aren’t allowed to ban openly Blacks from their stores (and instead has to resort to dress codes), communities aren’t allowed to ban non-Whites from their streets. Or are you saying segregation should be legal?

    When there is equality only a few women or Blacks end up higher achievers anyway.

    And institutions aren’t allowed to bar them from entrance despite how dysfunctional are (especially women).

    The problem is now they try to use government power to ensure equality of outcomes. Which is actually against the idea of equality as it advocates unfair treatment at the expense of merit. Equality means people get results based on their merits.

    Please tell us how you can enforce your equality without the big bad government stepping in. It was the American government that pushed desegregation and integration, not the White public (which still avoids living around minorities as shown by White Flight). And fixation on “merit” is just striver resentment.

  • @Lo
    It is a very short read, but you are probably a wannabe Nazi teen wanker so it is a TLDR for your pea sized brain.

    >everyone I don’t like is a Nazi the political child’s guide to arguing

    I’m not a liberal so of course I don’t support Nazis.

  • Horizon, c’est votre agence de communication digitale.

  • @anon
    Literally no great society before the degeneration brought about by Modernity operated with "equality." It's obvious that when there are noticeable differences in behavior, intellect, etc. combined with separate roles in society that law should be designed with them in mind. Such as segregation as practiced in Muslim Spain, India's castes, etc.

    Muslim Spain collapsed long ago, India is a shithole. Only great societies that managed to continue being great are Western societies.

    • Replies: @anon

    Muslim Spain collapsed long ago
    From external predation yes. Not from their minorities getting uppity and demanding "Rights." Muslim Spain still enforced segregation since it recognized it was the path to maintaining their civilization in light of not having enough homogeneity to maintain itself.

    India is a shithole.
    No thanks to the Eternal Achmed, Eternal Anglo and Modernity. Their system prior to Modernity was enough to maintain their civilization with none of the dysfunction you see today (no excess breeding among the improper castes for one).

    Only great societies that managed to continue being great are Western societies.
    Murica is still effectively young yet already rots (a collapsing Euro stock population, infestation by Mestizos, having a Mulatto who hates Whitey for a past president, racial dysfunction as represented by the failure to find a place for Blacks even after segregation ended). West Europe is cucking itself. Keep up the cope though.
    , @anon
    Just letting you know, the Ottomans weren't much nicer to minorities than the Moors. They didn't believe in "equality" seriously either.
  • Lo says:
    >I wonder if anyone would think the same if they were a slave or some French peasant who worked for his lord.

    Your French peasant had a better diet, proportionately more of a shot to continue his lineage instead of doomed to inceldom, and didn't need to worry about his daughter getting violated by minorities.

    >Equality is not about absolute equality, rather a legal one. Thus no one gets unfair treatment because of their class, race, or beliefs.

    It's impossible for society to recognize inborn differences and designated roles without "unfair treatment." A woman cannot lead where men lead. Negroids do not behave like Swedes.

    Your French peasant had a better diet

    No. Only fatasses who blame modernity for their poor diet choices make these claims.

    proportionately more of a shot to continue his lineage instead of doomed to inceldom

    No. Historically only about 20% of men had their genes passed down. The ratio is much higher now. Which is actually causing dysgenic selection as exhibited by your existence. If you cannot pick a girl in these times don’t blame the world for it.

    and didn’t need to worry about his daughter getting violated by minorities.

    Daughters of people worried about it are not getting violated. Though I think your problem is actually coming from your own inability of not being able to violate anything other than your own hand.

    It’s impossible for society to recognize inborn differences and designated roles without “unfair treatment.” A woman cannot lead where men lead. Negroids do not behave like Swedes.

    Read above again. No one said we must provide equal outcomes. When there is equality only a few women or Blacks end up higher achievers anyway. The problem is now they try to use government power to ensure equality of outcomes. Which is actually against the idea of equality as it advocates unfair treatment at the expense of merit. Equality means people get results based on their merits.

    • Replies: @anon

    No. Only fatasses who blame modernity for their poor diet choices make these claims.
    Sorry, it's indeed so that French had better diets that didn't induce obesity especially combined with their lifestyles. You're classic liberal defense of consumption won't win you favors here. Do you support homosexuality by chance?

    No. Historically only about 20% of men had their genes passed down. The ratio is much higher now.
    The point of patriarchy as practiced in Europe or Japan is to take sexual choice away from women and ensure more men get options to maintain a level of civilization. Your claim is ridiculous in the face of the Modernity (where births are at an historical low, America is 56% White and sinking).

    Which is actually causing dysgenic selection as exhibited by your existence. If you cannot pick a girl in these times don’t blame the world for it.
    That's nice. How White is your country and how many immigrants are in it?

    Daughters of people worried about it are not getting violated. Though I think your problem is actually coming from your own inability of not being able to violate anything other than your own hand.
    Rotherham (committed by non-Whites and covered up by Whites so they wouldn't be "racist) and crime stats in Murica (Black Men commit interracial rape on White women far more than White Men do on Black Women) don't agree with you. Then again, I'm sure you don't actually live around non-Whites who don't act White.

    Read above again. No one said we must provide equal outcomes.
    Demanding that society ignore all differences in law leads to "equal outcomes" since you need to provide a background for the failure of multiculturalism and integration and overall dysfunction. Shopkeepers aren't allowed to ban openly Blacks from their stores (and instead has to resort to dress codes), communities aren't allowed to ban non-Whites from their streets. Or are you saying segregation should be legal?

    When there is equality only a few women or Blacks end up higher achievers anyway.
    And institutions aren't allowed to bar them from entrance despite how dysfunctional are (especially women).

    The problem is now they try to use government power to ensure equality of outcomes. Which is actually against the idea of equality as it advocates unfair treatment at the expense of merit. Equality means people get results based on their merits.
    Please tell us how you can enforce your equality without the big bad government stepping in. It was the American government that pushed desegregation and integration, not the White public (which still avoids living around minorities as shown by White Flight). And fixation on "merit" is just striver resentment.
  • @anon
    TLDR: A liberal who believes in noble savages and "equality" yaps.

    It is a very short read, but you are probably a wannabe Nazi teen wanker so it is a TLDR for your pea sized brain.

    • Replies: @anon
    >everyone I don't like is a Nazi the political child's guide to arguing

    I'm not a liberal so of course I don't support Nazis.
  • @Lo
    If they don't really exist, then how do you talk about them? If you mean they don't objectively exist, then so what? By the same logic, laws also don't exist, borders also don't exist, politics also don't exist and so on. Besides what do you know about God or what is up with his "eyes"? You pretend to know something you don't really know. It is called faith. So here you go, by your logic, one can also faith in "human rights" or any other abstract ideas. It is a slippery slope that you are standing on.

    Ah, an athiest who advocates the Ottomans. How unsurprising considering Enlightenment degenerates/cucks praised Islam.

  • anon[345] • Disclaimer says:
    I keep repeating myself but equality does not mean someone can share fruits of your labor. The idea is to ensure everyone can get fair, equal treatment in courts, by the government, or organizations. It doesn't mean guaranteeing equality of outcomes. In your example, the state is guaranteeing the equality of outcomes, thus it is unfair to you. We support equality so that, when we go to a court, the court cannot say "you're an average guy from Midwest, how dare you sue (insert X corporation or powerful group or individual here)?"

    Equality supports treatment based on merit, if people are not treated based on their qualities, it means the society is a less equal place. The problem is not equality, the problem is that some call for preferential treatment for some groups in the name of equality. Claiming that you don't support equality only gives these groups power and relinquish any right to enforce equality in the original meaning and purpose of the word.

    Literally no great society before the degeneration brought about by Modernity operated with “equality.” It’s obvious that when there are noticeable differences in behavior, intellect, etc. combined with separate roles in society that law should be designed with them in mind. Such as segregation as practiced in Muslim Spain, India’s castes, etc.

    • Replies: @Lo
    Muslim Spain collapsed long ago, India is a shithole. Only great societies that managed to continue being great are Western societies.
  • anon[345] • Disclaimer says:
    As usual, this author is very confused and his thoughts are incoherent / ignorant. So unsurprisingly he is impressed by an equally confused idiot named Bronze Age Pervert. Let's touch a few lines:

    these men would have never submitted to abstractions like “human rights,” or “equality,” or “the people”
    None of these ideas are bad. You think they are bad, because you don't really know what they are, and assuming popular perversions of these ideas as representations of originals. All of them are based on the idea of freedom, it is so easy to be ignorant and comfortable and not realize how much people sacrificed for these ideas. I wonder if anyone would think the same if they were a slave or some French peasant who worked for his lord. Equality is not about absolute equality, rather a legal one. Thus no one gets unfair treatment because of their class, race, or beliefs. Ancients, Greeks, Romans would not submit these ideas? Sure, then neither would Spartacus to them.

    He wants you to live well, you must first flourish individually, and then with a band of brothers, if the West is going to be reborn. Thus, work out, do what you love, make friends, cultivate your skills, amass power.
    The threshold to becoming a thinker in the West is now being able to give advice at the level of a good high school buddy. As in, who even needs to be told these things? Besides, I thought we weren't supposed to submit to abstract ideas, so why are we suddenly supposed to care about the rebirth of an abstract concept called the West.

    TAKABAP prophesies a time when “piratical bands and brotherhoods” will break free from the constraints of modern civilization and torch and plunder all these cities of excess, sub-par, miserable ‘life.’ There are great precedents for this: the Sea Peoples, the Germanic tribes . . .
    Yep, now I am sure TAKABAP is gay. He is writing his fantasies of bands of muscular men, living for each other. I wouldn't call this sort of fantasies prophetical, it sounds rather Sodomitical to me. Sea People? Germanics? These people did not leave Rome or Egypt to burn down the civilizations. They were just less developed societies, living separately, hoping to gain some plunder. And most importantly, they were fucking their women (check Gallic Wars), not each other.

    What a waste of time. Unless you are TAKABAP, I see no reason for such a pointless article recommending a dumb book written by an anonymous internet gay.

    >I wonder if anyone would think the same if they were a slave or some French peasant who worked for his lord.

    Your French peasant had a better diet, proportionately more of a shot to continue his lineage instead of doomed to inceldom, and didn’t need to worry about his daughter getting violated by minorities.

    >Equality is not about absolute equality, rather a legal one. Thus no one gets unfair treatment because of their class, race, or beliefs.

    It’s impossible for society to recognize inborn differences and designated roles without “unfair treatment.” A woman cannot lead where men lead. Negroids do not behave like Swedes.

    • Replies: @Lo

    Your French peasant had a better diet
    No. Only fatasses who blame modernity for their poor diet choices make these claims.

    proportionately more of a shot to continue his lineage instead of doomed to inceldom
    No. Historically only about 20% of men had their genes passed down. The ratio is much higher now. Which is actually causing dysgenic selection as exhibited by your existence. If you cannot pick a girl in these times don't blame the world for it.

    and didn’t need to worry about his daughter getting violated by minorities.
    Daughters of people worried about it are not getting violated. Though I think your problem is actually coming from your own inability of not being able to violate anything other than your own hand.

    It’s impossible for society to recognize inborn differences and designated roles without “unfair treatment.” A woman cannot lead where men lead. Negroids do not behave like Swedes.
    Read above again. No one said we must provide equal outcomes. When there is equality only a few women or Blacks end up higher achievers anyway. The problem is now they try to use government power to ensure equality of outcomes. Which is actually against the idea of equality as it advocates unfair treatment at the expense of merit. Equality means people get results based on their merits.
  • @threestars
    You've been reading too many blog posts from self absorbed IT nerds and too little history. The Enlightenment philosophers intended to establish a society based primarily on reason and freedom, with equality being desirable only in so far as it didn't conflict with the first two. One of their arguments against inherited privilege was actually the sorry moral, intellectual, and physical shape of the aristocracy.

    They had as much to do with the current state of affairs as Pope Urban II had with the founding of Israel.

    >One of their arguments against inherited privilege was actually the sorry moral, intellectual, and physical shape of the aristocracy.

    Considering how modern White Muricans and Euros refuse to breed and are cucking themselves to death, remind who’s the one in a sorry state today?

  • @Old Palo Altan
    "Many students were so hostile to this thought experience I offered to them, that I decided afterward to call it quits. I just did not like this shallow and pointless fights I found myself in with them at too many occasions."

    That students today refuse rather than welcome challenges to their preconceptions (not theirs anyway, but those of the surrounding society which they have mindlessly accepted) is one of the surest signs that our culture is not merely in crisis, but terminally so.

    I knew perfectly well who "E Stoiber" was, which is why I simply wrote "Stoiber". I even remember his "Laptop & Lederhosen" motto. What I did not know, and what you have now made very clear, was his little mental tick with percentages. I liked him, more than the present nonentity, but it was Franz Josef Strauss whom I really appreciated.

    I like the old accusative - when did it cease to be used?

    As you say, if Habermas described himself as "post-secular" than many surprises are possible in September. I hope you will keep us informed. On the other hand, a "post-secular" argumentation whcih avoids evil is not going to get very far.

    The young of today, wholly formed by Leftist propaganda, indeed never look to themselves as the possible source of their shortcomings. The grievance society. If Habermas has added to this error, then shame upon him.

    I wonder if the black preacher might have been Malcolm X? Leftist Europeans are far too easily impressed by black manifestations, and fill them with a significance they haven't got - or at least didn't, until the world went mad.

    Humour. I shall look into those two, but wonder if, it being German humour, I will miss the point altogether.

    I have a great love of that north-eastern corner of Bavaria which marches along the Czecg border. I think particularly, not so much of Konnersreuth, but of the nearby pilgrimage church of the Holy Trinity in Waldsassen. I was only there twice: once in 1980, and then again thirty years later. I had driven from Dresden, down through the Saxon Switzerland and on into Bohemia - my ultimate goal for the day was Bayreuth, for me another place of pilgrimage. But I stopped at Waldsassen on the way, spent a quarter of an hour in the church, and then a further forty-five over a beer in the stube some hundred yeards from the church - the only other building in sight, and I was the only customer. The beer was perfect, as it always is in Germany, a light wind bent the trees, and I soaked in a view of a Germany which please God will never change. After all, it hadn't yet.

    German beer and sausages will humour you better than German humour.

    • Replies: @Old Palo Altan
    So it has always proven.
  • @Lo
    As usual, this author is very confused and his thoughts are incoherent / ignorant. So unsurprisingly he is impressed by an equally confused idiot named Bronze Age Pervert. Let's touch a few lines:

    these men would have never submitted to abstractions like “human rights,” or “equality,” or “the people”
    None of these ideas are bad. You think they are bad, because you don't really know what they are, and assuming popular perversions of these ideas as representations of originals. All of them are based on the idea of freedom, it is so easy to be ignorant and comfortable and not realize how much people sacrificed for these ideas. I wonder if anyone would think the same if they were a slave or some French peasant who worked for his lord. Equality is not about absolute equality, rather a legal one. Thus no one gets unfair treatment because of their class, race, or beliefs. Ancients, Greeks, Romans would not submit these ideas? Sure, then neither would Spartacus to them.

    He wants you to live well, you must first flourish individually, and then with a band of brothers, if the West is going to be reborn. Thus, work out, do what you love, make friends, cultivate your skills, amass power.
    The threshold to becoming a thinker in the West is now being able to give advice at the level of a good high school buddy. As in, who even needs to be told these things? Besides, I thought we weren't supposed to submit to abstract ideas, so why are we suddenly supposed to care about the rebirth of an abstract concept called the West.

    TAKABAP prophesies a time when “piratical bands and brotherhoods” will break free from the constraints of modern civilization and torch and plunder all these cities of excess, sub-par, miserable ‘life.’ There are great precedents for this: the Sea Peoples, the Germanic tribes . . .
    Yep, now I am sure TAKABAP is gay. He is writing his fantasies of bands of muscular men, living for each other. I wouldn't call this sort of fantasies prophetical, it sounds rather Sodomitical to me. Sea People? Germanics? These people did not leave Rome or Egypt to burn down the civilizations. They were just less developed societies, living separately, hoping to gain some plunder. And most importantly, they were fucking their women (check Gallic Wars), not each other.

    What a waste of time. Unless you are TAKABAP, I see no reason for such a pointless article recommending a dumb book written by an anonymous internet gay.

    TLDR: A liberal who believes in noble savages and “equality” yaps.

    • Replies: @Lo
    It is a very short read, but you are probably a wannabe Nazi teen wanker so it is a TLDR for your pea sized brain.
  • @Dieter Kief
    Philosopher Habermas’ move away from secularism ctd. from comment No. 128– now in English

    Thanks for noticing again.
    Lots of people don’t get what I’m writing, not only here at unz. Some like it though, here too. That’s nothing special, I guess.

    Habermas might not remember me. I did spend some time with him in a seminar in Konstanz and later two days in a villa in Frankfurt with just about thirty or so others (practically all of them Professors from all over the world) – and I was the only one to publish articles about the event in the Swiss, German and Austrian press, but I thought, I would rather not send him personal birthday greetings. I’m soemimes too reluctant in such cases though, I have to admit. Those articles I sold as a freelancer in the early nineties: It was not easy to sell them, because lots of leftist journalists in Germany were firm believers in Postmodernism and told me, that they were dead sure, that Habermas’ was old hat by then and a figure of the past! – Ah ja, now that I think of this stuff: I once taught Habermas’ philosophy at a Geman university, too, while opposing postmodernism (his books helped me indeed to reach my goal). Many students were so hostile to this thought experience I offered to them, that I decided afterward to call it quits. I just did not like this shallow and pointless fights I found myself in with them at too many occasions.


    The Stoiber I mention is the well-known CSU politician. He once was Prime Minister of Bavaria and head of the CSU. He was (and still is) a full-throttle (=Vollgas) rhetoric and one of his shticks was his permanent reference to percentages (he had a huge supply of them in his head for all walks of life…) – my Stoiber-remark at the end of my German text above (comment No. 128) refers to Stoiber’s percentage tick via the title of Henscheid’s novel I quote, since this title is mentally the perfect contrary of Stoiber’s percentages in strengthening the pacifying beer- und Sechsämter driven alcohol-smoothed will to agree in everyday matters on almost anything that could usually be thought of as controversial. Sechs-Ämter or Sechs-Ämter-Tropfen being a herb Schnaps from Wunsiedel, the old capital of the Sechs Ämter (the six counties) – the mountainous Bavarian birth town of – the literary genius Johann Paul Friedrich Richter (aka: Jean Paul) near the Tschechien border!

    A masterpiece, I’ve said it already, this Sechs-Ämter-Tropfen and beer soaked novel: Geht in Ordnung – sowieso – – genau – – – . Well and in it, Henscheid – walking in the beer-soaked footsteps of Jean Paul (who was what we’d now call an alcoholic – a heavy drinker), shows with real humor the existential uncertainties of life in the Bavarian hinterland of Dünklingen (think of Dinkelsbühl and Nördlingen) in the Seventies. Existential uncertainties which are rooted in all kinds of everyday confusions, not least and explicitly so in metaphysical ones. – – – The problems of Henscheid’s protagonists are not at all dependent on questions which can be described in mathematical terms or in percentages. But: The politician Edmund Stoiber in all his very provincial correctness and numbers-fixation fits in there in a paradoxical way: As the perfect other of Henscheid’s main characters, who take life very easy, but at the same time Stoiber, always trying very hard is – I’m following Nikolaus’ von Kues coincidentia oppositorum principle now – not only different from them, but also truly and perfectly so one of them at the same time.

    Since there is room for transcendence and – loss (and death) in Henscheid’s novel, Edmund Stoiber in his efficiency- and percentage-mode is a strong opponent of the main subjects of the book, who are quite regular people (shop clerks, piano teachers, automobile salesman, a sales representative for church necessities, pensioners, a bunch of chemics students…). The whole thing appears as a circle within circles, the”middle point” of which is nowhere. – I melt Stoiber into the greater picture of Henscheid’s novel by applying a think-picture (Walter Benjamin) which was used by Seuse in his Vita – the one I just spoke about with the circle, which consists of circles, that lack the middle punct (Seuse) – – – that’s word by word a rhetorical figure of Seuse, I’m quite precise here – and have been in my German post you refer to as well. I have to admit, that this passage could be read quite easily as just some confusing word-salad. But it ain’t.

    To proceed a bit: Henscheid – like Jean Paul – wrote political satires at times and in them he criticized not least Stoiber – one of Stoiber’s slogans then was: “Laptop und Lederhosen” -that’s how he wanted the Bavarians to be, in the near future: To still wear Lederhosen but to embrace the digital future nonetheless. – – – Well, the satirist and then social-democratic (=mildly leftist) political polemicist Eckhard Henscheid criticized Stoiber way too harsh in my eyes.

    By quoting Stoiber to stress, how tight he fits into Henscheid’s prose I mention too Henscheid’s novella Maria Schnee about the well known and utterly beautiful Bavarian pilgrim’s church of the same name (=where Xaver Unsinn is held dear. And Unsinn (=nonsense!) is the human state of mind, not very far away from the idea, that we humans are “eitel arme Sünder, und wissen gar nicht viel” (Matthias Claudius): We humans are perfectly unimportant poor sinners, not knowing terribly much at all, says Claudius! – And that is the humbleness not only to be found in the novella “Maria Schnee”, but also in Henscheid's novel “Geht in Ordnung – sowieso – – genau – – – ” So, when I let Stoiber greet warmly novel and novella, I reject implicitly Henscheid’s cold critique of Stoiber in a move, that is closely related to the best writing of Eckhard Henscheid. I think, that deep down, a) Stoiber is closer to the universe in Henscheid’s novel than the polemicist Henscheid at times insinuated or claimed and that b) Stoibers percentage-fixation is, in all its defenseless clarity as a fixation of his, clearly visible to and even laughed about by the public:There are numerous popular YouTube-clips of Stoiber the hapless orator, a fact that makes him even more human – – – and Christian, even: – A circle within circles, a mystical thought-picture, I told you so. And seen through this circling and swirling and swinging thought-picture of Seuse, Stoiber is rather showing one of his wounded sides in his number-fixation and therefore is rightfully added even because of his number-fixation to Henscheid’s group of overwhelmingly human sufferers in his novel “Geht in Ordnung – sowieso – – genau – – – “. I’d rather understand Stoiber as just one more example which proves, that our worldly ways suffer from imperfections, and should not be dismissed as dumb or inhuman because of such weaknesses. (And in understanding the existential (or metaphysical = religious) dignity of our human imperfection, we see a trace of God in our world, I’d hold – so here you have one reoccurring motif in my little text, which you mentioned in his post of yours right away to my great pleasure: That God is not to be looked after or searched for only on the big scale, but on the small scale of existential humbleness as well (that’s literally Meister Eckhart – the teacher of Heinrich Seuse, with Seuse being my all-time favorite writer). One sound reason for Meister Eckhart’s claim to look for the traces of God in humble everyday surroundings like cow stables is, that God for sure (=necessarily) transcends – I’d even hold: All of our earthly value systems – and this implies not least our distinction of: Big = good and small = unimportant.
    There’s still a tad more to the Stoiber-Henscheid connection, but I hope, that what I wrote so far has already shown, how deep this stuff – at least in my view – does – – actually reach).


    “Goethen” is the old accusative of Goethe – it adds gravitas and makes the name sound fuller and rounder – more rooted. Therefore no: No wordplay here along the line of Goethe and God.

    So, big and little are poles of thinking. They make the thinker. And they imply a religious dimension. That is one line of thoughts, that runs through my German text above.

    And Habermas loves to play with these things. I’m not sure, whether this Habermasian attitude goes directly back to Occam, but I think, that it indirectly does go back to him (or stem from him) at the very least since Occam was an important middle man who handed over the tradition of concise Latin writing, not least by cherishing Thomas of Aquinas. And here this Habermas-Occam-picture comes with a bit more detail: Habermas changed his way of thinking in a very important way, but all he did verbally was, that he said, that he is a postsecular thinker now. – And that’s why lots of people did not get at all, that his thinking had changed in a major way. Like it might have been the case with Thierry Chervel, founder and owner of the small but profitable leftwing online-platform Perlentaucher, they thought that the step from secular thinking to post-secular thinking was small, because the way in which Habermas pinned it down in his books was so – – humble, by adding just one little Latin syllable.

    And Habermas likes this kind of confusion, that does not spring from unclear language, but from a disregard of humble clarity. And clear and humble he was, no doubt about that: There is a difference between the words secular and postsecular, and he who does not pay attention to language and precision, will be lost as soon as he enters the realm of philosophy, because – philosophy is language (and precision) in action, if it is anything at all. – – –

    One reason why it is not only humble but also ironic, that he calls his new thinking postsecular is, that Habermas was the foremost and most profound critic of postmodernism.
    Zizek debated Peterson not least about religion, Zizek figuring as old school postmodern atheist. Hegel understood, that the two poles of rationality on the one side and (Christian) tradition on the other are conflicting – and that the tensions, that this conflict produces, hurt. The Entzweiung (=two-partition) of the modern mind, Hegel writes about, again and again, is what causes the pain in the modern soul. Dr. Freud conceded that in his book Civilization and its Discontents, which is quite Hegelian, and Zizek sees this point too and – turns it against Marx in claiming, that Marx did not understand, that it is no use, to try to get rid of this basic modern conflict by using (revolutionary) force and trying thus to physically eradicate all bourgois (and religious) power. You can’t physically eradicate the human longing for Religion, because this longing is no physical thing – it’s a mental thing. Hegel got this one perfectly right: The mental side of the human longing for Religion. In opposing Marx with Hegel, Zizek does the world a favor, because he confronts leftists with the most terrible mistake of Marx’ attack on religion: That the left is entitled to fight essentially christian bourgeois societies using physical force against the bourgeois culture, which he claimed had to be destroyed. Say what you will about Zizek: Here he is right, and even brave because this stand he took here in the Peterson debate as in numerous others before brought him lots of conflicts and troubles with the worldwide universal left.

    Goethe’s advantage over Schiller made Habermas more prone to cherish Schiller than Goethe: And that advantage is, that Goethe understood perfectly well, that the devil (or the evil, or the destructive character (Fromm)) are an inescapable part of our earthly strivings. – That’s the core thought of my musings about the Schiller- Goethe-Habermas triangle in my German text above.
    I doubt, that Habermas should have overcome this big shortcoming of his thinking in “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie” – to avoid the concept of the devil and or evil. In short: I think that’s a big omission, the Habermasian blind spot if ever there was one. It has to do with psychodynamics: If you try to avoid the (d)evil as part of our earthly existence, you’re in for an uphill battle you can’t win – you’ll soon see windmills, where there are none, and castles, where there are windmills…Therefore, I’d expect not only Goethe’s Faust, but Miguel Cervantes’ Don Quichotte too to be constantly underexposed in Habermas upcoming biggie “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie”.

    As I said: If you are a thinker, this underexposure of evil comes at a cost: The way, in which this cost materializes in your writing might differ. The way, in which it materializes in Habermas’ writing so far is that he suppresses even thoughts, that don’t fit into his over-optimistic picture of the world. And he does so, even though he writes at great lengths (for hundreds of pages) about the importance of unsuppressed thoughts and free speech. (I know, these kinds of self-contradictions are old stuff – “sie predigten öffentlich Wasser/ und tranken heimlich Wein…” Heinrich Heine, Deutschland, ein Wintermärchen (Germany. A Winter-Fairy-Tale: They preached publicly to drink water/ And secretly they drank nothing but wine).

    One big mishap of our modern consciousness and therefore to be found in the center of our recent mentality is: To look for the faults elsewhere, not in yourself. I tend to think, that secularization does not properly work not least, because it produces a mindset, which is free of individual guilt (thus the knack for coddling of the secular zeitgeist of the regressive left. Odo Marquard once remarked that this is a trademark of the Frankfurt School: To blame the others (=Capitalism, Imperialism, Nationalism, Authorities) for the existential shortcomings – for the imperfectness of the world even, lately: For bad weather….). That’s the best thought of Peterson I think: That modern secularists tend to blame the circumstances and the others habitually and refuse to think about their own faults at the same time. This genuinely Frankfurt School mindset is one, which works as a pirate act: It stole the utterly Christian idea of purity (=holiness, transcendence) and promised to reinstall it in a secular world of enlightenment (cf. Jonathan Franzens great novel Purity).


    That I refer to Steve Sailer’s impressive and insightful, almost perfect book about Barrack Obama and via Steve Sailer’s gem to Obama’s “spiritual leader” and preacher Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. is caused by a story, Habermas told in one of his “small” books with political essays: That he had once been utterly impressed and – quieted down even: That he thought, impressed by the sermon of the leftist black US-American preacher in New York City (if I remember right) he was, Habermas wrote, so impressed, by what the preacher had said, and by the impressive way, in which he had been talking, that Habermas thought whatever he might add would not improve the power of these words in this very situation. – He had found his master, in a leftist emancipative context. I think, that this very experience might have nourished his doubts about the secular mindset, and is thus maybe one of the strong biographical reasons for the very existence of those doubts of his about secularism. – Now, think again about the for us (!) inexplicable ways of the Lord – that he might have allowed an utterly corrupt figure to help the utterly serious Jürgen Habermas to lose his confidence in the secular modern world as the only reasonable path of societal evolution! – If this was the Muppets-show (I know that it ain’t!), Statler and Waldorf would call out – – asking for applause! applause! – – only interrupted by bursts of laughter, – wouldn’t they?

    Ok, and this story of the possible origin of Dr. Habermas’ farewell to secularism reminded me a lot of Obama’s Porsche driving ex-pastor Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. – This is just an assumption of mine, but not necessarily a wrong one, I’d hold: It could well have been the case, that a figure like pastor Wright strengthened or even induced the idea in Habermas, that his secular philosophical world is incomplete. – There’s a lot more to this Wright-complex too, I’ll only add one tiny bit of information to it: Steve Sailer writes, that he actually likes the pompous name of this pastor quite a bit – and Steve Sailer makes it quite clear, that he thinks of this name in all his pompous evidence as something – funny even, something that makes him literally laugh – or smile, at least, again and again – and not least, I might add, because this pompous and I’m sure: Carefully crafted (!) name is so telling.


    The close relation between Steve Sailer here and Jean Paul and Eckhard Henscheid there is the love of all three men of letters of – – – irony and humor. Heinz-Dieter Weber taught me quite a few things about Hegel and Goethe and he worked with Wolfgang Preisendanz and Odo Marquart, and Preisendanz and Marquart especially held humor dear as a literary scientist (Preisendanz) and philosopher (Marquard) respectively – they all worked in the Konstanz-project Poetic und Hermeneutic, one of the productive and insightful efforts in the German post-war humanities, which touched me with its wisdom and insights too, – if maybe only lightly so, but touch me it did nonetheless.

    “Many students were so hostile to this thought experience I offered to them, that I decided afterward to call it quits. I just did not like this shallow and pointless fights I found myself in with them at too many occasions.”

    That students today refuse rather than welcome challenges to their preconceptions (not theirs anyway, but those of the surrounding society which they have mindlessly accepted) is one of the surest signs that our culture is not merely in crisis, but terminally so.

    I knew perfectly well who “E Stoiber” was, which is why I simply wrote “Stoiber”. I even remember his “Laptop & Lederhosen” motto. What I did not know, and what you have now made very clear, was his little mental tick with percentages. I liked him, more than the present nonentity, but it was Franz Josef Strauss whom I really appreciated.

    I like the old accusative – when did it cease to be used?

    As you say, if Habermas described himself as “post-secular” than many surprises are possible in September. I hope you will keep us informed. On the other hand, a “post-secular” argumentation whcih avoids evil is not going to get very far.

    The young of today, wholly formed by Leftist propaganda, indeed never look to themselves as the possible source of their shortcomings. The grievance society. If Habermas has added to this error, then shame upon him.

    I wonder if the black preacher might have been Malcolm X? Leftist Europeans are far too easily impressed by black manifestations, and fill them with a significance they haven’t got – or at least didn’t, until the world went mad.

    Humour. I shall look into those two, but wonder if, it being German humour, I will miss the point altogether.

    I have a great love of that north-eastern corner of Bavaria which marches along the Czecg border. I think particularly, not so much of Konnersreuth, but of the nearby pilgrimage church of the Holy Trinity in Waldsassen. I was only there twice: once in 1980, and then again thirty years later. I had driven from Dresden, down through the Saxon Switzerland and on into Bohemia – my ultimate goal for the day was Bayreuth, for me another place of pilgrimage. But I stopped at Waldsassen on the way, spent a quarter of an hour in the church, and then a further forty-five over a beer in the stube some hundred yeards from the church – the only other building in sight, and I was the only customer. The beer was perfect, as it always is in Germany, a light wind bent the trees, and I soaked in a view of a Germany which please God will never change. After all, it hadn’t yet.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    German beer and sausages will humour you better than German humour.
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  • @Old Palo Altan
    Well the old man is 90 now: did you send him a birthday card? In any case, you haven't persuaded me to send one myself.
    I liked your play on words with "Ente" and too your recognition of the importance of avoiding small errors at the start. Do you tell us then that Habermas is going to address that problem, perhaps even by hinting that a fall away from spirit (in the broadest sense of the term) has led to the catastrophic failings, moral as well as philosophical, of today? You perhaps hint this when you chastise Cherval for having failed to notice Habermas's slow change of direction, as you see it, or hope for it?
    I can't pretend to see the point of the sudden turn to Wright and Obama (I thought I would not need to write the accursed name ever again), and you don't seem to think that Habermas will discuss the primeval reasons for the existence of such oddities (for that you appear to be telling us to go an earlier work of his), so why bring it up at all?
    How is Habermas a possible (according to your Paulian reading - or writing) a possible counter-weight to Zizek and Weber (this last unknown to me) in their Hegelianism? By being a deeper one, or one nourished as well by the other thinkers you name, and whom you describe as mentors too of Peterson (another name I was sorry to have to write!). Well, we shall see. Or rather you will. I might even remind you in late September to let us know how it all pans out. I do not plan to pay c. (!) 98 euros for the privilege.
    Is Stoiber a joke figure? Are you using "Goethen" as a play on God? Should Habermas see things a bit more as did his hero Schiller? Should he engage the problem of Islam, as did poor dear weak Benedict?
    I shall pray that he might, and even that he might admit his errors and turn to the Infinite. So that we might all say "Alles Gut!"

    My lasting impression, though, from your "review": you write in German every bit as allusively, as round-aboutedly, I might almost feel justified to say, as chaotically, as you do in English. Chaotic or not, it is certainly exhausting.
    No criticism; an observation only. Here at Sailer's we notice.

    Philosopher Habermas’ move away from secularism ctd. from comment No. 128– now in English

    Thanks for noticing again.
    Lots of people don’t get what I’m writing, not only here at unz. Some like it though, here too. That’s nothing special, I guess.

    Habermas might not remember me. I did spend some time with him in a seminar in Konstanz and later two days in a villa in Frankfurt with just about thirty or so others (practically all of them Professors from all over the world) – and I was the only one to publish articles about the event in the Swiss, German and Austrian press, but I thought, I would rather not send him personal birthday greetings. I’m soemimes too reluctant in such cases though, I have to admit. Those articles I sold as a freelancer in the early nineties: It was not easy to sell them, because lots of leftist journalists in Germany were firm believers in Postmodernism and told me, that they were dead sure, that Habermas’ was old hat by then and a figure of the past! – Ah ja, now that I think of this stuff: I once taught Habermas’ philosophy at a Geman university, too, while opposing postmodernism (his books helped me indeed to reach my goal). Many students were so hostile to this thought experience I offered to them, that I decided afterward to call it quits. I just did not like this shallow and pointless fights I found myself in with them at too many occasions.


    The Stoiber I mention is the well-known CSU politician. He once was Prime Minister of Bavaria and head of the CSU. He was (and still is) a full-throttle (=Vollgas) rhetoric and one of his shticks was his permanent reference to percentages (he had a huge supply of them in his head for all walks of life…) – my Stoiber-remark at the end of my German text above (comment No. 128) refers to Stoiber’s percentage tick via the title of Henscheid’s novel I quote, since this title is mentally the perfect contrary of Stoiber’s percentages in strengthening the pacifying beer- und Sechsämter driven alcohol-smoothed will to agree in everyday matters on almost anything that could usually be thought of as controversial. Sechs-Ämter or Sechs-Ämter-Tropfen being a herb Schnaps from Wunsiedel, the old capital of the Sechs Ämter (the six counties) – the mountainous Bavarian birth town of – the literary genius Johann Paul Friedrich Richter (aka: Jean Paul) near the Tschechien border!


    A masterpiece, I’ve said it already, this Sechs-Ämter-Tropfen and beer soaked novel: Geht in Ordnung – sowieso – – genau – – – . Well and in it, Henscheid – walking in the beer-soaked footsteps of Jean Paul (who was what we’d now call an alcoholic – a heavy drinker), shows with real humor the existential uncertainties of life in the Bavarian hinterland of Dünklingen (think of Dinkelsbühl and Nördlingen) in the Seventies. Existential uncertainties which are rooted in all kinds of everyday confusions, not least and explicitly so in metaphysical ones. – – – The problems of Henscheid’s protagonists are not at all dependent on questions which can be described in mathematical terms or in percentages. But: The politician Edmund Stoiber in all his very provincial correctness and numbers-fixation fits in there in a paradoxical way: As the perfect other of Henscheid’s main characters, who take life very easy, but at the same time Stoiber, always trying very hard is – I’m following Nikolaus’ von Kues coincidentia oppositorum principle now – not only different from them, but also truly and perfectly so one of them at the same time.

    Since there is room for transcendence and – loss (and death) in Henscheid’s novel, Edmund Stoiber in his efficiency- and percentage-mode is a strong opponent of the main subjects of the book, who are quite regular people (shop clerks, piano teachers, automobile salesman, a sales representative for church necessities, pensioners, a bunch of chemics students…). The whole thing appears as a circle within circles, the”middle point” of which is nowhere. – I melt Stoiber into the greater picture of Henscheid’s novel by applying a think-picture (Walter Benjamin) which was used by Seuse in his Vita – the one I just spoke about with the circle, which consists of circles, that lack the middle punct (Seuse) – – – that’s word by word a rhetorical figure of Seuse, I’m quite precise here – and have been in my German post you refer to as well. I have to admit, that this passage could be read quite easily as just some confusing word-salad. But it ain’t.

    To proceed a bit: Henscheid – like Jean Paul – wrote political satires at times and in them he criticized not least Stoiber – one of Stoiber’s slogans then was: “Laptop und Lederhosen” -that’s how he wanted the Bavarians to be, in the near future: To still wear Lederhosen but to embrace the digital future nonetheless. – – – Well, the satirist and then social-democratic (=mildly leftist) political polemicist Eckhard Henscheid criticized Stoiber way too harsh in my eyes.

    By quoting Stoiber to stress, how tight he fits into Henscheid’s prose I mention too Henscheid’s novella Maria Schnee about the well known and utterly beautiful Bavarian pilgrim’s church of the same name (=where Xaver Unsinn is held dear. And Unsinn (=nonsense!) is the human state of mind, not very far away from the idea, that we humans are “eitel arme Sünder, und wissen gar nicht viel” (Matthias Claudius): We humans are perfectly unimportant poor sinners, not knowing terribly much at all, says Claudius! – And that is the humbleness not only to be found in the novella “Maria Schnee”, but also in Henscheid’s novel “Geht in Ordnung – sowieso – – genau – – – ” So, when I let Stoiber greet warmly novel and novella, I reject implicitly Henscheid’s cold critique of Stoiber in a move, that is closely related to the best writing of Eckhard Henscheid. I think, that deep down, a) Stoiber is closer to the universe in Henscheid’s novel than the polemicist Henscheid at times insinuated or claimed and that b) Stoibers percentage-fixation is, in all its defenseless clarity as a fixation of his, clearly visible to and even laughed about by the public:There are numerous popular YouTube-clips of Stoiber the hapless orator, a fact that makes him even more human – – – and Christian, even: – A circle within circles, a mystical thought-picture, I told you so. And seen through this circling and swirling and swinging thought-picture of Seuse, Stoiber is rather showing one of his wounded sides in his number-fixation and therefore is rightfully added even because of his number-fixation to Henscheid’s group of overwhelmingly human sufferers in his novel “Geht in Ordnung – sowieso – – genau – – – “. I’d rather understand Stoiber as just one more example which proves, that our worldly ways suffer from imperfections, and should not be dismissed as dumb or inhuman because of such weaknesses. (And in understanding the existential (or metaphysical = religious) dignity of our human imperfection, we see a trace of God in our world, I’d hold – so here you have one reoccurring motif in my little text, which you mentioned in his post of yours right away to my great pleasure: That God is not to be looked after or searched for only on the big scale, but on the small scale of existential humbleness as well (that’s literally Meister Eckhart – the teacher of Heinrich Seuse, with Seuse being my all-time favorite writer). One sound reason for Meister Eckhart’s claim to look for the traces of God in humble everyday surroundings like cow stables is, that God for sure (=necessarily) transcends – I’d even hold: All of our earthly value systems – and this implies not least our distinction of: Big = good and small = unimportant.
    There’s still a tad more to the Stoiber-Henscheid connection, but I hope, that what I wrote so far has already shown, how deep this stuff – at least in my view – does – – actually reach).


    “Goethen” is the old accusative of Goethe – it adds gravitas and makes the name sound fuller and rounder – more rooted. Therefore no: No wordplay here along the line of Goethe and God.

    So, big and little are poles of thinking. They make the thinker. And they imply a religious dimension. That is one line of thoughts, that runs through my German text above.

    And Habermas loves to play with these things. I’m not sure, whether this Habermasian attitude goes directly back to Occam, but I think, that it indirectly does go back to him (or stem from him) at the very least since Occam was an important middle man who handed over the tradition of concise Latin writing, not least by cherishing Thomas of Aquinas. And here this Habermas-Occam-picture comes with a bit more detail: Habermas changed his way of thinking in a very important way, but all he did verbally was, that he said, that he is a postsecular thinker now. – And that’s why lots of people did not get at all, that his thinking had changed in a major way. Like it might have been the case with Thierry Chervel, founder and owner of the small but profitable leftwing online-platform Perlentaucher, they thought that the step from secular thinking to post-secular thinking was small, because the way in which Habermas pinned it down in his books was so – – humble, by adding just one little Latin syllable.

    And Habermas likes this kind of confusion, that does not spring from unclear language, but from a disregard of humble clarity. And clear and humble he was, no doubt about that: There is a difference between the words secular and postsecular, and he who does not pay attention to language and precision, will be lost as soon as he enters the realm of philosophy, because – philosophy is language (and precision) in action, if it is anything at all. – – –

    One reason why it is not only humble but also ironic, that he calls his new thinking postsecular is, that Habermas was the foremost and most profound critic of postmodernism.
    Zizek debated Peterson not least about religion, Zizek figuring as old school postmodern atheist. Hegel understood, that the two poles of rationality on the one side and (Christian) tradition on the other are conflicting – and that the tensions, that this conflict produces, hurt. The Entzweiung (=two-partition) of the modern mind, Hegel writes about, again and again, is what causes the pain in the modern soul. Dr. Freud conceded that in his book Civilization and its Discontents, which is quite Hegelian, and Zizek sees this point too and – turns it against Marx in claiming, that Marx did not understand, that it is no use, to try to get rid of this basic modern conflict by using (revolutionary) force and trying thus to physically eradicate all bourgois (and religious) power. You can’t physically eradicate the human longing for Religion, because this longing is no physical thing – it’s a mental thing. Hegel got this one perfectly right: The mental side of the human longing for Religion. In opposing Marx with Hegel, Zizek does the world a favor, because he confronts leftists with the most terrible mistake of Marx’ attack on religion: That the left is entitled to fight essentially christian bourgeois societies using physical force against the bourgeois culture, which he claimed had to be destroyed. Say what you will about Zizek: Here he is right, and even brave because this stand he took here in the Peterson debate as in numerous others before brought him lots of conflicts and troubles with the worldwide universal left.

    Goethe’s advantage over Schiller made Habermas more prone to cherish Schiller than Goethe: And that advantage is, that Goethe understood perfectly well, that the devil (or the evil, or the destructive character (Fromm)) are an inescapable part of our earthly strivings. – That’s the core thought of my musings about the Schiller- Goethe-Habermas triangle in my German text above.
    I doubt, that Habermas should have overcome this big shortcoming of his thinking in “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie” – to avoid the concept of the devil and or evil. In short: I think that’s a big omission, the Habermasian blind spot if ever there was one. It has to do with psychodynamics: If you try to avoid the (d)evil as part of our earthly existence, you’re in for an uphill battle you can’t win – you’ll soon see windmills, where there are none, and castles, where there are windmills…Therefore, I’d expect not only Goethe’s Faust, but Miguel Cervantes’ Don Quichotte too to be constantly underexposed in Habermas upcoming biggie “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie”.

    As I said: If you are a thinker, this underexposure of evil comes at a cost: The way, in which this cost materializes in your writing might differ. The way, in which it materializes in Habermas’ writing so far is that he suppresses even thoughts, that don’t fit into his over-optimistic picture of the world. And he does so, even though he writes at great lengths (for hundreds of pages) about the importance of unsuppressed thoughts and free speech. (I know, these kinds of self-contradictions are old stuff – “sie predigten öffentlich Wasser/ und tranken heimlich Wein…” Heinrich Heine, Deutschland, ein Wintermärchen (Germany. A Winter-Fairy-Tale: They preached publicly to drink water/ And secretly they drank nothing but wine).

    One big mishap of our modern consciousness and therefore to be found in the center of our recent mentality is: To look for the faults elsewhere, not in yourself. I tend to think, that secularization does not properly work not least, because it produces a mindset, which is free of individual guilt (thus the knack for coddling of the secular zeitgeist of the regressive left. Odo Marquard once remarked that this is a trademark of the Frankfurt School: To blame the others (=Capitalism, Imperialism, Nationalism, Authorities) for the existential shortcomings – for the imperfectness of the world even, lately: For bad weather….). That’s the best thought of Peterson I think: That modern secularists tend to blame the circumstances and the others habitually and refuse to think about their own faults at the same time. This genuinely Frankfurt School mindset is one, which works as a pirate act: It stole the utterly Christian idea of purity (=holiness, transcendence) and promised to reinstall it in a secular world of enlightenment (cf. Jonathan Franzens great novel Purity).


    That I refer to Steve Sailer’s impressive and insightful, almost perfect book about Barrack Obama and via Steve Sailer’s gem to Obama’s “spiritual leader” and preacher Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. is caused by a story, Habermas told in one of his “small” books with political essays: That he had once been utterly impressed and – quieted down even: That he thought, impressed by the sermon of the leftist black US-American preacher in New York City (if I remember right) he was, Habermas wrote, so impressed, by what the preacher had said, and by the impressive way, in which he had been talking, that Habermas thought whatever he might add would not improve the power of these words in this very situation. – He had found his master, in a leftist emancipative context. I think, that this very experience might have nourished his doubts about the secular mindset, and is thus maybe one of the strong biographical reasons for the very existence of those doubts of his about secularism. – Now, think again about the for us (!) inexplicable ways of the Lord – that he might have allowed an utterly corrupt figure to help the utterly serious Jürgen Habermas to lose his confidence in the secular modern world as the only reasonable path of societal evolution! – If this was the Muppets-show (I know that it ain’t!), Statler and Waldorf would call out – – asking for applause! applause! – – only interrupted by bursts of laughter, – wouldn’t they?

    Ok, and this story of the possible origin of Dr. Habermas’ farewell to secularism reminded me a lot of Obama’s Porsche driving ex-pastor Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. – This is just an assumption of mine, but not necessarily a wrong one, I’d hold: It could well have been the case, that a figure like pastor Wright strengthened or even induced the idea in Habermas, that his secular philosophical world is incomplete. – There’s a lot more to this Wright-complex too, I’ll only add one tiny bit of information to it: Steve Sailer writes, that he actually likes the pompous name of this pastor quite a bit – and Steve Sailer makes it quite clear, that he thinks of this name in all his pompous evidence as something – funny even, something that makes him literally laugh – or smile, at least, again and again – and not least, I might add, because this pompous and I’m sure: Carefully crafted (!) name is so telling.


    The close relation between Steve Sailer here and Jean Paul and Eckhard Henscheid there is the love of all three men of letters of – – – irony and humor. Heinz-Dieter Weber taught me quite a few things about Hegel and Goethe and he worked with Wolfgang Preisendanz and Odo Marquart, and Preisendanz and Marquart especially held humor dear as a literary scientist (Preisendanz) and philosopher (Marquard) respectively – they all worked in the Konstanz-project Poetic und Hermeneutic, one of the productive and insightful efforts in the German post-war humanities, which touched me with its wisdom and insights too, – if maybe only lightly so, but touch me it did nonetheless.

    • Replies: @Old Palo Altan
    "Many students were so hostile to this thought experience I offered to them, that I decided afterward to call it quits. I just did not like this shallow and pointless fights I found myself in with them at too many occasions."

    That students today refuse rather than welcome challenges to their preconceptions (not theirs anyway, but those of the surrounding society which they have mindlessly accepted) is one of the surest signs that our culture is not merely in crisis, but terminally so.

    I knew perfectly well who "E Stoiber" was, which is why I simply wrote "Stoiber". I even remember his "Laptop & Lederhosen" motto. What I did not know, and what you have now made very clear, was his little mental tick with percentages. I liked him, more than the present nonentity, but it was Franz Josef Strauss whom I really appreciated.

    I like the old accusative - when did it cease to be used?

    As you say, if Habermas described himself as "post-secular" than many surprises are possible in September. I hope you will keep us informed. On the other hand, a "post-secular" argumentation whcih avoids evil is not going to get very far.

    The young of today, wholly formed by Leftist propaganda, indeed never look to themselves as the possible source of their shortcomings. The grievance society. If Habermas has added to this error, then shame upon him.

    I wonder if the black preacher might have been Malcolm X? Leftist Europeans are far too easily impressed by black manifestations, and fill them with a significance they haven't got - or at least didn't, until the world went mad.

    Humour. I shall look into those two, but wonder if, it being German humour, I will miss the point altogether.

    I have a great love of that north-eastern corner of Bavaria which marches along the Czecg border. I think particularly, not so much of Konnersreuth, but of the nearby pilgrimage church of the Holy Trinity in Waldsassen. I was only there twice: once in 1980, and then again thirty years later. I had driven from Dresden, down through the Saxon Switzerland and on into Bohemia - my ultimate goal for the day was Bayreuth, for me another place of pilgrimage. But I stopped at Waldsassen on the way, spent a quarter of an hour in the church, and then a further forty-five over a beer in the stube some hundred yeards from the church - the only other building in sight, and I was the only customer. The beer was perfect, as it always is in Germany, a light wind bent the trees, and I soaked in a view of a Germany which please God will never change. After all, it hadn't yet.

  • @Old Palo Altan
    Well the old man is 90 now: did you send him a birthday card? In any case, you haven't persuaded me to send one myself.
    I liked your play on words with "Ente" and too your recognition of the importance of avoiding small errors at the start. Do you tell us then that Habermas is going to address that problem, perhaps even by hinting that a fall away from spirit (in the broadest sense of the term) has led to the catastrophic failings, moral as well as philosophical, of today? You perhaps hint this when you chastise Cherval for having failed to notice Habermas's slow change of direction, as you see it, or hope for it?
    I can't pretend to see the point of the sudden turn to Wright and Obama (I thought I would not need to write the accursed name ever again), and you don't seem to think that Habermas will discuss the primeval reasons for the existence of such oddities (for that you appear to be telling us to go an earlier work of his), so why bring it up at all?
    How is Habermas a possible (according to your Paulian reading - or writing) a possible counter-weight to Zizek and Weber (this last unknown to me) in their Hegelianism? By being a deeper one, or one nourished as well by the other thinkers you name, and whom you describe as mentors too of Peterson (another name I was sorry to have to write!). Well, we shall see. Or rather you will. I might even remind you in late September to let us know how it all pans out. I do not plan to pay c. (!) 98 euros for the privilege.
    Is Stoiber a joke figure? Are you using "Goethen" as a play on God? Should Habermas see things a bit more as did his hero Schiller? Should he engage the problem of Islam, as did poor dear weak Benedict?
    I shall pray that he might, and even that he might admit his errors and turn to the Infinite. So that we might all say "Alles Gut!"

    My lasting impression, though, from your "review": you write in German every bit as allusively, as round-aboutedly, I might almost feel justified to say, as chaotically, as you do in English. Chaotic or not, it is certainly exhausting.
    No criticism; an observation only. Here at Sailer's we notice.

    That’s why the greatest German philosopher and polymath, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, wrote in Latin and French.

  • @Anon
    "I think its fair to assume, you’re the only one around here, who knows not only Jean Paul but also Wutz:"

    *cough* *cough*

    “Öhh?” (Obelix).

  • @Dieter Kief
    Guillaume Durocher, take a deep breath, please. Thank you!!

    Vermischte Prospekte in Jürgen Habermas' "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" hinein, gesehen mit den Augen des vergnügten Jean-Paulischen Schulmeisterleins Maria Wutz, gegeben drei/vier Tage vor Jürgen Habermas' 90. Geburtstag am 19. 6. und drei Monate vor Erscheinen des o. a. Habermasischen Zweibänders über die Co-Evolution von Christentum und Europäischer Philosophie - vom Römischen Kaiserreich bis heute

    Wenn es quakt wie eine Ente, läuft wie eine Ente und aussieht wie eine Ente, dann ist es eine Ente

    Der Kommentator Ewald_der_Etrusker, als er wieder einmal zu Felde zog


    Die kenntnisreiche und aufrichtige Argumentation ist der vernünftige Kern unserer Kultur. Und den, so schließt der gute Doktor Habermas gern seine Abhandlungen, haben Barbaren auf dem Kieker, verstehen Sie, Ewald_der_Etrusker?

    Deshalb soll man, wie Thomas von Aquin in "De Ente et Essentia" in aller Klarheit bereits dargelegt hat - mit immerhin onomatopoetischem Bezug auf Sie und Ihre Wissenschafts-Enten Metaphorik, und logischem Bezug darüber hinaus zu Aristoteles immerhin. Also deshalb, so meine ich grad' wie Thomas, soll man unbedingt die Vernunft hochhalten; denn nur so ist zu verhindern, dass, wie er in dem angeführten Frühwerk von - ich hab' nachgeguckt, 1255, - ganz richtig schlussfolgert: Also Thomas sagt da kurz gefasst, man soll gut argumentieren, weil aus kleinen Fehlern leicht mal große werden.

    (Hehe - das ist bereits eine Vorausschau auf des schaffigen Starnberger Doktors nächstes zweibändiges Großbuch von wie man beim Suhrkap-Verlag liest exakt 1700 Seiten für, wie der Verlag weiter schreibt, "circa" 98 Euro. Erhältlich im gut sortierten Buchhandel ab 30. September 2019).

    Ich gib' fürderhin meinen tentativen Voraus-Einblick in Habermas' "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" betitelten Doppelbänder auf den Spuren des herzallerliebsten Schulmeisterleins Maria Wutz aus Jean Pauls Idylle über das gottgefällige Auenthal und denke an den späten, postsäkularen "großen Jürgen Habermas", so Th.Chervel im Online-Magzin Perlentaucher. Der freilich, also der Thierry Chervel vom Perlentaucher, ist selber gar nicht postsäkular, sondern als weiter streng atheistisch/säkular und insofern der genuinen Habermasischen Denkbewegung ein wenig abhold, in den letzten Jahren. Loben tat er ihn dennoch, vielleicht hat er nicht richtig gecheckt, was da abgeganen war, denktechnisch, sowas kann in unserer schnellebigen Zeit leicht einmal passieren, wie ich finde, vielleicht ist das alles aber auch ganz anders.


    Ich kucke indessen frühlingshaft heiter gestimmt ausdrücklich m i t Wutzens erquickten Äuglein, da dieser unverdrossen frohgemute arme Schulmann alle seine Lieblingsbücher als absoluter Enthusiast u n d Habenichts s e l b e r schrieb - : - Und daher spicke ich durch Wutzens vom rauen Weltenlauf ungetrübte Wunderlinsen in dieses uns bevorstehende wuchtige, irgendwie nach Goethens Superintendenten Johann Gottlieb Herders "Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menschheit" betitelten Werks Habermas', das ebend etwas kürzer und etwas verdreht "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" heißt; obwohl es viel viel länger ist. Eine captatio benvolentiae mit Blick auf die Leserinnen und Leser all', vermutlich. Irgendwie ein Trost: Mag' das Buch auch noch so doppelbändig und doppeldick sein, so ist es immerhin verhältnismässig schlank und sogar ein wenig lustig verdreht betitelt- also gilt es bald einmal: Frischauf und ungesäumt hindurch, oh Wissensdurstige & Wissensdurstige all'. Ok - ich blicke in diese Giga-Blattsammlung jetzt schon - und gratis obendrein im Geiste Wutz', - und etwan gleich wie Wutz auf der Grundlage eines auf die Buchmesse hinzielenden Verlagsprospektes "grad' au no" (Moser). Coincidentia Tripartita Constantiae.


    Im übrigen ist es keineswegs ausgemacht, dass meine Prophezeiung bezüglich der prominenten Rolle des Thomas für unser abendländisches Denken und implizit oder wer weiß sogar explízit von des Thomas hochgelahrten und jedenfalls top-ehrgeizigen kleinen Frühwerks "De Ente et Essentia" "in Tat und Wahrheit" (A. Maucher) überhaupt zutrifft. Obwohl - unwahrscheinlich ist das nicht, dass in meinen Überlegungen einiges vom wirklichen Denken des Marburgischen Doktors wie auch Doktors honoris causa int. mult. - tatsächlich - - schon drin-stickt, denn die Welt "stickt" (Goethe) allgemein "voller Merkwürdigkeiten". - - - Nun, "wir werden", mit den Worten Hannes Waders fast schon zu schließen - hoffentlich! - diesen Herbst noch "sehn", wie es um diese Dinge steht - gern auch mit Blick auf "Häuptling Seattle" (Hannes Wader), oder z. B. auf den spirituellen reformierten ehemaligen Mentor und ersten geistlichen Anleiter des weiland Chicagoer Senators Barrack Obama.

    Die Rede ist von keinem geringeren als dem Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., also dem Kurator des im "Hyatt Regency Hotel" daselbst verliehenen Chicagoer "Trumpeter-Magazine-Awards". Der ging an Louis Farrakhan ("The Nation of Islam") am zweiten November 2007, wie Steve Sailer so treulich verzeichnet in seiner in der Tat einlässlichen und einsichtsreichen Obama-Deutung "AMERICA'S HALF-BLOOD PRINCE", auf den Spuren von Obamas Buch über, so Obama - "Rasse und Erbschaft". - ! - Ein spannender möglicher Subplot von Dr. Jürgens neuem Buch, wie mir scheint, in dem ein Prototyp des korrupten Schwazen christlichen Charismatikers und lebenslustigen Predigers der US Mega-Kirchen ja sowenig fehlen sollte, wie die Vertreter des politisch-radikalislamischen Flügels unserer Multikulturalität. So einer aber, Zufälle gibts!, war in der Tat der andere von des aufstrebenden linken Senators Barrack Obama Augensternen, nämlich der vogelwilde Schreiber und Agitator Louis Farrakhan, den man islamischerseits dann leider ermordete. Eine furchtbare Geschichte.

    Das ist hier etwas gedrängt - mehr wie gesagt in Steve Sailers konziser Deutung von Barrack Obamas autobiographischem Buch "Dreams from my Father - A Story of Race and Inheritance". Ein Buch, das Sailer übrigens schrieb, bevor Obama Präsident wurde. Der Obama-Titel richtig verdeutscht lautet: "Träume von meinem Vater - Eine Geschichte über Rasse und Erbschaft". Der Titel des Obama-Buches im Deutschen Buchhandel aber lautete: "Ein Amerikanischer Traum - Die Geschichte meiner Familie".
    Tcha, liebe Deutsche Leser, man will euch schonen, also übersetzte man euch nicht, was Obama schrieb, sondern erfand etwas Sanftes drum herum.

    "Sehn" werden wir jedenfalls, wie es sich mit alldem in "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie", ahhh - wie sich das alles in diesem zwieschlächtigen Werk dann materialiter im Geiste Jean Pauls eventuell doppelgesichtig und einfältig zugleich wie Vult und Valt aus dem Erbschafts(!)- und Zwillings- und Abstammungs(!)roman "Flegeljahre" - - prismatisch bricht oder blutmäßig im Sinne Barrack Obamas wie zugleich in der Tradition der Merseburger Zaubersprüche - - einrenkt.

    Den - also diesen Zauberspruch über die "blut renki" vermute ich nicht unter Habermas' inskünftigen Trouvaillen, da der Zauberspruch in vorchristliche Urzeiten verweist, in denen vemutlich Emile Durkheim eher zuhause ist, als eben der weltberühmte Starnberger Stubengelehrte.

    Die menschlichen Ur-Anfänge hat Habermas zudem im verlgeichsweise schlanken Zweibänder "Die Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns" bereits abgearbeitet. Es wäre also überraschend, wenn er im neuen Buch dahin zurückkehrte.


    Spannend aber, ob der Hegel-mäßigen modernen Dialektik, wie Slavoj Zizek und - Dieter Weber selig - sie so geistreich hin- und herzuwenden wussten, spannend ist's zu sehen, wie das alles, wie also dieser Habermasisch-Thomistisch-Hegelische Existential- und Transzendental-Zauber nicht zuletzt der modernen Großwunde der hegelischen Entzweiung entggenwirkt. -
    - Entzweiung meint bei Hegeln die unseres eigenen Kopf- und Buseninhalts, - ob diese unser Zeitalter und unseren Zeitgeist prägenden und plagenden, modernen Entzweiungen wer weiß durch Habermas' Denkanstrengungen sogar therapeutisch-kurativ traktiert werden im neuen Buch? Das wäre im Sinne des frankfurterischen gesellschaftsreformerischen kritischen Theoretikers Rainer Frost - im Sinne aber vor allen anderen hier des Kanadischen Klinischen Psychologen und Vortragsreisenden und weltweiten Religionsdeuters Jordan B. Peterson.

    Jordan B. Peterson sagt nämlich, dass die metaphysisch obdachlosen modernen Neurotiker laut seiner Kenntnisse der klinischen Literatur tatsächlich und messbar dünnhäutiger und wehrloser reagierten auf die unvermeidlichen Belastungen des Lebens als die Gläubigen oder sonstwie metaphysisch Gebildeten und Einsichtsbereiten! - Das ist einer der groß-Aspekte der derzeitigen westlichen Mentalitätsentwicklung, wie er bezeugt und bedacht wurde von Goethe bereits, von Hegel, Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche und bald einmal von Sigmund Freud und - dieser Denker ist für den einlässlichen und kenntnisreichen Bibel-DeuterJordan Peterson der klare Favorit - Carl Jung.

    Die moderne, oder lt. Jacques Lacan usw. die postmoderne Seelenpein produziert tatsächlich massenhaftes psychisches Leiden durch ihre insgesamt regressive Ausrichtung unserer Triebe/ unserer Strebungen, unseres Begehrens und unserer Begierden, während, ich bin immer noch bei Dr. Peterson, der metaphysisch und/oder kirchlich eingebundene Mensch nachweislich (!) besser mit den, so Peterson, unvermeidlichen existentiellen Gefährdungen hinieden zurecht komme.

    Dies könnte einer der Gründe für eine christliche Wiedererstarkung darstellen: Dass hier Demut, Leidens- und Differenzierungsbereitschaft, Chaos und Ordnung, Heil und Frohsinn alle ihren Platz haben, während im säkularen Kontext unserer Universitäten beispielsweise, sich zunehmend weltfernes Heulen und Zähneklappern nach vorne drängt, gerne unterstützt von halb-hippen Hip-Pop-Priestern etwelcher christlicher Konfessionen.

    Also werden nun beweihräuchert und in den pevertierten Tabernakel unserer lädierten Öffentlichkeit gestellt: Micro-Aggressions, Schutzräume, Trigger-Warnungen, die Verweigerung der rationalen Debatte überhaupt als die vielleicht größte unserer säkularen Plagen, kurzum: Die Verknuddelung des westlichen Geistes, wie ich von Jonathan Haidt und Greg Lukianoff inspiriert, nun doch zusammenfassend kritisieren möchte.


    Ob das alles am Ende sogar in eine von Hein-arich (M R-R) Heine inspirierte übermütige greise Habermas-Volte mündet, die nicht nur Hobbes und Schopenhauer und Wilhelm Busch und Tod und Teufel (Martin Heidegger) in abgründiger Spannung hält, sondern auch die anderen Habermasischen Ur-Gegenspieler Eckhard Henscheid und Peter Sloterdijk, Dieter Henrich, Odo Marquart und - Carl Schmitt? -
    - Hoffentlich jedenfalls mit mehr, und bitte nicht mit weniger Habermasischen Jean-Paulismen, als ich sie hier probehalber bereits aufführte! -

    - "Aja", bald wissen alle Interessierten um die Faktizität dieser neuerlichen Groß-Denk-Causa, und können dann auch deren Geltung näher bestimmen, die immerhin die Zeitungswelt in Deutschland und das Netz weltweit bereits "dursofet heti" (nochmal Heinrich Seuse). - Durchzogen also mit den, dem bald erscheinenden Großwerk - wie imaginäre Bugwellen - im erwartungsfoh aufgewühlten Ozean unserer vorläufigen Kenntnislosigkeit - äh - - - Bugwellen sagt' ich, die genuin utopische Wasserzeichen oder halt "Spuren" (Bloch) vor unserem inneren Auge entstehen lassen. Welche imaginären Spuren wir zugleich mit dem guten und - gleich Habermas, wie mir scheint - unübertrefflichen Heinrich Seuse und mit Wutz sowieso immer fester in den Blick nehmen können. Das ist im Sinne des Utopikers Bloch und des Eudämonisten Maria Wutz ganz besonders, grad' weil es diese Spuren noch kaum gibt. Im Geiste Wutzens und Chestertons sowieso geht solche detektivische Spurenlese aber, so ich "neiswi" (Seuse) Schwein habe, ganz bestimm gut aus! Denn für den vergnügten Wutz - gäbe es das alles im kreglen "hirni" (Seuse) schon, und würde deshalb - sowieso - - genau - - - zu "einhundert Prr..zent!" (E. Stoiber) in Ordnung gehen!*** Des, liebe Leser, seid gewiss! Ente gut und wie in Eckhard Henscheids Jean Paul ganz verpflichtetem Idyll "Maria Schnee"*** über die oberanmutige Bayerische Wallfahrtskirche Maria Schnee in Legau: Sogar mehrere "Entn, Entn!" gut. - Also bis dahin alles perfekt soweit, einschließlich des Epitaphs für ausgerechnet Xaver Unsinn (gest. 1774) in der Wallfahrtskirche Maria Schnee. Prästabilierte Harmonie innerweltlicher Tanszendenz, erfüllt von den Logos-Strahlen eines utopischen Rücklichts, das von einem wirklichen Frontscheinwerfer gar nicht mehr zu unterscheiden wäre, wg. Coincidentia Oppositorum (ich rechne ganz fest mit des Cusaners Erscheinen in Habermas' doppelleibigen Bücherkosmos! Leibniz wird ebenfalls im dicken Buch zu finden sein, der Xaver Unsinn unterm Torbogen von Maria Schnee vielleicht dann wieder eher nicht. Leider. Aber kann man nix machen. Hier ist etwelche Einfalt gefragt! Und Humor, und Demut dazu.

    Also, was fehlen wird, wird eventuell der Tyffel sin, der uns nun zum Schluss noch plagen will! Der ist bei Habermas unbehaust, weil der unserem prospektiven Starnbergischen "Jubelsenior" (Jean Paul) - - - nicht und nicht und gar nicht liegt. Wesensmässig nicht liegt - wie ihm (vielleicht deshalb?) auch Goethen nicht liegt - ganz anders als der - wesensmässig irgendwie heller gestimmte und teufelsfernere - und von Habermas besonders in seinem grundgelehrten und krtitischen, gewitzten "Philosophischen Diskurs der Moderne" hochgehaltenen Friedrich Schiller. Also: Von Goethen (und Papst Benedikt) dürfte eher im Hinblick auf den Islam die Rede sein, in "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie". Und von Goethen kaum im Hinblick auf Mephisto, wie ich meine. - Wenn doch, wäre das freilich eine allzeit willkommene "Iiiiberraschung" (Pavel Janda, der pan-europäische Heros der Geist- und Gliedrenke).
    Item: "Alles gut!", wie heute die hochgestimmten Mütter, Fachverkäuferinnen und Therapeutinnen so gerne freudig ausrufen. Und diesem oft gehörten frohen Ruf will ich mich auch gar nicht verschließen, denn hier treffen sich Wutz, Goethe und Hegel, der Jean Paul mit Gusto promovierte, traut vereint: Eine tragfähige Grundlage aller weiteren Erörterungen, ein wahres Fundment für Dr. Habermas' neuerliche gedankliche Aufschwünge, nicht zuletzt! Item: Finis opusculum, laus deo!

    "Maria Schnee" and "Geht in Ordnung - sowieso - - genau - - - " are two brilliant works of fiction (a novella and a novel) by Eckhard Henscheid

    Well the old man is 90 now: did you send him a birthday card? In any case, you haven’t persuaded me to send one myself.
    I liked your play on words with “Ente” and too your recognition of the importance of avoiding small errors at the start. Do you tell us then that Habermas is going to address that problem, perhaps even by hinting that a fall away from spirit (in the broadest sense of the term) has led to the catastrophic failings, moral as well as philosophical, of today? You perhaps hint this when you chastise Cherval for having failed to notice Habermas’s slow change of direction, as you see it, or hope for it?
    I can’t pretend to see the point of the sudden turn to Wright and Obama (I thought I would not need to write the accursed name ever again), and you don’t seem to think that Habermas will discuss the primeval reasons for the existence of such oddities (for that you appear to be telling us to go an earlier work of his), so why bring it up at all?
    How is Habermas a possible (according to your Paulian reading – or writing) a possible counter-weight to Zizek and Weber (this last unknown to me) in their Hegelianism? By being a deeper one, or one nourished as well by the other thinkers you name, and whom you describe as mentors too of Peterson (another name I was sorry to have to write!). Well, we shall see. Or rather you will. I might even remind you in late September to let us know how it all pans out. I do not plan to pay c. (!) 98 euros for the privilege.
    Is Stoiber a joke figure? Are you using “Goethen” as a play on God? Should Habermas see things a bit more as did his hero Schiller? Should he engage the problem of Islam, as did poor dear weak Benedict?
    I shall pray that he might, and even that he might admit his errors and turn to the Infinite. So that we might all say “Alles Gut!”

    My lasting impression, though, from your “review”: you write in German every bit as allusively, as round-aboutedly, I might almost feel justified to say, as chaotically, as you do in English. Chaotic or not, it is certainly exhausting.
    No criticism; an observation only. Here at Sailer’s we notice.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    That's why the greatest German philosopher and polymath, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, wrote in Latin and French.
    , @Dieter Kief
    Philosopher Habermas’ move away from secularism ctd. from comment No. 128– now in English

    Thanks for noticing again.
    Lots of people don’t get what I’m writing, not only here at unz. Some like it though, here too. That’s nothing special, I guess.

    Habermas might not remember me. I did spend some time with him in a seminar in Konstanz and later two days in a villa in Frankfurt with just about thirty or so others (practically all of them Professors from all over the world) – and I was the only one to publish articles about the event in the Swiss, German and Austrian press, but I thought, I would rather not send him personal birthday greetings. I’m soemimes too reluctant in such cases though, I have to admit. Those articles I sold as a freelancer in the early nineties: It was not easy to sell them, because lots of leftist journalists in Germany were firm believers in Postmodernism and told me, that they were dead sure, that Habermas’ was old hat by then and a figure of the past! – Ah ja, now that I think of this stuff: I once taught Habermas’ philosophy at a Geman university, too, while opposing postmodernism (his books helped me indeed to reach my goal). Many students were so hostile to this thought experience I offered to them, that I decided afterward to call it quits. I just did not like this shallow and pointless fights I found myself in with them at too many occasions.


    The Stoiber I mention is the well-known CSU politician. He once was Prime Minister of Bavaria and head of the CSU. He was (and still is) a full-throttle (=Vollgas) rhetoric and one of his shticks was his permanent reference to percentages (he had a huge supply of them in his head for all walks of life…) – my Stoiber-remark at the end of my German text above (comment No. 128) refers to Stoiber’s percentage tick via the title of Henscheid’s novel I quote, since this title is mentally the perfect contrary of Stoiber’s percentages in strengthening the pacifying beer- und Sechsämter driven alcohol-smoothed will to agree in everyday matters on almost anything that could usually be thought of as controversial. Sechs-Ämter or Sechs-Ämter-Tropfen being a herb Schnaps from Wunsiedel, the old capital of the Sechs Ämter (the six counties) – the mountainous Bavarian birth town of – the literary genius Johann Paul Friedrich Richter (aka: Jean Paul) near the Tschechien border!

    A masterpiece, I’ve said it already, this Sechs-Ämter-Tropfen and beer soaked novel: Geht in Ordnung – sowieso – – genau – – – . Well and in it, Henscheid – walking in the beer-soaked footsteps of Jean Paul (who was what we’d now call an alcoholic – a heavy drinker), shows with real humor the existential uncertainties of life in the Bavarian hinterland of Dünklingen (think of Dinkelsbühl and Nördlingen) in the Seventies. Existential uncertainties which are rooted in all kinds of everyday confusions, not least and explicitly so in metaphysical ones. – – – The problems of Henscheid’s protagonists are not at all dependent on questions which can be described in mathematical terms or in percentages. But: The politician Edmund Stoiber in all his very provincial correctness and numbers-fixation fits in there in a paradoxical way: As the perfect other of Henscheid’s main characters, who take life very easy, but at the same time Stoiber, always trying very hard is – I’m following Nikolaus’ von Kues coincidentia oppositorum principle now – not only different from them, but also truly and perfectly so one of them at the same time.

    Since there is room for transcendence and – loss (and death) in Henscheid’s novel, Edmund Stoiber in his efficiency- and percentage-mode is a strong opponent of the main subjects of the book, who are quite regular people (shop clerks, piano teachers, automobile salesman, a sales representative for church necessities, pensioners, a bunch of chemics students…). The whole thing appears as a circle within circles, the”middle point” of which is nowhere. – I melt Stoiber into the greater picture of Henscheid’s novel by applying a think-picture (Walter Benjamin) which was used by Seuse in his Vita – the one I just spoke about with the circle, which consists of circles, that lack the middle punct (Seuse) – – – that’s word by word a rhetorical figure of Seuse, I’m quite precise here – and have been in my German post you refer to as well. I have to admit, that this passage could be read quite easily as just some confusing word-salad. But it ain’t.

    To proceed a bit: Henscheid – like Jean Paul – wrote political satires at times and in them he criticized not least Stoiber – one of Stoiber’s slogans then was: “Laptop und Lederhosen” -that’s how he wanted the Bavarians to be, in the near future: To still wear Lederhosen but to embrace the digital future nonetheless. – – – Well, the satirist and then social-democratic (=mildly leftist) political polemicist Eckhard Henscheid criticized Stoiber way too harsh in my eyes.

    By quoting Stoiber to stress, how tight he fits into Henscheid’s prose I mention too Henscheid’s novella Maria Schnee about the well known and utterly beautiful Bavarian pilgrim’s church of the same name (=where Xaver Unsinn is held dear. And Unsinn (=nonsense!) is the human state of mind, not very far away from the idea, that we humans are “eitel arme Sünder, und wissen gar nicht viel” (Matthias Claudius): We humans are perfectly unimportant poor sinners, not knowing terribly much at all, says Claudius! – And that is the humbleness not only to be found in the novella “Maria Schnee”, but also in Henscheid's novel “Geht in Ordnung – sowieso – – genau – – – ” So, when I let Stoiber greet warmly novel and novella, I reject implicitly Henscheid’s cold critique of Stoiber in a move, that is closely related to the best writing of Eckhard Henscheid. I think, that deep down, a) Stoiber is closer to the universe in Henscheid’s novel than the polemicist Henscheid at times insinuated or claimed and that b) Stoibers percentage-fixation is, in all its defenseless clarity as a fixation of his, clearly visible to and even laughed about by the public:There are numerous popular YouTube-clips of Stoiber the hapless orator, a fact that makes him even more human – – – and Christian, even: – A circle within circles, a mystical thought-picture, I told you so. And seen through this circling and swirling and swinging thought-picture of Seuse, Stoiber is rather showing one of his wounded sides in his number-fixation and therefore is rightfully added even because of his number-fixation to Henscheid’s group of overwhelmingly human sufferers in his novel “Geht in Ordnung – sowieso – – genau – – – “. I’d rather understand Stoiber as just one more example which proves, that our worldly ways suffer from imperfections, and should not be dismissed as dumb or inhuman because of such weaknesses. (And in understanding the existential (or metaphysical = religious) dignity of our human imperfection, we see a trace of God in our world, I’d hold – so here you have one reoccurring motif in my little text, which you mentioned in his post of yours right away to my great pleasure: That God is not to be looked after or searched for only on the big scale, but on the small scale of existential humbleness as well (that’s literally Meister Eckhart – the teacher of Heinrich Seuse, with Seuse being my all-time favorite writer). One sound reason for Meister Eckhart’s claim to look for the traces of God in humble everyday surroundings like cow stables is, that God for sure (=necessarily) transcends – I’d even hold: All of our earthly value systems – and this implies not least our distinction of: Big = good and small = unimportant.
    There’s still a tad more to the Stoiber-Henscheid connection, but I hope, that what I wrote so far has already shown, how deep this stuff – at least in my view – does – – actually reach).


    “Goethen” is the old accusative of Goethe – it adds gravitas and makes the name sound fuller and rounder – more rooted. Therefore no: No wordplay here along the line of Goethe and God.

    So, big and little are poles of thinking. They make the thinker. And they imply a religious dimension. That is one line of thoughts, that runs through my German text above.

    And Habermas loves to play with these things. I’m not sure, whether this Habermasian attitude goes directly back to Occam, but I think, that it indirectly does go back to him (or stem from him) at the very least since Occam was an important middle man who handed over the tradition of concise Latin writing, not least by cherishing Thomas of Aquinas. And here this Habermas-Occam-picture comes with a bit more detail: Habermas changed his way of thinking in a very important way, but all he did verbally was, that he said, that he is a postsecular thinker now. – And that’s why lots of people did not get at all, that his thinking had changed in a major way. Like it might have been the case with Thierry Chervel, founder and owner of the small but profitable leftwing online-platform Perlentaucher, they thought that the step from secular thinking to post-secular thinking was small, because the way in which Habermas pinned it down in his books was so – – humble, by adding just one little Latin syllable.

    And Habermas likes this kind of confusion, that does not spring from unclear language, but from a disregard of humble clarity. And clear and humble he was, no doubt about that: There is a difference between the words secular and postsecular, and he who does not pay attention to language and precision, will be lost as soon as he enters the realm of philosophy, because – philosophy is language (and precision) in action, if it is anything at all. – – –

    One reason why it is not only humble but also ironic, that he calls his new thinking postsecular is, that Habermas was the foremost and most profound critic of postmodernism.
    Zizek debated Peterson not least about religion, Zizek figuring as old school postmodern atheist. Hegel understood, that the two poles of rationality on the one side and (Christian) tradition on the other are conflicting – and that the tensions, that this conflict produces, hurt. The Entzweiung (=two-partition) of the modern mind, Hegel writes about, again and again, is what causes the pain in the modern soul. Dr. Freud conceded that in his book Civilization and its Discontents, which is quite Hegelian, and Zizek sees this point too and – turns it against Marx in claiming, that Marx did not understand, that it is no use, to try to get rid of this basic modern conflict by using (revolutionary) force and trying thus to physically eradicate all bourgois (and religious) power. You can’t physically eradicate the human longing for Religion, because this longing is no physical thing – it’s a mental thing. Hegel got this one perfectly right: The mental side of the human longing for Religion. In opposing Marx with Hegel, Zizek does the world a favor, because he confronts leftists with the most terrible mistake of Marx’ attack on religion: That the left is entitled to fight essentially christian bourgeois societies using physical force against the bourgeois culture, which he claimed had to be destroyed. Say what you will about Zizek: Here he is right, and even brave because this stand he took here in the Peterson debate as in numerous others before brought him lots of conflicts and troubles with the worldwide universal left.

    Goethe’s advantage over Schiller made Habermas more prone to cherish Schiller than Goethe: And that advantage is, that Goethe understood perfectly well, that the devil (or the evil, or the destructive character (Fromm)) are an inescapable part of our earthly strivings. – That’s the core thought of my musings about the Schiller- Goethe-Habermas triangle in my German text above.
    I doubt, that Habermas should have overcome this big shortcoming of his thinking in “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie” – to avoid the concept of the devil and or evil. In short: I think that’s a big omission, the Habermasian blind spot if ever there was one. It has to do with psychodynamics: If you try to avoid the (d)evil as part of our earthly existence, you’re in for an uphill battle you can’t win – you’ll soon see windmills, where there are none, and castles, where there are windmills…Therefore, I’d expect not only Goethe’s Faust, but Miguel Cervantes’ Don Quichotte too to be constantly underexposed in Habermas upcoming biggie “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie”.

    As I said: If you are a thinker, this underexposure of evil comes at a cost: The way, in which this cost materializes in your writing might differ. The way, in which it materializes in Habermas’ writing so far is that he suppresses even thoughts, that don’t fit into his over-optimistic picture of the world. And he does so, even though he writes at great lengths (for hundreds of pages) about the importance of unsuppressed thoughts and free speech. (I know, these kinds of self-contradictions are old stuff – “sie predigten öffentlich Wasser/ und tranken heimlich Wein…” Heinrich Heine, Deutschland, ein Wintermärchen (Germany. A Winter-Fairy-Tale: They preached publicly to drink water/ And secretly they drank nothing but wine).

    One big mishap of our modern consciousness and therefore to be found in the center of our recent mentality is: To look for the faults elsewhere, not in yourself. I tend to think, that secularization does not properly work not least, because it produces a mindset, which is free of individual guilt (thus the knack for coddling of the secular zeitgeist of the regressive left. Odo Marquard once remarked that this is a trademark of the Frankfurt School: To blame the others (=Capitalism, Imperialism, Nationalism, Authorities) for the existential shortcomings – for the imperfectness of the world even, lately: For bad weather….). That’s the best thought of Peterson I think: That modern secularists tend to blame the circumstances and the others habitually and refuse to think about their own faults at the same time. This genuinely Frankfurt School mindset is one, which works as a pirate act: It stole the utterly Christian idea of purity (=holiness, transcendence) and promised to reinstall it in a secular world of enlightenment (cf. Jonathan Franzens great novel Purity).


    That I refer to Steve Sailer’s impressive and insightful, almost perfect book about Barrack Obama and via Steve Sailer’s gem to Obama’s “spiritual leader” and preacher Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. is caused by a story, Habermas told in one of his “small” books with political essays: That he had once been utterly impressed and – quieted down even: That he thought, impressed by the sermon of the leftist black US-American preacher in New York City (if I remember right) he was, Habermas wrote, so impressed, by what the preacher had said, and by the impressive way, in which he had been talking, that Habermas thought whatever he might add would not improve the power of these words in this very situation. – He had found his master, in a leftist emancipative context. I think, that this very experience might have nourished his doubts about the secular mindset, and is thus maybe one of the strong biographical reasons for the very existence of those doubts of his about secularism. – Now, think again about the for us (!) inexplicable ways of the Lord – that he might have allowed an utterly corrupt figure to help the utterly serious Jürgen Habermas to lose his confidence in the secular modern world as the only reasonable path of societal evolution! – If this was the Muppets-show (I know that it ain’t!), Statler and Waldorf would call out – – asking for applause! applause! – – only interrupted by bursts of laughter, – wouldn’t they?

    Ok, and this story of the possible origin of Dr. Habermas’ farewell to secularism reminded me a lot of Obama’s Porsche driving ex-pastor Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. – This is just an assumption of mine, but not necessarily a wrong one, I’d hold: It could well have been the case, that a figure like pastor Wright strengthened or even induced the idea in Habermas, that his secular philosophical world is incomplete. – There’s a lot more to this Wright-complex too, I’ll only add one tiny bit of information to it: Steve Sailer writes, that he actually likes the pompous name of this pastor quite a bit – and Steve Sailer makes it quite clear, that he thinks of this name in all his pompous evidence as something – funny even, something that makes him literally laugh – or smile, at least, again and again – and not least, I might add, because this pompous and I’m sure: Carefully crafted (!) name is so telling.


    The close relation between Steve Sailer here and Jean Paul and Eckhard Henscheid there is the love of all three men of letters of – – – irony and humor. Heinz-Dieter Weber taught me quite a few things about Hegel and Goethe and he worked with Wolfgang Preisendanz and Odo Marquart, and Preisendanz and Marquart especially held humor dear as a literary scientist (Preisendanz) and philosopher (Marquard) respectively – they all worked in the Konstanz-project Poetic und Hermeneutic, one of the productive and insightful efforts in the German post-war humanities, which touched me with its wisdom and insights too, – if maybe only lightly so, but touch me it did nonetheless.

  • Anon[277] • Disclaimer says:
    'Catholic homosexuals'? It was the Catholics who kept the Jewish media and Hollywood in check until the mid-1965, when a masonic, homosexual coup d'etat within the Catholic Church destroyed the church and made it another enemy of civilization, rather than its founder and defender. Watch E. Michael Jones.

    Yes, the unmarried men in fancy dresses, with their flair for music, candles and incense, and their hatred of Leviticus, kept the Jews at bay until the homos took over a (relatively) couple of years ago. You sound like one of those “straight” people in old sit coms and movies who never “get” that the “woman” is a drag queen.

  • @Emmet
    'Catholic homosexuals'? It was the Catholics who kept the Jewish media and Hollywood in check until the mid-1965, when a masonic, homosexual coup d'etat within the Catholic Church destroyed the church and made it another enemy of civilization, rather than its founder and defender. Watch E. Michael Jones.
  • @Emmet
    'Catholic homosexuals'? It was the Catholics who kept the Jewish media and Hollywood in check until the mid-1965, when a masonic, homosexual coup d'etat within the Catholic Church destroyed the church and made it another enemy of civilization, rather than its founder and defender. Watch E. Michael Jones.

    “And stay away from Anglo-Catholics. They are all Sodomites with atrocious accents.” — Brideshead Revisited.

  • @Dieter Kief
    We have to welcome the lost sheep, if they find back to the herd don't we?

    My remarks about "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" are some sort of an abbreviated version of a little text of mine, which - now, nobody understands this stuff from here on unz, but you could well be an exception, so I'll give it a try: Since I know quite a lot about Habermas' work, the little hint at the Suhrkamp-webside about the upcoming book with some inspired me, to indeed write a little review in advance - - - in the footsteps of Jean Pauls Schulmeisterlein Wutz, who, as you know, but - - -I think its fair to assume, you're the only one around here, who knows not only Jean Paul but also Wutz: And therefor knows about Wutz' love of books and how he satisfied his enthusiasm about books, even though he was so poor, that he could not afford to buy a single one: Therefor, he studied the advertisements of the book trade fair and then wrote the books all by himself (just in case, sombeody else reads here, too).

    Well, in Wutz' footsteps I am I think the first worldwide, hehe, who did write a little review in advance of Habermas tome. As a matter of fact, since I have written a bit here about the - - - co-evolution of Christian thinking and European philosophy/enlightenment thinking, I myself have for quite some time been walking the trail, in which Habermas now proceeds big (BIG) scale.

    I'll send you my German remarks about Habermas' new book seen from the perspective of Jean Paul and - as pars pro toto - the young Thomas von Aquin later, since my wife has morning tea ready.
    (Thanks for noticing!)

    “I think its fair to assume, you’re the only one around here, who knows not only Jean Paul but also Wutz:”

    *cough* *cough*

    • Replies: @Dieter Kief
    "Öhh?" (Obelix).
  • @Marcus
    What liberals deceitfully call a "slippery slope," is just deductive reasoning. There is indeed a direct line from the Enlightenment fags to the modern left, Marx himself feted the bourgeois liberal US and French revolutions as necessary precursors to communism since they established equality as the lodestar of Western civilization instead of traditional mores. "Human rights" is even more transparent: it was meant as a permanent trump card for the UN and the liberal order against local and national sovereignty.

    You perfectly state my understanding of rights. Human rights or any universal rights are not rights at all because rights are only those actions that citizens must enjoy for the continued health of any given polity.

    Attempting to universalize the concept is as meaningless as talking about a singular “human culture” or “human desire”, mellifluous but vacant rhetorical decorations.

    • Agree: Guillaume Durocher
  • @Jim Christian
    Vinnie? How long before they de-platform bookinders' financial operation to where they can't do business (unknowable, I know but that train is never late these days it seems)?

    Also, since you seem in the know, if you buy/read a book in Kindle that later gets banned/dropped by Amazon, does your Kindle edition of the book go 'poof' with it? Tx for the tip.

    My editions of “White Identity” and “White Nationalist Manifesto” still work fine on Kindle.

  • @Dieter Kief
    Guillaume Durocher, take a deep breath, please. Thank you!!

    Vermischte Prospekte in Jürgen Habermas' "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" hinein, gesehen mit den Augen des vergnügten Jean-Paulischen Schulmeisterleins Maria Wutz, gegeben drei/vier Tage vor Jürgen Habermas' 90. Geburtstag am 19. 6. und drei Monate vor Erscheinen des o. a. Habermasischen Zweibänders über die Co-Evolution von Christentum und Europäischer Philosophie - vom Römischen Kaiserreich bis heute

    Wenn es quakt wie eine Ente, läuft wie eine Ente und aussieht wie eine Ente, dann ist es eine Ente

    Der Kommentator Ewald_der_Etrusker, als er wieder einmal zu Felde zog


    Die kenntnisreiche und aufrichtige Argumentation ist der vernünftige Kern unserer Kultur. Und den, so schließt der gute Doktor Habermas gern seine Abhandlungen, haben Barbaren auf dem Kieker, verstehen Sie, Ewald_der_Etrusker?

    Deshalb soll man, wie Thomas von Aquin in "De Ente et Essentia" in aller Klarheit bereits dargelegt hat - mit immerhin onomatopoetischem Bezug auf Sie und Ihre Wissenschafts-Enten Metaphorik, und logischem Bezug darüber hinaus zu Aristoteles immerhin. Also deshalb, so meine ich grad' wie Thomas, soll man unbedingt die Vernunft hochhalten; denn nur so ist zu verhindern, dass, wie er in dem angeführten Frühwerk von - ich hab' nachgeguckt, 1255, - ganz richtig schlussfolgert: Also Thomas sagt da kurz gefasst, man soll gut argumentieren, weil aus kleinen Fehlern leicht mal große werden.

    (Hehe - das ist bereits eine Vorausschau auf des schaffigen Starnberger Doktors nächstes zweibändiges Großbuch von wie man beim Suhrkap-Verlag liest exakt 1700 Seiten für, wie der Verlag weiter schreibt, "circa" 98 Euro. Erhältlich im gut sortierten Buchhandel ab 30. September 2019).

    Ich gib' fürderhin meinen tentativen Voraus-Einblick in Habermas' "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" betitelten Doppelbänder auf den Spuren des herzallerliebsten Schulmeisterleins Maria Wutz aus Jean Pauls Idylle über das gottgefällige Auenthal und denke an den späten, postsäkularen "großen Jürgen Habermas", so Th.Chervel im Online-Magzin Perlentaucher. Der freilich, also der Thierry Chervel vom Perlentaucher, ist selber gar nicht postsäkular, sondern als weiter streng atheistisch/säkular und insofern der genuinen Habermasischen Denkbewegung ein wenig abhold, in den letzten Jahren. Loben tat er ihn dennoch, vielleicht hat er nicht richtig gecheckt, was da abgeganen war, denktechnisch, sowas kann in unserer schnellebigen Zeit leicht einmal passieren, wie ich finde, vielleicht ist das alles aber auch ganz anders.


    Ich kucke indessen frühlingshaft heiter gestimmt ausdrücklich m i t Wutzens erquickten Äuglein, da dieser unverdrossen frohgemute arme Schulmann alle seine Lieblingsbücher als absoluter Enthusiast u n d Habenichts s e l b e r schrieb - : - Und daher spicke ich durch Wutzens vom rauen Weltenlauf ungetrübte Wunderlinsen in dieses uns bevorstehende wuchtige, irgendwie nach Goethens Superintendenten Johann Gottlieb Herders "Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menschheit" betitelten Werks Habermas', das ebend etwas kürzer und etwas verdreht "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" heißt; obwohl es viel viel länger ist. Eine captatio benvolentiae mit Blick auf die Leserinnen und Leser all', vermutlich. Irgendwie ein Trost: Mag' das Buch auch noch so doppelbändig und doppeldick sein, so ist es immerhin verhältnismässig schlank und sogar ein wenig lustig verdreht betitelt- also gilt es bald einmal: Frischauf und ungesäumt hindurch, oh Wissensdurstige & Wissensdurstige all'. Ok - ich blicke in diese Giga-Blattsammlung jetzt schon - und gratis obendrein im Geiste Wutz', - und etwan gleich wie Wutz auf der Grundlage eines auf die Buchmesse hinzielenden Verlagsprospektes "grad' au no" (Moser). Coincidentia Tripartita Constantiae.


    Im übrigen ist es keineswegs ausgemacht, dass meine Prophezeiung bezüglich der prominenten Rolle des Thomas für unser abendländisches Denken und implizit oder wer weiß sogar explízit von des Thomas hochgelahrten und jedenfalls top-ehrgeizigen kleinen Frühwerks "De Ente et Essentia" "in Tat und Wahrheit" (A. Maucher) überhaupt zutrifft. Obwohl - unwahrscheinlich ist das nicht, dass in meinen Überlegungen einiges vom wirklichen Denken des Marburgischen Doktors wie auch Doktors honoris causa int. mult. - tatsächlich - - schon drin-stickt, denn die Welt "stickt" (Goethe) allgemein "voller Merkwürdigkeiten". - - - Nun, "wir werden", mit den Worten Hannes Waders fast schon zu schließen - hoffentlich! - diesen Herbst noch "sehn", wie es um diese Dinge steht - gern auch mit Blick auf "Häuptling Seattle" (Hannes Wader), oder z. B. auf den spirituellen reformierten ehemaligen Mentor und ersten geistlichen Anleiter des weiland Chicagoer Senators Barrack Obama.

    Die Rede ist von keinem geringeren als dem Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., also dem Kurator des im "Hyatt Regency Hotel" daselbst verliehenen Chicagoer "Trumpeter-Magazine-Awards". Der ging an Louis Farrakhan ("The Nation of Islam") am zweiten November 2007, wie Steve Sailer so treulich verzeichnet in seiner in der Tat einlässlichen und einsichtsreichen Obama-Deutung "AMERICA'S HALF-BLOOD PRINCE", auf den Spuren von Obamas Buch über, so Obama - "Rasse und Erbschaft". - ! - Ein spannender möglicher Subplot von Dr. Jürgens neuem Buch, wie mir scheint, in dem ein Prototyp des korrupten Schwazen christlichen Charismatikers und lebenslustigen Predigers der US Mega-Kirchen ja sowenig fehlen sollte, wie die Vertreter des politisch-radikalislamischen Flügels unserer Multikulturalität. So einer aber, Zufälle gibts!, war in der Tat der andere von des aufstrebenden linken Senators Barrack Obama Augensternen, nämlich der vogelwilde Schreiber und Agitator Louis Farrakhan, den man islamischerseits dann leider ermordete. Eine furchtbare Geschichte.

    Das ist hier etwas gedrängt - mehr wie gesagt in Steve Sailers konziser Deutung von Barrack Obamas autobiographischem Buch "Dreams from my Father - A Story of Race and Inheritance". Ein Buch, das Sailer übrigens schrieb, bevor Obama Präsident wurde. Der Obama-Titel richtig verdeutscht lautet: "Träume von meinem Vater - Eine Geschichte über Rasse und Erbschaft". Der Titel des Obama-Buches im Deutschen Buchhandel aber lautete: "Ein Amerikanischer Traum - Die Geschichte meiner Familie".
    Tcha, liebe Deutsche Leser, man will euch schonen, also übersetzte man euch nicht, was Obama schrieb, sondern erfand etwas Sanftes drum herum.

    "Sehn" werden wir jedenfalls, wie es sich mit alldem in "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie", ahhh - wie sich das alles in diesem zwieschlächtigen Werk dann materialiter im Geiste Jean Pauls eventuell doppelgesichtig und einfältig zugleich wie Vult und Valt aus dem Erbschafts(!)- und Zwillings- und Abstammungs(!)roman "Flegeljahre" - - prismatisch bricht oder blutmäßig im Sinne Barrack Obamas wie zugleich in der Tradition der Merseburger Zaubersprüche - - einrenkt.

    Den - also diesen Zauberspruch über die "blut renki" vermute ich nicht unter Habermas' inskünftigen Trouvaillen, da der Zauberspruch in vorchristliche Urzeiten verweist, in denen vemutlich Emile Durkheim eher zuhause ist, als eben der weltberühmte Starnberger Stubengelehrte.

    Die menschlichen Ur-Anfänge hat Habermas zudem im verlgeichsweise schlanken Zweibänder "Die Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns" bereits abgearbeitet. Es wäre also überraschend, wenn er im neuen Buch dahin zurückkehrte.


    Spannend aber, ob der Hegel-mäßigen modernen Dialektik, wie Slavoj Zizek und - Dieter Weber selig - sie so geistreich hin- und herzuwenden wussten, spannend ist's zu sehen, wie das alles, wie also dieser Habermasisch-Thomistisch-Hegelische Existential- und Transzendental-Zauber nicht zuletzt der modernen Großwunde der hegelischen Entzweiung entggenwirkt. -
    - Entzweiung meint bei Hegeln die unseres eigenen Kopf- und Buseninhalts, - ob diese unser Zeitalter und unseren Zeitgeist prägenden und plagenden, modernen Entzweiungen wer weiß durch Habermas' Denkanstrengungen sogar therapeutisch-kurativ traktiert werden im neuen Buch? Das wäre im Sinne des frankfurterischen gesellschaftsreformerischen kritischen Theoretikers Rainer Frost - im Sinne aber vor allen anderen hier des Kanadischen Klinischen Psychologen und Vortragsreisenden und weltweiten Religionsdeuters Jordan B. Peterson.

    Jordan B. Peterson sagt nämlich, dass die metaphysisch obdachlosen modernen Neurotiker laut seiner Kenntnisse der klinischen Literatur tatsächlich und messbar dünnhäutiger und wehrloser reagierten auf die unvermeidlichen Belastungen des Lebens als die Gläubigen oder sonstwie metaphysisch Gebildeten und Einsichtsbereiten! - Das ist einer der groß-Aspekte der derzeitigen westlichen Mentalitätsentwicklung, wie er bezeugt und bedacht wurde von Goethe bereits, von Hegel, Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche und bald einmal von Sigmund Freud und - dieser Denker ist für den einlässlichen und kenntnisreichen Bibel-DeuterJordan Peterson der klare Favorit - Carl Jung.

    Die moderne, oder lt. Jacques Lacan usw. die postmoderne Seelenpein produziert tatsächlich massenhaftes psychisches Leiden durch ihre insgesamt regressive Ausrichtung unserer Triebe/ unserer Strebungen, unseres Begehrens und unserer Begierden, während, ich bin immer noch bei Dr. Peterson, der metaphysisch und/oder kirchlich eingebundene Mensch nachweislich (!) besser mit den, so Peterson, unvermeidlichen existentiellen Gefährdungen hinieden zurecht komme.

    Dies könnte einer der Gründe für eine christliche Wiedererstarkung darstellen: Dass hier Demut, Leidens- und Differenzierungsbereitschaft, Chaos und Ordnung, Heil und Frohsinn alle ihren Platz haben, während im säkularen Kontext unserer Universitäten beispielsweise, sich zunehmend weltfernes Heulen und Zähneklappern nach vorne drängt, gerne unterstützt von halb-hippen Hip-Pop-Priestern etwelcher christlicher Konfessionen.

    Also werden nun beweihräuchert und in den pevertierten Tabernakel unserer lädierten Öffentlichkeit gestellt: Micro-Aggressions, Schutzräume, Trigger-Warnungen, die Verweigerung der rationalen Debatte überhaupt als die vielleicht größte unserer säkularen Plagen, kurzum: Die Verknuddelung des westlichen Geistes, wie ich von Jonathan Haidt und Greg Lukianoff inspiriert, nun doch zusammenfassend kritisieren möchte.


    Ob das alles am Ende sogar in eine von Hein-arich (M R-R) Heine inspirierte übermütige greise Habermas-Volte mündet, die nicht nur Hobbes und Schopenhauer und Wilhelm Busch und Tod und Teufel (Martin Heidegger) in abgründiger Spannung hält, sondern auch die anderen Habermasischen Ur-Gegenspieler Eckhard Henscheid und Peter Sloterdijk, Dieter Henrich, Odo Marquart und - Carl Schmitt? -
    - Hoffentlich jedenfalls mit mehr, und bitte nicht mit weniger Habermasischen Jean-Paulismen, als ich sie hier probehalber bereits aufführte! -

    - "Aja", bald wissen alle Interessierten um die Faktizität dieser neuerlichen Groß-Denk-Causa, und können dann auch deren Geltung näher bestimmen, die immerhin die Zeitungswelt in Deutschland und das Netz weltweit bereits "dursofet heti" (nochmal Heinrich Seuse). - Durchzogen also mit den, dem bald erscheinenden Großwerk - wie imaginäre Bugwellen - im erwartungsfoh aufgewühlten Ozean unserer vorläufigen Kenntnislosigkeit - äh - - - Bugwellen sagt' ich, die genuin utopische Wasserzeichen oder halt "Spuren" (Bloch) vor unserem inneren Auge entstehen lassen. Welche imaginären Spuren wir zugleich mit dem guten und - gleich Habermas, wie mir scheint - unübertrefflichen Heinrich Seuse und mit Wutz sowieso immer fester in den Blick nehmen können. Das ist im Sinne des Utopikers Bloch und des Eudämonisten Maria Wutz ganz besonders, grad' weil es diese Spuren noch kaum gibt. Im Geiste Wutzens und Chestertons sowieso geht solche detektivische Spurenlese aber, so ich "neiswi" (Seuse) Schwein habe, ganz bestimm gut aus! Denn für den vergnügten Wutz - gäbe es das alles im kreglen "hirni" (Seuse) schon, und würde deshalb - sowieso - - genau - - - zu "einhundert Prr..zent!" (E. Stoiber) in Ordnung gehen!*** Des, liebe Leser, seid gewiss! Ente gut und wie in Eckhard Henscheids Jean Paul ganz verpflichtetem Idyll "Maria Schnee"*** über die oberanmutige Bayerische Wallfahrtskirche Maria Schnee in Legau: Sogar mehrere "Entn, Entn!" gut. - Also bis dahin alles perfekt soweit, einschließlich des Epitaphs für ausgerechnet Xaver Unsinn (gest. 1774) in der Wallfahrtskirche Maria Schnee. Prästabilierte Harmonie innerweltlicher Tanszendenz, erfüllt von den Logos-Strahlen eines utopischen Rücklichts, das von einem wirklichen Frontscheinwerfer gar nicht mehr zu unterscheiden wäre, wg. Coincidentia Oppositorum (ich rechne ganz fest mit des Cusaners Erscheinen in Habermas' doppelleibigen Bücherkosmos! Leibniz wird ebenfalls im dicken Buch zu finden sein, der Xaver Unsinn unterm Torbogen von Maria Schnee vielleicht dann wieder eher nicht. Leider. Aber kann man nix machen. Hier ist etwelche Einfalt gefragt! Und Humor, und Demut dazu.

    Also, was fehlen wird, wird eventuell der Tyffel sin, der uns nun zum Schluss noch plagen will! Der ist bei Habermas unbehaust, weil der unserem prospektiven Starnbergischen "Jubelsenior" (Jean Paul) - - - nicht und nicht und gar nicht liegt. Wesensmässig nicht liegt - wie ihm (vielleicht deshalb?) auch Goethen nicht liegt - ganz anders als der - wesensmässig irgendwie heller gestimmte und teufelsfernere - und von Habermas besonders in seinem grundgelehrten und krtitischen, gewitzten "Philosophischen Diskurs der Moderne" hochgehaltenen Friedrich Schiller. Also: Von Goethen (und Papst Benedikt) dürfte eher im Hinblick auf den Islam die Rede sein, in "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie". Und von Goethen kaum im Hinblick auf Mephisto, wie ich meine. - Wenn doch, wäre das freilich eine allzeit willkommene "Iiiiberraschung" (Pavel Janda, der pan-europäische Heros der Geist- und Gliedrenke).
    Item: "Alles gut!", wie heute die hochgestimmten Mütter, Fachverkäuferinnen und Therapeutinnen so gerne freudig ausrufen. Und diesem oft gehörten frohen Ruf will ich mich auch gar nicht verschließen, denn hier treffen sich Wutz, Goethe und Hegel, der Jean Paul mit Gusto promovierte, traut vereint: Eine tragfähige Grundlage aller weiteren Erörterungen, ein wahres Fundment für Dr. Habermas' neuerliche gedankliche Aufschwünge, nicht zuletzt! Item: Finis opusculum, laus deo!

    "Maria Schnee" and "Geht in Ordnung - sowieso - - genau - - - " are two brilliant works of fiction (a novella and a novel) by Eckhard Henscheid

    Leider, ich verstehe nicht.

  • Climate scientists and IQ researchers are both (largely) correct. Both of the sciences that they represent are hugely important for understanding the future, while both also have tribal ideological detractors on the right and left, respectively. Though this wasn't always so. For instance, Svante Arrhenius, the man who constructed the world's first climate model back...
  • @prime noticer
    "I have recently been mulling over why things turned out this way."

    i guess i don't understand why it's so hard to explain.

    selling a BS lie about planet destroying global warming helps leftists. talking about real genetic differences between humans around the world doesn't help leftists.

    leftists control all dialogue. so which one is blathered about all day, and which one is silenced?

    seems pretty simple to me.

    Prime noticer: I think you may be missing a subtlety in what Karlin is saying: It’s not just that this all benefits the left — it’s that it benefits CAPITAL as well. So these status-signaling lefties are also useful idiots for capital at the same time. Capital is nothing if not resourceful.

  • There are books that defy categorization. This is one of them. The artist known as Bronze Age Pervert (henceforth ‘TAKABAP’) is a Twitter personality who used to lurk around the Return of Kings forums. Little else is known of him, but I am assume he is some sort of senior American political consultant, receiving large...
  • @Old Palo Altan
    I look forward to your review, Schulmeisterlein though I may be when it comes to much of German literature (I do know my St Thomas though).

    I was a bit hesitant, but now it is done – Guillaume Durocher was so kind as to publish my comment No. 128 about Habermas’ forthcoming double-tome “A History of Philosophy, too”- in German.

  • Guillaume Durocher, take a deep breath, please. Thank you!!

    Vermischte Prospekte in Jürgen Habermas’ “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie” hinein, gesehen mit den Augen des vergnügten Jean-Paulischen Schulmeisterleins Maria Wutz, gegeben drei/vier Tage vor Jürgen Habermas’ 90. Geburtstag am 19. 6. und drei Monate vor Erscheinen des o. a. Habermasischen Zweibänders über die Co-Evolution von Christentum und Europäischer Philosophie – vom Römischen Kaiserreich bis heute


    Wenn es quakt wie eine Ente, läuft wie eine Ente und aussieht wie eine Ente, dann ist es eine Ente

    Der Kommentator Ewald_der_Etrusker, als er wieder einmal zu Felde zog


    Die kenntnisreiche und aufrichtige Argumentation ist der vernünftige Kern unserer Kultur. Und den, so schließt der gute Doktor Habermas gern seine Abhandlungen, haben Barbaren auf dem Kieker, verstehen Sie, Ewald_der_Etrusker?

    Deshalb soll man, wie Thomas von Aquin in “De Ente et Essentia” in aller Klarheit bereits dargelegt hat – mit immerhin onomatopoetischem Bezug auf Sie und Ihre Wissenschafts-Enten Metaphorik, und logischem Bezug darüber hinaus zu Aristoteles immerhin. Also deshalb, so meine ich grad’ wie Thomas, soll man unbedingt die Vernunft hochhalten; denn nur so ist zu verhindern, dass, wie er in dem angeführten Frühwerk von – ich hab’ nachgeguckt, 1255, – ganz richtig schlussfolgert: Also Thomas sagt da kurz gefasst, man soll gut argumentieren, weil aus kleinen Fehlern leicht mal große werden.

    (Hehe – das ist bereits eine Vorausschau auf des schaffigen Starnberger Doktors nächstes zweibändiges Großbuch von wie man beim Suhrkap-Verlag liest exakt 1700 Seiten für, wie der Verlag weiter schreibt, “circa” 98 Euro. Erhältlich im gut sortierten Buchhandel ab 30. September 2019).

    Ich gib’ fürderhin meinen tentativen Voraus-Einblick in Habermas’ “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie” betitelten Doppelbänder auf den Spuren des herzallerliebsten Schulmeisterleins Maria Wutz aus Jean Pauls Idylle über das gottgefällige Auenthal und denke an den späten, postsäkularen “großen Jürgen Habermas”, so Th.Chervel im Online-Magzin Perlentaucher. Der freilich, also der Thierry Chervel vom Perlentaucher, ist selber gar nicht postsäkular, sondern als weiter streng atheistisch/säkular und insofern der genuinen Habermasischen Denkbewegung ein wenig abhold, in den letzten Jahren. Loben tat er ihn dennoch, vielleicht hat er nicht richtig gecheckt, was da abgeganen war, denktechnisch, sowas kann in unserer schnellebigen Zeit leicht einmal passieren, wie ich finde, vielleicht ist das alles aber auch ganz anders.


    Ich kucke indessen frühlingshaft heiter gestimmt ausdrücklich m i t Wutzens erquickten Äuglein, da dieser unverdrossen frohgemute arme Schulmann alle seine Lieblingsbücher als absoluter Enthusiast u n d Habenichts s e l b e r schrieb – : – Und daher spicke ich durch Wutzens vom rauen Weltenlauf ungetrübte Wunderlinsen in dieses uns bevorstehende wuchtige, irgendwie nach Goethens Superintendenten Johann Gottlieb Herders “Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menschheit” betitelten Werks Habermas’, das ebend etwas kürzer und etwas verdreht “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie” heißt; obwohl es viel viel länger ist. Eine captatio benvolentiae mit Blick auf die Leserinnen und Leser all’, vermutlich. Irgendwie ein Trost: Mag’ das Buch auch noch so doppelbändig und doppeldick sein, so ist es immerhin verhältnismässig schlank und sogar ein wenig lustig verdreht betitelt- also gilt es bald einmal: Frischauf und ungesäumt hindurch, oh Wissensdurstige & Wissensdurstige all’. Ok – ich blicke in diese Giga-Blattsammlung jetzt schon – und gratis obendrein im Geiste Wutz’, – und etwan gleich wie Wutz auf der Grundlage eines auf die Buchmesse hinzielenden Verlagsprospektes “grad’ au no” (Moser). Coincidentia Tripartita Constantiae.


    Im übrigen ist es keineswegs ausgemacht, dass meine Prophezeiung bezüglich der prominenten Rolle des Thomas für unser abendländisches Denken und implizit oder wer weiß sogar explízit von des Thomas hochgelahrten und jedenfalls top-ehrgeizigen kleinen Frühwerks “De Ente et Essentia” “in Tat und Wahrheit” (A. Maucher) überhaupt zutrifft. Obwohl – unwahrscheinlich ist das nicht, dass in meinen Überlegungen einiges vom wirklichen Denken des Marburgischen Doktors wie auch Doktors honoris causa int. mult. – tatsächlich – – schon drin-stickt, denn die Welt “stickt” (Goethe) allgemein “voller Merkwürdigkeiten”. – – – Nun, “wir werden”, mit den Worten Hannes Waders fast schon zu schließen – hoffentlich! – diesen Herbst noch “sehn”, wie es um diese Dinge steht – gern auch mit Blick auf “Häuptling Seattle” (Hannes Wader), oder z. B. auf den spirituellen reformierten ehemaligen Mentor und ersten geistlichen Anleiter des weiland Chicagoer Senators Barrack Obama.

    Die Rede ist von keinem geringeren als dem Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., also dem Kurator des im “Hyatt Regency Hotel” daselbst verliehenen Chicagoer “Trumpeter-Magazine-Awards”. Der ging an Louis Farrakhan (“The Nation of Islam”) am zweiten November 2007, wie Steve Sailer so treulich verzeichnet in seiner in der Tat einlässlichen und einsichtsreichen Obama-Deutung “AMERICA’S HALF-BLOOD PRINCE”, auf den Spuren von Obamas Buch über, so Obama – “Rasse und Erbschaft”. – ! – Ein spannender möglicher Subplot von Dr. Jürgens neuem Buch, wie mir scheint, in dem ein Prototyp des korrupten Schwazen christlichen Charismatikers und lebenslustigen Predigers der US Mega-Kirchen ja sowenig fehlen sollte, wie die Vertreter des politisch-radikalislamischen Flügels unserer Multikulturalität. So einer aber, Zufälle gibts!, war in der Tat der andere von des aufstrebenden linken Senators Barrack Obama Augensternen, nämlich der vogelwilde Schreiber und Agitator Louis Farrakhan, den man islamischerseits dann leider ermordete. Eine furchtbare Geschichte.

    Das ist hier etwas gedrängt – mehr wie gesagt in Steve Sailers konziser Deutung von Barrack Obamas autobiographischem Buch “Dreams from my Father – A Story of Race and Inheritance”. Ein Buch, das Sailer übrigens schrieb, bevor Obama Präsident wurde. Der Obama-Titel richtig verdeutscht lautet: “Träume von meinem Vater – Eine Geschichte über Rasse und Erbschaft”. Der Titel des Obama-Buches im Deutschen Buchhandel aber lautete: “Ein Amerikanischer Traum – Die Geschichte meiner Familie”.
    Tcha, liebe Deutsche Leser, man will euch schonen, also übersetzte man euch nicht, was Obama schrieb, sondern erfand etwas Sanftes drum herum.

    “Sehn” werden wir jedenfalls, wie es sich mit alldem in “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie”, ahhh – wie sich das alles in diesem zwieschlächtigen Werk dann materialiter im Geiste Jean Pauls eventuell doppelgesichtig und einfältig zugleich wie Vult und Valt aus dem Erbschafts(!)- und Zwillings- und Abstammungs(!)roman “Flegeljahre” – – prismatisch bricht oder blutmäßig im Sinne Barrack Obamas wie zugleich in der Tradition der Merseburger Zaubersprüche – – einrenkt.

    Den – also diesen Zauberspruch über die “blut renki” vermute ich nicht unter Habermas’ inskünftigen Trouvaillen, da der Zauberspruch in vorchristliche Urzeiten verweist, in denen vemutlich Emile Durkheim eher zuhause ist, als eben der weltberühmte Starnberger Stubengelehrte.

    Die menschlichen Ur-Anfänge hat Habermas zudem im verlgeichsweise schlanken Zweibänder “Die Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns” bereits abgearbeitet. Es wäre also überraschend, wenn er im neuen Buch dahin zurückkehrte.


    Spannend aber, ob der Hegel-mäßigen modernen Dialektik, wie Slavoj Zizek und – Dieter Weber selig – sie so geistreich hin- und herzuwenden wussten, spannend ist’s zu sehen, wie das alles, wie also dieser Habermasisch-Thomistisch-Hegelische Existential- und Transzendental-Zauber nicht zuletzt der modernen Großwunde der hegelischen Entzweiung entggenwirkt. –
    – Entzweiung meint bei Hegeln die unseres eigenen Kopf- und Buseninhalts, – ob diese unser Zeitalter und unseren Zeitgeist prägenden und plagenden, modernen Entzweiungen wer weiß durch Habermas’ Denkanstrengungen sogar therapeutisch-kurativ traktiert werden im neuen Buch? Das wäre im Sinne des frankfurterischen gesellschaftsreformerischen kritischen Theoretikers Rainer Frost – im Sinne aber vor allen anderen hier des Kanadischen Klinischen Psychologen und Vortragsreisenden und weltweiten Religionsdeuters Jordan B. Peterson.

    Jordan B. Peterson sagt nämlich, dass die metaphysisch obdachlosen modernen Neurotiker laut seiner Kenntnisse der klinischen Literatur tatsächlich und messbar dünnhäutiger und wehrloser reagierten auf die unvermeidlichen Belastungen des Lebens als die Gläubigen oder sonstwie metaphysisch Gebildeten und Einsichtsbereiten! – Das ist einer der groß-Aspekte der derzeitigen westlichen Mentalitätsentwicklung, wie er bezeugt und bedacht wurde von Goethe bereits, von Hegel, Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche und bald einmal von Sigmund Freud und – dieser Denker ist für den einlässlichen und kenntnisreichen Bibel-DeuterJordan Peterson der klare Favorit – Carl Jung.

    Die moderne, oder lt. Jacques Lacan usw. die postmoderne Seelenpein produziert tatsächlich massenhaftes psychisches Leiden durch ihre insgesamt regressive Ausrichtung unserer Triebe/ unserer Strebungen, unseres Begehrens und unserer Begierden, während, ich bin immer noch bei Dr. Peterson, der metaphysisch und/oder kirchlich eingebundene Mensch nachweislich (!) besser mit den, so Peterson, unvermeidlichen existentiellen Gefährdungen hinieden zurecht komme.

    Dies könnte einer der Gründe für eine christliche Wiedererstarkung darstellen: Dass hier Demut, Leidens- und Differenzierungsbereitschaft, Chaos und Ordnung, Heil und Frohsinn alle ihren Platz haben, während im säkularen Kontext unserer Universitäten beispielsweise, sich zunehmend weltfernes Heulen und Zähneklappern nach vorne drängt, gerne unterstützt von halb-hippen Hip-Pop-Priestern etwelcher christlicher Konfessionen.

    Also werden nun beweihräuchert und in den pevertierten Tabernakel unserer lädierten Öffentlichkeit gestellt: Micro-Aggressions, Schutzräume, Trigger-Warnungen, die Verweigerung der rationalen Debatte überhaupt als die vielleicht größte unserer säkularen Plagen, kurzum: Die Verknuddelung des westlichen Geistes, wie ich von Jonathan Haidt und Greg Lukianoff inspiriert, nun doch zusammenfassend kritisieren möchte.


    Ob das alles am Ende sogar in eine von Hein-arich (M R-R) Heine inspirierte übermütige greise Habermas-Volte mündet, die nicht nur Hobbes und Schopenhauer und Wilhelm Busch und Tod und Teufel (Martin Heidegger) in abgründiger Spannung hält, sondern auch die anderen Habermasischen Ur-Gegenspieler Eckhard Henscheid und Peter Sloterdijk, Dieter Henrich, Odo Marquart und – Carl Schmitt? –
    – Hoffentlich jedenfalls mit mehr, und bitte nicht mit weniger Habermasischen Jean-Paulismen, als ich sie hier probehalber bereits aufführte! –

    – “Aja”, bald wissen alle Interessierten um die Faktizität dieser neuerlichen Groß-Denk-Causa, und können dann auch deren Geltung näher bestimmen, die immerhin die Zeitungswelt in Deutschland und das Netz weltweit bereits “dursofet heti” (nochmal Heinrich Seuse). – Durchzogen also mit den, dem bald erscheinenden Großwerk – wie imaginäre Bugwellen – im erwartungsfoh aufgewühlten Ozean unserer vorläufigen Kenntnislosigkeit – äh – – – Bugwellen sagt’ ich, die genuin utopische Wasserzeichen oder halt “Spuren” (Bloch) vor unserem inneren Auge entstehen lassen. Welche imaginären Spuren wir zugleich mit dem guten und – gleich Habermas, wie mir scheint – unübertrefflichen Heinrich Seuse und mit Wutz sowieso immer fester in den Blick nehmen können. Das ist im Sinne des Utopikers Bloch und des Eudämonisten Maria Wutz ganz besonders, grad’ weil es diese Spuren noch kaum gibt. Im Geiste Wutzens und Chestertons sowieso geht solche detektivische Spurenlese aber, so ich “neiswi” (Seuse) Schwein habe, ganz bestimm gut aus! Denn für den vergnügten Wutz – gäbe es das alles im kreglen “hirni” (Seuse) schon, und würde deshalb – sowieso – – genau – – – zu “einhundert Prr..zent!” (E. Stoiber) in Ordnung gehen!*** Des, liebe Leser, seid gewiss! Ente gut und wie in Eckhard Henscheids Jean Paul ganz verpflichtetem Idyll “Maria Schnee”*** über die oberanmutige Bayerische Wallfahrtskirche Maria Schnee in Legau: Sogar mehrere “Entn, Entn!” gut. – Also bis dahin alles perfekt soweit, einschließlich des Epitaphs für ausgerechnet Xaver Unsinn (gest. 1774) in der Wallfahrtskirche Maria Schnee. Prästabilierte Harmonie innerweltlicher Tanszendenz, erfüllt von den Logos-Strahlen eines utopischen Rücklichts, das von einem wirklichen Frontscheinwerfer gar nicht mehr zu unterscheiden wäre, wg. Coincidentia Oppositorum (ich rechne ganz fest mit des Cusaners Erscheinen in Habermas’ doppelleibigen Bücherkosmos! Leibniz wird ebenfalls im dicken Buch zu finden sein, der Xaver Unsinn unterm Torbogen von Maria Schnee vielleicht dann wieder eher nicht. Leider. Aber kann man nix machen. Hier ist etwelche Einfalt gefragt! Und Humor, und Demut dazu.

    Also, was fehlen wird, wird eventuell der Tyffel sin, der uns nun zum Schluss noch plagen will! Der ist bei Habermas unbehaust, weil der unserem prospektiven Starnbergischen “Jubelsenior” (Jean Paul) – – – nicht und nicht und gar nicht liegt. Wesensmässig nicht liegt – wie ihm (vielleicht deshalb?) auch Goethen nicht liegt – ganz anders als der – wesensmässig irgendwie heller gestimmte und teufelsfernere – und von Habermas besonders in seinem grundgelehrten und krtitischen, gewitzten “Philosophischen Diskurs der Moderne” hochgehaltenen Friedrich Schiller. Also: Von Goethen (und Papst Benedikt) dürfte eher im Hinblick auf den Islam die Rede sein, in “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie”. Und von Goethen kaum im Hinblick auf Mephisto, wie ich meine. – Wenn doch, wäre das freilich eine allzeit willkommene “Iiiiberraschung” (Pavel Janda, der pan-europäische Heros der Geist- und Gliedrenke).
    Item: “Alles gut!”, wie heute die hochgestimmten Mütter, Fachverkäuferinnen und Therapeutinnen so gerne freudig ausrufen. Und diesem oft gehörten frohen Ruf will ich mich auch gar nicht verschließen, denn hier treffen sich Wutz, Goethe und Hegel, der Jean Paul mit Gusto promovierte, traut vereint: Eine tragfähige Grundlage aller weiteren Erörterungen, ein wahres Fundment für Dr. Habermas’ neuerliche gedankliche Aufschwünge, nicht zuletzt! Item: Finis opusculum, laus deo!

    “Maria Schnee” and “Geht in Ordnung – sowieso – – genau – – – ” are two brilliant works of fiction (a novella and a novel) by Eckhard Henscheid

    • Replies: @Guillaume Durocher
    Leider, ich verstehe nicht.
    , @Old Palo Altan
    Well the old man is 90 now: did you send him a birthday card? In any case, you haven't persuaded me to send one myself.
    I liked your play on words with "Ente" and too your recognition of the importance of avoiding small errors at the start. Do you tell us then that Habermas is going to address that problem, perhaps even by hinting that a fall away from spirit (in the broadest sense of the term) has led to the catastrophic failings, moral as well as philosophical, of today? You perhaps hint this when you chastise Cherval for having failed to notice Habermas's slow change of direction, as you see it, or hope for it?
    I can't pretend to see the point of the sudden turn to Wright and Obama (I thought I would not need to write the accursed name ever again), and you don't seem to think that Habermas will discuss the primeval reasons for the existence of such oddities (for that you appear to be telling us to go an earlier work of his), so why bring it up at all?
    How is Habermas a possible (according to your Paulian reading - or writing) a possible counter-weight to Zizek and Weber (this last unknown to me) in their Hegelianism? By being a deeper one, or one nourished as well by the other thinkers you name, and whom you describe as mentors too of Peterson (another name I was sorry to have to write!). Well, we shall see. Or rather you will. I might even remind you in late September to let us know how it all pans out. I do not plan to pay c. (!) 98 euros for the privilege.
    Is Stoiber a joke figure? Are you using "Goethen" as a play on God? Should Habermas see things a bit more as did his hero Schiller? Should he engage the problem of Islam, as did poor dear weak Benedict?
    I shall pray that he might, and even that he might admit his errors and turn to the Infinite. So that we might all say "Alles Gut!"

    My lasting impression, though, from your "review": you write in German every bit as allusively, as round-aboutedly, I might almost feel justified to say, as chaotically, as you do in English. Chaotic or not, it is certainly exhausting.
    No criticism; an observation only. Here at Sailer's we notice.
  • @Digital Samizdat
    Thanks for that link, Vinnie. I've been looking for an alternative to Amazon for a while now.

    sBay is good for books and when you include shipping it is often cheaper than Amazon. Goodwill sells lots of books there. Various Goodwills in America do.

  • @Johnny Walker Read
    It was all by design my friend, as John Coleman so amply states:

    Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States.

    The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been in the front line of the attack on the U.S. Constitution and State constitutions. No group did more to propagandize the U.S. to participate in the WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it.

    Much the same tactics were used by the Social Science scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq. Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called "that black hole of disinformation." On another occasion Toynbee called Wellington House "a lie factory." From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States in a highly controversial manner. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being "brainwashed." The origin of "mind control," "inner directional conditioning" and mass "brainwashing" is explained in an easy to understand book written with great authority.

    The fall of dynasties, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI and WWII saw the destruction of old alliances and boundaries, the convulsions in religion, morals, family life, economic and political conduct, decadence in music and art can all be traced back to mass indoctrination (mass brainwashing) practiced by the Tavistock Institute Social Science scientists. Prominent among Tavistock's faculty were Edward Bernays, the double nephew of Sigmund Freud. It is said that Herr Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in the German Third Reich used methodology devised by Bernays as well as those of Willy Munzenberg, whose extraordinary career is touched upon in this work about the past, present and future. Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII, no Bolshevik Revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars. But for Tavistock, the United States would not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse.

    Indeed, the Tavistock Clinic has a good tradition of en masse brainwashing and you are a good example of that. You know, it works in reverse too.

  • @Dieter Kief
    We have to welcome the lost sheep, if they find back to the herd don't we?

    My remarks about "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" are some sort of an abbreviated version of a little text of mine, which - now, nobody understands this stuff from here on unz, but you could well be an exception, so I'll give it a try: Since I know quite a lot about Habermas' work, the little hint at the Suhrkamp-webside about the upcoming book with some inspired me, to indeed write a little review in advance - - - in the footsteps of Jean Pauls Schulmeisterlein Wutz, who, as you know, but - - -I think its fair to assume, you're the only one around here, who knows not only Jean Paul but also Wutz: And therefor knows about Wutz' love of books and how he satisfied his enthusiasm about books, even though he was so poor, that he could not afford to buy a single one: Therefor, he studied the advertisements of the book trade fair and then wrote the books all by himself (just in case, sombeody else reads here, too).

    Well, in Wutz' footsteps I am I think the first worldwide, hehe, who did write a little review in advance of Habermas tome. As a matter of fact, since I have written a bit here about the - - - co-evolution of Christian thinking and European philosophy/enlightenment thinking, I myself have for quite some time been walking the trail, in which Habermas now proceeds big (BIG) scale.

    I'll send you my German remarks about Habermas' new book seen from the perspective of Jean Paul and - as pars pro toto - the young Thomas von Aquin later, since my wife has morning tea ready.
    (Thanks for noticing!)

    I look forward to your review, Schulmeisterlein though I may be when it comes to much of German literature (I do know my St Thomas though).

    • Replies: @Dieter Kief
    I was a bit hesitant, but now it is done - Guillaume Durocher was so kind as to publish my comment No. 128 about Habermas' forthcoming double-tome "A History of Philosophy, too"- in German.
  • @Seraphim
    What about the "Philosophia [Platonic, that is] ancilla Theologiae" (Philosophy is the handmaid of Theology), the 'motto' of the Scholastics, centuries before the "Enlightenment" (which was an attack on both the Platonic philosophy of the School (and Leibniz) and Theology, taught in the 'medieval' Universities)?
    It would be really interesting to see whether Habermas had his 'Road of Damascus' moment or he remained stuck in his 'School of Frankfurt' (aka 'cultural Marxism') mental ghetto.

    “It would be really interesting to see whether Habermas had his ‘Road of Damascus’ moment or he remained stuck in his ‘School of Frankfurt’ (aka ‘cultural Marxism’) mental ghetto.”

    I expect the latter, however much I might pray for the former.

  • @gustafus21
    I'm thrilled every time I stop by this site.... I AM NOT ALONE !!!

    At 72, I'm now a committed racist - xenophobe and part time anti semite, but Ashkanazi's make me just as crazy - so it's not just Muslims and Israeli's ... it's everybody but White Middle America.

    I was a corn fed kid, wandering the fields to friends houses after school in the 50's and early 60's.

    You paid after you pumped, left the house unlocked, keys in the ignition outside .... white people, rich or poor didn't steal from each other. Never heard of pedophilia or incest ... I was safe anywhere.

    Nobody will convince me that the change in my world hasn't been racial. Black and brown people just don't behave like the rest of us....

    Catholic homosexuals as well.... but then, my family was not Catholic or religious.

    I am going to jump on this book, .... it's lonely out here.... KNOWING the planet has gone crazy, and there are so few sane voices.

    One note, however - I blame lesbians in media and publishing for brainwashing the females around the world.... that agenda is toxic toward men, traditional beauty, and heterosexual union.

    Women have been exploited, not by men, but by the homosexual armies that march through our culture, slashing, burning and destroying all that is good for families and children.

    Damn them to hell..... but yet.... how many copies of 50 Shades of Gray were sold?

    TO WOMEN? Millions and millions and millions of women still yearn for strong, able men who are also a bit dangerous...

    It's the Story of O, The Secretary, ... women want to be dominated, but only by strong, capable men.

    The kind we used to see on the covers of Romance Novels..... it's still in our DNA.... but the demons among us are destroying our men, and brainwashing the ladies.

    I am a grand mother... and will compare passport stamps with anyone on this board. I understand universals.... at least from a white entrepreneur with an IQ of 128...

    ‘Catholic homosexuals’? It was the Catholics who kept the Jewish media and Hollywood in check until the mid-1965, when a masonic, homosexual coup d’etat within the Catholic Church destroyed the church and made it another enemy of civilization, rather than its founder and defender. Watch E. Michael Jones.

    • Replies: @Anon
    "And stay away from Anglo-Catholics. They are all Sodomites with atrocious accents." -- Brideshead Revisited.
    , @Anon
    Well, that's the party line, at least. It's called "don't scare the horses."
    , @Anon
    Yes, the unmarried men in fancy dresses, with their flair for music, candles and incense, and their hatred of Leviticus, kept the Jews at bay until the homos took over a (relatively) couple of years ago. You sound like one of those "straight" people in old sit coms and movies who never "get" that the "woman" is a drag queen.
  • @Old Palo Altan
    My implied point was that the crushing weight of this fact rather pushes aside any need to argue its inevitability.

    Can it really be true that Habermas was, until his ninth decade, unaware "that philosophy did develop together with Christianity in Europe"? If so then I'd call it more a Schande than a miracle.
    Have you read a pre-publication review? I would be pleased to have a link.

    We have to welcome the lost sheep, if they find back to the herd don’t we?

    My remarks about “Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie” are some sort of an abbreviated version of a little text of mine, which – now, nobody understands this stuff from here on unz, but you could well be an exception, so I’ll give it a try: Since I know quite a lot about Habermas’ work, the little hint at the Suhrkamp-webside about the upcoming book with some inspired me, to indeed write a little review in advance – – – in the footsteps of Jean Pauls Schulmeisterlein Wutz, who, as you know, but – – -I think its fair to assume, you’re the only one around here, who knows not only Jean Paul but also Wutz: And therefor knows about Wutz’ love of books and how he satisfied his enthusiasm about books, even though he was so poor, that he could not afford to buy a single one: Therefor, he studied the advertisements of the book trade fair and then wrote the books all by himself (just in case, sombeody else reads here, too).

    Well, in Wutz’ footsteps I am I think the first worldwide, hehe, who did write a little review in advance of Habermas tome. As a matter of fact, since I have written a bit here about the – – – co-evolution of Christian thinking and European philosophy/enlightenment thinking, I myself have for quite some time been walking the trail, in which Habermas now proceeds big (BIG) scale.

    I’ll send you my German remarks about Habermas’ new book seen from the perspective of Jean Paul and – as pars pro toto – the young Thomas von Aquin later, since my wife has morning tea ready.
    (Thanks for noticing!)

    • Replies: @Old Palo Altan
    I look forward to your review, Schulmeisterlein though I may be when it comes to much of German literature (I do know my St Thomas though).
    , @Anon
    "I think its fair to assume, you’re the only one around here, who knows not only Jean Paul but also Wutz:"

    *cough* *cough*
  • @Old Palo Altan
    My implied point was that the crushing weight of this fact rather pushes aside any need to argue its inevitability.

    Can it really be true that Habermas was, until his ninth decade, unaware "that philosophy did develop together with Christianity in Europe"? If so then I'd call it more a Schande than a miracle.
    Have you read a pre-publication review? I would be pleased to have a link.

    What about the “Philosophia [Platonic, that is] ancilla Theologiae” (Philosophy is the handmaid of Theology), the ‘motto’ of the Scholastics, centuries before the “Enlightenment” (which was an attack on both the Platonic philosophy of the School (and Leibniz) and Theology, taught in the ‘medieval’ Universities)?
    It would be really interesting to see whether Habermas had his ‘Road of Damascus’ moment or he remained stuck in his ‘School of Frankfurt’ (aka ‘cultural Marxism’) mental ghetto.

    • Replies: @Old Palo Altan
    "It would be really interesting to see whether Habermas had his ‘Road of Damascus’ moment or he remained stuck in his ‘School of Frankfurt’ (aka ‘cultural Marxism’) mental ghetto."

    I expect the latter, however much I might pray for the former.
  • @threestars
    You've been reading too many blog posts from self absorbed IT nerds and too little history. The Enlightenment philosophers intended to establish a society based primarily on reason and freedom, with equality being desirable only in so far as it didn't conflict with the first two. One of their arguments against inherited privilege was actually the sorry moral, intellectual, and physical shape of the aristocracy.

    They had as much to do with the current state of affairs as Pope Urban II had with the founding of Israel.

    I read none of Moldberg’s self-congratulatory text walls, thank God. You are trying to worm your way out of the reality that classical liberalism is still liberalism: it was recognized as subversive Masonic trash in its time, that it was eventually outflanked on the left is immaterial (and also an inevitability). We conservatives reject political liberty, freedom and equality in all forms. Also lol at the sorry collection of failsons who were the Enlightenment thinkers calling out the “sorry moral, intellectual, and physical shape” of anyone else. To my knowledge, most were childless and none raised children to adulthood, Rousseau abandoned his. Fittingly their descendants, the liberal heads of states of modern Europe, are usually childless. In sum, you need to come to peace with the reality that you are a liberal, just a more moderate one than most these days.

  • @Marcus
    What liberals deceitfully call a "slippery slope," is just deductive reasoning. There is indeed a direct line from the Enlightenment fags to the modern left, Marx himself feted the bourgeois liberal US and French revolutions as necessary precursors to communism since they established equality as the lodestar of Western civilization instead of traditional mores. "Human rights" is even more transparent: it was meant as a permanent trump card for the UN and the liberal order against local and national sovereignty.

    You’ve been reading too many blog posts from self absorbed IT nerds and too little history. The Enlightenment philosophers intended to establish a society based primarily on reason and freedom, with equality being desirable only in so far as it didn’t conflict with the first two. One of their arguments against inherited privilege was actually the sorry moral, intellectual, and physical shape of the aristocracy.

    They had as much to do with the current state of affairs as Pope Urban II had with the founding of Israel.

    • Replies: @Marcus
    I read none of Moldberg's self-congratulatory text walls, thank God. You are trying to worm your way out of the reality that classical liberalism is still liberalism: it was recognized as subversive Masonic trash in its time, that it was eventually outflanked on the left is immaterial (and also an inevitability). We conservatives reject political liberty, freedom and equality in all forms. Also lol at the sorry collection of failsons who were the Enlightenment thinkers calling out the "sorry moral, intellectual, and physical shape" of anyone else. To my knowledge, most were childless and none raised children to adulthood, Rousseau abandoned his. Fittingly their descendants, the liberal heads of states of modern Europe, are usually childless. In sum, you need to come to peace with the reality that you are a liberal, just a more moderate one than most these days.
    , @anon
    >One of their arguments against inherited privilege was actually the sorry moral, intellectual, and physical shape of the aristocracy.

    Considering how modern White Muricans and Euros refuse to breed and are cucking themselves to death, remind who's the one in a sorry state today?
  • @Thulean world
    Here is basically a resume from an article that represent quite well what the new right should aspire off

    Every culture that ever held masculine virtues as the cornerstones of morality has been focused on the strength of the family unit, or clan. This unit takes the form of two parents and their children, but can vary from culture to culture in how much influence the extended blood family have within the unit. Grandparents often take the role of the clan elder, with the younger generations looking to them for wisdom and assisting with the transmission of norms and values to their children.

    On the other hand, you might have found that horizontal family branches may have less direct contact with each other, instead revolving around a common ancestor for family gatherings. No matter what the peculiarities of the family unit structure, they have always been at their greatest in leading the youth to a functional role in society.

    The globalist elite hate the power of a strongly bonded family, because they know that this cohesion is what prevents their victim-empowering, self-hatred encouraging propaganda from taking root in the minds of impressionable children. They struggle to overpower this with every institution. Schools ram their twisted ideology down the throats of children the instant that parents leave them at the gates.

    Those children who do not begin to parrot the insanity back to their handlers fast enough are diagnosed with some form of disorder, and forcefully medicated to dull their minds and sense of independence. Signs placed in bus stations warn of the consequences of “hate crime” for those who would dare to defend their own kind against foreign invaders. No mention is ever made of what rights, if any, you have to protect yourself from unprovoked violence from minority groups.

    All of this and more is thrown relentlessly at you, your spouse and your children. If you stand by idly, eventually you will begin to hear these same pathetic sentiments emerging from their mouths. If you are particularly weak, then you will join the chorus. As soon as you do, you will find yourself forced to your knees, and everything you held dear taken from you. Your money, property and actions are no longer your own to control. You are merely given access to these things in return for doing as you are told.

    I understand this is a bleak image, but it is an image that is increasingly blocking out all others across Western Civilization as a whole. Thankfully, there is a way to fight back against this. You may be afraid to join mass protests for fear of retribution. You may be afraid to take a stand against the established political players that offer a choice between being robbed from the left or from the right. You may be afraid, but unless you want this to become a daily reality with no way out, you must fight.

    I do not mean that you should slap your children if they mimic the other indoctrinated children they share classes with. Victory comes, not from violence, but rather from ideological superiority.

    If you have heard of the concept of frame you will know that, in a debate or argument, the person with the strongest frame is the most persuasive. In order to hold a frame strong enough to protect your family from moral corruption carried out on a global level, you must build your family around masculine virtues. A patriarchal core, drawing inspiration from history, philosophy and warrior-ethics, insulates the minds of the next generation from the insidious propaganda machine blaring at them from every other angle.

    Your home must be a safe space. Not in the sense of a safe space for women and their feminist allies. It must be secured against all angles of attack. TV viewing habits should be controlled in terms of content and also how frequently. An easy way to establish the expectation that TV should not interfere with family time, and therefore with family ties, is to ban any use of the TV during meal times.

    Likewise, all other media, digital or otherwise, should be completely restricted during meals. You must lead this by example. You cannot expect your children to respect your law if you will not adhere to the same standards. It is your job as the patriarch of your family to stand as a shining example of what they can be if they embody the same principles.

    Have you ever noticed how stunted and awkward social interaction becomes when everyone involved has half of their attention being sucked away by screens? Teaching your family that they can have meaningful existence without these distractions is beneficial on multiple levels. Your sons will be better equipped to deal with the complexity of human interactions. You may not wish to start introducing the concepts of game until your children are older, but being able to take part in face to face communication will put them at the head of the pack when their time comes, in both business and pleasure. Whilst you will be teaching your children valuable life lessons, the true benefits of this are immediate.

    Bonding as a family is an intensely rewarding experience, and infinitely more so when each member of the family takes a genuine interest in each other. There is nothing worse than enthusiastically asking your son about his day, only to have him demand to play with your smartphone in response, and cry if refused. Do yourself, and your family a favour. Keep the damn screens away from your shared time, and don’t let them turn into spoiled princesses.

    Many of the parents I know praise their children endlessly. By now, this should come as no surprise to you. This type of willfully blind parenting results in weak, narcissistic and “woe is me” adults that are incapable of taking care of themselves. Their children, if they are ever able to gather the balls to approach a woman, will likely be so damaged beyond repair that they will forever be dependent on others for the most basic needs.

    If you value your genetic legacy, it is your duty to prevent things from ever reaching this stage. Let others destroy themselves if they are unwilling to open their eyes to the world around them, but do not let yourself shuffle meekly into the same inter-generational suicide that they have allowed themselves to be railroaded into.

    Begin by teaching your children basic masculine values through the use of stories. They can be ones that you have crafted yourself if you possess the creative skills, or could be written by another (preferably from earlier times). The fundamental values you must show to be worthy of pursuing in a man’s character are: honour, duty, and strength.

    I do not mean these in their modern, corrupted understanding of the words. If you think of honour as being synonymous with putting the desires of others before your own, you are mistaken. It is essential you seek the truth of what these words mean first.

    When your children are older and are ready to begin competing with their peers in various ways, they will be driven forward to their own victories by these values. Those who gravitate towards the field and sporting achievement will make excellent members of any team, whether it be as a visionary captain or as a loyal, hard-working defense against their opponents. They will struggle in the face of adversity, and come out the other side standing tall. Whether they win, or lose, they will learn how to keep moving forward, whilst others cry at the first sign of hardship.

    Later still in life, these same values and early scuffles will form the inner essence of the man that was once a young boy who needed your help to tie his shoes, and teach him the language of your people. This is the man who you will one day stand, shoulder to shoulder, against the hordes of leftist parasites that seek to take from you what you built. If you have raised this man in a masculine manner, and given him the mindset of a warrior, then neither your son nor yourself will be afraid of those who come for you.

    With the whole of your clan standing beside you, you are untouchable.

    TV viewing habits should be controlled in terms of content and also how frequently. An easy way to establish the expectation that TV should not interfere with family time, and therefore with family ties, is to ban any use of the TV during meal times.

    Better to get rid of the TV completely. Ours went years ago and it was a great move. It frees up time for non-distracted talking, reading and work. The internet has good non-MSM news sources + excellent global interactive sites like Unz + films + music while training (yes, a gym).

    The Gen Z that I have contact with seem to be going the same way. They’re much more for online interactive (multiplayer games + Instagram) and some of them actually read books.

  • @threestars
    >The fruits of those alleged sacrifices are laid bare before us in the modern world. The concept of equality for instance started with all white men being equal. Then it was all races of men are all equal. Then the sexes were equal. Then gays became equal. Now transsexuals are equal. Next, you will be unable to discriminate against people because they are pedophiles or participants in bestiality.

    You aren't addressing Lo's point, you're just conflating the strict concept of legal equality to the general meaning of equality and hierarchy, while also throwing in a gratuitous slippery slope to boot.

    Due to sheer practical considerations, there never was a human society where one's true "worth" -- whatever that meant at the time -- strictly reflected one's place in the political hierarchy. For example an Anglo-Saxon freeman who was a remarkable soldier had the same number of votes in the tribal assembly as his less apt arm bearing fellows, as long as they belonged to the same class. Otherwise, their military democracy would have been to unwieldy, with each man conceivably occupying a station of his own.

    The slippery slope comes when you assume that the "equality" Enlightenment thinkers were aiming towards is somewhat a logical predecessor of today's post-modern insanity. It is not. Enlightenment thinkers wanted a society subserved to objective criteria arrived to by reason and empirical evidence, and a citizen subjected to a social contract. These are the very concepts post-modernism throws away and substitutes with subjective feeling and personal gratification to arrive at such anti-enlightenment monstrosities like affirmative action and gay marriage. There's no historical rule calling for the notion of equality under the law to be pushed to globo-homo's absurd conclusion.

    What liberals deceitfully call a “slippery slope,” is just deductive reasoning. There is indeed a direct line from the Enlightenment fags to the modern left, Marx himself feted the bourgeois liberal US and French revolutions as necessary precursors to communism since they established equality as the lodestar of Western civilization instead of traditional mores. “Human rights” is even more transparent: it was meant as a permanent trump card for the UN and the liberal order against local and national sovereignty.

    • Replies: @threestars
    You've been reading too many blog posts from self absorbed IT nerds and too little history. The Enlightenment philosophers intended to establish a society based primarily on reason and freedom, with equality being desirable only in so far as it didn't conflict with the first two. One of their arguments against inherited privilege was actually the sorry moral, intellectual, and physical shape of the aristocracy.

    They had as much to do with the current state of affairs as Pope Urban II had with the founding of Israel.
    , @Negrolphin Pool
    You perfectly state my understanding of rights. Human rights or any universal rights are not rights at all because rights are only those actions that citizens must enjoy for the continued health of any given polity.

    Attempting to universalize the concept is as meaningless as talking about a singular "human culture" or "human desire", mellifluous but vacant rhetorical decorations.
  • My implied point was that the crushing weight of this fact rather pushes aside any need to argue its inevitability.

    Can it really be true that Habermas was, until his ninth decade, unaware “that philosophy did develop together with Christianity in Europe”? If so then I’d call it more a Schande than a miracle.
    Have you read a pre-publication review? I would be pleased to have a link.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    What about the "Philosophia [Platonic, that is] ancilla Theologiae" (Philosophy is the handmaid of Theology), the 'motto' of the Scholastics, centuries before the "Enlightenment" (which was an attack on both the Platonic philosophy of the School (and Leibniz) and Theology, taught in the 'medieval' Universities)?
    It would be really interesting to see whether Habermas had his 'Road of Damascus' moment or he remained stuck in his 'School of Frankfurt' (aka 'cultural Marxism') mental ghetto.
    , @Dieter Kief
    We have to welcome the lost sheep, if they find back to the herd don't we?

    My remarks about "Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie" are some sort of an abbreviated version of a little text of mine, which - now, nobody understands this stuff from here on unz, but you could well be an exception, so I'll give it a try: Since I know quite a lot about Habermas' work, the little hint at the Suhrkamp-webside about the upcoming book with some inspired me, to indeed write a little review in advance - - - in the footsteps of Jean Pauls Schulmeisterlein Wutz, who, as you know, but - - -I think its fair to assume, you're the only one around here, who knows not only Jean Paul but also Wutz: And therefor knows about Wutz' love of books and how he satisfied his enthusiasm about books, even though he was so poor, that he could not afford to buy a single one: Therefor, he studied the advertisements of the book trade fair and then wrote the books all by himself (just in case, sombeody else reads here, too).

    Well, in Wutz' footsteps I am I think the first worldwide, hehe, who did write a little review in advance of Habermas tome. As a matter of fact, since I have written a bit here about the - - - co-evolution of Christian thinking and European philosophy/enlightenment thinking, I myself have for quite some time been walking the trail, in which Habermas now proceeds big (BIG) scale.

    I'll send you my German remarks about Habermas' new book seen from the perspective of Jean Paul and - as pars pro toto - the young Thomas von Aquin later, since my wife has morning tea ready.
    (Thanks for noticing!)

  • @Old Palo Altan
    "There’s no historical rule calling for the notion of equality under the law to be pushed to globo-homo’s absurd conclusion."

    No historical rule, just historical fact.

    No historical rule, just historical fact.

    A historical fact it is of course, but that’s not the question. The question is, whether it is a necessary consequence of enlightenment thinking to end up in a coddled (=childish) mind/mentality (cf. Jonathan Haidt und George Lukianoff – The Coddling of the American Mind).

    It’s Faust’s question, too – and maybe an unsolvable question, seen from a genuine Christian perspective, too, because our earthly ways are full of sins (and sinners…). – The old Jürgen Habermas discovered this insight late in life and – somehow paid for it with an ultimate earthly burden: To recall how intertwined Christianity and enlightenment are. Habermas will turn ninety in two days and his latest tome of – exactly – 1700 pages will appear at 30th of September this year. It’s title, borrowed from Johann Gottfried Herder, Goethe’s superintendent in Weimar, by the way, is as follows: Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie. – A history of philosophy too – with the implicit (=not mentioned on the title of this book!) consequence, that philosophy did develop together with Christianity in Europe, meaning, that the enlightenment thinking Habermas stands for, owes it’s very existence to its co-development with Christianity.

    Jürgen Habermas is the best critic of postmodernism I know of, by the way. That he discovered the Christian roots of enlightenment thinking (the greek ones he knew for ages) so late in life is a miracle of sorts!

  • @threestars
    >The fruits of those alleged sacrifices are laid bare before us in the modern world. The concept of equality for instance started with all white men being equal. Then it was all races of men are all equal. Then the sexes were equal. Then gays became equal. Now transsexuals are equal. Next, you will be unable to discriminate against people because they are pedophiles or participants in bestiality.

    You aren't addressing Lo's point, you're just conflating the strict concept of legal equality to the general meaning of equality and hierarchy, while also throwing in a gratuitous slippery slope to boot.

    Due to sheer practical considerations, there never was a human society where one's true "worth" -- whatever that meant at the time -- strictly reflected one's place in the political hierarchy. For example an Anglo-Saxon freeman who was a remarkable soldier had the same number of votes in the tribal assembly as his less apt arm bearing fellows, as long as they belonged to the same class. Otherwise, their military democracy would have been to unwieldy, with each man conceivably occupying a station of his own.

    The slippery slope comes when you assume that the "equality" Enlightenment thinkers were aiming towards is somewhat a logical predecessor of today's post-modern insanity. It is not. Enlightenment thinkers wanted a society subserved to objective criteria arrived to by reason and empirical evidence, and a citizen subjected to a social contract. These are the very concepts post-modernism throws away and substitutes with subjective feeling and personal gratification to arrive at such anti-enlightenment monstrosities like affirmative action and gay marriage. There's no historical rule calling for the notion of equality under the law to be pushed to globo-homo's absurd conclusion.

    “There’s no historical rule calling for the notion of equality under the law to be pushed to globo-homo’s absurd conclusion.”

    No historical rule, just historical fact.

    • Replies: @Dieter Kief

    No historical rule, just historical fact.
    A historical fact it is of course, but that's not the question. The question is, whether it is a necessary consequence of enlightenment thinking to end up in a coddled (=childish) mind/mentality (cf. Jonathan Haidt und George Lukianoff - The Coddling of the American Mind).

    It's Faust's question, too - and maybe an unsolvable question, seen from a genuine Christian perspective, too, because our earthly ways are full of sins (and sinners...). - The old Jürgen Habermas discovered this insight late in life and - somehow paid for it with an ultimate earthly burden: To recall how intertwined Christianity and enlightenment are. Habermas will turn ninety in two days and his latest tome of - exactly - 1700 pages will appear at 30th of September this year. It's title, borrowed from Johann Gottfried Herder, Goethe's superintendent in Weimar, by the way, is as follows: Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie. - A history of philosophy too - with the implicit (=not mentioned on the title of this book!) consequence, that philosophy did develop together with Christianity in Europe, meaning, that the enlightenment thinking Habermas stands for, owes it's very existence to its co-development with Christianity.

    Jürgen Habermas is the best critic of postmodernism I know of, by the way. That he discovered the Christian roots of enlightenment thinking (the greek ones he knew for ages) so late in life is a miracle of sorts!

  • Lo says:
    "equality" has no real existence...

    Ah, yes, but all human conceptualization and numbering depends upon the fiction of equality.

    We number things, sheep in a fold for instance, 1,2,3,4,5 and so on as though they were each 1=1=1=1=1 alike even though they are individuals and, of course, different. Same with any concept. We group things under a title as though they were, to all intents and purposes, identical. A 7 car pileup.

    And this makes for all sorts of confusion in thinking. Almost every logical error boils down to Hasty Generalization, i.e. lumping something in a category into which it doesn't truly belong. Confusion in Politics too. And economics.

    One of the first scripts which we can decipher is Mycenaean Linear B. It consists of palace records of produce and farm animals which may have been deposited for safekeeping at the Temple/Castle by outlying farmers. Imagine that you are one such farmer and that you are conscientious and care for your animals. They are healthy and fat. You bring your surplus to the Central Administration Authority for safe keeping and the scribes duly record your share as 12 sheep, 250 gallons of olive oil etc. Now your neighbor is not nearly so conscientious as you. In fact, he's downright lazy and a drunkard to boot. His sheep are thin and spindly. His olive oil slightly rancid, but he too brought in 12 sheep and 250 gallons of oil.

    Later, as the year progresses, some of the the bounty is traded abroad and some doled out at feasts. During emergencies, some is allotted to each family. But when it's doled out, it is mixed so your neighbor eats some of yours and you some of his. He profits from your diligence. After having been traded the same amount is credited to both your accounts at the Palace.

    But, you think to yourself, "All sheep and olive oil are not equal." The numbers 12 and 250 are hasty generalizations. You ask yourself, "Why should my freeloading neighbor enjoy the bounty of my sweat and toil?"

    So, numbering immediately brings in its wake questions of equality, fairness and justice. And no matter how fine grained we try to categorize the things around us, we will always run into this problem. This is exactly what Xeno's paradoxes were trying to illustrate. No method of intellectual division can ever add up to One. There is always an indivisible remainder that stands unique. Having nothing in common with anything else, it cannot be categorized. Hence, it literally cannot be thought. Or rather, its essence cannot be apprehended by thinking. It is the Parmenidean One. Or God, as you call it.

    I keep repeating myself but equality does not mean someone can share fruits of your labor. The idea is to ensure everyone can get fair, equal treatment in courts, by the government, or organizations. It doesn’t mean guaranteeing equality of outcomes. In your example, the state is guaranteeing the equality of outcomes, thus it is unfair to you. We support equality so that, when we go to a court, the court cannot say “you’re an average guy from Midwest, how dare you sue (insert X corporation or powerful group or individual here)?”

    Equality supports treatment based on merit, if people are not treated based on their qualities, it means the society is a less equal place. The problem is not equality, the problem is that some call for preferential treatment for some groups in the name of equality. Claiming that you don’t support equality only gives these groups power and relinquish any right to enforce equality in the original meaning and purpose of the word.

    • Replies: @anon
    Literally no great society before the degeneration brought about by Modernity operated with "equality." It's obvious that when there are noticeable differences in behavior, intellect, etc. combined with separate roles in society that law should be designed with them in mind. Such as segregation as practiced in Muslim Spain, India's castes, etc.
  • @William D. Wall
    "None of these ideas are bad. You think they are bad, because you don’t really know what they are, and assuming popular perversions of these ideas as representations of originals. All of them are based on the idea of freedom, it is so easy to be ignorant and comfortable and not realize how much people sacrificed for these ideas. I wonder if anyone would think the same if they were a slave or some French peasant who worked for his lord. Equality is not about absolute equality, rather a legal one. Thus no one gets unfair treatment because of their class, race, or beliefs. Ancients, Greeks, Romans would not submit these ideas? Sure, then neither would Spartacus to them."

    The fruits of those alleged sacrifices are laid bare before us in the modern world. The concept of equality for instance started with all white men being equal. Then it was all races of men are all equal. Then the sexes were equal. Then gays became equal. Now transsexuals are equal. Next, you will be unable to discriminate against people because they are pedophiles or participants in bestiality.

    But why? Are these groups of people all actually equal in any way other than what is allegedly granted to them under the law? Well, no of course not. So why should they be given any equality? Why is it a good thing that tens of thousands of years of social hierarchy was thrown out? So bourgeois cunts like you can pat themselves on the back while consuming and producing all manner of degeneracy while society collapses all around them due to the destruction of the social order?

    >The fruits of those alleged sacrifices are laid bare before us in the modern world. The concept of equality for instance started with all white men being equal. Then it was all races of men are all equal. Then the sexes were equal. Then gays became equal. Now transsexuals are equal. Next, you will be unable to discriminate against people because they are pedophiles or participants in bestiality.

    You aren’t addressing Lo’s point, you’re just conflating the strict concept of legal equality to the general meaning of equality and hierarchy, while also throwing in a gratuitous slippery slope to boot.

    Due to sheer practical considerations, there never was a human society where one’s true “worth” — whatever that meant at the time — strictly reflected one’s place in the political hierarchy. For example an Anglo-Saxon freeman who was a remarkable soldier had the same number of votes in the tribal assembly as his less apt arm bearing fellows, as long as they belonged to the same class. Otherwise, their military democracy would have been to unwieldy, with each man conceivably occupying a station of his own.

    The slippery slope comes when you assume that the “equality” Enlightenment thinkers were aiming towards is somewhat a logical predecessor of today’s post-modern insanity. It is not. Enlightenment thinkers wanted a society subserved to objective criteria arrived to by reason and empirical evidence, and a citizen subjected to a social contract. These are the very concepts post-modernism throws away and substitutes with subjective feeling and personal gratification to arrive at such anti-enlightenment monstrosities like affirmative action and gay marriage. There’s no historical rule calling for the notion of equality under the law to be pushed to globo-homo’s absurd conclusion.

    • Replies: @Old Palo Altan
    "There’s no historical rule calling for the notion of equality under the law to be pushed to globo-homo’s absurd conclusion."

    No historical rule, just historical fact.
    , @Marcus
    What liberals deceitfully call a "slippery slope," is just deductive reasoning. There is indeed a direct line from the Enlightenment fags to the modern left, Marx himself feted the bourgeois liberal US and French revolutions as necessary precursors to communism since they established equality as the lodestar of Western civilization instead of traditional mores. "Human rights" is even more transparent: it was meant as a permanent trump card for the UN and the liberal order against local and national sovereignty.
  • @Wally
    "seems to be"?

    IOW, you're just making it up.

    A woman in Mensa said so in a quite popular German talk show (Markus LanzZDF, if I remember right). No protests whatsoever so – this – ehe – seems to be true. She even mentioned meetings and pinboards at the annual national Mensa meeting where these S/M people exchange info and they do meet as S/M aficionados. That’s what she said. and she added that S/M is one of the strongest special interest groups in those Mensa meetings.

    I wrote seems to be, because I have no personal insight neither in Mensa nor in S/M groups.

  • And yet another “alt-right” guru reveals himself as a gay atheist jew… What else is new.

    Many “HBD bloggers” are also either gay, Jewish or married to people of other races.

    Jews are good at creating or appropriating movements, I’ll grant you that. Some even have interesting ideas, although most just rehash old stuff. Haven’t read this guy, but from what I can gather it seems just reheated Nietzschean leftovers.

    No way out unfortunately for our society but collapse and rebirth. We’re too far gone, I think. But who knows? Miracles are known to have happened.

  • Here is basically a resume from an article that represent quite well what the new right should aspire off

    Every culture that ever held masculine virtues as the cornerstones of morality has been focused on the strength of the family unit, or clan. This unit takes the form of two parents and their children, but can vary from culture to culture in how much influence the extended blood family have within the unit. Grandparents often take the role of the clan elder, with the younger generations looking to them for wisdom and assisting with the transmission of norms and values to their children.

    On the other hand, you might have found that horizontal family branches may have less direct contact with each other, instead revolving around a common ancestor for family gatherings. No matter what the peculiarities of the family unit structure, they have always been at their greatest in leading the youth to a functional role in society.

    The globalist elite hate the power of a strongly bonded family, because they know that this cohesion is what prevents their victim-empowering, self-hatred encouraging propaganda from taking root in the minds of impressionable children. They struggle to overpower this with every institution. Schools ram their twisted ideology down the throats of children the instant that parents leave them at the gates.

    Those children who do not begin to parrot the insanity back to their handlers fast enough are diagnosed with some form of disorder, and forcefully medicated to dull their minds and sense of independence. Signs placed in bus stations warn of the consequences of “hate crime” for those who would dare to defend their own kind against foreign invaders. No mention is ever made of what rights, if any, you have to protect yourself from unprovoked violence from minority groups.


    All of this and more is thrown relentlessly at you, your spouse and your children. If you stand by idly, eventually you will begin to hear these same pathetic sentiments emerging from their mouths. If you are particularly weak, then you will join the chorus. As soon as you do, you will find yourself forced to your knees, and everything you held dear taken from you. Your money, property and actions are no longer your own to control. You are merely given access to these things in return for doing as you are told.

    I understand this is a bleak image, but it is an image that is increasingly blocking out all others across Western Civilization as a whole. Thankfully, there is a way to fight back against this. You may be afraid to join mass protests for fear of retribution. You may be afraid to take a stand against the established political players that offer a choice between being robbed from the left or from the right. You may be afraid, but unless you want this to become a daily reality with no way out, you must fight.

    I do not mean that you should slap your children if they mimic the other indoctrinated children they share classes with. Victory comes, not from violence, but rather from ideological superiority.

    If you have heard of the concept of frame you will know that, in a debate or argument, the person with the strongest frame is the most persuasive. In order to hold a frame strong enough to protect your family from moral corruption carried out on a global level, you must build your family around masculine virtues. A patriarchal core, drawing inspiration from history, philosophy and warrior-ethics, insulates the minds of the next generation from the insidious propaganda machine blaring at them from every other angle.

    Your home must be a safe space. Not in the sense of a safe space for women and their feminist allies. It must be secured against all angles of attack. TV viewing habits should be controlled in terms of content and also how frequently. An easy way to establish the expectation that TV should not interfere with family time, and therefore with family ties, is to ban any use of the TV during meal times.

    Likewise, all other media, digital or otherwise, should be completely restricted during meals. You must lead this by example. You cannot expect your children to respect your law if you will not adhere to the same standards. It is your job as the patriarch of your family to stand as a shining example of what they can be if they embody the same principles.

    Have you ever noticed how stunted and awkward social interaction becomes when everyone involved has half of their attention being sucked away by screens? Teaching your family that they can have meaningful existence without these distractions is beneficial on multiple levels. Your sons will be better equipped to deal with the complexity of human interactions. You may not wish to start introducing the concepts of game until your children are older, but being able to take part in face to face communication will put them at the head of the pack when their time comes, in both business and pleasure. Whilst you will be teaching your children valuable life lessons, the true benefits of this are immediate.

    Bonding as a family is an intensely rewarding experience, and infinitely more so when each member of the family takes a genuine interest in each other. There is nothing worse than enthusiastically asking your son about his day, only to have him demand to play with your smartphone in response, and cry if refused. Do yourself, and your family a favour. Keep the damn screens away from your shared time, and don’t let them turn into spoiled princesses.

    Many of the parents I know praise their children endlessly. By now, this should come as no surprise to you. This type of willfully blind parenting results in weak, narcissistic and “woe is me” adults that are incapable of taking care of themselves. Their children, if they are ever able to gather the balls to approach a woman, will likely be so damaged beyond repair that they will forever be dependent on others for the most basic needs.

    If you value your genetic legacy, it is your duty to prevent things from ever reaching this stage. Let others destroy themselves if they are unwilling to open their eyes to the world around them, but do not let yourself shuffle meekly into the same inter-generational suicide that they have allowed themselves to be railroaded into.

    Begin by teaching your children basic masculine values through the use of stories. They can be ones that you have crafted yourself if you possess the creative skills, or could be written by another (preferably from earlier times). The fundamental values you must show to be worthy of pursuing in a man’s character are: honour, duty, and strength.

    I do not mean these in their modern, corrupted understanding of the words. If you think of honour as being synonymous with putting the desires of others before your own, you are mistaken. It is essential you seek the truth of what these words mean first.

    When your children are older and are ready to begin competing with their peers in various ways, they will be driven forward to their own victories by these values. Those who gravitate towards the field and sporting achievement will make excellent members of any team, whether it be as a visionary captain or as a loyal, hard-working defense against their opponents. They will struggle in the face of adversity, and come out the other side standing tall. Whether they win, or lose, they will learn how to keep moving forward, whilst others cry at the first sign of hardship.

    Later still in life, these same values and early scuffles will form the inner essence of the man that was once a young boy who needed your help to tie his shoes, and teach him the language of your people. This is the man who you will one day stand, shoulder to shoulder, against the hordes of leftist parasites that seek to take from you what you built. If you have raised this man in a masculine manner, and given him the mindset of a warrior, then neither your son nor yourself will be afraid of those who come for you.

    With the whole of your clan standing beside you, you are untouchable.

    • Replies: @Miro23

    TV viewing habits should be controlled in terms of content and also how frequently. An easy way to establish the expectation that TV should not interfere with family time, and therefore with family ties, is to ban any use of the TV during meal times.


    Better to get rid of the TV completely. Ours went years ago and it was a great move. It frees up time for non-distracted talking, reading and work. The internet has good non-MSM news sources + excellent global interactive sites like Unz + films + music while training (yes, a gym).

    The Gen Z that I have contact with seem to be going the same way. They're much more for online interactive (multiplayer games + Instagram) and some of them actually read books.
  • @Vinnie O
    You can buy almost ANY book through, which lists books available from individual booksellers (Amazon is listed as 1 (ONE) bookseller). I'm regularly amazed by the fact that if you wait a month or 2 after a book's "release", you can easily get it for half price (or less) from a number of small booksellers.

    There is of course the sad fact that authors get ZIP from the resale of a "used" book. But, hey, do you REALLY want to pay $1,000 USDs for a "rare" 1st edition, or do you just want to read the words between the covers?

    You remind me of the iniquitous Resale Rights Royalties for the Visual Arts which, I believe, had its origins in France but was enacted in Australia by a Labor government on the advice of a worthy rich young neighbour of mine who pleads however that he suggested a cap that wasn’t included. The egregious former pop star Peter Garrett as Minister for the Arts announced it in an outback Aboriginal settlement even though it was goung to be the heirs of fashionable Sydney and Melbourne white artists who would be the big winners.

  • @I know sigma notation and have an Adderall script.
    This book is garden variety Nietzsche which I and other HBD luminaries have already refuted and then exposed as part of the Jewish language gene and mind virus (See Joyce on Nietzsche's deep ties to the Jewish community). The only thing left to do is traduce the author obsessively so that we don't have someone posting pictures of men with low body fat and encouraging normal people to be interested in right-wing thinking.

    The embrace of Nietzsche by the ‘Jew eaters’ is really grotesque.

  • @Anonymous
    He's been freaking out since seeing this thread:

    You’re way off. He’s responding to this week’s latest twitter drama involving e-thots and Conservatism, Inc.’s “youth wing.”

  • This book is garden variety Nietzsche which I and other HBD luminaries have already refuted and then exposed as part of the Jewish language gene and mind virus (See Joyce on Nietzsche’s deep ties to the Jewish community). The only thing left to do is traduce the author obsessively so that we don’t have someone posting pictures of men with low body fat and encouraging normal people to be interested in right-wing thinking.

    • LOL: Marcus
    • Replies: @Seraphim
    The embrace of Nietzsche by the 'Jew eaters' is really grotesque.
  • @Old Palo Altan
    Neither "human rights" nor "equality" have any real existence.

    The first is countered by the nature of our responsibilities to both God and our neighbour as summarised in the Ten Commandments; the second by the absolute hierarchy of being, from God down to the least of His creatures, not one of which is equal to any other, least of all in His eyes.

    “equality” has no real existence…

    Ah, yes, but all human conceptualization and numbering depends upon the fiction of equality.

    We number things, sheep in a fold for instance, 1,2,3,4,5 and so on as though they were each 1=1=1=1=1 alike even though they are individuals and, of course, different. Same with any concept. We group things under a title as though they were, to all intents and purposes, identical. A 7 car pileup.

    And this makes for all sorts of confusion in thinking. Almost every logical error boils down to Hasty Generalization, i.e. lumping something in a category into which it doesn’t truly belong. Confusion in Politics too. And economics.

    One of the first scripts which we can decipher is Mycenaean Linear B. It consists of palace records of produce and farm animals which may have been deposited for safekeeping at the Temple/Castle by outlying farmers. Imagine that you are one such farmer and that you are conscientious and care for your animals. They are healthy and fat. You bring your surplus to the Central Administration Authority for safe keeping and the scribes duly record your share as 12 sheep, 250 gallons of olive oil etc. Now your neighbor is not nearly so conscientious as you. In fact, he’s downright lazy and a drunkard to boot. His sheep are thin and spindly. His olive oil slightly rancid, but he too brought in 12 sheep and 250 gallons of oil.

    Later, as the year progresses, some of the the bounty is traded abroad and some doled out at feasts. During emergencies, some is allotted to each family. But when it’s doled out, it is mixed so your neighbor eats some of yours and you some of his. He profits from your diligence. After having been traded the same amount is credited to both your accounts at the Palace.

    But, you think to yourself, “All sheep and olive oil are not equal.” The numbers 12 and 250 are hasty generalizations. You ask yourself, “Why should my freeloading neighbor enjoy the bounty of my sweat and toil?”

    So, numbering immediately brings in its wake questions of equality, fairness and justice. And no matter how fine grained we try to categorize the things around us, we will always run into this problem. This is exactly what Xeno’s paradoxes were trying to illustrate. No method of intellectual division can ever add up to One. There is always an indivisible remainder that stands unique. Having nothing in common with anything else, it cannot be categorized. Hence, it literally cannot be thought. Or rather, its essence cannot be apprehended by thinking. It is the Parmenidean One. Or God, as you call it.

    • Replies: @Lo
    I keep repeating myself but equality does not mean someone can share fruits of your labor. The idea is to ensure everyone can get fair, equal treatment in courts, by the government, or organizations. It doesn't mean guaranteeing equality of outcomes. In your example, the state is guaranteeing the equality of outcomes, thus it is unfair to you. We support equality so that, when we go to a court, the court cannot say "you're an average guy from Midwest, how dare you sue (insert X corporation or powerful group or individual here)?"

    Equality supports treatment based on merit, if people are not treated based on their qualities, it means the society is a less equal place. The problem is not equality, the problem is that some call for preferential treatment for some groups in the name of equality. Claiming that you don't support equality only gives these groups power and relinquish any right to enforce equality in the original meaning and purpose of the word.
  • Gentleman,

    I must say that I am truly inspired by the stunning demonstrations of intelligence, book learning, and humble sexual propriety in the comments.

    Reading through these comments, I’m confused as to why the right is so ineffective. With such laser focus on defeating the left and restraint in internecine conflict, how are we not on top of the world?

    • Agree: Guillaume Durocher
    • LOL: Daniel Chieh
  • My book club read Bronze Age Mindset last summer. The take away was that it was largely an intentional joke, with interesting passages that occasionally have flashes of insight.

    Perhaps all you fellas both pro and con are reading a little too much into the material?

  • @Anon

    Little else is known of him, but I am assume he is some sort of senior American political consultant, receiving large sums from Republican ‘dumb money’ with minimal effort, spending most of the day working out and chilling poolside.
    He's literally a gay Jew, and no, he does not have a bodybuilder's physique.

    Observing him and his followers online, it's remarkable how much of a psychic hold and psychic power Jews have over gentile whites. Every kind of new ideological, social, cultural, political movement, trend, or current seems to end up being dominated or heavily influenced by Jews and their verbal charisma and ability. Whether it's mainstream liberalism, leftism, or internet based "alternative" right wing ideology or culture, Jews seem to be able to dominate or exert a strong influence.

    It's remarkable to observe, but also dispiriting and demoralizing. It's as if we've evolved to be the psychic zombies of this hyper verbal people. They have a will to power to psychic dominance that we lack that leads them to overwhelm media niches and overpower us verbally. The only rational explanation for this seems to be that they've evolved over the centuries and adapted to their "environment" of the European mind or psyche, as opposed to the natural environment from which they've been separated so long and that most other peoples have adapted to. They've specialized in and evolved to deal with and manipulate the European mind/psyche, just as the Amish have evolved to deal with and manipulate farm fields.

    And too, anyone who has drunk deeply from the well of European science, art, literature and philosophy realizes that these modern Jewish intellectuals offer nothing new. They merely repackage ideas which had been discovered and developed by greater, prior European intellectuals.

    Today’s young college students are to have no sense of a tradition within which to orient themselves. By leading the way in tearing down monuments and erasing the cultural memory of Europe’s intellectual forebears, Jews can claim credit for what they plagiarize and hence, always appear to be geniuses. The awards they bestow upon one another for their “intellectual daring” is icing on the cake.

  • @Anonymous
    He's been freaking out since seeing this thread:

    He is afraid that his gaydom is so exposed lol.

  • Lo says:
    @Old Palo Altan
    Neither "human rights" nor "equality" have any real existence.

    The first is countered by the nature of our responsibilities to both God and our neighbour as summarised in the Ten Commandments; the second by the absolute hierarchy of being, from God down to the least of His creatures, not one of which is equal to any other, least of all in His eyes.

    If they don’t really exist, then how do you talk about them? If you mean they don’t objectively exist, then so what? By the same logic, laws also don’t exist, borders also don’t exist, politics also don’t exist and so on. Besides what do you know about God or what is up with his “eyes”? You pretend to know something you don’t really know. It is called faith. So here you go, by your logic, one can also faith in “human rights” or any other abstract ideas. It is a slippery slope that you are standing on.

    • Replies: @anon
    Ah, an athiest who advocates the Ottomans. How unsurprising considering Enlightenment degenerates/cucks praised Islam.
  • @Logan
    The only rational explanation for this seems to be that they’ve evolved over the centuries and adapted to their “environment” of the European mind or psyche, as opposed to the natural environment from which they’ve been separated so long and that most other peoples have adapted to.

    The problem with this is that Jews were pretty unanimously excluded from society till less than 200 years ago.

    Which is not a long time for evolution to do its thing.

    The Ashkenazi Jews, from whom most American Jews are descended, were very thoroughly excluded till not much over a century ago.

    You really men that crude & destructive Jew behavior caused them to be tossed from most places that they had been graciously allowed into.

    There you go.

  • @Dieter Kief
    One of the bigger special interest groups in German Mensa meetings seems to be S/M.

    “seems to be”?

    IOW, you’re just making it up.

    • Replies: @Dieter Kief
    A woman in Mensa said so in a quite popular German talk show (Markus LanzZDF, if I remember right). No protests whatsoever so – this – ehe – seems to be true. She even mentioned meetings and pinboards at the annual national Mensa meeting where these S/M people exchange info and they do meet as S/M aficionados. That’s what she said. and she added that S/M is one of the strongest special interest groups in those Mensa meetings.

    I wrote seems to be, because I have no personal insight neither in Mensa nor in S/M groups.
  • @Johnny Walker Read
    It was all by design my friend, as John Coleman so amply states:

    Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States.

    The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been in the front line of the attack on the U.S. Constitution and State constitutions. No group did more to propagandize the U.S. to participate in the WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it.

    Much the same tactics were used by the Social Science scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq. Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called "that black hole of disinformation." On another occasion Toynbee called Wellington House "a lie factory." From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States in a highly controversial manner. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being "brainwashed." The origin of "mind control," "inner directional conditioning" and mass "brainwashing" is explained in an easy to understand book written with great authority.

    The fall of dynasties, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI and WWII saw the destruction of old alliances and boundaries, the convulsions in religion, morals, family life, economic and political conduct, decadence in music and art can all be traced back to mass indoctrination (mass brainwashing) practiced by the Tavistock Institute Social Science scientists. Prominent among Tavistock's faculty were Edward Bernays, the double nephew of Sigmund Freud. It is said that Herr Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in the German Third Reich used methodology devised by Bernays as well as those of Willy Munzenberg, whose extraordinary career is touched upon in this work about the past, present and future. Without Tavistock, there would have been no WWI and WWII, no Bolshevik Revolution, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and Iraq wars. But for Tavistock, the United States would not be rushing down the road to dissolution and collapse.

    ” It is said that Herr Goebbels, Propaganda Minister in the German Third Reich used methodology devised by Bernays as well as those of Willy Munzenberg, whose extraordinary career is touched upon in this work about the past, present and future. ”

    Said by who?

    I see no examples of Goebbels using this “methodology”.

    I remind you that the word ‘propaganda‘ has a different meaning now then when the Germans openly, publicly used it to describe a ministry that promoted the interests of Germany.

    It appears that John Coleman and yourself have taken the Zionist bait.

  • anonymous[113] • Disclaimer says:
    @Old Palo Altan
    Neither "human rights" nor "equality" have any real existence.

    The first is countered by the nature of our responsibilities to both God and our neighbour as summarised in the Ten Commandments; the second by the absolute hierarchy of being, from God down to the least of His creatures, not one of which is equal to any other, least of all in His eyes.

    the absolute hierarchy of being

    To all people extolling hierarchy – you know very well that your place in the hierarchy is at absolute bottom. Might makes right, and you have no might at all. None.
    Why you do not accept it?
    Why you keep rebeling against your lawful masters (with your uncouth mouth only, you know well if you tried something IRL you would end dead or in Guantanamo for life)?

  • @Flick
    The modern left is cowardly. But it does no good to hide your identity from them. That still makes you a coward. And it is not necessary - grow a pair. Who are you kidding? Wrongthink repercussions are instigated for the most part by strident little snowflake millennial armies ruining the lives of boomers who never went for all that ID politics BS. You should get to know know your enemy better, no generation is homogenous in belief. You're a label libeler - talk about clueless... Who do you suppose benefits from wrongthink? It's a political construct ultimately designed to get votes. 2 parties slopping at the same trough, one goes for the haters on the left one goes for the haters on the right and common sense and common decency is forfeited, and folks stay divided - it's a control mechanism. I prefer HL Mencken and George Carlin for humorous political insight that scandalizes the spectrum of human folly. It may turn out Bronze Age Pervert is a fat-boy virgin living at home with his parents, if so - that's cool - who gives a damn, stand up and be counted, punk.

    When the chips were down, you ceded social control to the New Left and sold your progeny’s financial future to plutocratic blood suckers. Millennials and younger don’t have your economic security. Mencken is great though, I’ll give you that (despite him being completely wrong about the South)

  • @Logan
    The only rational explanation for this seems to be that they’ve evolved over the centuries and adapted to their “environment” of the European mind or psyche, as opposed to the natural environment from which they’ve been separated so long and that most other peoples have adapted to.

    The problem with this is that Jews were pretty unanimously excluded from society till less than 200 years ago.

    Which is not a long time for evolution to do its thing.

    The Ashkenazi Jews, from whom most American Jews are descended, were very thoroughly excluded till not much over a century ago.

    The Jewish talking gene. Excluded from society, but from rabbinical talking, it existed, and descended to various kinds of modern talking…lawyers, pundits, professors. But I would add two others. First, the money-lender gene. Thus, today we see economists, accountants. And, there is the fastidiousness gene. Thus, we see today, descended from diamond-cutters and hunched Torah readers, dentists, surgeons. The above is not my original formulation, I read it somewhere. But it seems right.

  • @Sam J.
    "...“Alcibiades did nothing wrong!”..."

    This is just stupid. Alcibiades was almost certainly a psychopath. Some had an intense hatred for him, some great love. It was Alcibiades that pushed the great idea of attacking Syracuse on the Athenians. The failed Syracuse attack was THE downfall of Athens. The failed attack destroyed them completely. The same Alcibiades went from city to city in the ancient world. In Sparta he was more Spartan than the Spartans. Changing his chameleon skin every time he moved somewhere else and betraying everyone he came in contact with. Alcibiades killed Athens with risky schemes to glorify himself.

    Story of Alcibiades*.html

    What did Plutarch have to say about him.

    "...He had, as they say, one power which transcended all others, and proved an implement of his chase for men: that of assimilating and adapting himself to the pursuits and lives of others, thereby assuming more violent changes than the chameleon. That animal, however, as it is said, is utterly unable to assume one colour, namely, white; but Alcibiades could associate with good and bad alike, and found naught that he could not imitate and practice. 5 In Sparta, he was all for bodily training, simplicity of life, and severity of countenance; in Ionia, for p65 luxurious ease and pleasure; in Thrace, for drinking deep; in Thessaly, for riding hard; and when he was thrown with Tissaphernes the satrap, he outdid even Persian magnificence in his pomp and lavishness. It was not that he could so easily pass entirely from one manner of man to another, nor that he actually underwent in every case a change in his real character; but when he saw that his natural manners were likely to be annoying to his associates, he was quick to assume any counterfeit exterior which might in each case be suitable for them..."

    One thing not widely known is King Agis of Sparta hated Alcibiades because Alcibiades had a child by the Kings wife.

    Not being run over by the left is one thing but betraying everyone, every time and convincing people that ruinous actions are a good idea is not what we want Whites to emulate.

    I have a theory that the period of time for the downfall of Empires is related to how long it takes psychopaths to move up the ladder of leadership. If a way is not found to restrain them the country disintegrates.

    betraying everyone, every time and convincing people that ruinous actions are a good idea

    Now what ethnocultural bunch of grifters is well-characterised by that snippet? (((You guessed it!!)))

    [TAKA]BAP… more like FAP. He’s so obviously a fag that his book covers should feature pouting underwear models.

    /b/ would have a fucking field day with his ‘300’-style masturbatory faggotry, and it’ll take anon about ten minutes find out if he’s a kikefag. I’ma post it over there and see what hilarity ensues.

  • @Marcus
    If your generation hadn't been so cowardly, the modern left would not be able to ruin lives for wrongthink and this wouldn't be necessary

    The modern left is cowardly. But it does no good to hide your identity from them. That still makes you a coward. And it is not necessary – grow a pair. Who are you kidding? Wrongthink repercussions are instigated for the most part by strident little snowflake millennial armies ruining the lives of boomers who never went for all that ID politics BS. You should get to know know your enemy better, no generation is homogenous in belief. You’re a label libeler – talk about clueless… Who do you suppose benefits from wrongthink? It’s a political construct ultimately designed to get votes. 2 parties slopping at the same trough, one goes for the haters on the left one goes for the haters on the right and common sense and common decency is forfeited, and folks stay divided – it’s a control mechanism. I prefer HL Mencken and George Carlin for humorous political insight that scandalizes the spectrum of human folly. It may turn out Bronze Age Pervert is a fat-boy virgin living at home with his parents, if so – that’s cool – who gives a damn, stand up and be counted, punk.

    • Replies: @Marcus
    When the chips were down, you ceded social control to the New Left and sold your progeny's financial future to plutocratic blood suckers. Millennials and younger don't have your economic security. Mencken is great though, I'll give you that (despite him being completely wrong about the South)
  • @Guillaume Durocher
    Who disparaged the Mongols?

    I meant in general… and the commenter “Yee” above seemed to be, too.

  • @freedom-cat
    Some women want to be dominated but not all. Some women like dominating their husbands, which I've seen many times, and their husbands appear to like the domineering mama type.

    It's all about IQ. The more intelligent women with higher IQs are likely the ones who don't want to dominate or be dominated but have an equal to speak to. Who likes having a dominating type treat you like a child? Some do. But not all.

    Enter into generalizations with caution.

    One of the bigger special interest groups in German Mensa meetings seems to be S/M.

    • Replies: @Wally
    "seems to be"?

    IOW, you're just making it up.
  • Anonymous[392] • Disclaimer says:

    He’s been freaking out since seeing this thread:

    • Replies: @Lo
    He is afraid that his gaydom is so exposed lol.
    , @Roberto D'Aubuisson
    You're way off. He's responding to this week's latest twitter drama involving e-thots and Conservatism, Inc.'s "youth wing."
  • @Lo
    Lol, I am not a liberal. Human rights and equality are "bad" from only the perspective of oppressors or those who already have the power. Neither human rights nor equality means open borders, absolute equality or equal outcomes and so on. When these ideas came around there were neither left nor right.

    Neither “human rights” nor “equality” have any real existence.

    The first is countered by the nature of our responsibilities to both God and our neighbour as summarised in the Ten Commandments; the second by the absolute hierarchy of being, from God down to the least of His creatures, not one of which is equal to any other, least of all in His eyes.

    • Replies: @anonymous

    the absolute hierarchy of being
    To all people extolling hierarchy - you know very well that your place in the hierarchy is at absolute bottom. Might makes right, and you have no might at all. None.
    Why you do not accept it?
    Why you keep rebeling against your lawful masters (with your uncouth mouth only, you know well if you tried something IRL you would end dead or in Guantanamo for life)?
    , @Lo
    If they don't really exist, then how do you talk about them? If you mean they don't objectively exist, then so what? By the same logic, laws also don't exist, borders also don't exist, politics also don't exist and so on. Besides what do you know about God or what is up with his "eyes"? You pretend to know something you don't really know. It is called faith. So here you go, by your logic, one can also faith in "human rights" or any other abstract ideas. It is a slippery slope that you are standing on.
    , @ThreeCranes
    "equality" has no real existence...

    Ah, yes, but all human conceptualization and numbering depends upon the fiction of equality.

    We number things, sheep in a fold for instance, 1,2,3,4,5 and so on as though they were each 1=1=1=1=1 alike even though they are individuals and, of course, different. Same with any concept. We group things under a title as though they were, to all intents and purposes, identical. A 7 car pileup.

    And this makes for all sorts of confusion in thinking. Almost every logical error boils down to Hasty Generalization, i.e. lumping something in a category into which it doesn't truly belong. Confusion in Politics too. And economics.

    One of the first scripts which we can decipher is Mycenaean Linear B. It consists of palace records of produce and farm animals which may have been deposited for safekeeping at the Temple/Castle by outlying farmers. Imagine that you are one such farmer and that you are conscientious and care for your animals. They are healthy and fat. You bring your surplus to the Central Administration Authority for safe keeping and the scribes duly record your share as 12 sheep, 250 gallons of olive oil etc. Now your neighbor is not nearly so conscientious as you. In fact, he's downright lazy and a drunkard to boot. His sheep are thin and spindly. His olive oil slightly rancid, but he too brought in 12 sheep and 250 gallons of oil.

    Later, as the year progresses, some of the the bounty is traded abroad and some doled out at feasts. During emergencies, some is allotted to each family. But when it's doled out, it is mixed so your neighbor eats some of yours and you some of his. He profits from your diligence. After having been traded the same amount is credited to both your accounts at the Palace.

    But, you think to yourself, "All sheep and olive oil are not equal." The numbers 12 and 250 are hasty generalizations. You ask yourself, "Why should my freeloading neighbor enjoy the bounty of my sweat and toil?"

    So, numbering immediately brings in its wake questions of equality, fairness and justice. And no matter how fine grained we try to categorize the things around us, we will always run into this problem. This is exactly what Xeno's paradoxes were trying to illustrate. No method of intellectual division can ever add up to One. There is always an indivisible remainder that stands unique. Having nothing in common with anything else, it cannot be categorized. Hence, it literally cannot be thought. Or rather, its essence cannot be apprehended by thinking. It is the Parmenidean One. Or God, as you call it.

  • The book sounds like it comes from that subsection of the alt-Right that preaches bodybuilding and leading a family. In other words, women need not apply.

    Everything TAKABAP writes is wrong. I doubt Ben Franklin ever bench-pressed 300 pounds. And this country wasn’t formed by Cowboys and Indians, but by erudite white men who constructed a nation specifically for other erudite white men.

    “In the end, nothing can be trusted, that you can’t see and feel yourself” (p. 100).

    I’ve never seen or felt China, but I’m pretty sure it’s there. Solipsism is retarded.

    “Constrained and dependent people don’t have real thoughts” (p. 125).

    So 𝐿𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝐴 𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑎𝑚 𝐽𝑎𝑖𝑙 by MLK, or 𝐷𝑜𝑛 𝑄𝑢𝑖𝑥𝑜𝑡𝑒, are inchoate wastes of time?

    “All you need to do is give in to desire for great things” (p. 135).

    Who defines “great things?” What if my idea of greatness is a global Islamic Caliphate, or an Israel from the Euphrates to the Nile? No problem, right?

    This book is a junior high school boy’s idea of deep political thought. No thanks.

  • @Anonymous
    Jews were in Europe during the Roman Empire, and were part of the early Church in Europe and the proselytization of Christianity in Europe. They were part of the courts of Carolingian kings and Norman conquerors in Medieval Europe. They were among the most prominent merchants in Medieval Europe. And they were prominent as "court Jews" in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. They were more a part of "society" throughout most of European history than the average European peasant was, because "society" largely consisted of court life and mercantile towns and cities.

    Yeaa they were brought in the roman period as slaves and in the medieval period mayoritarily confined in guetos , that for not talking about the previous hellenic and mycenian periods when were basically iliterate peasants.

    View post on

    Linear B translation is noticeably shorter than the proto-Hebrew original

    Linear B’s amazing capacity to shortcut text by telescoping it into the much smaller discrete elements, logograms, ideograms and supersyllabograms, this Linear B syllabary preceded both the Phoenician and Paleo-Hebrew alphabet

    In other words jews were like the womans of the coding world

    View post on

  • @William D. Wall
    "None of these ideas are bad. You think they are bad, because you don’t really know what they are, and assuming popular perversions of these ideas as representations of originals. All of them are based on the idea of freedom, it is so easy to be ignorant and comfortable and not realize how much people sacrificed for these ideas. I wonder if anyone would think the same if they were a slave or some French peasant who worked for his lord. Equality is not about absolute equality, rather a legal one. Thus no one gets unfair treatment because of their class, race, or beliefs. Ancients, Greeks, Romans would not submit these ideas? Sure, then neither would Spartacus to them."

    The fruits of those alleged sacrifices are laid bare before us in the modern world. The concept of equality for instance started with all white men being equal. Then it was all races of men are all equal. Then the sexes were equal. Then gays became equal. Now transsexuals are equal. Next, you will be unable to discriminate against people because they are pedophiles or participants in bestiality.

    But why? Are these groups of people all actually equal in any way other than what is allegedly granted to them under the law? Well, no of course not. So why should they be given any equality? Why is it a good thing that tens of thousands of years of social hierarchy was thrown out? So bourgeois cunts like you can pat themselves on the back while consuming and producing all manner of degeneracy while society collapses all around them due to the destruction of the social order?

    Today it is conservative to protect the ideals of the Jacobins and other Masonic faggots, MLK, feminists, etc.; tomorrow we will see “The Conservatism Harvey Milk” (or maybe that’s already a reality)

  • @Lo
    As usual, this author is very confused and his thoughts are incoherent / ignorant. So unsurprisingly he is impressed by an equally confused idiot named Bronze Age Pervert. Let's touch a few lines:

    these men would have never submitted to abstractions like “human rights,” or “equality,” or “the people”
    None of these ideas are bad. You think they are bad, because you don't really know what they are, and assuming popular perversions of these ideas as representations of originals. All of them are based on the idea of freedom, it is so easy to be ignorant and comfortable and not realize how much people sacrificed for these ideas. I wonder if anyone would think the same if they were a slave or some French peasant who worked for his lord. Equality is not about absolute equality, rather a legal one. Thus no one gets unfair treatment because of their class, race, or beliefs. Ancients, Greeks, Romans would not submit these ideas? Sure, then neither would Spartacus to them.

    He wants you to live well, you must first flourish individually, and then with a band of brothers, if the West is going to be reborn. Thus, work out, do what you love, make friends, cultivate your skills, amass power.
    The threshold to becoming a thinker in the West is now being able to give advice at the level of a good high school buddy. As in, who even needs to be told these things? Besides, I thought we weren't supposed to submit to abstract ideas, so why are we suddenly supposed to care about the rebirth of an abstract concept called the West.

    TAKABAP prophesies a time when “piratical bands and brotherhoods” will break free from the constraints of modern civilization and torch and plunder all these cities of excess, sub-par, miserable ‘life.’ There are great precedents for this: the Sea Peoples, the Germanic tribes . . .
    Yep, now I am sure TAKABAP is gay. He is writing his fantasies of bands of muscular men, living for each other. I wouldn't call this sort of fantasies prophetical, it sounds rather Sodomitical to me. Sea People? Germanics? These people did not leave Rome or Egypt to burn down the civilizations. They were just less developed societies, living separately, hoping to gain some plunder. And most importantly, they were fucking their women (check Gallic Wars), not each other.

    What a waste of time. Unless you are TAKABAP, I see no reason for such a pointless article recommending a dumb book written by an anonymous internet gay.

    “None of these ideas are bad. You think they are bad, because you don’t really know what they are, and assuming popular perversions of these ideas as representations of originals. All of them are based on the idea of freedom, it is so easy to be ignorant and comfortable and not realize how much people sacrificed for these ideas. I wonder if anyone would think the same if they were a slave or some French peasant who worked for his lord. Equality is not about absolute equality, rather a legal one. Thus no one gets unfair treatment because of their class, race, or beliefs. Ancients, Greeks, Romans would not submit these ideas? Sure, then neither would Spartacus to them.”

    The fruits of those alleged sacrifices are laid bare before us in the modern world. The concept of equality for instance started with all white men being equal. Then it was all races of men are all equal. Then the sexes were equal. Then gays became equal. Now transsexuals are equal. Next, you will be unable to discriminate against people because they are pedophiles or participants in bestiality.

    But why? Are these groups of people all actually equal in any way other than what is allegedly granted to them under the law? Well, no of course not. So why should they be given any equality? Why is it a good thing that tens of thousands of years of social hierarchy was thrown out? So bourgeois cunts like you can pat themselves on the back while consuming and producing all manner of degeneracy while society collapses all around them due to the destruction of the social order?

    • Agree: Marcus
    • Replies: @Marcus
    Today it is conservative to protect the ideals of the Jacobins and other Masonic faggots, MLK, feminists, etc.; tomorrow we will see "The Conservatism Harvey Milk" (or maybe that's already a reality)
    , @threestars
    >The fruits of those alleged sacrifices are laid bare before us in the modern world. The concept of equality for instance started with all white men being equal. Then it was all races of men are all equal. Then the sexes were equal. Then gays became equal. Now transsexuals are equal. Next, you will be unable to discriminate against people because they are pedophiles or participants in bestiality.

    You aren't addressing Lo's point, you're just conflating the strict concept of legal equality to the general meaning of equality and hierarchy, while also throwing in a gratuitous slippery slope to boot.

    Due to sheer practical considerations, there never was a human society where one's true "worth" -- whatever that meant at the time -- strictly reflected one's place in the political hierarchy. For example an Anglo-Saxon freeman who was a remarkable soldier had the same number of votes in the tribal assembly as his less apt arm bearing fellows, as long as they belonged to the same class. Otherwise, their military democracy would have been to unwieldy, with each man conceivably occupying a station of his own.

    The slippery slope comes when you assume that the "equality" Enlightenment thinkers were aiming towards is somewhat a logical predecessor of today's post-modern insanity. It is not. Enlightenment thinkers wanted a society subserved to objective criteria arrived to by reason and empirical evidence, and a citizen subjected to a social contract. These are the very concepts post-modernism throws away and substitutes with subjective feeling and personal gratification to arrive at such anti-enlightenment monstrosities like affirmative action and gay marriage. There's no historical rule calling for the notion of equality under the law to be pushed to globo-homo's absurd conclusion.
  • @Flick
    Anyone who hides their real identity is a coward. If you've got the balls to back up your assertions, show yourself. Otherwise by hiding, you reveal yourself to be the wimp you despise. Man up.

    Voltaire, Hamilton..

  • @Parbes
    "Criticizing other conquerors as barbarians while praising yours as pioneers. But that’s expected from feminine Anglos."

    This kind of hypocrisy has been and is practiced by chauvinists of almost all nationalist and religious groups around the world - not just "feminine Anglos". But it is true that the Anglo-Zionists of today, especially with their MSM narratives, have raised hypocrisy and double standards into a new art form.

    Anyway, anybody who disparages medieval Mongols for this or that, is a dishonest and/or ignorant, conceited piece of shit, in my opinion.

    Who disparaged the Mongols?

    • Replies: @Parbes
    I meant in general... and the commenter "Yee" above seemed to be, too.
  • Nietzsche for bozos. This “book”, as presented in this review, is so naive it is hard to believe anyone will take it seriously.

    • Agree: AaronB
  • Anonymous[369] • Disclaimer says:
    The only rational explanation for this seems to be that they’ve evolved over the centuries and adapted to their “environment” of the European mind or psyche, as opposed to the natural environment from which they’ve been separated so long and that most other peoples have adapted to.

    The problem with this is that Jews were pretty unanimously excluded from society till less than 200 years ago.

    Which is not a long time for evolution to do its thing.

    The Ashkenazi Jews, from whom most American Jews are descended, were very thoroughly excluded till not much over a century ago.

    Jews were in Europe during the Roman Empire, and were part of the early Church in Europe and the proselytization of Christianity in Europe. They were part of the courts of Carolingian kings and Norman conquerors in Medieval Europe. They were among the most prominent merchants in Medieval Europe. And they were prominent as “court Jews” in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. They were more a part of “society” throughout most of European history than the average European peasant was, because “society” largely consisted of court life and mercantile towns and cities.

    • Replies: @Thulean world
    Yeaa they were brought in the roman period as slaves and in the medieval period mayoritarily confined in guetos , that for not talking about the previous hellenic and mycenian periods when were basically iliterate peasants.

    Linear B translation is noticeably shorter than the proto-Hebrew original

    Linear B’s amazing capacity to shortcut text by telescoping it into the much smaller discrete elements, logograms, ideograms and supersyllabograms, this Linear B syllabary preceded both the Phoenician and Paleo-Hebrew alphabet

    In other words jews were like the womans of the coding world
  • @Chris Mallory
    Maybe once your balls drop you will realize a man signs his name.

    Does the nurse aide know that you’re using the ‘puter again?

  • @Flick
    Publishing anonymously is millennial cowardice typified but cowardice at all times for all ages. The deep state has been after folks for a long time, this is a climate for standing up for yourself and not hiding behind your precious digital avatar.

    If your generation hadn’t been so cowardly, the modern left would not be able to ruin lives for wrongthink and this wouldn’t be necessary

    • Replies: @Flick
    The modern left is cowardly. But it does no good to hide your identity from them. That still makes you a coward. And it is not necessary - grow a pair. Who are you kidding? Wrongthink repercussions are instigated for the most part by strident little snowflake millennial armies ruining the lives of boomers who never went for all that ID politics BS. You should get to know know your enemy better, no generation is homogenous in belief. You're a label libeler - talk about clueless... Who do you suppose benefits from wrongthink? It's a political construct ultimately designed to get votes. 2 parties slopping at the same trough, one goes for the haters on the left one goes for the haters on the right and common sense and common decency is forfeited, and folks stay divided - it's a control mechanism. I prefer HL Mencken and George Carlin for humorous political insight that scandalizes the spectrum of human folly. It may turn out Bronze Age Pervert is a fat-boy virgin living at home with his parents, if so - that's cool - who gives a damn, stand up and be counted, punk.
  • @gustafus21
    I'm thrilled every time I stop by this site.... I AM NOT ALONE !!!

    At 72, I'm now a committed racist - xenophobe and part time anti semite, but Ashkanazi's make me just as crazy - so it's not just Muslims and Israeli's ... it's everybody but White Middle America.

    I was a corn fed kid, wandering the fields to friends houses after school in the 50's and early 60's.

    You paid after you pumped, left the house unlocked, keys in the ignition outside .... white people, rich or poor didn't steal from each other. Never heard of pedophilia or incest ... I was safe anywhere.

    Nobody will convince me that the change in my world hasn't been racial. Black and brown people just don't behave like the rest of us....

    Catholic homosexuals as well.... but then, my family was not Catholic or religious.

    I am going to jump on this book, .... it's lonely out here.... KNOWING the planet has gone crazy, and there are so few sane voices.

    One note, however - I blame lesbians in media and publishing for brainwashing the females around the world.... that agenda is toxic toward men, traditional beauty, and heterosexual union.

    Women have been exploited, not by men, but by the homosexual armies that march through our culture, slashing, burning and destroying all that is good for families and children.

    Damn them to hell..... but yet.... how many copies of 50 Shades of Gray were sold?

    TO WOMEN? Millions and millions and millions of women still yearn for strong, able men who are also a bit dangerous...

    It's the Story of O, The Secretary, ... women want to be dominated, but only by strong, capable men.

    The kind we used to see on the covers of Romance Novels..... it's still in our DNA.... but the demons among us are destroying our men, and brainwashing the ladies.

    I am a grand mother... and will compare passport stamps with anyone on this board. I understand universals.... at least from a white entrepreneur with an IQ of 128...

    Some women want to be dominated but not all. Some women like dominating their husbands, which I’ve seen many times, and their husbands appear to like the domineering mama type.

    It’s all about IQ. The more intelligent women with higher IQs are likely the ones who don’t want to dominate or be dominated but have an equal to speak to. Who likes having a dominating type treat you like a child? Some do. But not all.

    Enter into generalizations with caution.

    • Replies: @Dieter Kief
    One of the bigger special interest groups in German Mensa meetings seems to be S/M.
  • @Marcus
    Yeah, stick to painting, gramps

    Maybe once your balls drop you will realize a man signs his name.

    • Replies: @Marcus
    Does the nurse aide know that you're using the 'puter again?
  • @obwandiyag
    You people are sissies if you need books like this.

    Nothing but the truth.
    A man doesn’t need a book to tell him how to be a man.
    A man doesn’t need to lift weights. Men do a thing called work. Do actual work and you won’t have the need for going to a gym like a Kansas City faggot.

  • @Lo
    Lol, I am not a liberal. Human rights and equality are "bad" from only the perspective of oppressors or those who already have the power. Neither human rights nor equality means open borders, absolute equality or equal outcomes and so on. When these ideas came around there were neither left nor right.

    If you think human rights and equality are “good”(not to mention fretting about “oppression”) you are a liberal, full stop. Human rights, civil rights, etc. all are tools of ZOG to undermine personal and national sovereignty. Equality is the false god of liberals and always has been. The 18th century Enlightenment faggots were the forebears of the modern left even if such terminology didn’t exist back then.

  • @Flick
    Publishing anonymously is millennial cowardice typified but cowardice at all times for all ages. The deep state has been after folks for a long time, this is a climate for standing up for yourself and not hiding behind your precious digital avatar.

    Yeah, stick to painting, gramps

    • Replies: @Chris Mallory
    Maybe once your balls drop you will realize a man signs his name.
  • @Anon

    Little else is known of him, but I am assume he is some sort of senior American political consultant, receiving large sums from Republican ‘dumb money’ with minimal effort, spending most of the day working out and chilling poolside.
    He's literally a gay Jew, and no, he does not have a bodybuilder's physique.

    Observing him and his followers online, it's remarkable how much of a psychic hold and psychic power Jews have over gentile whites. Every kind of new ideological, social, cultural, political movement, trend, or current seems to end up being dominated or heavily influenced by Jews and their verbal charisma and ability. Whether it's mainstream liberalism, leftism, or internet based "alternative" right wing ideology or culture, Jews seem to be able to dominate or exert a strong influence.

    It's remarkable to observe, but also dispiriting and demoralizing. It's as if we've evolved to be the psychic zombies of this hyper verbal people. They have a will to power to psychic dominance that we lack that leads them to overwhelm media niches and overpower us verbally. The only rational explanation for this seems to be that they've evolved over the centuries and adapted to their "environment" of the European mind or psyche, as opposed to the natural environment from which they've been separated so long and that most other peoples have adapted to. They've specialized in and evolved to deal with and manipulate the European mind/psyche, just as the Amish have evolved to deal with and manipulate farm fields.

    The only rational explanation for this seems to be that they’ve evolved over the centuries and adapted to their “environment” of the European mind or psyche, as opposed to the natural environment from which they’ve been separated so long and that most other peoples have adapted to.

    The problem with this is that Jews were pretty unanimously excluded from society till less than 200 years ago.

    Which is not a long time for evolution to do its thing.

    The Ashkenazi Jews, from whom most American Jews are descended, were very thoroughly excluded till not much over a century ago.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    Jews were in Europe during the Roman Empire, and were part of the early Church in Europe and the proselytization of Christianity in Europe. They were part of the courts of Carolingian kings and Norman conquerors in Medieval Europe. They were among the most prominent merchants in Medieval Europe. And they were prominent as "court Jews" in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. They were more a part of "society" throughout most of European history than the average European peasant was, because "society" largely consisted of court life and mercantile towns and cities.
    , @SafeNow
    The Jewish talking gene. Excluded from society, but from rabbinical talking, it existed, and descended to various kinds of modern talking...lawyers, pundits, professors. But I would add two others. First, the money-lender gene. Thus, today we see economists, accountants. And, there is the fastidiousness gene. Thus, we see today, descended from diamond-cutters and hunched Torah readers, dentists, surgeons. The above is not my original formulation, I read it somewhere. But it seems right.
    , @Wally
    You really men that crude & destructive Jew behavior caused them to be tossed from most places that they had been graciously allowed into.

    There you go.
  • Lo says:
    Human rights and equality absolutely are "bad" from a right wing perspective; you're a liberal, which is fine, but these idea have led to the modern world that we dislike and you celebrate

    Lol, I am not a liberal. Human rights and equality are “bad” from only the perspective of oppressors or those who already have the power. Neither human rights nor equality means open borders, absolute equality or equal outcomes and so on. When these ideas came around there were neither left nor right.

    • Replies: @Marcus
    If you think human rights and equality are "good"(not to mention fretting about "oppression") you are a liberal, full stop. Human rights, civil rights, etc. all are tools of ZOG to undermine personal and national sovereignty. Equality is the false god of liberals and always has been. The 18th century Enlightenment faggots were the forebears of the modern left even if such terminology didn't exist back then.
    , @Old Palo Altan
    Neither "human rights" nor "equality" have any real existence.

    The first is countered by the nature of our responsibilities to both God and our neighbour as summarised in the Ten Commandments; the second by the absolute hierarchy of being, from God down to the least of His creatures, not one of which is equal to any other, least of all in His eyes.
  • @Marcus
    t. clueless boomer. Publishing anonymously is perfectly reasonable in this climate

    Publishing anonymously is millennial cowardice typified but cowardice at all times for all ages. The deep state has been after folks for a long time, this is a climate for standing up for yourself and not hiding behind your precious digital avatar.

    • Replies: @Marcus
    Yeah, stick to painting, gramps
    , @Marcus
    If your generation hadn't been so cowardly, the modern left would not be able to ruin lives for wrongthink and this wouldn't be necessary
  • @Lo
    As usual, this author is very confused and his thoughts are incoherent / ignorant. So unsurprisingly he is impressed by an equally confused idiot named Bronze Age Pervert. Let's touch a few lines:

    these men would have never submitted to abstractions like “human rights,” or “equality,” or “the people”
    None of these ideas are bad. You think they are bad, because you don't really know what they are, and assuming popular perversions of these ideas as representations of originals. All of them are based on the idea of freedom, it is so easy to be ignorant and comfortable and not realize how much people sacrificed for these ideas. I wonder if anyone would think the same if they were a slave or some French peasant who worked for his lord. Equality is not about absolute equality, rather a legal one. Thus no one gets unfair treatment because of their class, race, or beliefs. Ancients, Greeks, Romans would not submit these ideas? Sure, then neither would Spartacus to them.

    He wants you to live well, you must first flourish individually, and then with a band of brothers, if the West is going to be reborn. Thus, work out, do what you love, make friends, cultivate your skills, amass power.
    The threshold to becoming a thinker in the West is now being able to give advice at the level of a good high school buddy. As in, who even needs to be told these things? Besides, I thought we weren't supposed to submit to abstract ideas, so why are we suddenly supposed to care about the rebirth of an abstract concept called the West.

    TAKABAP prophesies a time when “piratical bands and brotherhoods” will break free from the constraints of modern civilization and torch and plunder all these cities of excess, sub-par, miserable ‘life.’ There are great precedents for this: the Sea Peoples, the Germanic tribes . . .
    Yep, now I am sure TAKABAP is gay. He is writing his fantasies of bands of muscular men, living for each other. I wouldn't call this sort of fantasies prophetical, it sounds rather Sodomitical to me. Sea People? Germanics? These people did not leave Rome or Egypt to burn down the civilizations. They were just less developed societies, living separately, hoping to gain some plunder. And most importantly, they were fucking their women (check Gallic Wars), not each other.

    What a waste of time. Unless you are TAKABAP, I see no reason for such a pointless article recommending a dumb book written by an anonymous internet gay.

    None of these ideas are bad.

    The human rights god originally looked like Thomas Jefferson or Voltaire. Unfortunately, it has morphed into a beetle-faced, pregnant hermaphrodite.

  • anonymous[113] • Disclaimer says:

    Nothing is more comical than people preaching “might makes right” who have absolutely no might at all and have to hide under cheesy anonymous monikers.
    For another example, people who beat their chests how strong barbarians and warriors they are, how are they going to fight the power, and then whine and squeal when the power bans their twitter accounts and deletes their youtube videos.

    • Agree: utu
  • You people are sissies if you need books like this.

    • Replies: @Chris Mallory
    Nothing but the truth.
    A man doesn't need a book to tell him how to be a man.
    A man doesn't need to lift weights. Men do a thing called work. Do actual work and you won't have the need for going to a gym like a Kansas City faggot.