Welcome to TTWP, Transition Towns Weymouth and Portland

TTWP-logo300-300We are a group of people in and around Weymouth and Portland who want to create a more resilient, locally-based life-style. We support and encourage local people to be practical and positive in their response to current issues such as peak oil and climate change. We accept that campaigning can help change attitudes in national or local government and other organisations, but the emphasis of the Transition Towns movement is to provide practical action at a grass-root level.

Some of our community-led projects include; running film shows and informative events, an Energy Advice Centre, a Heart & Soul group, Foraging walks, Food sharing, Plant swapping, Fayres promoting local goods, increasing awareness amongst young people and Autumn apple pressing.

lifting potatoes

How to get involved

We are a small group – in particular the number of committed organisers is small. So be prepared to do it yourself – if we are not doing something perhaps you could start it!

To receive our newsletter contact our Chair, Jon Orrell on 01305 772152 or through the Contact Form on this website. If you want to join the Steering Group and come to our meetings phone Jon and he can tell you about the next meeting.

Other local groups include:

Sustainable Dorset, the local branch of Agenda 21, who have a website at http://www.sustainabledorset.org.uk/ which has links to many other local organisations.

Our nearest neighbours are Transition Town Dorchester at http://www.transitiontowndorchester.org/.

You can find the local branch of the environmental campaigning group Greenpeace at http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/groups/west-dorset and Friends of the Earth South-West at http://www.foe.co.uk/page/south-west

See also Dorset Eco Calendar.