Neural Networks with JavaScript. Publisher: Syncfusion Inc. (July 29, 2019)

Although most concepts are relatively simple, there are many of them, and they interact with each other in unobvious ways, which is a major challenge of neural networks. But you can learn all important neural network concepts by running and examining the code in this book, with complete example programs for the three major types of neural network problems.

Source: Neural Networks with JavaScript Succinctly (PDF)


” James McCaffrey works for Microsoft Research in Redmond, Wash. He holds a B.A. in psychology from the University of California at Irvine, a B.A. in applied mathematics from California State University at Fullerton, an M.S. in information systems from Hawaii Pacific University, and a doctorate in cognitive psychology and computational statistics from the University of Southern California. James enjoys exploring all forms of activity that involve human interaction and combinatorial mathematics, such as the analysis of betting behavior associated with professional sports, machine learning algorithms, and data mining “. Source: Picture credits snapshot from . Personal blog:

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Id internoInternal Id25022020p1
AutorAuthorJames McCaffrey
TítuloTitleNeural Networks with JavaScript Succinctly
Página web del libroBook website
EditorialEditorialSyncfusion Inc
Fecha de publicación Publication dateJuly 29, 2019
ObservacionesObservations163 pages.
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