
Maryland Matters, Redux

My piece last week regarding new media start up Maryland Matters got a lot of attention in political and media circles.

Some of the attention came from Maryland Matters proprietor Josh Kurtz, who sent me this email:

… Md. Matters, despite the composition of the steering committee, is not some liberal cabal. I intend for it to be a legitimate and nonpartisan news website (with a robust commentary section with pieces by people of all stripes, including me), period. There is zero partisan agenda attached to the planning of the website — not a second of conversation about it. I will concede the steering committee is too heavily tilted toward D’s. It’s also too heavily tilted toward aging white males from the DC suburbs. I’m working to diversify it in all ways.
Mostly, though, I’m just trying to raise dough — and I don’t have to tell you how hard that is! For what it’s worth, we’ve gotten contributions from at least a couple of Republicans. But I’m not gonna launch if I can’t support myself and hire a few staffers. Still working my day job in D.C., which is tough. So we shall see.

Let’s hope that is the case.

In the sake of full disclosure, Kurtz did me the opportunity to join the steering committee of Maryland Matters. It was a gracious offer, but one I declined for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is the fact that I’m not an appropriate person to be on the steering committee. While I respect the need for additional news outlets and we’ve worked to make Red Maryland more and more of one, I’m not unbiased. And that says nothing about the fact that I remain committed to growing Red Maryland to continue making it bigger and better over the course of our next ten years.

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Time will tell.

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